521 research outputs found

    The development of an innovative mobile phone app for type 1 diabetes alcohol education

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    Introduction Social media is being increasingly used to try and engage young people with their healthcare issues. However, most mobile diabetes applications (Apps) do not include personalised patient education, a key facet of diabetes self-management. We sought the views and ideas of young people with type 1 diabetes to enable the design of innovative new Apps which might help to improve their quality of life. This project highlights an innovative, patient-centric approach to the development and production of a health based mobile App concerning diabetes education about alcohol. Methods Data collected by semi-structured, in-depth qualitative interviews (n=9) of people with type 1 diabetes aged 18-21. Interviews were transcribed and loaded onto the qualitative data analysis tool NVivo. Baseline data analysis was undertaken to locate potential ideas for mobile App development, with suggestions chosen needing to reflect interviewee requirements and to meet clinic goals. Results Interviewees suggested that they would find a guide which could be accessed via a mobile device about alcohol limits and the effects of alcohol on their diabetes particularly useful on a night out. An App about alcohol and diabetes, ‘Start Safe, Stay Safe’, was developed with further input from young people with type 1 diabetes and clinic staff. Summary In developing a mobile App about alcohol and diabetes, we have shown how young people with type 1 diabetes can participate effectively in the design and implementation of new technology which they can then use to improve their quality of life

    Reconsidering your perceptions: exploring the lifeworld of a young person with type 1 diabetes

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    Introduction Views of young people with type 1 diabetes are vital in developing quality services, yet research on their lifestyle and use of web and mobile technology to support their condition is sparse. We aimed to develop a deeper understanding of the perspective of a young person with type 1 diabetes and construct a picture of their lifeworld. Methods Data collected by semi-structured, in-depth qualitative interviews (n=9) of people with type 1 diabetes aged 18-21. Interviews were transcribed and loaded onto the qualitative data analysis tool NVivo. Results A number of themes emerged, including: • The effects of technology on living with diabetes. • Use of social media, mobile phones and Apps to obtain information and support. • Feelings about the health services they used. We also uncovered several interesting issues that concern patients in this age group: • Understanding the isolation that young people might feel at this age. • Personal attitudes to type 1 diabetes and initiating improvement. • Fear, discomfort and being seen as different. • Why we might embrace and show negative views of the condition. • Rethinking the use of Facebook. Summary We obtained a deeper and more empathetic understanding of the feelings of young people with type 1 diabetes, and the issues that are important to them. This data will be used to look at local services, producing more effective systems for support and self-management which take into account the feelings of patients and make them more likely to engage with technology

    Why haven’t YOU thought of that? Over 15 great mobile app ideas for improving the quality of life of a young person with type 1 diabetes

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    Introduction The use of mobile devices to look up health-related information is of increasing importance to young people, who have a radically different view of technology than either their parents or practitioners. We explored what young people with type 1 diabetes required from social media and mobile technology by seeking their views and ideas, enabling the eventual design of innovative new tools to help them engage with health services and their own health in their preferred manner. Methods Data collected by semi-structured, in-depth qualitative interviews (n=9) of people with type 1 diabetes aged 18-21. Interviews were transcribed and loaded onto the qualitative data analysis tool NVivo. Baseline data analysis was then undertaken to locate potential ideas for mobile App development. Results Over fifteen innovative new ideas for mobile Apps not currently available were suggested including: • Twitter - contacting other people with type 1 diabetes, an emergency link for contacting the health service and receiving direct messages from clinic staff which would help to personalise diabetes care. • Hypoglycaemia awareness - advice on what to do for friends, family and colleagues who might come into contact with the participant. • Illness information. • News/information on existing/new diabetes technology. Summary We have explored what young people with type 1 diabetes want from social media and mobile technology, so that the design and implementation of new technology to help self-management is more patient-centred, more likely to be used and more likely to improve quality of life

    Analysis of non-premixed turbulent reacting flows

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    Studies of chemical reactions occurring in turbulent flows are important in the understanding of combustion and other applications. Current numerical methods are limited in their applications due to the numerical resolution required to completely capture all length scales, but, despite the fact that realistic combustion cannot be solved completely, numerical simulations can be used to give insight into the interaction between the processes of turbulence and chemical reaction. The objective was to investigate the effects of turbulent motion on the effects of chemical reaction to gain some insight on the interaction of turbulence, molecular diffusion, and chemical reaction to support modeling efforts. A direct turbulence simulation spectral code was modified to include the effects of chemical reaction and applied to an initial value problem of chemical reaction between non-premixed species. The influence of hydrodynamics on the instantaneous structure of the reaction was investigated. The local scalar dissipation rates and the local reaction rates were examined to determine the influence of vorticity or rate of strain on the reaction and the structure of the scalar field

    Immigration and the Public Policy Survey

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    Evidence suggests that public opinion has a significant and measurable impact on legislative, executive, and citizen interaction. The state of Idaho is no exception. In this white paper, we examine a sample of the opinions of Idahoans, as expressed in the Public Policy Survey, on the subject of immigration. In the 18th and 19th Annual Idaho Public Policy Surveys, the survey sample was asked to respond to a number of questions concerning immigration in Idaho. Questions on the survey ranged from economic impacts to the quality of education to indigent medical care. Of the many benefits that the data offers, some of the not inconsequential benefits are an additional outlet through which citizens may express their opinions, and additional information provided for decision makers. Generally, the information gathered from the survey is used discretely, year by year, to inform policy makers. In this white paper, we have taken a look at the immigration questions in the last two iterations of the survey and summarized the results. The following is a list of findings: • Idaho residents feel strongly that undocumented immigrants reduce the quality of education for Idaho children. • Idahoans have indicated that they feel that counties should deny indigent medical care to undocumented immigrants. • An English-only policy for the state of Idaho is a very popular concept for Idahoans. • Stricter immigration policy is not likely to negatively affect the economy. We offer some concluding thoughts at the end of the survey data presentation. Our sense is that the presentation of the perceptions of the public related to immigration is only part of the story. What is clearly missing is any secondary empirical analysis of, for instance, the measurable effects of illegal immigrants on school performance. What we seem to glean from this analysis is that there is much yet to be learned about immigration and its effects on Idaho and Idahoans

    Evaluation of the Welsh School-based Counselling Strategy : Final Report

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    The Welsh Government's School-based Counselling Strategy (the Strategy), implemented from April 2008 in secondary schools across Wales and a pilot selection of primary schools, was evaluated. A range of research tools were used, including desk research, analysis of client outcomes, qualitative interviews and surveys of key stakeholders' views. Implementation of the Strategy and its counselling services was generally perceived as successful by all stakeholders, including counselling clients, with evidence that all key recommendations for its development were implemented. Across six terms, 11,043 episodes of counselling were attended. Participation in counselling was associated with large reductions in psychological distress; with levels of improvement that, on average, were somewhat greater than those found in previous evaluations of UK school-based counselling. Key recommendations are that permanent funding mechanisms should be established to embed counselling in the Welsh secondary school sector, with consideration given to its roll-out into primary schools. Service managers and schools should also look to ensuring equal opportunities of participation in school-based counselling from all sectors of the community, that adequate accommodation is available in schools for the delivery of counselling, and that a system of regular outcome monitoring is established

    Mode-switching: a new technique for electronically varying the agglomeration position in an acoustic particle manipulator

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    Acoustic radiation forces offer a means of manipulating particles within a fluid. Much interest in recent years has focussed on the use of radiation forces in microfluidic (or “lab on a chip”) devices. Such devices are well matched to the use of ultrasonic standing waves in which the resonant dimensions of the chamber are smaller than the ultrasonic wavelength in use. However, such devices have typically been limited to moving particles to one or two predetermined planes, whose positions are determined by acoustic pressure nodes/anti-nodes set up in the ultrasonic standing wave. In most cases devices have been designed to move particles to either the centre or (more recently) the side of a flow channel using ultrasonic frequencies that produce a half or quarter wavelength over the channel, respectively.It is demonstrated here that by rapidly switching back and forth between half and quarter wavelength frequencies – mode-switching – a new agglomeration position is established that permits beads to be brought to any arbitrary point between the half and quarter-wave nodes. This new agglomeration position is effectively a position of stable equilibrium. This has many potential applications, particularly in cell sorting and manipulation. It should also enable precise control of agglomeration position to be maintained regardless of manufacturing tolerances, temperature variations, fluid medium characteristics and particle concentration

    Meanwhile use as performance - rehearsing and performing community in temporary spaces

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    This paper explores the use of performance theory as a framework to conceptualise temporality and opportunity in a design research project examining community use of meanwhile spaces. Meanwhilehas developed as a term to describe the use of temporarily available space, typically due to stalled building projects or business failure. Growth of the meanwhile sector led the researchers to question how more social and community value could be gained from these spatial opportunities. Performance theory, with its emphasis on dynamic temporality was proposed as a framework that might provide for the conceptual shifts that would enable a sector that traditionally seeks permanent and long term development to make the most from these temporary opportunities. A design research study that included a practical intervention was undertaken. This paper reflects on the relationship between theory and practice in the project

    Fifth Annual Idaho Public Policy Survey

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    The Fifth Annual Idaho Public Policy Survey was conducted December 5-13, 2019, and surveyed 1,000 adults over the age of 18 who currently live in Idaho. The sample is designed to be representative of the population of the state both geographically and demographically. This was a mixed-mode survey which contacted respondents on land line phones (33%), cell phones (33%), online (30%), and via text message (5%). The goal of using multiple means to contact respondents is to increase our coverage of the population to people who may not respond to traditional phone surveys. This survey focused on important issues facing Idaho including growth, education, taxes, and the environment. The survey has a simple random sampling margin of error of +/- 3.1% and was conducted by GS Strategies Group
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