8 research outputs found

    Educar las relaciones interpersonales a trav茅s de la educaci贸n f铆sica en primaria

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    El presente estudio pretende observar los efectos producidos por cuatro programas educativos (psicomotor, cooperaci贸n, cooperaci贸n-oposici贸n y oposici贸n) sobre las relaciones interpersonales. Esta investigaci贸n-acci贸n se realiz贸 con una muestra de 78 alumnos de tercero de educaci贸n primaria. El instrumento utilizado, a tal efecto, fue el cuestionario sociom茅trico, que se implement贸 anterior y posteriormente a cada programa con los tres grupos de estudio. Los resultados obtenidos mostraron que cada uno de los dominios de acci贸n motriz genera efectos positivos y negativos sobre las variables que afectan a las relaciones interpersonales, produciendo tendencias diferentes en los alumnos en funci贸n del g茅nero y de la procedencia cultural. En este sentido, este estudio confirma que la Educaci贸n F铆sica puede contribuir a la educaci贸n de las relaciones interpersonales, y promover escenarios de aprendizaje basados en la igualdad de oportunidades del alumnado evitando las discriminaciones por raz贸n de g茅nero, procedencia cultural, competencia motriz o estatus socialEl present estudi pret茅n observar els efectes produ茂ts per quatre programes educatius (psicomotor, cooperation, cooperation-oposici贸 i oposici贸) sobre les relacions interpersonals. Aquesta recerca-acci贸 es va realitzar amb una mostra de 78 alumnes de tercer d'educaci贸 prim脿ria. L'instrument utilitzat a tal efecte tal, fou el q眉estionari sociom猫tric, que es va implementar anterior i posteriorment a cada programa amb els tres grups d'estudi. Els resultats obtinguts van mostrar que cada un dels dominis d'acci贸 motriu g猫nere efectes positius i negatius sobre les variables que afecten a les relacions interpersonals, produint tend猫ncies diferents en els alumnes en funci贸 del g猫nere i de la proced猫ncia cultural. En aquest sentit, aquest estudi confirma que l'Educaci贸 F铆sica pot contribuir a l'educaci贸 de les relacions interpersonals, i promoure escenaris d'aprenentatge basats en la igualtat d'oportunitats de l'alumnat evitant les discriminacions per ra贸 de g猫nere, proced猫ncia cultural, Compet猫ncia motriu o estatus socialThe object of the study is to understand the effects of four educational programs (psychomotor, cooperation, cooperation-opposition and opposition), on interpersonal relations among students. This action research project was realise on a sample under study consisted of 78 students (42 girls and 36 boys) divided into three study groups which were classes of third year of primary students. The instrument used to carry out the study was a sociometric questionnaire, which was implemented prior to, and after finishing each teaching unit or module in each of the groups under study. The study results showed that motor actions generate both positive and negative effects on variables that may affect interpersonal relationships. The effects generated among students vary according to gender and cultural background. This study confirms that physical education can contribute to the education of interpersonal relationships, and also can promote learning scenarios based on equal opportunities for all students avoiding discrimination based on gender, cultural background, motor competence, or social statu

    Fall risk and laterality in the elderly

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    Elderly people often show impairment in several motor skills, such as balance and coordination, and their laterality may also be affected. This study sought to analyse the relationship between fall risk and laterality in an elderly population. Thirty-three elders who were participating in exercise programs were studied using two instruments: the Tinetti Mobility Test (TMT), as a clinical test that predicts fall risk in the elderly, and the Dynamic-LATMO, a tool for observing the use of laterality in motor skills execution. Results showed a significant association between the standing balance score on the TMT and the task of standing on one leg in the laterality test.We gratefully acknowledge the support of: x The Spanish government project Observacion de la interaccion en deporte y actividad f铆sica: Avances tecnicos y metodologicos en registros automatizados cualitativos-cuantitativos (Secretar铆a de Estado de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion del Ministerio de Econom铆a y Competitividad) during the period 2012-2015 [Grant DEP2012-32124]. x The Catalan government Project (GRID) (Referencia: 2014 SGR 971) and The Catalan government Project Progames de motricitat perceptiva i expressiva en gent gran (Grant AGAUR_INEFCP-2012)

    Profiles of Motor Laterality in Young Athletes' Performance of Complex Movements: Merging the MOTORLAT and PATHoops Tools

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    Laterality is a key aspect of the analysis of basic and specific motor skills. It is relevant to sports because it involves motor laterality profiles beyond left-right preference and spatial orientation of the body. The aim of this study was to obtain the laterality profiles of young athletes, taking into account the synergies between the support and precision functions of limbs and body parts in the performance of complex motor skills. We applied two instruments: (a) MOTORLAT, a motor laterality inventory comprising 30 items of basic, specific, and combined motor skills, and (b) the Precision and Agility Tapping over Hoops (PATHoops) task, in which participants had to perform a path by stepping in each of 14 hoops arranged on the floor, allowing the observation of their feet, left-right preference and spatial orientation. A total of 96 young athletes performed the PATHoops task and the 30 MOTORLAT items, allowing us to obtain data about limb dominance and spatial orientation of the body in the performance of complex motor skills. Laterality profiles were obtained by means of a cluster analysis and a correlational analysis and a contingency analysis were applied between the motor skills and spatial orientation actions performed. The results obtained using MOTORLAT show that the combined motor skills criterion (for example, turning while jumping) differentiates athletes' uses of laterality, showing a clear tendency toward mixed laterality profiles in the performance of complex movements. In the PATHoops task, the best spatial orientation strategy was "same way" (same foot and spatial wing) followed by "opposite way" (opposite foot and spatial wing), in keeping with the research assumption that actions unfolding in a horizontal direction in front of an observer's eyes are common in a variety of sports.We gratefully acknowledge the support of INEFC (National Institute of Physical Education of Catalonia), and the IRBLLEIDA (Lleida Institute for Biomedical Research Dr. Pifarr茅 Foundation), University of Lleida, Lleida, Spain and the support of two Spanish government projects (Ministerio de Econom铆a y Competitividad): (1) La Actividad F铆sica y el Deporte Como Potenciadores del Estilo de Vida Saludable: Evaluaci贸n del Comportamiento Deportivo Desde Metodolog铆as no Intrusivas (Grant number DEP2015-66069-P); (2) Avances Metodol贸gicos y Tecnol贸gicos en el Estudio Observacional del Comportamiento Deportivo (PSI2015-71947-REDP); and the support of the Generalitat de Catalunya Research Group, Grup de Recerca i Innovaci贸 en Dissenys (GRID). Tecnolog铆a i Aplicaci贸 Multimedia i Digital als Dissenys Observacionals (Grant number 2017 SGR 1405)