44 research outputs found

    The extinct Sicilian wolf shows a complex history of isolation and admixture with ancient dogs

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    The Sicilian wolf remained isolated in Sicily from the end of the Pleistocene until its extermination in the 1930s–1960s. Given its long-term isolation on the island and distinctive morphology, the genetic origin of the Sicilian wolf remains debated. We sequenced four nuclear genomes and five mitogenomes from the seven existing museum specimens to investigate the Sicilian wolf ancestry, relationships with extant and extinct wolves and dogs, and diversity. Our results show that the Sicilian wolf is most closely related to the Italian wolf but carries ancestry from a lineage related to European Eneolithic and Bronze Age dogs. The average nucleotide diversity of the Sicilian wolf was half of the Italian wolf, with 37–50% of its genome contained in runs of homozygosity. Overall, we show that, by the time it went extinct, the Sicilian wolf had high inbreeding and low-genetic diversity, consistent with a population in an insular environmen

    Article The extinct Sicilian wolf shows a complex history of isolation and admixture with ancient dogs

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    The Sicilian wolf remained isolated in Sicily from the end of the Pleistocene until its extermination in the 1930s-1960s. Given its long-term isolation on the island and distinctive morphology, the genetic origin of the Sicilian wolf remains debated. We sequenced four nuclear genomes and five mitogenomes from the seven existing museum specimens to investigate the Sicilian wolf ancestry, rela-tionships with extant and extinct wolves and dogs, and diversity. Our results show that the Sicilian wolf is most closely related to the Italian wolf but carries ancestry from a lineage related to European Eneolithic and Bronze Age dogs. The average nucleotide diversity of the Sicilian wolf was half of the Italian wolf, with 37-50% of its genome contained in runs of homozygosity. Overall, we show that, by the time it went extinct, the Sicilian wolf had high inbreeding and low-genetic diversity, consistent with a population in an insular environment

    Food habits and resource partitioning of Carnivores (Herpestidae, Viverridae) in the rainforests of southeastern Nigeria : Preliminary results

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    The diets of four carnivores species (Herpestes ichneumon, Atilax paludinosus, Civettictis civetta, Genetta maculata) were studied in the continued forest zone of southern Nigeria. 29 stomachs of H. ichneumon, 29 of A. paludinosus, 27 of C. civetta, and 22 of G. maculata were examined. The numbers of empty stomachs varied from 9 % to 17 %, and did not differ significantly amongst species. H. ichneumon proved to be primarily mammalo-phagous. A. paludinosus was an “invertebratophagous” species, whereas C. civetta and G. maculata fed essentially on both invertebrates and mammals. The niche breadths of C. civetta and G. maculata were quite similar, whereas the niche positions of H. ichneumon and A. paludinosus were very different from those of the two former species and from each other. In particular, A. paludinosus was more specialized than any other predator. This evidence mirrors the phylogenetic position of the various species, as the former two taxa are Viverridae and the latter two species are Herpestidae. From Principal Component Analysis of the dietary data, it resulted that H. ichneumon and G. maculata are very similar in terms of dietary niche, and differ from the other two species which are also very different from each other. The general ecological context of the coexistence of these species in the rainforest ecosystem of tropical Africa is also discussed.Le rĂ©gime alimentaire de quatre espĂšces de Carnivores (Herpestes ichneumon, Atilax paludinosus, Civettictis civetta, Genetta maculata) a Ă©tĂ© Ă©tudiĂ© dans la zone de forĂȘt continue du sud du NigĂ©ria. Les contenus stomacaux de 29 H-ichneumon, 29 A. paludinosus, 27 C. civetta et 22 G. maculata ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©s. La proportion de tubes digestifs vides a variĂ© entre 9 et 17 %, sans diffĂ©rence significative entre les espĂšces. H-ichneumon est apparu essentiellement comme un consommateur de mammifĂšres, A. paludinosus comme un mangeur d’invertĂ©brĂ©s tandis que C. civetta et G. maculata basent leur alimentation Ă  la fois sur les mammifĂšres et les invertĂ©brĂ©s. En termes de largeur de niche Ă©cologique, C. civetta et G. maculata apparaissent fort similaires ; en revanche, H. ichneumon et A. paludinosus diffĂšrent Ă  la fois entre eux et des deux autres espĂšces. En particulier, A. paludinosus s’avĂšre plus spĂ©cialisĂ© que les autres prĂ©dateurs. Cela reflĂšte la position phylogĂ©nĂ©tique des espĂšces : les deux premiĂšres Ă©tant des ViverridĂ©s, les deux autres des HerpestidĂ©s. L’analyse en composantes principales des donnĂ©es du rĂ©gime alimentaire montre que H. ichneumon et G. maculata sont trĂšs proches sur la dimension alimentaire de leur niche mais sont sĂ©parĂ©s des deux autres qui diffĂšrent entre eux. Le contexte Ă©cologique gĂ©nĂ©ral de la coexistence de ces espĂšces au sein de l’écosystĂšme forestier ombrophile d’Afrique tropicale est Ă©galement discutĂ©.Angelici Francesco Maria. Food habits and resource partitioning of Carnivores (Herpestidae, Viverridae) in the rainforests of southeastern Nigeria : Preliminary results. In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 55, n°1, 2000. pp. 67-76

    Aspects of ecology of Varanus Niloticus (Reptilia, Varanidae) in southeastern Nigeria, and their contribution to the knowledge of the evolutionary history of V. Niloticus complex

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    The Afrotropical Varanus niloticus is subdivided in two distinct subspecies which are morphologically easily recognizable from each other. Boehme & Ziegler (1997) concluded that these two forms have markedly surpassed the subspecific level and have to be treated as distinct species, the one typical of savannas (V. niloticus ) and the other of rainforest biota (V. ornatus). These authors also reported on the sympatric occurrence (without hybridization and intergradation) of both the forms in the Niger Delta (southeastern Nigeria), which is a further demonstration of the specific status of these taxa. We studied the ecology of monitor lizards in southeastern Nigeria between September 1996 and July 1998. Including both free-living and dead specimens offered in local bush-meat markets, we determined the taxonomic status of several dozens of monitor lizards, ail were typical omatus. Omatus specimens were observed not only in forest biota, but also in derived savannas and cultivated lands of southeastern Nigeria and of the Lagos state, where the two forms were said to coexist. Thus, as far as southern Nigeria is concerned, the coexistence of these two Varanus “species” is still in doubt. In general, Nigerian omatus proved to be habitat generalists, but they were found mainly in secondary swamp forests and along riverine forests. Nigerian omatus did not show any aestivation phase, contrary to niloticus from other African countries. There was evidence of a strong reproductive seasonality in these lizards. Main food of Nigerian ornatus were crabs, a very abundant food resource in the environment. About 10 % of the total number of prey items were vertebrates. Food niche breadth of adults was wider than that of juveniles. Some general implications of the presented ecological data for the evolutionary history of Varanus niloticus species complex are discussed. In addition, some data on the relationships between monitor lizards and local human populations are presented and discussed.Le Varan du Nil Varanus niloticus est classiquement divisĂ© en deux sous-espĂšces faciles Ă  identifier par la morphologie. Boehme & Ziegler (1997) ont considĂ©rĂ© que ces sous-espĂšces mĂ©ritaient d’ĂȘtre traitĂ©es en espĂšces distinctes, l’une en savane (V. niloticus ), l’autre en forĂȘt ombrophile (V. ornatus). Ces auteurs soulignaient la sympatrie, sans hybridation ni intergradation, des deux formes dans le delta du Niger (dans le sud-est du NigĂ©ria), ce qui lĂ©gitimait leur sĂ©paration en tant qu’espĂšces distinctes. Nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© l’écologie des varans dans le sud-est du NigĂ©ria entre septembre 1996 et juillet 1998. Nous avons identifiĂ© comme des ornatus typiques tous les varans examinĂ©s que ce soit des animaux en libertĂ© ou des spĂ©cimens morts vendus sur les marchĂ©s de brousse. Ces ornatus ont Ă©tĂ© observĂ©s non seulement en forĂȘt mais aussi dans les savanes et les zones cultivĂ©es du sud-est du NigĂ©ria et de la rĂ©gion de Lagos, lĂ  oĂč les deux formes Ă©taient donnĂ©es pour coexister. La coexistence des deux formes apparaĂźt donc douteuse, du moins au NigĂ©ria oĂč ornatus est apparu gĂ©nĂ©raliste dans le choix de ses habitats bien que surtout trouvĂ© dans les forĂȘts secondaires marĂ©cageuses et le long des forĂȘts-galeries. Les ornatus nigĂ©rians n’ont pas montrĂ© de phase d’estivation, contrairement Ă  niloticus dans d’autres pays d’Afrique. Une forte saisonnalitĂ© de la reproduction a Ă©tĂ© mise en Ă©vidence. La nourriture principale consistait en crabes, une ressource trĂšs abondante. Environ 10 % des proies Ă©taient des vertĂ©brĂ©s. La largeur de niche Ă©tait plus grande pour les adultes que pour les juvĂ©niles. Quelques implications gĂ©nĂ©rales en matiĂšre d’histoire Ă©volutive du complexe Varanus niloticus sont tirĂ©es des donnĂ©es Ă©cologiques recueillies. De plus, quelques aspects des relations entre les varans et l’homme sont prĂ©sentĂ©s et discutĂ©s.Angelici Francesco Maria, Luiselli Luca. Aspects of ecology of Varanus Niloticus (Reptilia, Varanidae) in southeastern Nigeria, and their contribution to the knowledge of the evolutionary history of V. Niloticus complex. In: Revue d'Écologie (La Terre et La Vie), tome 54, n°1, 1999. pp. 29-42

    Il ruolo dell'Arvicola delle nevi <em>Chionomys nivalis</em> come specie-preda: un'analisi della situazione italiana

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    L?Arvicola delle nevi <em>Chionomys nivalis</em>, a causa della sua particolare nicchia ecologica costituita, nella sua componente spaziale, dai suoli pietrosi nei cui interstizi vive, viene di norma considerata una preda poco rappresentata nelle catene trofiche. In Italia, eccettuato un dato incerto di cattura da <em>Buteo buteo</em>, Ăš risultata predata da cinque specie di serpenti (<em>Coronella austriaca</em>, <em>Elaphe longissima</em>, <em>Vipera aspis</em>, <em>V. berus</em>, <em>V. ursinii</em>), sei di uccelli (<em>Aquila chrysaetos</em>, <em>Strix aluco</em>, <em>Bubo bubo</em>, <em>Aegolius funereus</em>, <em>Asio otus</em>) e cinque di mammiferi (<em>Vulpes vulpes</em>, <em>Mustela nivalis</em>, <em>M. erminea</em>, <em>Martes</em> sp., <em>Felis catus</em>). In alcuni casi, come in <em>Vipera berus</em> a Passo Fedaia (BL), <em>Asio otus</em> a S. Valentino alla Muta (BZ), <em>Mustela erminea</em> nel Parco Naturale Adamello-Brenta (TN) con percentuali piuttosto consistenti, rispettivamente del 69.6%, 60.71% e 35.89%. In uno studio su <em>Vulpes vulpes</em> nel Parco Nazionale Gran Paradiso (TO-AO) Ăš risultata essere la preda dominante tra i roditori. Sempre nella stessa area, Ăš interessante la predazione da <em>Aegolius funereus</em> per la quale risulta, dopo <em>Clethrionomys glareolus</em>, la preda piĂč rappresentata (27.97%) malgrado, da uno studio di trappolamento di micromammiferi effettuato intorno all?area di nidificazione, risulti assente rivelando cosĂŹ un comportamento esplorativo del rapace diretto proprio alla ricerca dell?arvicola delle nevi. Da una prima analisi sembrerebbe dunque da rivalutare il ruolo di questo roditore come preda, anche considerando il contributo in biomassa che puĂČ rappresentare. Su un totale di 184 dati reperiti sulla presenza della specie in Italia, 28 (15.2%) derivano da residui di predazione. BenchĂ© non risulti un quantitativo alto comparato ad altri micromammiferi Ăš comunque significativo considerando sia il contributo pressochĂ© nullo attribuito a suddetta metodica nel censire questa specie che i pochi studi sull?alimentazione dei predatori effettuati nei suoi ambienti elettivi. SarĂ  quindi opportuno considerare maggiormente il ruolo dell?analisi delle diete nella conoscenza della distribuzione geografica ed ecologica di <em>Chionomys nivalis</em>

    Sightings of <em>Delphinus delphis</em> (Cetacea, Odontoceti) in the Otranto Channel (Southern Adriatic Sea and Northern Ionian Sea) / Avvistamenti di <em>Delphinus delphis</em> (Cetacea, Odontoceti) nel Canale d'Otranto (Mar Adriatico Meridionale e Mar Ionio Settentrionale)

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    <strong>Abstract</strong> Two sightings of Common dolphin <em>Delphinus delphis</em> in the Channel of Otranto are reported, and the status of this species in the Mediterranean Sea is briefly discussed. <strong>Riassunto</strong> Sono riportati due avvistamenti di Delfino comune <em>Delphinus delphis</em> nel Canale d'Otranto, lungo la costa greca e quella italiana. Viene inoltre brevemente commentata la frequenza degli avvistamenti e degli spiaggiamenti di tale specie nel Mar Mediterraneo

    Patterns of mammal-eating by snakes in the Italian Alps and in peninsular Italy : a review

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    Mammals are primary prey for many snake species. In this paper we review the available data on mammal-eating by snakes in Italy, comparing the data recorded in the Alps with those recorded in peninsular Italy. Snakes of both areas preyed on small mammals with a nearly identical frequency and in both areas most of the mammal eaten were Rodentia, while Insectivora accounted for a significantly lower proportion. The two areas differed in that (i) Microtidae and Muridae were eaten in similar proportions in the Alps, while the latter were significantly more preyed than the former in peninsular Italy, (ii) the amount of shrews eaten was significantly higher in peninsular Italy than in the Alps, and (iii) some prey taxa (juvenile Lagomorpha and Carnivora) were preyed upon occasionally only in peninsular Italy. A cluster analysis, based on the mamaban prey species eaten, revealed that two well defined groups of snakes are formed : (i) a group composed of the four species of genus Vipera plus Coronella austriaca, (ii) a group formed by the other larger colubrids of the genera Elaphe, Coluber and Natrix.Les mammifĂšres sont les principales proies de plusieurs espĂšces de serpents. Dans cet article nous rĂ©sumons toutes les donnĂ©es disponibles sur les mammifĂšres dans les rĂ©gimes alimentaires des serpents en Italie et nous comparons les donnĂ©es des Alpes avec celles du territoire pĂ©ninsulaire. Les serpents consomment les micro-mammifĂšres avec quasiment la mĂȘme frĂ©quence dans les deux rĂ©gions. La plupart des mammifĂšres prĂ©levĂ©s sont des rongeurs, alors que les insectivores sont en proportion significativement infĂ©rieure. Les deux lieux d’étude diffĂšrent pour les motifs suivants : (i) les rongeurs appartenant aux familles Microtidae et Muridae sont consommĂ©s avec une frĂ©quence identique dans les Alpes, alors qu’en Italie pĂ©ninsulaire les Muridae sont consommĂ©s en proportion significativement supĂ©rieure par rapport aux Microtidae ; (ii) les musaraignes (Soricidae) sont consommĂ©es en proportion supĂ©rieure en Italie pĂ©ninsulaire par rapport aux Alpes ; (iii) d’autres mammifĂšres (jeunes lapins et belettes) sont des proies occasionnelles, seulement en Italie pĂ©ninsulaire. La rĂ©alisation d'un dendrogramme, basĂ© sur les mammifĂšres ingĂ©rĂ©s, montre qu’il existe deux groupes de serpents : un groupe formĂ© par les vipĂšres et Coronella austriaca et un autre formĂ© par les colubridĂ©s des genres Elaphe, Coluber et Natrix.Angelici Francesco maria, Luiselli Luca. Patterns of mammal-eating by snakes in the Italian Alps and in peninsular Italy : a review. In: Ecologia mediterranea, tome 24 n°1, 1998. pp. 1-13

    Repeated sightings of Alexandrine parakeet Psittacula eupatria in Rome (Central Italy) and its likely acclimatization

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    Alexandrine parakeet sightings have repeatedly occurred in the city of Rome, Italy in the Caffarella valley, within the ‘Regional Park of Appia Antica’ starting from March 2010. Several other sightings have been made since December 2014 onwards. Until now, nesting has not been proven, but it is believed that this may have already occurred