127 research outputs found

    Drosophila melanogaster as a Model to Study the Multiple Phenotypes, Related to Genome Stability of the Fragile-X Syndrome

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    Fragile-X syndrome is one of the most common forms of inherited mental retardation and autistic behaviors. The reduction/absence of the functional FMRP protein, coded by the X-linked Fmr1 gene in humans, is responsible for the syndrome. Patients exhibit a variety of symptoms predominantly linked to the function of FMRP protein in the nervous system like autistic behavior and mild-to-severe intellectual disability. Fragile-X (FraX) individuals also display cellular and morphological traits including branched dendritic spines, large ears, and macroorchidism. The dFmr1 gene is the Drosophila ortholog of the human Fmr1 gene. dFmr1 mutant flies exhibit synaptic abnormalities, behavioral defects as well as an altered germline development, resembling the phenotypes observed in FraX patients. Therefore, Drosophila melanogaster is considered a good model to study the physiopathological mechanisms underlying the Fragile-X syndrome. In this review, we explore how the multifaceted roles of the FMRP protein have been addressed in the Drosophila model and how the gained knowledge may open novel perspectives for understanding the molecular defects causing the disease and for identifying novel therapeutical targets

    Gliogenesis Depends on glide/gcm through Asymmetric Division of Neuroglioblasts

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    AbstractSome neurons and glial cells originate from neuroblasts and glioblasts, stem cells that delaminate from the ectoderm of developing fly embryos. A second class of glial cells and neurons differentiates from multipotent precursors, the neuroglioblasts. The differentiation of both glial cell types depends on glial cell deficient/glial cell missing (glide/gcm). Although it has been shown that this transcription factor promotes gliogenesis at the expense of neurogenesis, the cellular mechanisms underlying this fate choice are poorly understood. Using loss and gain of function glide/gcm mutations here we show that the cell fate choice takes place in the neuroglioblast, which divides and produces a glioblast and a neuroblast. Such choice requires the asymmetric distribution of glide/gcm RNA, which accumulates preferentially on one side of the neuroglioblast and is inherited by one cell, the presumptive glioblast. Interestingly, glial cells can differentiate from cells that delaminate as neuroglioblasts or they can arise from cells that start expressing glide/gcm several hours after delamination of a neuroblast. Altogether, these findings identify a novel type of asymmetric cell division and disclose the lineage relationships between glia and neurons. They also reveal the mode of action of the glide/gcm promoting factor

    UV laser mediated cell selective destruction by confocal microscopy

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    Analysis of cell-cell interactions, cell function and cell lineages greatly benefits selective destruction techniques, which, at present, rely on dedicated, high energy, pulsed lasers and are limited to cells that are detectable by conventional microscopy. We present here a high resolution/sensitivity technique based on confocal microscopy and relying on commonly used UV lasers. Coupling this technique with time-lapse enables the destruction and following of any cell(s) in any pattern(s) in living animals as well as in cell culture systems

    J Vis Exp

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    The last decades have witnessed the explosion of scientific interest around gene expression control mechanisms at the RNA level. This branch of molecular biology has been greatly fueled by the discovery of noncoding RNAs as major players in post-transcriptional regulation. Such a revolutionary perspective has been accompanied and triggered by the development of powerful technologies for profiling short RNAs expression, both at the high-throughput level (genome-wide identification) or as single-candidate analysis (steady state accumulation of specific species). Although several state-of-art strategies are currently available for dosing or visualizing such fleeing molecules, Northern Blot assay remains the eligible approach in molecular biology for immediate and accurate evaluation of RNA expression. It represents a first step toward the application of more sophisticated, costly technologies and, in many cases, remains a preferential method to easily gain insights into RNA biology. Here we overview an efficient protocol (Enhanced Northern Blot) for detecting weakly expressed microRNAs (or other small regulatory RNA species) from Drosophila melanogaster whole embryos, manually dissected larval/adult tissues or in vitro cultured cells. A very limited amount of RNA is required and the use of material from flow cytometry-isolated cells can be also envisaged

    HSPC300 and its role in neuronal connectivity

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The WAVE/SCAR complex, consisting of CYFIP (PIR121 or Sra1), Kette (Nap1), Abi, SCAR (WAVE) and HSPC300, is known to regulate the actin nucleating Arp2/3 complex in a Rac1-dependent manner. While <it>in vitro </it>and <it>in vivo </it>studies have demonstrated that CYFIP, Kette, Abi and SCAR work as subunits of the complex, the role of the small protein HSPC300 remains unclear.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the present study, we identify the <it>HSPC300 </it>gene and characterize its interaction with the WAVE/SCAR complex in the <it>Drosophila </it>animal model. On the basis of several lines of evidence, we demonstrate that HSPC300 is an indispensable component of the complex controlling axonal and neuromuscular junction (NMJ) growth. First, the <it>Drosophila HSPC300 </it>expression profile resembles that of other members of the WAVE/SCAR complex. Second, <it>HSPC300 </it>mutation, as well as mutations in the other complex subunits, results in identical axonal and NMJ growth defects. Third, like with other complex subunits, defects in NMJ architecture are rescued by presynaptic expression of the respective wild-type gene. Fourth, HSPC300 genetically interacts with another subunit of the WAVE/SCAR complex. Fifth, HSPC300 physically associates with CYFIP and SCAR.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Present data provide the first evidence for HSPC300 playing a role in nervous system development and demonstrate <it>in vivo </it>that this small protein works in the context of the WAVE/SCAR complex.</p

    Functional Conservation of the Glide/Gcm Regulatory Network Controlling Glia, Hemocyte, and Tendon Cell Differentiation in Drosophila.

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    High-throughput screens allow us to understand how transcription factors trigger developmental processes, including cell specification. A major challenge is identification of their binding sites because feedback loops and homeostatic interactions may mask the direct impact of those factors in transcriptome analyses. Moreover, this approach dissects the downstream signaling cascades and facilitates identification of conserved transcriptional programs. Here we show the results and the validation of a DNA adenine methyltransferase identification (DamID) genome-wide screen that identifies the direct targets of Glide/Gcm, a potent transcription factor that controls glia, hemocyte, and tendon cell differentiation in Drosophila. The screen identifies many genes that had not been previously associated with Glide/Gcm and highlights three major signaling pathways interacting with Glide/Gcm: Notch, Hedgehog, and JAK/STAT, which all involve feedback loops. Furthermore, the screen identifies effector molecules that are necessary for cell-cell interactions during late developmental processes and/or in ontogeny. Typically, immunoglobulin (Ig) domain-containing proteins control cell adhesion and axonal navigation. This shows that early and transiently expressed fate determinants not only control other transcription factors that, in turn, implement a specific developmental program but also directly affect late developmental events and cell function. Finally, while the mammalian genome contains two orthologous Gcm genes, their function has been demonstrated in vertebrate-specific tissues, placenta, and parathyroid glands, begging questions on the evolutionary conservation of the Gcm cascade in higher organisms. Here we provide the first evidence for the conservation of Gcm direct targets in humans. In sum, this work uncovers novel aspects of cell specification and sets the basis for further understanding of the role of conserved Gcm gene regulatory cascades.We thank the DHSB and the Bloomington Stock Center for reagents and flies as well as J. Veenstra (INCIA UMR 5287 CNRS, France) for the gift of the Anti-DH31 antibody and B. Altenhein (U Mainz, Germany) for fly strains. We thank K. Jamet for initial bioinformatics analyses. We thank C. Diebold, C. Delaporte, and IGBMC facilities for technical assistance. We thank the members of the lab for valuable input and comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by INSERM, CNRS, UDS, HĂ´pital de Strasbourg, ARC, INCA and ANR grants. A. Popkova and P. Cattenoz were funded by the FRM and by the ANR, respectively. A. Popkova also benefitted from a short Development traveling fellowship to visit the laboratory of A. Brand in Cambridge (UK). The IGBMC was also supported by a French state fund through the ANR labex. T.D.S and A.H.B were funded by Wellcome Trust Programme Grants 068055 and 092545 to A.H.B. A.H.B acknowledges core funding to the Gurdon Institute from the Wellcome Trust (092096) and CRUK (C6946/A14492).This is the final version of the article. It was first available from the American Genetics Society via http://dx.doi.org/10.1534/genetics.115.18215

    Embryonic hematopoiesis modulates the inflammatory response and larval hematopoiesis in Drosophila

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    International audienceRecent lineage tracing analyses have significantly improved our understanding of immune system development and highlighted the importance of the different hematopoietic waves. The current challenge is to understand whether these waves interact and whether this affects the function of the immune system. Here we report a molecular pathway regulating the immune response and involving the communication between embryonic and larval hematopoietic waves in Drosophila. Down-regulating the transcription factor Gcm specific to embryonic hematopoiesis enhances the larval phenotypes induced by over-expressing the pro-inflammatory Jak/Stat pathway or by wasp infestation. Gcm works by modulating the transduction of the Upd cytokines to the site of larval hematopoiesis and hence the response to chronic (Jak/Stat over-expression) and acute (wasp infestation) immune challenges. Thus, homeostatic interactions control the function of the immune system in physiology and pathology. Our data also indicate that a transiently expressed developmental pathway has a long-lasting effect on the immune response

    The Repo homeodomain transcription factor suppresses hematopoiesis in Drosophila and preserves the glial fate

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    Despite their different origins, Drosophila glia and hemocytes are related cell populations that provide an immune function. Drosophila hemocytes patrol the body cavity and act as macrophages outside the nervous system whereas glia originate from the neuroepithelium and provide the scavenger population of the nervous system. Drosophila glia are hence the functional orthologs of vertebrate microglia, even though the latter are cells of immune origin that subsequently move into the brain during development. Interestingly, the Drosophila immune cells within (glia) and outside the nervous system (hemocytes) require the same transcription factor Glide/Gcm for their development. This raises the issue of how do glia specifically differentiate in the nervous system and hemocytes in the procephalic mesoderm. The Repo homeodomain transcription factor and pan-glial direct target of Glide/Gcm is known to ensure glial terminal differentiation. Here we show that Repo also takes center stage in the process that discriminates between glia and hemocytes. First, Repo expression is repressed in the hemocyte anlagen by mesoderm-specific factors. Second, Repo ectopic activation in the procephalic mesoderm is sufficient to repress the expression of hemocyte-specific genes. Third, the lack of Repo triggers the expression of hemocyte markers in glia. Thus, a complex network of tissue-specific cues biases the potential of Glide/Gcm. These data allow us to revise the concept of fate determinants and help us understand the bases of cell specification. Both sexes were analyzed.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENTDistinct cell types often require the same pioneer transcription factor, raising the issue of how does one factor trigger different fates. In Drosophila, glia and hemocytes provide a scavenger activity within and outside the nervous system, respectively. While they both require the Glide/Gcm transcription factor, glia originate from the ectoderm, hemocytes from the mesoderm. Here we show that tissue-specific factors inhibit the gliogenic potential of Glide/Gcm in the mesoderm by repressing the expression of the homeodomain protein Repo, a major glial-specific target of Glide/Gcm. Repo expression in turn inhibits the expression of hemocyte-specific genes in the nervous system. These cell-specific networks secure the establishment of the glial fate only in the nervous system and allow cell diversification
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