38 research outputs found


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    The paper describes thermal model of an ASIC designed and fabricated in CMOS 0.7 mm (5 V) technology. The integrated circuit consists of analogue and digital heat sources and some temperature sensors. It has been designed to carry out some thermal tests. During tests thermal resistances, capacities, time constants and convection coefficients for different packages, positions and cooling methods were extracted. The parameters of thermal model were used in simulation to compare results with real-world measurements.Artyku艂 opisuje model termiczny uk艂adu ASIC zaprojektowanego i sfabrykowanego w technologii CMOS 0,7 mm (5 V). Uk艂ad scalony sk艂ada si臋 z analogowych i cyfrowych 藕r贸de艂 ciep艂a oraz czujnik贸w temperatury a zosta艂 zaprojektowany w celu wykonywania test贸w termicznych. Podczas przeprowadzonych test贸w zmierzone zosta艂y rezystancja termiczna, pojemno艣膰 termiczna, termiczna sta艂a czasowa i uog贸lniony wsp贸艂czynnik konwekcji dla r贸偶nych wariant贸w obudowy, jej po艂o偶enia i metody ch艂odzenia. Parametry modelu termicznego zosta艂y u偶yte w symulacjach w celu por贸wnania wynik贸w z rzeczywistymi pomiarami

    The assessment of influence of different nitrogen compounds and time on germination of Lupinus angustifolius seeds and chemical composition of final products

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    The aim of the research was to determine changes in the chemical composition in lupin seeds during seed germination in a solution containing selected nitrogen compounds. Blue lupin seeds of the Neptun cultivar were germinated for 3 or 4 days in darkness, at 24掳C in 1% solutions containing the following nitrogen compounds: urea, nitric acid, ammonium sulphate, methionine or yeast extract. The control consisted of seeds germinated in water. The presence of all nitrogen sources has resulted in a poorer growth of the sprouts as compared to seeds germinated in water. There was a significant increase in the true protein content as well as a significant decrease in the content of crude ash and alkaloids in the germinated seeds. The seeds germinated for 4 days had significantly higher total protein content and significantly lower content of nitrogen-free extract compounds and oligosaccharides as compared to the seeds germinated for 3 days. A significant influence of the nitrogen source on the concentration of some amino acids was found. Cystine was found to be absent in seeds germinated in the nitric acid solution, while there occurred a twofold increase in the cystine content and a fivefold increase in the methionine content in seeds germinated in the aqueous solution of methionine and an 50% increase in the cystine concentration was observed in seeds germinated in the yeast extract and ammonium sulphate solution. Methionine and cystine were the limiting amino acids in all the samples, accept of seeds germinated in the methionine solution were it was valine. Aqueous solutions of ammonium sulphate and yeast extract were found to have the most advantageous influence on the chemical composition of lupin germination products

    Thrombotic complications in Philadelphia-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms

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    Powik艂ania zakrzepowe s膮 cz臋sto obserwowane u chorych z czerwienic膮 prawdziw膮 (PV) i nadp艂ytkowo艣ci膮 samoistn膮 (ET) i stanowi膮 g艂贸wn膮 przyczyn臋 zgon贸w w tych jednostkach chorobowych. W uk艂adzie 偶ylnym mog膮 si臋 objawia膰 jako 偶ylna choroba zakrzepowo-zatorowa, cz臋sto jednak lokalizuj膮 si臋 w miejscach nietypowych. W 艂o偶ysku t臋tniczym zakrzepy s膮 najcz臋艣ciej zlokalizowane w naczyniach wie艅cowych, w t臋tnicach krezkowych oraz w t臋tnicach m贸zgowia. U chorych z pierwotnym w艂贸knieniem szpiku (PMF) obserwuje si臋 tak偶e zwi臋kszone ryzyko powik艂a艅 zakrzepowych. W PV/ET/PMF ryzyko jest zwi臋kszone u pacjent贸w powy偶ej 60. roku 偶ycia oraz po przebytym epizodzie zakrzepowym. Spo艣r贸d innych analizowanych czynnik贸w znaczenie wydaj膮 si臋 mie膰 liczba leukocyt贸w w momencie rozpoznania (u chorych z PV/ET) oraz obecno艣膰 mutacji JAK2V617F (w PV/ET/PMF). W pracy przedstawiono aktualne pogl膮dy dotycz膮ce czynnik贸w sprzyjaj膮cych wyst臋powaniu zakrzepicy, a tak偶e om贸wiono prawdopodobny patomechanizm powik艂a艅.Thrombotic complications are frequently observed in patients with polycythemia vera (PV) and essential thrombocythemia (ET). They remain a main cause of mortality in a majority of above mentionedpatients. In venous system, thrombosis may manifest as venous thromboembolism as well as it may affect veins of unusual locations. In arterial system, it involves coronary, mesenteric and cerebral vessels. Patients with primary myelofi brosis (PMF) were found to have an increased risk of thrombotic complications as well. It was demonstrated that the risk of thrombosis is increased in patients older than 60 years and with a history of thrombotic episode. The other risk factors mayinclude leukocyte count at diagnosis (in PV/ET) and the presence of JAK2V617F point mutation (PV/ET/PMF). Our paper presents the current views on factors infl uencing the development of thrombosis. The probable pathomechanism of thrombosis has also been discussed

    U膷inak fermentacije pomo膰u suhog kvasca na kemijski sastav i svojstva proteina u sjemenkama plave lupine

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    The eff ect of 24-hour fermentation of lupin seeds by different yeast strains on their chemical composition was determined. After fermentation, the mass fraction of proteins increased and their in vitro digestibility and biological activity significantly improved. The amino acid profi le of fermented products was similar to that of raw lupin seeds. The significant reduction in the mass fraction of oligosaccharides and phytate, but not of alkaloids was found. The pH level of fermented products decreased as a consequence of the increase of lactic and propionic acid mass fractions. The most favourable changes in the Chemical composition of blue lupin seeds were obtained in fermentation with Saccharomyces cerevisiae baker鈥檚 yeast and Fermivin 7013 strain.Odre膽en je u膷inak 24-satne fermentacije sjemenki lupine pomo膰u razli膷itih sojeva kvasca na njihov kemijski sastav. Nakon fermentacije se bitno pove膰ao maseni udjel proteina, njihova probavljivost in vitro i biolo拧ka aktivnost. Aminokiselinski profil fermentiranih proizvoda bio je sli膷an onom sirovih sjemenki lupine. Prona膽en je bitno manji maseni udjel oligosaharida i fitata, ali ne i alkaloida. Pove膰ali su se udjeli mlije膷ne i propionske kiseline, 拧to je bitno smanjilo pH-vrijednost fermentiranih proizvoda. Najbolji kemijski sastav imale su sjemenke plave lupine fermentirane pomo膰u pekarskog kvasca (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) i soja Fermivin 701

    Wska藕niki martwicy miokardium w praktyce klinicznej - aktualny stan wiedzy

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    W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono obecny stan wiedzy na temat wska藕nik贸w martwicy miokardium, jako metod diagnostycznych i s艂u偶膮cych do okre艣lenia ryzyka wie艅cowego. Wska藕niki martwicy miokardium po raz pierwszy wykorzystano do rozpoznania zawa艂u serca przed 50 laty. W ostatnim p贸艂wieczu obserwuje si臋 ogromny post臋p w diagnostyce laboratoryjnej. Jednym z jego element贸w jest rozw贸j w dziedzinie wska藕nik贸w sercowych. Nowe wska藕niki charakteryzuje coraz wi臋ksza czu艂o艣膰 i specyficzno艣膰, a ich lista si臋 stale rozszerza

    Zesp贸艂 Richtera objawiaj膮cy si臋 jako ch艂oniak rozlany 偶uchwy z du偶ych kom贸rek B ze zmianami litycznymi i prze艂omem hiperkalcemicznym

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    Richter's Syndrome (RS) is a transformation from chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) into more aggressive lymphoma. RS occurs in about 5% of patients with CLL and its clinical outcome is poor. Extranodal involvements of RS may be present in up to 40% of patients and central nervous system manifestation was found to be the most common. Mandibular localization of RS has not been reported so far. There is no established standard treatment for RS. The improvement of survival in RS patients is achievable with intensive anti-lymphoma chemotherapy and subsequent allogeneic stem cell transplantation (alloHSCT) performed in complete remission. Herein we report a female with RS of the right mandible and hypercalcemia was its first clinical manifestation

    Patient with chronic kidney disease after heart transplantation due to severe chronic heart failure

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    W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 55-letniego m臋偶czyzny zakwalifikowanego do przeszczepienia serca w trybie elektywnym z powodu ci臋偶kiej niewydolno艣ci serca na pod艂o偶u kardiomiopatii niedokrwiennej i z przewlek艂膮 chorob膮 nerek, kt贸rego hospitalizowano z powodu zaostrzenia niewydolno艣ci serca. Po pocz膮tkowym ustabilizowaniu stanu hemodynamicznego u chorego dosz艂o do nag艂ego zatrzymania kr膮偶enia. Po skutecznej resuscytacji pacjenta przekazano do Kliniki Kardiochirurgii GUMed w celu leczenia urz膮dzeniem wspomagaj膮cym prac臋 kom贸r i po 70 dniach wykonano u niego przeszczepienie serca. Po przeszczepieniu nast膮pi艂o pogorszenie funkcji nerek. W pracy om贸wiono mo偶liwe przyczyny pogorszenia funkcji nerek u pacjent贸w poddawanych przeszczepieniu serca.A 55-year-old male qualified for heart transplantationdue to severe ischaemic heart failure and withchronic kidney disease was admitted to hospitalbecause of heart failure decompensation. Afterinitial stabilization of hemodynamic state a suddencardiac arrest occurred. The patient was transferredto Cardiac Surgery Clinic and was treated with leftventricular assist device. After 70 days of mechanicalsupport a heart transplantation was performed.Shortly after transplantation worsening of chronickidney disease was observed. The possible causesof chronic kidney disease in patients undergoingheart transplantation are discussed in the article