63 research outputs found

    Egg morphology of Mydaea lateritia (Rondani, 1866) (Diptera: Muscidae)

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    Several specimens of Mydaea lateritia (Rondani, 1866) were collected during studies of arthropod succession on pig carrions in western Poland. This is the first record of this species in Poland and the northernmost occurrence of the species. Scanning electron microscopy documentation of egg morphology of M. lateritia is presented for the first time. Hexagonal chorionic network, foliate hatching pleats, short lateral respiratory horns, dorsomedian flange and median area with smooth hexagonal network and craters are described. The egg could be classified as Mydaea-type with short respiratory horns

    New records of Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Fanniidae) collected on pig carrion in Portugal with additional data on the distribution of F. conspecta Rudzinski, 2003

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    During a study of arthropod succession on pig carrion in Portugal eleven species of Fannia Robineau-Desvoidy (Diptera: Fanniidae) were collected, of which F. aequilineata Ringdahl, F. armata (Meigen) and F. pusio (Wiedemann) are new records for Portugal, F. consepcta Rudzinski and F. lineata (Stein) are newly recorded for the whole Iberian Peninsula and F. tunisiae Chillcott is for the first time reported from the continental Europe. Additional information on the occurrence of F. conspecta in Czech Republic, Denmark, Greece, and Southern Russia are presented. The number of Fanniidae distributed throughout the Iberian Peninsula raises from 35 to 38 and the number of species reported from Portugal raises from 11 to 17

    System zarządzania kryzysowego: aspekty teoretyczne, formalne i badawcze

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    The paper discusses the basic notions connected with the crisis management. It presents the structure of the crisis management system and contains the analysis of conditions determining the quality of the functioning of that system as well. It also specifies empirical determinants of assessments of the quality of the functioning of the crisis management system and their relation with the security culture of natural and legal entities which act within that system.W artykule omówiono podstawowe pojęcia związane z zarządzaniem kryzysowym. Przedstawiono strukturę systemu zarządzania kryzysowego oraz dokonano analizy uwarunkowań jakości funkcjonowania tego systemu. Określono również empiryczne wyznaczniki ocen jakości funkcjonowania systemu zarządzania kryzysowego i ich związek z kulturą bezpieczeństwa podmiotów fizycznych i prawnych, działających w tym systemi

    Kultura bezpieczeństwa obywateli a funkconowanie systemu zarządzania kryzysowego w wymiarze lokalnym. Wyniki badań empirycznych

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    On the basis of results of empirical research conducted in 2013, the authors present the level of security culture of representatives of administration, services of crisis management and so called common citizens in a few poviat cities and three voivodeship cities in Poland. Moreover, there are presented data concerning the quality of functioning of the crisis management system in the places where research took place, as well as the mutual dependencies between security culture of entities functioning within the crisis management system and the quality of such “a system” on the local level. The conclusion contains findings and propositions concerning the development of security culture and the increase of the quality of functioning of the crisis management system in the local dimensionNa podstawie wyników badań empirycznych przeprowadzonych w 2013 roku zaprezentowano poziom kultury bezpieczeństwa przedstawicieli administracji, służb zarządzania kryzysowego i tzw. zwykłych obywateli w kilku miastach powiatowych i w trzech miastach wojewódzkich w Polsce. Przedstawiono także dane dotyczące jakości funkcjonowania Systemu Zarządzania Kryzysowego w objętych badaniami miejscowościach, oraz wzajemne zależności między kulturą bezpieczeństwa podmiotów funkcjonujących w ramach SZK a jakością funkcjonowania tego „systemu” na szczeblu lokalnym. Zakończenie zawiera wnioski i propozycje dotyczące doskonalenia kultury bezpieczeństwa i podnoszenia jakości funkcjonowania SZK w wymiarze lokalny

    Confocal laser scanning microscopy as a valuable tool in Diptera larval morphology studies

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    Larval morphology of flies is traditionally studied using light microscopy, yet in the case of fine structures compound light microscopy is limited due to problems of resolution, illumination and depth of field, not allowing for precise recognition of sclerites’ edges and interactions. Using larval instars of cyclorrhaphan Diptera, we show the usefulness of confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) for studying the morphological characters of immature stages by taking advantage of the autofluorescent properties of cephaloskeleton structures. We compare data obtained from killed but unprepared larvae with those from larvae prepared by clearing according to two commonly used methods, either with potassium hydroxide or with Hoyer’s medium. We also evaluated the CLSM application for examining already slide-mounted larvae stored in museum collections and those freshly prepared. Our results indicate that CLSM and 3D reconstruction are excellent for visualizing small, compound structures of cylrorrhaphan larvae cephaloskeleton, if appropriate clearing techniques, i.e. the application of KOH, are used. Maximum intensity projection of confocal data sets obtained from material freshly prepared and that stored in museum collection does not differ. Because of this and the fact that KOH is commonly used as a clearing method to examine the cephaloskeleton of Diptera larvae, it is possible, and highly recommended, to use slides already prepared with this method for re-examination by CLSM. We conclude that CLSM application can be an invaluable source of data for studies of larval morphology of Cyclorrhapha by way of taxonomic diagnoses, character identification and improvement in characters homologization.This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s) and the source are credited

    Larval morphology of the avian parasitic genus Passeromyia: playing hide and seek with a parastomal bar

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    The enigmatic larvae of the Old World genus Passeromyia Rodhain & Villeneuve, 1915 (Diptera: Muscidae) inhabit the nests of birds as saprophages or as haematophagous agents of myiasis among nestlings. Using light microscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy and scanning electron microscopy, we provide the first morphological descriptions of the first, second and third instar of P. longicornis (Macquart, 1851) (Diptera: Muscidae), the first and third instar of P. indecora (Walker, 1858) (Diptera: Muscidae), and we revise the larval morphology of P. heterochaeta (Villenueve, 1915) (Diptera: Muscidae) and P. steini Pont, 1970 (Diptera: Muscidae). We provide a key to the third instar of examined species (excluding P. steini and P. veitchi Bezzi, 1928 (Diptera: Muscidae)). Examination of the cephaloskeleton revealed paired rod-like sclerites, named 'rami', between the lateral arms of the intermediate sclerite in the second and third instar larva. We reveal parastomal bars fused apically with the intermediate sclerite, the absence of which has so far been considered as apomorphic for second and third instar muscid larvae. Examination of additional material suggests that modified parastomal bars are not exclusive features of Passeromyia but occur widespread in the Muscidae, and rami may occur widespread in the Cyclorrhapha.Copyright: © 2022, The Authors. The attached document is the authors’ final accepted/submitted version of the journal article. You are advised to consult the publisher’s version if you wish to cite from it

    Kultura bezpieczeństwa i obronności [recenzja]

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    Zawiera recenzję książki: Kultura bezpieczeństwa i obronności / Marian Cieślarczyk. Siedlce: Akademia Podlaska, 2007. Wyd. 2

    Feliks Eugeniusz Bernadzki (1930 - 2016)

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    Feliks Eugeniusz Bernadzki was a distinguished forester, a full member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, a researcher at the Forest Research Institute (IBL) and the Faculty of Forestry of the Warsaw University of Life Sciences (SGGW), who made a significant contribution into knowledge about forest sites, forest planning and silviculture. He had remarkable achievements in research planning, teaching and educating young researchers. Prof. Bernadzki was a great supporter of semi-natural forest management without strictly planned schemes and management rules. He treated each forest stand individually with long developmental vision. Prof. Bernadzki was a role model for researchers and educators

    Funkcjonowanie Systemu Zarządzania Kryzysowego w świetle badań terenowych

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    Ustawa o zarządzaniu kryzysowym określa je jako działalność organów administracji publicznej będącą elementem kierowania bezpieczeństwem narodowym, która polega na zapobieganiu sytuacjom kryzysowym, przygotowaniu do przejmowania nad nimi kontroli w drodze zaplanowanych działań, reagowaniu w przypadku wystąpienia sytuacji kryzysowych, usuwaniu ich skutków oraz odtwarzaniu zasobów i infrastruktury krytycznej. Z powyższej definicji wynika, że zarządzanie kryzysowe winno być realizowane w 4 fazach, przedstawionych na rys. 1. O czterofazowości procesu zarządzania kryzysowego w zasadzie mówi i pisze się od 2002 r., tj., od chwili wejścia w życie Rozporządzenia Rady Ministrów w sprawie sposobu tworzenia zespołów reagowania kryzysowego i ich funkcjonowania. Rozporządzenie to było aktem wykonawczym do Ustawy z dnia 17 kwietnia 2002 r. o stanie klęski żywiołowej, gdzie w treści art. 12 ujęto, że działania w celu zapobieżenia skutkom klęski żywiołowej lub ich usunięcia organy administracji publicznej wykonują przy pomocy zespołów reagowania kryzysowego

    Emil Nalborczyk (1932-2006)

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