8 research outputs found

    New and rare lichens and allied fungi from Arkhangelsk Region, North-West Russia. II

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    Information about 38 species of lichens is presented. In total, 18 species are newly recorded for Arkhangelsk Region, 11 species are new for its mainland area. New localities for 9 rare species are presented. Thalloidima physaroides is new for the territory of Northwest Russia. The species Sclerophora peronella is reported for the second time in the whole territory of Russia, Calicium pinicola – in European Russia and Rhizocarpon simillimum – in Northwest Russia. For Vezdaea rheocarpa and Pilophorus robustus the westernmost localities in Russia are reported. The new localities of 9 species included in the Red Data Book of Arkhangelsk Region are presented. Six species are added to the list of lichens of Vodlozersky National Park

    Adaptations of epilithic lichens to the microclimate conditions of the White Sea coast

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    Anatomical and functional features of the following three epilithic lichens Umbilicaria torrefacta, Physcia caesia, Physcia dubia were studied. These species have different morphological characteristics of thalli and occupy similar environmental conditions on supralittoral of the White Sea coast. The studied lichens are widespread in the territory of Karelia. U. torrefacta is an obligate epilithic species, Physcia caesia and Physcia dubia colonize both bark of trees and stones. Within the study area, these species were found only on coastal boulders. Photobiont of all studied lichens is unicellular green alga of the genus Trebouxia (Purvis et al. 1992). Based on the study, it was found that Ph. caesia adapts to the environmental conditions through the variability of photosynthetic pigments level which is confirmed by a strong variation of the chlorophylls a/b ratio and chlorophylls/carotenoids ratio (coefficient of variation, CV > 42%) with the stability of anatomical structures (CV ≤ 11%) – functional adaptation. Lichen Ph. dubia adapts through the variability of anatomical layers (upper cortex, algal layer, medullae, lower cortex, thallus thickness) (CV > 22%), and amounts of photosynthetic pigments (CV > 19%) – structural and functional adaptation. For U. torrefacta, the structural adaptation to environmental conditions (CV thickness of anatomical layers > 28%, CV amounts of photosynthetic pigments – 7, 8%) was recorded

    The lichens of forest rocky communities of the hill Muroigora (Arkhangelsk Region, Northwest Russia)

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    The present study reports 188 species and 2 subspecies of lichens and allied fungi from forest rocky communities of the hill Muroigora situated in the Arkhangelsk part of the National park “Vodlozersky” (Arkhangelsk Region, NW Russia). Lepraria ecorticata is new to Russia, and 13 more species are new for the mainland area of the Arkhangelsk Region: Arthonia mediella, Arthonia vinosa, Bacidia igniarii, Bryoria vrangiana, Chaenothecopsis pusiola, Cladonia caespiticia, Lecidea plana, Lepraria borealis, Micarea misella, Pertusaria pustulata, Schaereria cinereorufa, Xanthoparmelia pulla and Xylographa trunciseda. Two lichen species, Bryoria fremontii and Lobaria pulmonaria, are in the Red Data Books of the Arkhangelsk Region and Russian Federation. A total of 89 species are reported as new for the Vodlozersky National Park.

    Cell wall functional activity and metal accumulation of halophytic plant species Plantago maritima and Triglochin maritima on the White Sea littoral zone (NW Russia)

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    The presented study supplements the knowledge on ion-exchange capacity, swelling capacity (elasticity) of the plant cell wall, and the accumulation of heavy metals in halophytic species Plantago maritima and Triglochin maritima in the tidal zone of the White Sea western coast. The littoral soils of the coastal territories are sandy or rocky-sandy, medium and slightly saline with poor content of organic substances, Mn, Zn, Ni, and Pb. Studied soils are considered as uncontaminated by heavy metals because they contain background amounts of Fe and Cu. Sea water is significantly polluted by Fe (3.8 MPC) and Ni (55 MPC), has poor content of Zn and Cu and background level of Pb and Mn. The coastal dominant plant species P. maritima and T. maritima were characterized by intensive metals accumulation which was reflected in the coefficient of biological absorption (CBA) of metal by a whole plant. For P. maritima the following metal accumulation series was obtained: Cu (3.29)> Zn (2.81)> Ni (1.57)> Pb (1.30)> Mn (1.21)> Fe (0.97), and for T. maritima: Ni (3.80)> Fe (2.08)> Cu (1.91)> Zn (1.84)> Pb (1.51)> Mn (1.31). Roots accumulated 50–70% of Ni, Cu, Zn, Pb and Mn of the total metal content in the plant while leaves and stems contained 30–50%. Fe was allocated mainly in the roots (80%). The ion-exchange capacity of the plant cell wall for P. maritima and T. maritima was established as follows correspondingly: 3570–3700 and 2710–3070 μmol g-1 dry cell weight per leaf; 2310–2350 and 1160–1250 μmol g-1 dry cell weight per root

    Diversity of lichens and allied fungi on Norway spruce (Picea abies) in the middle boreal forests of Republic of Karelia (Russia)

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    A detailed study of lichen diversity and estimation of epiphytic lichen cover characteristics on spruce as a key ecosystem component was performed in boreal forests of Karelia (NW Russia). The aims of the present paper are: (1) to study lichen diversity on Norway spruce in the middle boreal forests of southern Karelia (NW Russia), and (2) to estimate the main characteristics of epiphytic lichen cover on spruce trunks and branches. In total, 158 species of lichens and allied fungi were found on spruce, including 108 species on trunks, 78 on branches and 55 on snags. Seventeen species are listed in the Red Data Book of Republic of Karelia. Ten species are new for the biogeographical province Karelia transonegensis and two for the province Karelia onegensis. Twenty-two species are considered old-growth forest indicators. The total epiphytic lichen cover on spruce trees averaged 59% at the trunk base, 12% at a height of 1.3 m above ground level and 61% on branches. Predominantly, only 12 species contributed to the lichen cover of trunk and branches. Despite the predominance of crustose lichens colonising spruce trees, the main epiphytic lichen cover both on trunks and branches was provided largely by foliose species (57% of the total cover). Due to a variety of morphological features, spruce provides diverse microhabitats, which leads to high lichen species richness with different ecological requirements. Spruce trees play a significant role in maintaining the diversity and conservation of rare species

    The present lichen flora of the city of Petrozavodsk

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    The present study reports 228 species of lichens and lichenicolous or non-lichenized saprobic fungi in Petrozavodsk (Republic of Karelia, Russia). Seven lichen species of Karelian Red Data Book are recorded. Three species are reported for the first time for Karelia: Arthonia fusca (A. Massal.) Hepp, Hypocenomyce caradocensis (Leight. ex Nyl.) P. James & Gotth. Schneid., and Pycnora sorophora (Vain.) Hafellner. 47 species are reported as new to Karelia olonetsensis, 7 species as new to Karelia onegensis (Fadeeva et al., 2007).

    New records of lichens and allied fungi from Vodlozersky National Park within Arkhangelsk Region (NW Russia)

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    The paper presents the results of the ongoing research of lichen diversity in Arkhangelsk Region of Russia, in Vodlozersky National Park which is the largest protected area in the territory of NW Russia. In total, 155 species of lichens and allied fungi are recorded for the first time for the Arkhangelsk part of the Vodlozersky National Park, and 69 species – for the whole mainland area of Arkhangelsk Region

    The lichens of forest rocky communities of the hill Muroigora (Arkhangelsk Region, Northwest Russia)

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    The present study reports 188 species and 2 subspecies of lichens and allied fungi from forest rocky communities of the hill Muroigora situated in the Arkhangelsk part of the National park “Vodlozersky” (Arkhangelsk Region, NW Russia). Lepraria ecorticata is new to Russia, and 13 more species are new for the mainland area of the Arkhangelsk Region: Arthonia mediella, Arthonia vinosa, Bacidia igniarii, Bryoria vrangiana, Chaenothecopsis pusiola, Cladonia caespiticia, Lecidea plana, Lepraria borealis, Micarea misella, Pertusaria pustulata, Schaereria cinereorufa, Xanthoparmelia pulla and Xylographa trunciseda. Two lichen species, Bryoria fremontii and Lobaria pulmonaria, are in the Red Data Books of the Arkhangelsk Region and Russian Federation. A total of 89 species are reported as new for the Vodlozersky National Park.