64 research outputs found

    Las formas de resistencia de las mujeres de Makua ante la minería de Vale entorno de la línea férrea

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    En el territorio centro-norte de Mozambique está la etnia Makua, uno de los grupos mayoritarios. La etnia Makua se caracteriza por ser uno de los más populosos, por ser matrilineal y por haberse mantenido relativamente al margen (por la distancia física) del principal foco de colonización portugués situada en el sur del país. Actualmente este relativo aislamiento se ha visto suspendido por la construcción de la mina de carbón de la compañía brasileña “Vale” en una provincia vecina, que ha tenido como consecuencia la construcción de una línea férrea que atraviesa el territorio Makua para la exportación del producto. Este proceso tiene consecuencias directas en la población tanto mediante la implementación del modelo extractivista como por las sucesivas migraciones en busca de trabajo desde el sur. Pretendo conocer y analizar las formas de resistencia que desarrollan las mujeres Makua ante esta situación que enfrentan y cómo están entendiendo/enfrentando este proceso.In the central-northern territory of Mozambique is the Makua ethnic group, one of the major groups. The Makua ethnic group is characterized for being one of the most populous, for being matrilineal and for having stayed relatively on the margin (by physical distance) of the main focus of Portuguese colonization in the south of the country. At the moment this relative isolation has been suspended by the construction of the coal mine of the Brazilian company "Vale" in a neighboring province that has had as a consequence the construction of a railway line that crosses the Makua territory for the export of the product. This process has direct consequences for the population through the implementation of the extractive model as well as the successive migrations in search of work from the south. I intend to know and analyze the forms of resistance developed by Makua women in the face of this situation and how they are understanding and facing this proces

    El corregulador transcripcional PadA regula el crecimiento y el desarrollo en "Dictyostelium discoideum"

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    Dictyostelium discoideum constituye un valioso sistema modelo de fácil manejo. Esta ameba, que vive en el suelo, se encuentra en la frontera entre la unicelularidad y la pluricelularidad, ya que es capaz de formar estructuras de desarrollo tras un proceso genéticamente controlado que incluye comunicación celular, movimiento, diferenciación celular, muerte celular y morfogénesis. En este trabajo, se ha caracterizado el papel de la proteína NmrA-­‐like PadA, en el crecimiento y el desarrollo de D. discoideum. La proteína PadA es necesaria para el crecimiento de D. discoideum. y es esencial en condiciones de restricción nutricional. El análisis transcripcional por micromatrices muestra que genes implicados en la biosíntesis de proteínas y en el metabolismo de azúcares están desregulados en el mutante padA-­‐, aunque el número de genes diferencialmente regulados es pequeño. La agregación de las amebas en los primeros estadios del desarrollo de D. discoideum se produce por pulsos sincrónicos de AMPc, emitidos por las propias células y a cuyo gradiente responden quimiotácticamente. Estos pulsos, generados por la perfecta coordinación de síntesis y degradación de AMPc, están finamente controlados y definen el tamaño final del organismo. El mutante padA-­‐ es incapaz de formar territorios de agregación del tamaño correcto, tiene menor actividad fosfodiesterasa que el tipo silvestre y su respuesta quimiotáctica al AMPc está comprometida. Todos estos defectos se deben a que no se alcanzan los niveles silvestres de expresión de los genes implicados en el relé de AMPc, y la sobre-­‐expresión del receptor de AMPc, CarA, rescata el tamaño del territorio. Los datos obtenidos de comparación de secuencias, análisis filogenético y validación de dominios funcionales de la proteína, permite definir a PadA como un homólogo de NmrA/hNMRAL-­‐1. Estas proteínas, poco conocidas, se han propuesto como sensores metabólicos capaces de modificar la regulación de la transcripción génica, y en el caso de PadA, se ha comprobado que es necesaria para el crecimiento vegetativo y que tiene un papel en la transcripción génica de los genes del inicio del desarrollo

    Unidad didáctica: colonialismo e imperialismo desde una perspectiva de género

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es hacer una propuesta de Unidad Didáctica del bloque 4 de 4 de Geografía e Historia (indica la asignatura) de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria. La finalidad es presentar actividades, recursos y el contenido de dicho bloque desde una perspectiva de género y decolonial, y que el alumnado piense de manera activa y crítica sobre las realidades sociales de los acontecimientos históricos. El enfoque de esta Unidad Didáctica está orientado a la innovación docente con propuestas de actividades que impliquen al alumnado y desarrollen las competencias a partir del descubrimiento y el aprendizaje por problemas de manera cooperativa. Para ello se proponen dos actividades principales que estarán apoyadas por recursos cinematográficos y de lectura

    The Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics of Host Range Definition in «Pseudomonas syringae»

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    Many Gram-negative bacterial pathogens of plant and animals harbor a conserved type III protein secretion system for the injection into the eukaryotic cells of host range determinants, or “effectors”. In Pseudomonas syringae, effectors are the products of avirulence and virulence genes, and the type III secretion apparatus is encoded by hrp/hrc genes, which are included in a large pathogenicity island with a tripartite mosaic structure. Individual effectors can have a dual role, depending on the plant host: they can either promote disease or elicit a defence response (hypersensitive response, HR) that diminishes virulence or restricts host range. There is strong evidence to support the belief that effectors act inside host plant cells and interact specifically with the products of plant resistance genes, to elicit the HR, or putative plant “susceptibility genes”, to elicit disease. Therefore, the capacity of a P. syringae strain to infect a given host, and hence host range, is determined by the sum of the individual activities (either positive or negative) of all the effectors that are injected into a host plant cell. Many P. syringae strains also produce other extracellular factors that could be involved in the interaction with the host, although only phytotoxins and certain hormones have been shown so far to increase virulence. Unlike effectors, however, their action does not appear to be host-specific

    Virulence- and signaling-associated genes display a preference for long 3′UTRs during rice infection and metabolic stress in the rice blast fungus

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    Generation of mRNA isoforms by alternative polyadenylation (APA) and their involvement in regulation of fungal cellular processes, including virulence, remains elusive. Here, we investigated genome‐wide polyadenylation site (PAS) selection in the rice blast fungus to understand how APA regulates pathogenicity. More than half of Magnaporthe oryzae transcripts undergo APA and show novel motifs in their PAS region. Transcripts with shorter 3′UTRs are more stable and abundant in polysomal fractions, suggesting they are being translated more efficiently. Importantly, rice colonization increases the use of distal PASs of pathogenicity genes, especially those participating in signalling pathways like 14‐3‐3B, whose long 3′UTR is required for infection. Cleavage factor I (CFI) Rbp35 regulates expression and distal PAS selection of virulence and signalling‐associated genes, tRNAs and transposable elements, pointing its potential to drive genomic rearrangements and pathogen evolution. We propose a noncanonical PAS selection mechanism for Rbp35 that recognizes UGUAH, unlike humans, without CFI25. Our results showed that APA controls turnover and translation of transcripts involved in fungal growth and environmental adaptation. Furthermore, these data provide useful information for enhancing genome annotations and for cross‐species comparisons of PASs and PAS usage within the fungal kingdom and the tree of life

    Differential Exposure to N-Ethyl N-Nitrosourea During Pregnancy is Relevant to the Induction of Glioma and PNSTs in the Brain

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    Exposure to N-nitroso compounds (NOCs) during pregnancy has been associated with an increase in brain tumors in the progeny. This study investigated the brain tumorigenic effect of N-ethyl N-nitrosourea (ENU) after differential exposure of rats during pregnancy. Sprague Dawley rats were exposed to a single dose of ENU (80 mg/kg) in three different circumstances: 1) at first, second or third week of gestation; 2) at the 15th embryonic day (E15) in consecutive litters and 3) at E15 in three successive generations. Location and characterization of the offspring's brain tumors were performed by magnetic resonance imaging and histopathological studies. Finally, tumor incidence and latency and the animals' survival were recorded. ENU-exposure in the last two weeks of pregnancy induced intracranial tumors in over 70% of the offspring rats, these being mainly gliomas with some peripheral nerve sheath tumors (PNSTs). Tumors appeared in young adults; glioma-like small multifocal neoplasias converged on large glioblastomas in senescence and PNSTs in the sheath of the trigeminal nerve, extending to cover the brain convexity. ENU-exposure at E15 in subsequent pregnancies lead to an increase in glioma and PNST incidence. However, consecutive generational ENU-exposure (E15) decreased the animals' survival due to an early onset of both types of tumors. Moreover, PNST presented an inheritable component because progeny, which were not themselves exposed to ENU but whose progenitors were, developed PNSTs. Our results suggest that repeated exposure to ENU later in pregnancy and in successive generations favours the development of intracranial gliomas and PNSTs in the offspring.This study has been financially supported by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (GIU 092/19 and PPG 17/51) and the Basque Government (SAN20/25

    Sacrificio, enriquecimiento y robo de cuerpos en Mozambique: Namakakattha

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    Las muertes de personas y la desaparición de cuerpos o partes de ellos se relacionan con el namakakattha, el enriquecimiento monetario, la producción (y creciente circulación) de manufacturas y la fuerza de trabajo en el norte de Mozambique. Este artículo aborda la cosmovisión macua en cuanto a la concepción del sacrificio y su relación con la fuerza de trabajo, en conexión con la energía vital y el enriquecimiento. La metodología es cualitativa (observaciones participantes, entrevistas semiestructuradas y diario de campo). Los resultados muestran que los cambios económicos estructurales han incidido en las interpretaciones socioculturales sobre sacrificio y enriquecimiento. Esta investigación es novedosa en cuanto al análisis de las muertes en relación con el sacrificio, el trabajo y la producción fabril

    Sacrifice, enrichment and body theft in Mozambique: Namakakattha

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    Las muertes de personas y la desaparición de cuerpos o partes de ellos se relacionan con el namakakattha, el enriquecimiento monetario, la producción (y creciente circulación) de manufacturas y la fuerza de trabajo en el norte de Mozambique. Este artículo aborda la cosmovisión macua en cuanto a la concepción del sacrificio y su relación con la fuerza de trabajo, en conexión con la energía vital y el enriquecimiento. La metodología es cualitativa (observaciones participantes, entrevistas semiestructuradas y diario de campo). Los resultados muestran que los cambios económicos estructurales han incidido en las interpretaciones socioculturales sobre sacrificio y enriquecimiento. Esta investigación es novedosa en cuanto al análisis de las muertes en relación con el sacrificio, el trabajo y la producción fabril.The deaths of people and the disappearance of bodies or body parts are related to namakakattha, monetary enrichment, the production (and increasing circulation) of manufactured goods and labor power in northern Mozambique. This article addresses the Macua worldview in terms of the conception of sacrifice and its relation to the labor force, in connection with vital strenght and enrichment. The methodology is qualitative (participant observations, semi-structured interviews and field diary). The results show that structural economic changes have had an impact on socio-cultural interpretations of sacrifice and enrichment. This research is novel in terms of the analysis of deaths in relation to sacrifice, work and factory production

    Ketamina eta esketaminaren erabilera depresioerresistentea tratatzeko: etorkizunerako erronkak

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    Depressive disorders have become one of the major public health problems in recent years, not only because of their impact on quality of life, but also because of the partial response or lack of response to antidepressant treatment. Therefore, the rapid and potent antidepressant effect of (R,S)-ketamine (ketamine) is considered one of the most important psychiatric discoveries of the last decades. Although, intravenous administration of ketamine has prevailed in most clinical trials conducted so far, the intranasal route has been considered a useful and safe alternative. Thus, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) and the EMA (European Medicines Agency) approved a esketamine nasal spray named Spravato for the use in treatment resistant depression, although clinical trials supporting its marketing are not long-term. In line with this, major long-term safety concerns, such as dependence and cognitive impairment, has not been assessed so far. Therefore, there is an urgent need to investigate the relevance ofrepeated administration protocols on the long-term antidepressant response and safety. In this regard, potential pharmacological interactions between ketamine and some antidepressant drugs and benzodiazepines may impact the antidepressant response. In fact, while in some clinical trials adjunctive antidepressant medication is allowed, in others it is specifically removed, and this pharmacological variability may alter the efficacy of the treatment. Consequently, it is undeniable that in addition to massive long-term clinical trials, post-marketing studies are necessary to ensure the safety and efficacy of long-term ketamine and esketamine use.; Nahasmendu depresiboak osasun publikoko arazo handienetako bat bilakatu dira azken urteotan, ez bakarrik bizi-kalitatean duten eraginagatik, baita tratamendu antidepresiboaren erantzun partzial edo erantzun ezagatik ere. Hori dela eta, (R,S)-ketaminaren (ketamina) efektu antidepresibo azkarra eta eraginkorra azken hamarkadetako aurkikuntza garrantzitsuenen artean dago psikiatria arloan. Orain arteko entseguetan ketaminaren zain barneko bidea gailendu den arren sudur bideko administrazioa aukera erabilgarri eta segurutzat jo da. Hori dela eta, FDAk (Food and Drug Administration) eta EMAk (European Medicines Agency) S-ketamina (esketamina) baimendu dute Spravato izen komertzialarekin merkaturatutako sudur-lainoztagailurako soluzio bezala, depresio erresistentea tratatzeko, farmako horren merkaturatze-baimena sostengatzen duten entsegu klinikoak epe luzekoak ez diren arren. Horregatik, epe luzeko segurtasun-profila ikertzea premiazkoa da, eta, testuinguru berean, baita administrazio-protokolo errepikatuen egokitasuna ere. Izan ere, ketaminak farmako antidepresibo batzuekin eta bentzodiazepinekin izan ditzakeen elkarrekintzak ebaluatzea gomendatzen da, tratamenduaren eragin antidepresiboa baldintza dezaketelako. Ildo horretan, orain arte egindako entseguen diseinuaren aldakortasuna kontuan hartzeko ezaugarria litzatekeela proposatu da. Izan ere, entsegu batzuetan, tratamendu antidepresibo gehigarria baztertzen da, eta beste batzuetan, berriz, mantendu egiten da; aldakortasun metodologiko horrek tratamendu antidepresiboaren eraginkortasuna alda dezake. Ondorioz, uka ezina da epe luzerako entsegu klinikoak egiteaz gain merkaturatze ondorengo farmakozaintza-azterlanak ere nahitaezkoak direla ketaminaren eta esketaminaren segurtasuna eta eraginkortasuna epe luzera bermatzeko

    Analysis of Acetylcholinesterase Activity in Cell Membrane Microarrays of Brain Areas as a Screening Tool to Identify Tissue Specific Inhibitors

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    Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) is responsible for hydrolyzing the acetylcholine neurotransmitter, bringing an end point to cholinergic neurotransmission. Thus, AChE is the primary target of a wide spectrum of compounds used as pesticides, nerve agents or therapeutic drugs for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD). This enzyme is heterogeneously distributed in the brain showing different activity depending on the nervous region. Therefore, the aim of this work is to report a novel technology that enables the simultaneous determination of tissue specific AChE activity, as well as the analysis and screening of specific inhibitors, by using cell membrane microarrays. These microarrays were composed of cell membranes, isolated from 41 tissues, organs and brain areas, that were immobilized over a slide, maintaining the functionality of membrane proteins. To validate this platform, demonstrating its usefulness in drug discovery as a high throughput screening tool, a colorimetric protocol to detect the membrane-bound AChE activity was optimized. Thus, rat cortical and striatal AChE activities were estimated in presence of increased concentrations of AChE inhibitors, and the donepezil effect was assessed simultaneously in 41 tissues and organs, demonstrating the major potential of this microarray’s technology.The Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Innpacto program: IPT-2011-1205-010000), and the Basque Government Department of Economic Development, sustainability and environment (Etorgai program: ER-2011/00015, Bikaintek program: 48-AF-W2-2019-7)