5 research outputs found

    Limtråd og løvediadem: Om udvekslinger af handlekraft mellem børn, ting og rammesætninger i kultur med børn

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        Denne artikel undersøger en gruppe børnehavebørns skabende aktiviteter med genbrugsmaterialer. Aktiviteterne fandt sted i regi af det kulturministerielle initiativ Tidlig Kulturstart, og udover de deltagende børn var børnenes pædagoger og en kunstner deltagere i processen. PĂĄ baggrund af videoobservation, og gennem en case-baseret interaktionsanalyse, peger artiklen pĂĄ, hvordan børn og ting i aktiviteterne udveksler handlekraft med hinanden, og hvordan denne udveksling af handlekraft sammenfiltres med kunstneriske, pædagogiske og institutionelle rammesætninger. Med afsæt i en kombination af sociokulturelle og nymaterialistiske teoriperspektiver udvikler artiklen begreberne materialeopslugthed og realiseringsopslugthed for at belyse de udvekslingsformer, som er til stede i det empiriske materiale. PĂĄ denne baggrund peges der pĂĄ en let forskydning af en grundlæggende skelnen mellem proces og produkt i børns skabende processer, hvilket muliggør en udpegning af udviklingsmuligheder for kvalificeringen af børns møder med kunst og kultur i dagtilbud

    En sammenhængende overgang?

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    This paper examines play experiments during children’s transition from kindergarten to school. Empirically, the article relies on field observations from a pilot study in 2020 where play experiments were designed and unfolded as transition activities in a Danish school district. In a range of pedagogically framed play experiments at the local school, the oldest children from the local kindergartens participated together with school children from 3rd grade, and with pedagogical professionals from kindergartens and school. The play experiments are examined by shedding light the children’s pathways to school as they unfold in these activities, as well as by highlighting what potentials this activity format displays with regards to coherence during transition to school. A central finding is that the play experiments enable pathways into the school as a flexible participatory space. However, this poses different demands on the professionals’ participation than many other transition activities. The play experiments actualize transition as a process where readiness cannot be assigned to either the child, the kindergarten, or the school. Rather, all participants must mutually adjust to one another within the framing of play orders

    En sammenhængende overgang? Om legens fleksible deltagelsesrum i overgangen fra dagtilbud til skole

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    This paper examines play experiments during children’s transition from kindergarten to school. Empirically, the article relies on field observations from a pilot study in 2020 where play experiments were designed and unfolded as transition activities in a Danish school district. In a range of pedagogically framed play experiments at the local school, the oldest children from the local kindergartens participated together with school children from 3rd grade, and with pedagogical professionals from kindergartens and school. The play experiments are examined by shedding light the children’s pathways to school as they unfold in these activities, as well as by highlighting what potentials this activity format displays with regards to coherence during transition to school. A central finding is that the play experiments enable pathways into the school as a flexible participatory space. However, this poses different demands on the professionals’ participation than many other transition activities. The play experiments actualize transition as a process where readiness cannot be assigned to either the child, the kindergarten, or the school. Rather, all participants must mutually adjust to one another within the framing of play orders

    Forord BUKS nr. 65

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    Forord BUKS nr. 6

    Nordic Childhoods in the Digital Age. Insights into Contemporary Research on Communication, Learning and Education.

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    This book adds to the international research literature on contemporary Nordic childhoods in the context of fast-evolving technologies. It draws on the workshop program of the Nordic Research Network on Digital Childhoods funded by the Joint Committee for Nordic research councils in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NOS-HS) during the years 2019–2021. Bringing together researchers from Finland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Iceland, the book addresses pressing issues around children’s communication, learning and education in the digital age. The volume sheds light on cultural values, educational policies and conceptions of children and childhood, and child–media relationships inherent in Nordic societies. The book argues for the importance of understanding local cultures, values and communication practices that make up contemporary digital childhoods and extends current discourses on children’s screen time to bring in new insights about the nature of children’s digital engagement. This book will appeal to researchers, graduate students, educators and policy makers in the fields of childhood education, educational technology and communication