9 research outputs found

    Sofosbuvir, ribavirin and pegylated interferon for a daclatasvir-resistent genotype 3 hepatitis C virus: case report and review

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    Chronic Hepatitis C relapse after liver transplantation can lead to graft failure within a short time period. The high efficacy and good safety profile of direct-acting antivirals has led to consensual recommendations for using interferon-free treatment after liver transplantation. However, pegylated interferon may still be required for genotype 3 non-responders. We treated a liver graft recipient with grade 1 fibrosis in the biopsy with daclatasvir and sofosbuvir for 12 weeks. He did not respond and progressed to grade 3 fibrosis. Lacking other options, we obtained a sustained virological response with pegylated interferon, ribavirin and sofosbuvir for 12 weeks. The combination of pegylated interferon, ribavirin and sofosbuvir is a viable option after the failure of direct acting antivirals in economically disadvantaged countries

    Bases morfológicas para o estudo do septo interatrial no feto humano

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    OBJETIVO: Descrever observações morfológicas sobre o septo interatrial em fetos normais, especialmente o forame oval e o septo primeiro, de forma a comparar a excursão do septo primeiro com o diâmetro do forame oval. MÉTODOS: As medidas da excursão do septo primeiro (ESP) em direção ao átrio esquerdo (AE) e do diâmetro do forame oval (DFO) foram realizadas em corações de dez fetos humanos formolizados com 28 a 36 semanas. Os cortes histológicos foram feitos no FO, SP, septo segundo e nos AE e AD. RESULTADOS: Os resultados da análise anatômica estão expressos em amplitude das medidas do DFO e da ESP: 3 fetos com idade gestacional (IG) presumida de 28 semanas, DFO (3,1-3,5 mm) e ESP (2,8-3,1 mm); 4 fetos com IG presumida de 34 semanas, DFO (3,3-3,5 mm) e ESP (4,0-5,0 mm); e 3 fetos com IG presumida de 36 semanas, DFO (3,3-4,5 mm) e ESP (6,0-9,0). Foram identificadas fibras musculares cardíacas no SP e no segundo. CONCLUSÃO: Pode-se sugerir que o SP apresenta caráter ativo devido às fibras musculares que o constituem, influenciando o fluxo sangüíneo através do FO, a mobilidade do SP e a sua excursão para o interior do AE

    Liver retransplantation in adults: a 20–year experience of one center in southern Brazil

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    Introduction. Liver retransplantation (LReTx) is the therapeutic option for hepatic graft failure. Survival after LReTx is poorer than after primary liver transplantation. Given the organ shortage, it is essential to optimize the use of this resource.Objective. To evaluate rates, indications and patient survival after LReTx and identify factors associated with mortality following LReTx.Material and methods. We conducted a retrospective cohort study of all adults undergoing LReTx based on registry data from the Liver Transplantation Group (Complexo Hospitalar Santa Casa de Porto Alegre), southern Brazil.Results. Between June 16, 1991 and July 19, 2011, 824 patients underwent 866 liver transplants. Forty-two procedures corresponded to LReTx (4.8% of all liver transplants performed). Thirty-eight patients who underwent a single LReTx procedure were included in this study. The leading indication for LReTx was hepatic artery thrombosis (HAT) (31.6%), followed by primary nonfunction (PNF) (18.4%). The main indication for early LReTx was PNF (58.3%) and for late LReTx was HAT (38.5%). During the follow-up period, 26 patients (68.4%) died after LReTx. Patient survival at 1 and 3 years after LReTx was 44.7% and 44.7%, respectively. Patients infected with hepatitis C virus, serum albumin < 2.5 g/dL and receiving mechanical ventilation immediately before LReTx had a significantly lower survival rate than the other patients.Conclusion. Considering the increased mortality when the graft loss is delayed, it is necessary to define the minimum acceptable results to indicate LReTx and identify the patients who would most benefit from this treatment

    Sofosbuvir, ribavirin and pegylated interferon for a daclatasvir-resistent genotype 3 hepatitis C virus: case report and review

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    ABSTRACT Chronic Hepatitis C relapse after liver transplantation can lead to graft failure within a short time period. The high efficacy and good safety profile of direct-acting antivirals has led to consensual recommendations for using interferon-free treatment after liver transplantation. However, pegylated interferon may still be required for genotype 3 non-responders. We treated a liver graft recipient with grade 1 fibrosis in the biopsy with daclatasvir and sofosbuvir for 12 weeks. He did not respond and progressed to grade 3 fibrosis. Lacking other options, we obtained a sustained virological response with pegylated interferon, ribavirin and sofosbuvir for 12 weeks. The combination of pegylated interferon, ribavirin and sofosbuvir is a viable option after the failure of direct acting antivirals in economically disadvantaged countries