12 research outputs found

    Zarządzanie zagrożeniami społecznymi i ich wpływ na ludzkie życia w warunkach zrównoważonego rozwoju Ukrainy

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    The aim of the article is to analyze risks in the social sphere and their impact on the development of society in Ukraine. Increasing the impact of risks in the sphere of demography, employment, remuneration, etc. in the context of sustainable development has been determined. The conducted research shows that the risks related to the labor sphere and the health of the population are the most aggressive and dangerous for the safety (as shown by the coronavirus pandemic) because protracted problems in the political, social and economic spheres are accompanied by job losses, economic decline, low wages  for more than half of the working population. In view of the ambiguity and uneven economic development of the administrative territorial units of Ukraine it has been determined that education and knowledge can become a factor that can lead to the activation of innovative changes and reduce the negative impact of social threats. For this reason, the most important requirement for the sustainable development of Ukraine is the formulation of a social policy, based on an effective system of methods aimed at preventing risks and reducing probability of their occurrence.Celem artykułu jest analiza zagrożeń w sferze społecznej i ich wpływu na rozwój społeczeństwa na Ukrainie. Określono zwiększenie wpływu ryzyka w sferze demografii, zatrudnienia, wynagrodzeń itp. w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że ​​zagrożenia związane ze sferą pracy i zdrowiem ludności są najbardziej agresywne i niebezpieczne dla bezpieczeństwa (o czym świadczy pandemia koronawirusa), ponieważ problemom w sferze politycznej, społecznej i gospodarczej towarzyszy utrata miejsc pracy, załamanie gospodarki i niskie płace dla ponad połowy ludności aktywnej zawodowo. Wobec niejednoznaczności i nierównomiernego rozwoju gospodarczego jednostek terytorialnych Ukrainy stwierdzono, że edukacja i wiedza to czynnik, który może prowadzić do aktywizacji innowacyjnych zmian i ograniczać negatywny wpływ zagrożeń społecznych. Dlatego najważniejszym warunkiem zrównoważonego rozwoju Ukrainy jest sformułowanie polityki społecznej, opartej na skutecznym systemie metod zapobiegania zagrożeniom i zmniejszania prawdopodobieństwa ich wystąpienia

    Protection of the right to property in the case law of the European court of human rights

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    The contribution describes the peculiarities of the protection of the right to property in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. It has been found that, given the peculiarities of the legal nature of the right to property, it requires state regulation and may be subject to restriction and interference. Attention is drawn to the predication of any potential interference with the right to property on a general principle, according to which everyone has the right to peacefully enjoy their property. The article further clarifies the forms of interference with the ownership of individuals and legal entities by the state, such as expropriation of property and control over use of property. The triple normative regulation of property relations is investigated, and the elements of the relevant structure were covered in detail. The contents of the three-component test, in particular, its elements, such as the legality of interference with the right to property, the legitimacy of the purpose of such interference, and a fair balance between the interests of protection of the right to property and public interests, are expounded with reference to the awards of the European Court of Human Rights. Particular attention was paid to legality provisions. The contribution further dwells on the conceptual and categorical framework of the terms “general interest” and “public interest.” The authors complete their scientific inquiry with appropriate generalisations and a summary

    Grounds and consequences of waiver of the contract on the provision of tourist services

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    The purpose of the article is to clarify the legal nature, grounds, realization mechanism and consequences of waiver of the contract on the provision of tourist services. The research was conducted using such methods of scientific knowledge as dialectical, comparative, formal-legal, logical-legal. Based on the analysis of doctrinal approaches and regulations, it is established that the refusal of the agreement on the provision of tourist services is a measure of operational influence and a means of protecting the civil interest. The grounds for unilateral waiver of the contract differentiated into unconditional and those that are a consequence of violation of its terms. At the same time, it is stated that this subjective right is exercised in out-of-court procedure by sending a written (electronic) notice to the counterparty. In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is proposed to give tourists the opportunity to choose between postponing the trip to another term and exercising withdrawal from the agreement. Particular attention is paid to the general and special consequences of lawful refusal. Based on the study, the authors made generalizations and conclusions about the state and prospects of improving the mechanism for exercising the right to unilateral waiver of the contract on the provision of tourist services

    Invalidity of Transactions: Analysis of Grounds and Civil Legal Consequences

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    The article examines the grounds for the invalidity of transactions under the legislation of Ukraine and their legal consequences, which are considered by the doctrine. Separate foreign legislation on problems of invalidity of transactions in other countries is analyzed. The ratio of void and voidable transactions is determined due to their legal definition and judicial practice. A study of transactions that do not comply with the law and the extent of legal capacity of the participants was conducted. Problems of non-compliance with the form of the transaction, concluding the transaction with defects of will. Attention was also paid to the distinction between fictitious and pretended transactions. In order to provide a more detailed analysis of the object of study, classifications of invalid transactions were considered. This made it possible to reveal that the legislator singles out fictitious and imaginary transactions in a separate group, namely transactions with flaws in purpose. A comparative legal analysis of the object of study with the national legislation and a number of European countries was carried out. In particular, the legislation of Germany and the Republic of Lithuania. Judicial practice was considered to identify rules on recognizing transactions as invalid

    Zarządzanie zagrożeniami społecznymi i ich wpływ na ludzkie życia w warunkach zrównoważonego rozwoju Ukrainy

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    The aim of the article is to analyze risks in the social sphere and their impact on the development of society in Ukraine. Increasing the impact of risks in the sphere of demography, employment, remuneration, etc. in the context of sustainable development has been determined. The conducted research shows that the risks related to the labor sphere and the health of the population are the most aggressive and dangerous for the safety (as shown by the coronavirus pandemic) because protracted problems in the political, social and economic spheres are accompanied by job losses, economic decline, low wages for more than half of the working population. In view of the ambiguity and uneven economic development of the administrative territorial units of Ukraine it has been determined that education and knowledge can become a factor that can lead to the activation of innovative changes and reduce the negative impact of social threats. For this reason, the most important requirement for the sustainable development of Ukraine is the formulation of a social policy, based on an effective system of methods aimed at preventing risks and reducing probability of their occurrence.Celem artykułu jest analiza zagrożeń w sferze społecznej i ich wpływu na rozwój społeczeństwa na Ukrainie. Określono zwiększenie wpływu ryzyka w sferze demografii, zatrudnienia, wynagrodzeń itp. w kontekście zrównoważonego rozwoju. Z przeprowadzonych badań wynika, że zagrożenia związane ze sferą pracy i zdrowiem ludności są najbardziej agresywne i niebezpieczne dla bezpieczeństwa (o czym świadczy pandemia koronawirusa), ponieważ problemom w sferze politycznej, społecznej i gospodarczej towarzyszy utrata miejsc pracy, załamanie gospodarki i niskie płace dla ponad połowy ludności aktywnej zawodowo. Wobec niejednoznaczności i nierównomiernego rozwoju gospodarczego jednostek terytorialnych Ukrainy stwierdzono, że edukacja i wiedza to czynnik, który może prowadzić do aktywizacji innowacyjnych zmian i ograniczać negatywny wpływ zagrożeń społecznych. Dlatego najważniejszym warunkiem zrównoważonego rozwoju Ukrainy jest sformułowanie polityki społecznej, opartej na skutecznym systemie metod zapobiegania zagrożeniom i zmniejszania prawdopodobieństwa ich wystąpienia

    Modelowanie i prognozowanie zużycia paliw i energii w kontekście niezależności energetycznej Ukrainy

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    The article analyzes the structure of energy resources, as a result of which the reasons for their irrational use in the Ukrainian economy are revealed. It has been established that during 2014–2018 there was a decrease in demand for traditional types of fuel and energy resources (FER), except for coal. The components of the process of supply and consumption of fuel and energy resources have been formed and detailed, and an integrated approach to their rational use has been developed, which will reduce the loss of energy resources and increase their efficiency. The author’s approach is used in the form of visualized schemes for organizing the process of the rational use of energy resources, which will contribute to the implementation of an effective energy saving policy of the state, ensuring the competitive advantages of domestic enterprises, increasing their competitiveness, improving the economic and energy security of Ukraine. The expediency of constructing deterministic economic models for providing the Ukrainian economy according to different (adaptive and multiplicative) convolutions was substantiated and proved, on the basis of which a forecast and assessment of the energy independence of the Ukrainian economy until 2035, taking into account fuel and energy resources, was proposed. Based on the calculations, it was established that the state of energy independence of Ukraine is insufficient.W artykule dokonano analizy struktury zasobów energetycznych, w której wyniku ujawniono przyczyny ich nieracjonalnego wykorzystania w ukraińskiej gospodarce. Ustalono, że w latach 2014–2018 nastąpił spadek zapotrzebowania na tradycyjne rodzaje paliw i surowców energetycznych, z wyjątkiem węgla. Elementy składowe procesu zaopatrzenia i zużycia paliw i surowców energetycznych zostały określone w sposób szczegółowy oraz wypracowano zintegrowane podejście do ich racjonalnego wykorzystania, które ograniczy utratę zasobów energetycznych i zwiększy ich efektywność. Autorskie podejście wykorzystywane jest w postaci poglądowych schematów organizacji procesu racjonalnego wykorzystania surowców energetycznych, co przyczyni się do realizacji skutecznej polityki oszczędzania energii w kraju, zapewniając przewagę konkurencyjną rodzimym przedsiębiorstwom poprzez zwiększenie ich atrakcyjności, poprawę bezpieczeństwa gospodarczego i energetycznego Ukrainy. Uzasadniono i udowodniono celowość konstruowania deterministycznych modeli ekonomicznych ukraińskiej gospodarki według różnych (adaptacyjnych i multiplikatywnych) splotów funkcji, na podstawie których przedstawiono prognozę i ocenę niezależności energetycznej ukraińskiej gospodarki do 2035 roku, z uwzględnieniem paliw i zasobów energetycznych. Na podstawie obliczeń ustalono, że stan niezależności energetycznej Ukrainy jest niewystarczający

    Management of motivation of managers’ work at the enterprises of Ukraine: innovative aspects

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    The purpose of the paper is to develop a model for managing the motivation of managers and ensure its effectiveness. The principles of formation of management model of managers’ work motivation which correspond to the universal system approach to management model of managers’ work motivation and define its basic functions are outlined: a) goal setting, b) assessment and forecasting of the state and efficiency, c) development and decision making, d) planning, e) organizational, f) communication and subordination, g) regulation of the management model of motivation of managers, h) control. The management model of managers’ work motivation of (MMMWM) is formalized in the form of a structural-logical scheme based on a systematic approach and decomposition, which reflects the interaction of subject and object in the process of forming and implementing a system of motivation of managers at the enterprise. The factors for achieving the set goals have been formed, which are divided into internal and external motivators for managing managers’ work motivation. The management model of managers’ work motivation which is presented by the following subsystems is offered: "X" – target subsystem (the management process of managers’ work motivation), "Y" – providing subsystem (factors of rational achievement of the goals), "XY" – providing subsystem (regulatory legal acts, resources), "Z" – management subsystem (reflects the implementation of the general functions of management work motivation on the basis of experience), which are characterized by parameters, indicators, criteria for managing the motivation of managers. According to the method of linear multiple regression, a system of equations was constructed to describe the economic-mathematical model of management motivation at oil and gas enterprises, which after the repeated experiments provided diagnostics of indicators before, during and after the implementation of management motivation model

    Efficient use of energy resources in the context of sustainable development of the pulp and paper industry of Ukraine

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    The article is devoted to the problem of increasing the efficiency of using energy resources of enterprises of the pulp and paper industry in Ukraine. It has been determined that the pulp and paper industry belongs to energy-intensive types of economic activity. Based on the results of the correlation and regression analysis, a connection was revealed and an economic and mathematical model was formed of the dependence of energy costs for the production of 1 ton of paper on the productivity of paper machines, equipment wear and the volume of investments in energy saving measures. Application of the proposed model will improve information support for the analysis of the effectiveness of energy saving measures, forecasting energy costs and strategic energy management in general. It was carried out at pulp and paper mills, the main obstacles to replacing fossil fuels with biomass in heat production were identified. This made it possible to develop a scientific and organizational model for the energy modernization of enterprises in the pulp and paper industry. It includes financial, organizational, environmental, regulatory, technological, scientific and educational tools. Their application at management will help improve the infrastructure of enterprises in terms of the use of renewable energy resources

    Innovations in logistics management as a direction for improving the logistics activities of enterprises

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    Nowadays innovations became the most important element of the country’s economic development, since they provide a qualitative increase in the efficiency of processes or end production demanded by the market. In this article, the innovation of processes, viz. the processes of logistic management of the production-economic organization is proposed. Innovations in logistics management, as a direction of logistics activity improvement provide the development of new tools (methods, criteria, indices) in methodological logistics’ groundwork, as well as improving the mechanism for the formation and functioning of micro- and macro-logistic systems. The aim of the research is to develop scientific and methodological recommendations for the application of logistics management innovations that involve designing the logistics system through the improvement of the enterprise’s organizational structure as an element of the economic macro environment. Logistic system designing approach is suggested, that anticipates an enterprise’s organizational structure formation under the process-matrix principle (unification of functional and process management approaches) and the establishment of the effective enterprise’s logistic service that plays the role of coordinator and integrator of its business-processes. Efficient organization structure formation, that provides logistics approach implementation in practical enterprises’ activity is grounded by authors. The result of the innovations in logistics management appliance is effective logistic system’s design, in which the coordinated material, informational and financial flows motion is carried out. In the result, it ensures efficient enterprise’s business-processes functioning and organic improvement of its organizational structure

    Labor potential as a factor of ensuring competitive advantages of business entities in Ukraine

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    The purpose of the article is to justify the use of a matrix approach to the interpretation of the results of evaluating the effectiveness of the development of labor potential. As evaluation indicators, we propose the level of management of labor potential, which is determined using the grapho-analytical method “potential square” and the level of management of the competitiveness of the business entity, which is determined using the graphic method “polygon of competitiveness”. To identify these indicators, we used a developed three-point aggregated scale, which made it possible to quantitatively divide the formed quadrants according to threshold values: the zone of high efficiency in the use of labor potential (quadrant 9(MLLPQPHigh; MLCBECBHigh)), average (quadrants 3 (MLLPQPHigh; MLCBEC-BLow), 5 (MLLPQPAverage; MLCBECBAverage), 6 (MLLPQPHigh; MLCBECBAverage), 7 (MLLPQPLow; MLCBECBHigh), 8 (MLLPQPAverage; MLCBECBHigh)), and low (quadrants 1 (MLLPQPLow; MLCBECBLow), 2 (MLLPQPAverage; MLCBECBLow), 4 (MLLPQPLow; MLCBECBAverage)). The value of the research lies in the fact that the proposed matrix approach to the results of evaluating the effectiveness of the development of labor potential makes it possible to take measures to improve its management. It is emphasized that in today’s conditions and the limitation of financial resources, the vector of management should be aimed at preserving the labor potential, using its opportunities and experience