1,874 research outputs found

    Demographics by depth: spatially explicit life-history dynamics of a protogynous reef fish

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    Distribution and demographics of the hogfish (Lachnolaimus maximus) were investigated by using a combined approach of in situ observations and life history analyses. Presence, density, size, age, and size and age at sex change all varied with depth in the eastern Gulf of Mexico. Hogfish (64–774 mm fork length and 0–19 years old) were observed year-round and were most common over complex, natural hard bottom habitat. As depth increased, the presence and density of hogfish decreased, but mean size and age increased. Size at age was smaller nearshore (<30 m). Length and age at sex change of nearshore hogfish were half those of offshore hogfish and were coincident with the minimum legal size limit. Fishing pressure is presumably greater nearshore and presents a confounding source of increased mortality; however, a strong red tide occurred the year before this study began and likely also affected nearshore demographics. Nevertheless, these data indicate ontogenetic migration and escapement of fast-growing fish to offshore habitat, both of which should reduce the likelihood of fishing-induced evolution. Data regarding the hogfish fishery are limited and regionally dependent, which has confounded previous stock assessments; however, the spatially explicit vital rates reported herein can be applied to future monitoring efforts

    Build Your Money Muscles: Nine Simple Exercises for Improving Your Relationship with Money

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    In her book, Build Your Money Muscles: Nine Simple Exercises for Improving Your Relationship with Money , Joan Sotkin outlines a step-by-step process of how to identify, interpret, and repair relationships with money. This book focuses more on the thoughts, beliefs, and emotions (referred to as TBE) around money than actual money management skills. These thoughts, beliefs, and emotions create behaviors which ultimately construct financial situations for better or worse

    Still Sparkling the Phenomenon of Bottled Water—An Irish Context

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    Why choose to buy one brand of bottled water over another, when, as consumers, we are effectively just buying water — H2O — a colourless, odourless product? This study investigates the power of branding in the bottle water market—a billion euro industry that has been created to sell a product with little or no distinguishable features. Sales of bottled water continue to increase year on year globally, and in Ireland. Ballygowan and Volvic have the largest market share of the water market in Ireland, and, interestingly, they also invest the most in their marketing. One of the aims of this study is to find out why Irish consumers chose to buy bottled water in the first instance? Why do they decide to pay for a premium priced bottled product of which they have a relatively free supply at home? Is a clever marketing strategy the key to this market in aiding decision-making for consumers of bottled water? During the early stages of this study, and to inform the direction of the research, a ‘taste test’ pilot study was undertaken. In total, 31 people took part in this taste test. Of those, just 3 people were able to differentiate between the top three selling bottled water brands in Ireland, and tap water. From these results, the researcher’s interest was piqued by whether or not marketing plays an integral part in the purchase decision of consumers when buying bottled water? To determine the answers to the research questions developed after the initial pilot testing, a quantitative methodology was applied in an effort to gather relevant data directly from the Irish market. In total, 223 people responded to the survey. The results of the study found that people purchase bottled water for three main reasons: a) they believe it tastes better than tap water; b) it is a convenient option; and c) it is a healthier alternative to other drinks on the market. This research also indicates that when consumers purchase bottled water they are often buying a brand name and not the product itself—water. This study has also found that Irish water brands such as Glenpatrick, Purely Irish, and Royal Mystic who are not as active in the marketing arena as Ballygown or Volvic have a much lower visibility in the market place. Marketing is vital for bottled water companies to gain market share in Ireland, and one of the findings from this study indicates that vigorous marketing was an important factor in influencing brand choice in the context of bottled water. This study will be of benefit to those involved in the bottled water industry and those interested in the concepts and impact of branding in general

    Raise the Age: Perceptions of Missouri Juvenile Justice Actors

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    In 2018, the Missouri General Assembly joined the ranks of forty-six other states and D.C. in the Raise the Age movement and raised the upper age of jurisdiction of the juvenile court from 17 to 18 years old. Senate Bill 793 was signed into law by Governor Eric Greitens on June 1, 2018, and was set to go into effect on January 1, 2021. Similar to other state and county level juvenile justice stakeholders, those in Missouri have expressed concerns over the potential fiscal challenges, increases in workload, and issues related to the allocation of resources and programming within the juvenile justice system. This is especially the case considering that over one-third of Missouri’s population reside in rural areas. Furthermore, considering that the Missouri juvenile justice system is often referred to as a model program for its ability to dramatically lower juvenile offenders’ recidivism rates, stakeholders have expressed interest in whether or not raising the upper age of jurisdiction will in fact have an effect on juvenile recidivism rates. Coincidentally, there are two additional factors that prove Missouri and S.B. 793 to be distinctly different from the majority of other states: (1) Missouri’s legislative change applies to all juvenile offenders regardless of offense type, and (2) S.B. 793 explicitly states that “The expanded service of the juvenile court system shall not be effective until sufficient funds are appropriated.” More directly, as the result of a lack of clear direction in the legislation related to funding allocation, several jurisdictions within Missouri are operating under different practices when handling 17-year-olds, with some processing them in their juvenile systems and others still handling them in the adult system or possibly, not at all. Prior to the implementation of S.B. 793, in partnership with the Missouri Juvenile Justice Association (MJJA), the current researchers conducted a preliminary survey of Missouri juvenile justice stakeholders to examine their perceptions of the legislation. The explicit purpose of the survey was twofold: (1) to identify what Missouri juvenile justice professionals saw as concerns surrounding the legislation, and (2) to examine whether or not they felt prepared for the implementation which was to take effect on January 1, 2021. From this research, several key themes emerged which have guided the focus of the proposed study. The results indicated that Missouri stakeholders were concerned with the potential increase in cost to taxpayers, the overall lack of funding and resources, the influx of cases that would be sent to the juvenile court and subsequently increase probation caseloads and/or residential placements, the lack of mental health resources, and the impact or potential for expanded use of diversion

    Healing Gardens for Assisted Living: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Health Education

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    There is a serious lack of health promotion programs for seniors transitioning from living in their own homes to assisted living. Research has demonstrated that horticulture and gardening can benefit people who are institutionalized. Aging and horticulture specialists at the University of Nevada Cooperative Extension collaborated to create a healing garden project at Nevada\u27s first low-income assisted living facility in Las Vegas. The goal was to enhance residents\u27 quality-of life through a less traditional educational process. This process expands the scope and reach of Extension programs to a much larger and more diverse audience

    The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism

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    Angela Kim Harkins is a contributing author, Hymns, Prayers, and Psalms” pp. 753-757. Book description: This comprehensive and authoritative volume is the first reference work devoted exclusively to Second Temple Judaism. A striking and innovative project, it combines the best features of a survey and a reference work. The Eerdmans Dictionary of Early Judaism is ecumenical and international in character, bringing together the contributions of a superb group of Jewish, Christian, and other scholars.https://digitalcommons.fairfield.edu/religiousstudies-books/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Build Your Money Muscles: Nine Simple Exercises for Improving Your Relationship with Money

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    In her book, "Build Your Money Muscles: Nine Simple Exercises for Improving Your Relationship with Money", Joan Sotkin outlines a step-by-step process of how to identify, interpret, and repair relationships with money. This book focuses more on the thoughts, beliefs, and emotions (referred to as TBE) around money than actual money management skills. These thoughts, beliefs, and emotions create behaviors which ultimately construct financial situations for better or worse
