93 research outputs found

    The Influence of the TGT (Teams Games Tournament) Learning Model on Table Tennis Learning Outcomes

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    The success or failure of students in learning can be influenced by several factors, one of which is the selection of the learning model to be used. The selection of learning models must be adapted to the characteristics of students. The learning model that is often used in the learning process is the cooperative learning model. There are several kinds of learning models that are often used, namely the TGT (Teams Games Tournament) learning model. The use of this learning model allows students to be active in learning, so as to improve student learning outcomes. This study aims to determine the effect of the TGT (Teams Games Tournament) learning model on table tennis learning outcomes. This research method uses a quasi-experimental design with one group pretest posttest. The population in the research is class students eight At school SMPN 5 Nganjuk which will be done 4 times. The sample used was 34 students. The data collection technique uses a table tennis stroke ability test. Data analysis techniques using descriptive analysis, normality test, and hypothesis testing. Based on the results of the analysis it can be concluded that there is a significant influence, this can be seen from the results of the analysis of hypothesis testing with a result of 0.00 which means <0.05. So it can be concluded that there is a significant influence using the TGT (Teams Games Tournament) learning model on table tennis learning outcomes

    Pengaruh Penambahan Sodium Lauryl Sulfat terhadap Karakteristik Sabun Padat pada Mata Kuliah Praktikum Analitik Proses

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      Solid soap as a result from process analysis practicum can be produced using with hot process method using raw material of palm oil and a strong base in the form of NaOH. The aim of this research is that apart from fostering student inquiry regarding the soap making process, they are also able to analyze the parameters of solid soap over a certain period based on variations in the amount of added surfactant. The methods used in practicum activities are dividing practicum groups, making solid soap, and collecting practicum reports. In the activity of making solid soap, the concentration of sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) was varied for each group, 0, 1, 2 and 3% w/w respectively. The parameters measured in this research were the pH value, water content, ability to form foam, free fatty acid content and ethanol insoluble material in solid soap. The pH characterization of the results of the saponification process shows that soap at all variations in SLS concentration is predominantly alkaline. The characterization carried out showed that the levels of free fatty acids and ethanol insoluble substances met SNI 3532:2016 standards. Water content parameters do not meet these standards because the measurements were carried out during practical activities and without the process of holding the soap product. From the results of observing these parameters, in general it can be concluded that the solid soap products resulting from the practical work have the best quality under the condition of adding SLS with a concentration of 1%.


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    Abstrak Orang tua mempunyai tanggung jawab tidak hanya dalam bentuk kecukupan materi, namun juga bertanggung jawab dalam membangun interaksi secara langsung dengan anaknya dan pemberian rasa cinta kasih sayang. Prestasi dapat diraih secara maksimal dengan mengupayakan usaha yang maksimal dan terus-menerus. Karena prestasi tidak dapat diperoleh dengan tiba-tiba, perlu adanya proses pembelajaran atau latihan yang rutin. Pada atlet, prestasi dapat dicapai dengan dukungan beberapa aspek yaitu aspek teknik dan taktik di lapangan, aspek fisik dan kematangan mental. Kematangan mental ini dapat diperoleh dari dukungan sosial yaitu dukungan dari orang tua, pelatih dan teman-teman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adakah peran orang tua dalam prestasi olahraga pelajar atlet serta untuk mengetahui sejauh mana peran orang tua dalam mendukung prestasi olahraga pelajar atlet. Metode  review literatur ini menggunakan strategi secara komprehensif, seperti pencarian artikel dalam database jurnal penelitian, pencarian melalui internet, tinjauan ulang artikel. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif yaitu mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa 10 artikel yang digunakan sebagai bahan review literatur dalam penelitian ini. Dari hasil beberapa penelitian dan me-review artikel menunjukkan adanya keterkaitan peranan orang tua dalam mendukung prestasi olahraga pelajar atlet. Perhatian orang tua sangat mempengaruhi keberhasilan anak di masa depan anak, dan janganlah terlalu mengekang dan membatasi ruang gerak anak. Atlet dari kalangan pelajar harus dapat membagi waktu antara latihan dengan belajar. Kata Kunci: prestasi olahraga; peranan orang tua; atlet Abstract Parents have the responsibility not only in the form of material adequacy, but also responsible for building direct interaction with their children and giving a sense of love. Maximum achievements can be achieved by striving for maximum and continuous efforts. Because achievements cannot be obtained suddenly, it is necessary to have a regular learning process or practice. In athletes, achievement can be achieved with the support of several aspects, namely technical and tactical aspects in the field, physical aspects and mental maturity. This mental maturity can be obtained from social support, namely support from parents, coaches and friends. This study (+ aims) is to determine whether the role of parents in athletic student sports achievement and to determine the extent of the role of parents in supporting athletic student sports achievement. This literature review method uses a comprehensive strategy, such as searching for articles in research journal databases, searching through the internet, reviewing articles. The method used in this research is descriptive, namely describing and analyzing the 10 articles used as material for the literature review in this study. From the results of several studies and reviewing articles, there is a correlation between the role of parents in supporting athletic student sports achievement. Parents' attention greatly affects the success of the child in the future of the child, and do not be too restrictive and limit the child's movement. Athletes from among students must be able to divide their time between training and learning. Keywords: sports achievements; the role of parents; athlet


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    Abstrak Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi pencapaian prestasi yang dimiliki oleh tim putra dan putri dari ekstrakurikuler floorball SMA Muhamammadiyah 10 Surabaya baik di ajang daerah, provinsi dan nasional. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengkaji dan menganalisa beberapa indikator yang dapat meningkatkan motivasi siswa untuk lebih semangat dalam meraih prestasi pada cabang olahraga floorball. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif, populasi penelitian ini adalah siswa peserta ekstrakurikuler floorball sebanyak 20 siswa. Sampel yang digunakan berjumlah 20 siswa menggunakan teknik total sampling sesuai dengan jumlah total seluruh siswa peserta ekstrakurikuler floorball. Metode pengumpulan data menggunakan angket dengan skala likert dan terdapat bobot skor 1-4 berisikan 10 indikator yang terbagi atas 5 indikator intrinsik dan 5 indikator ekstrinsik yang dibagikan langsung kepada responden. Analisis data menggunakan aplikasi SPSS untuk menghitung nilai persentase. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data telah ditemukan bahwa indikator pengetahuan, bakat, prestasi, hobi, dan lingkungan dengan persentase 65%, 70%, 90%, 80%, dan 90%, masuk dalam kategori tinggi. Kemudian indikator kesehatan, orang tua, sarana prasarana, teman dan guru dengan persentase masing-masing 50% masuk dalam kategori normal. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa motivasi siswa SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya mengikuti kegiatan ekstrakurikuler floorball secara keseluruhan termasuk dalam kategori “tinggi”. Perolehan nilai tersebut dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan pertimbangan dalam pengembangan dan pembinaan ekstrakurikuler floorball. Kata Kunci: motivasi; ekstrakurikuler; floorball   Abstract This research was motivated by the achievements of the men's and women's floorball teams extracurricular at SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya in regional, provincial and national events. This research aims to examine and analyze several indicators that can increase students’ motivation to be more enthusiastic in in reaching the achievements of floorball sport. This research used quantitative research and descriptive approach, the population of this research was 20 students from the floorball extracurricular. This research used total sampling technique with 20 students from the total number of floorball extracurricular students as the participants. The data collection technique was questionnaire with Likert Scale and the range score was 1-4 containing 10 indicators that were divided into 5 intrinsic indicators and 5 extrinsic indicators which were distributed directly to respondents. The data analysis of this research used SPSS to calculate the percentage value. Based on the results of data analysis, it found that the indicators of knowledge, talent, achievement, hobbies, and the environment with a percentage of 65%, 70%, 90%, 80%, and 90% were in the high category. Furthermore, for the health indicators, parents, infrastructure, friends, and teachers with a percentage of 50% were categorized as normal. It can be concluded that the motivation of SMA Muhammadiyah 10 Surabaya students in participating floorball extracurricular activities is in the "high" category. These scores can be used for consideration in the development and coaching of floorball extracurricular. Keywords: motivation; extracurricular; floorball &nbsp


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    Abstrak Kebugaran jasmani termasuk faktor yang penting dimiliki oleh setiap individu. Kebugaran jasmani merupakan kondisi dimana individu mampu melakukan aktivitas fisik atau aktivitas rutin tanpa mengalami kelelahan secara berlebih di dalam tubuh kita dan masih mampu untuk melakukan aktivitas lainnya. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat kebugaran jasmani siswa/i SMPN 1 Soko-Tuban. Studi ini berjenis penelitian pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif yang menggunakan metode cluster random sampling. Deskriptif data diperoleh dari hasil Tes Kesegaran Jasmani Indonesia (TKJI). Instrumen pada penelitian ini menggunakan instrumen TKJI usia 13 - 15 Tahun yang mencakup beberapa tahapan test yaitu lari 1000 meter (Laki - Laki) 800 meter (Perempuan), sprint 50 meter, vertical jump, pull up, dan sit up. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan di SMPN 1 Soko-Tuban pada tanggal 4 Januari sampai 4 Februari 2022. Populasinya berjumlah 288 siswa, Adapun sampelnya sejumlah 91 siswa, yang terdiri dari 3 kelas yakni kelas 7C, 7F, 7H dimana terdiri dari 49 laki-laki dan 42 perempuan. Data dianalisis menggunakan teknik analisis deskriptif statistik dengan bantuan program SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). Hasil menunjukkan; 1) Tingkat kebugaran jasmani laki-laki dominan dalam kategori kurang ada 36 siswa, kategori kurang sekali ada 6 siswa, dan kategori sedang ada 7 siswa. 2) Tingkat kebugaran jasmani perempuan dominan dalam kategori kurang sekali terdapat 30 siswi dan kategori kurang terdapat 12 siswi. Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kebugaran jasmani siswa laki-laki maupun perempuan di SMPN 1 Soko-Tuban dominan dalam kategori kurang. Kata Kunci: kebugaran jasmani; siswa; TKJI Abstract Physical fitness is an essential factor for every individual. Physical fitness is a condition where individuals can carry out physical activities or daily activities without experiencing excessive fatigue in their bodies and can still carry out other activities. This study aimed to describe students' level of physical fitness at SMPN 1 Soko-Tuban. This research uses a quantitative descriptive approach with a cluster random sampling method. This study used the TKJI instrument aged 13 - 15 years, consisting of several test stages: the 1000-meter run (Male), 800 meters (Female), 50-meter sprint, vertical jump, pull up, and sit up. This research was conducted at SMPN 1 Soko-Tuban from January 4 to February 4, 2022. The population was 288 students, and the sample in this study was 91 students, consisting of 3 classes, namely grades 7C, 7F, and 7H, which consisted of 49 boys. And 42 women. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis techniques with the help of the SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences) program. The results of this study are; 1) The dominant male physical fitness level is in the poor category, with as many as 36 students, while the inferior category is 6 students, and the moderate category is 7 students. 2) Women's level of physical fitness is dominant in the inferior category, namely as many as 30 students and in the less category, as many as 12 students. This study concludes that the physical fitness of male and female students at SMPN 1 Soko-Tuban is dominant in the poor category Keywords: physical fitness; students; TKJI &nbsp


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    Abstrak Tenis meja merupakan salah satu cabang olahraga yang sudah dikenal dan banyak digemari. Perkembangan tenis meja di Indonesia bisa dikatakan cukup pesat, hal ini dapat dilihat dari banyaknya perkumpulan-perkumpulan tenis meja yang berdiri, serta banyaknya pertandingan tenis meja. Sekolah merupakan suatu wadah untuk mendidik dan mengembangkan potensi yang ada pada siswa untuk meraih prestasi dengan mengikuti kegiatan dalam jam pelajaran sekolah (intrakurikuler) maupun kegiatan diluar jam sekolah (ekstrakurikuler). Ekstrakurikuler diperlukan untuk meningkatkan kemampuan, baik individu maupun kelompok dalam berbagai macam cabang olahraga, salah satunya tenis meja. Salah satu satuan pendidikan yang mempunyai ekstrakurikuler tenis meja adalah SMP Negeri 6 Pamekasan. Salah satu metode yang efektif dalam meningkatkan keterampilan siswa dalam melakukan salah satu keterampilan chop forehand dan backhand adalah dengan menggunakan metode robotic. Pernyataan ini didukung oleh hasil penelitian ini dengan menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan teknik analisis berupa mean, standar deviasi, varian, uji normalitas, uji t, uji sampel dan peningkatan. Terbukti menggunakan latihan robotic dapat meningkatkan keterampilan chop forehand dan backhand pada siswa di ekstrakurikuler tenis meja SMP Negeri 6 Pamekasan. Hasil analisis data penelitian yang terdiri dari 20 sampel peserta ekstrakurikuler bahwa ada peningkatan yang berpengaruh signifikan pada metode latihan robotic terhadap keterampilan chop forehand dan backhand. Hasil analisis data penelitian chop forehand dan backhand tenis meja di SMP Negeri 6 Pamekasan bahwa ada peningkatan yang signifikan pengaruh latihan Robotic terhadap keterampilan chop forehand 35,9335% sedangkan chop backhand 29,7165%. Kata Kunci : tenis meja; chop; robotic. Abstract Table tennis is one of the well-known sports that has a lot of interest and enthusiasts. Also experiencing good development in country, this can be seen from the many established table tennis societies, as well as many table tennis tournaments held. As is well known that school is a place to educate and develop the potential of students by following activities in school hours and activities outside school hours that commonly called extracurricular. In this case, extracurricular is necessary to improve skills in both individuals and group in various sports. One of the activities that will be discussed is about the table tennis. SMP 6 Pamekasan is one of the junior high schools in Pamekasan district that organize weekly table tennis extracurricular. One of the effective training methods in order to improve students' skills in performing forehand and backhand chop skills is to use the Robotic method. This statement is supported by the results of this study using quantitative methods with analytical techniques in the form of mean, standard deviation, variance, normality test, t test, sample test and improvement. These methods are proven to improve the student’s ability of executing forehand and backhand chop during the training in school. The results of data analysis consisting of 20 samples showed a significant increase using robotic practice methods for forehand and backhand chop skills. Result analysis research data of robotic training on result of chop ability in table tennis at Junior High School 6 Pamekasan that is a enhancement significant the effect of robotic chop forehand 35,9335% while chop backhand 29,7165%. Keywords: table tennis; chop; robotic.       &nbsp

    Tinjauan Struktur Genetik Serta Tingkat Keganasan Virus Influenza H1n1

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    Evaluation Structure of Genetic and Virulens Influenza Virus of H1N1. Influenza of H1N1 or Mexico Flu or Pig Influenza or of Pig Flu ( Swine Influenza or Pig Flu) representing disease of acute exhalation channel (severe) caused of virus and can be catching very fast. Influenza of H1N1 resulted from by type influenza virus type A of Orthomyxoviridae family. This Virus have the character of patogen at human being, poultry, horse, and pig. Virus of Orthomyxoviridae family is particle camouflage in form of circular or domed of length, representing RNA genom enchain single by 8 segment, and also have negative polarity. Influenza of A (H1N1) represent new strain of influenza virus of A which is human being infection. Influenza of A ( H1N1) differ from other influenza virus strain which during the time often human being infection and most human being don't have impenetrability to virus. Therefore the virus can easily disseminate from human being to human being. Infection happened to through air (cough, sneezing) or direct contact with object or patient which have terkontaminasi. Infection of the virus can happened swiftly especially at young people (age 10 - 45 year). Influenza symptom of A (H1N1) is fever, cough, headache, mialgia ( muscle pain in bone), joint pain in bone, bronchitis, head cold and is sometime accompanied with diarrhoea and puking. The symptom known as by Influenza-Like Illness (ILI) or of Flu-Like syndrome because looking like symptom of flu other bronchi infection or which is often experienced of by human being. Influenza of A (H1N1) difficult differentiated with other bronchi infection or flu if only pursuant to at disease symptom

    PERBANDINGAN PERILAKU HIDUP BERSIH DAN SEHAT SISWA SEKOLAH DASAR NEGERI DI KOTA DAN DI DESA (Studi pada SD Negeri 8 Mimbaan dengan SD Negeri 4 Balung di Kabupaten Situbondo)

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    Abstrak Kebiasaan PHBS telah diajarkan mulai sejak Sekolah Dasar melalui pembelajaran Tematik di sekolah. Kebiasaan perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat meliputi menjaga kebersihan diri, menjaga kebersihan lingkungan, makanan dan minuman sehat, serta perilaku hidup yang teratur. Derajat kesehatan sebagian besar dipengaruhi lingkungannya. Kondisi lingkungan setiap wilayah berbeda-beda baik di kota maupun di desa, khususnya siswa di SDN 8 Mimbaan yang terletak di kota dan SDN 4 Balung yang terletak di desa. Tujuan penelitian ini ialah mengetahui gambaran PHBS siswa SD Negeri di Kota dan di Desa di Kabupaten Situbondo, serta perbandingan PHBS siswa SD Negeri di Kota dan di Desa di Kabupaten Situbondo. Jenis penelitian non eksperimen dengan desain komparatif. Sampel kelas 4,5, dan 6 yang digunakan ialah cluster random sampling, dengan jumlah 88 siswa di SDN 8 Mimbaan dan 24 Siswa di SDN 4 Balung. Instrumen yang digunakan ialah angket Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat. Analisis data yang digunakan ialah rata-rata, Standar deviasi, varian, dan Mann Whitney. Gambaran PHBS siswa di kota di (SDN 8 Mimbaan) yang masuk dalam kategori sangat baik 39,8%, kategori baik 52,2%, kategori cukup 8%. Sedangkan gambaran PHBS siswa di desa (SDN 4 Balung) yang masuk kategori sangat baik 29,2%, kategori baik 62,5%, kategori cukup 8,3%. Nilai signifikan faktor menjaga kebersihan diri 0,997>0,05, faktor menjaga kebersihan lingkungan 0,055>0,05, faktor makanan dan minuman yang sehat 0,817>0,05, dan faktor perilaku hidup yang teratur 0,387>0,05 dari empat faktor tersebut nilai signifikasinya lebih besar dari alpha (0,05) artinya tidak terdapat perbedaan PHBS antara SDN 8 Mimbaan dengan SDN 4 Balung. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa Perilaku Hidup Bersih dan Sehat siswa SDN 8 Mimbaan dansiswa SDN 4 Balung relatif sama. Kata kunci: perilaku hidup bersih dan sehat (PHBS); kota; desa Abstract PHBS habits have been taught since the elementary school period through thematic learning in schools. PHBS including maintaining personal hygiene, maintaining environmental cleanliness, healthy food and drinks, and regular living behavior. However, health status is influenced by the environment of each region is different both in the city and in the village, specially students at SDN 8 Mimbaan which is located in the city and SDN 4 Balung which is located in the village. The Purpose if this study was to determine the description of PHBS of Public Elementary School Students in Cities and Villages, as well as the comparison of PHBS of Public Elementary School students in the City and in the village in Situbondo Regency. This type of research in non-experimental with a comparative design. The samples for grades 4,5, and 6 were cluster random sampling, with a total of 88 students at SDN 8 Mimbaan and 24 students at SDN 4 Balung. The instrument used was a Clean and Healthy Life Behavior questionnaire. The data analysis used was the mean, standard deviation, variance, and mann Whitney. PHBS description of students in the city (SDN 8 Mimbaan) which is included the very good category is 39,8%, good category is 52,2%, sufficient category is 8% Meanwhile, the PHBS description of students in the village (SDN 4Balung) which was included in the very good category was 29,2%, the good category was 62,5% , sufficient category is 8,3%. The significant value of the factor of maintaining personal hygiene is 0,997> 0,05, the factor of maintaining environmental hygiene is 0,055> 0,05, the factor of healthy eating and drinking is 0,817> 0,05, and the factor of regular life behavior is 0,387> 0,05 of the four factors. The significance is greater than alpha (0,05) meaning that there is no difference in PHBS between SDN 8 Mimbaan and SDN 4 Balung. It can be concluded that the Clean and Healthy Behavior of SDN 8 Mimbaan students and SDN 4 Balung students relatively the same. Keyword: clean and healthy living behavior (PHBS); village; cit


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    Abstrak Pendidikan adalah upaya untuk mengubah dari yang sebelumnya tidak bisa menjadi bisa atau yang sebelumnya tidak menguasai menjadi menguasi. Dalam mensukseskan pendidikan ini dibutuhkan beberapa hal yang harus dilakukan diantaranya sudah banyak para ahli yang menciptakan inovasi – inovasi baru untuk mempermudah dalam mencapai tujuan pendidikan. Sehingga dalam pembelajaran siswa lebih bersemangat dan tidak merasa jenuh atau bosan. Salah satu inovasi dalam pendidikan adalah memberikan permainan kecil terutama dalam Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahrga dan kesehatan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui pengaruh permainan kecil terhadap gerak dasar motorik siswa dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahrga dan kesehatan pada kelas IV dan V SDN Karanggeger II Kabupaten Probolinggo dan seberapa besar pengaruh permainan kecil terhadap gerak dasar mtorik siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan eksperimen semu dengan pendekatan kuantitatif dan desain one group pretest – posttest. Pengambilan atau pengumpulan data menggunakan tes motor ability untuk sekolah dasar. Sedangkan teknik sampling pada penelitian ini menggunakan purposive sampling yaitu kelas IV dan V SDN Karanggeger II Kabupaten Probolinggo yang berjumlah 30 siswa. Berdasarkan analisis data yang sudah dilakukan dari hasil penelitian diketahui bahwa terdapat pengaruh penerapan permainan kecil terhadap gerak dasar siswa dalam pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani, Olahraga dan Kesehatan pada siswa kelas IV dan V siwa SDN Karanggeger II Kabupaten Probolinggo. Hal ini dibuktikan dengan hasil analisis yang menunjukkan nilai sig 0,000 < 0,05. Artinya Ho ditolak dan Ha diterima. Di sisi lain pengaruh penerapan permainan kecil terhadap gerak dasar motorik siswa sebesar 6,86%. Kata kunci: PJOK; permainan kecil; gerak dasar motorik Abstract Education is an effort to change from what previously could not become able or previously did not master to master. In the success of this education, several things must be done, including many experts who have created new innovations to make it easier to achieve educational goals. So that in learning students are more enthusiastic and do not feel bored or bored. One of the innovations in education is providing small games, especially in Physical Education, Sports and health. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of small games on students' basic motor movements in learning Physical Education, Sports and Health in grades IV and V SDN Karanggeger II Probolinggo Regency and how much influence small games had on students' basic motor movements.This study used a quasi-experimental with a quantitative approach and a one group pretest – posttest design. Retrieval or collection of data using a motor ability test for elementary schools. While the sampling technique in this study used purposive sampling, namely grades IV and V of SDN Karanggeger II, Probolinggo Regency, with a total of 30 students. Based on the analysis of the data that has been carried out from the results of the study it is known that there is an effect of the application of small games on the basic movements of students in learning Physical Education, Sports and Health in grades IV and V students at SDN Karanggeger II, Probolinggo. This is evidenced by the results of the analysis which showed a sig value of 0.000 <0.05. This means that Ho is rejected and Ha is accepted. On the other hand, the influence of the application of small games on the basic motoric movements of students is 6.86%. Keywords: PJOK; small games; basic motor movemen


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    Abstrak Olahraga merupakan hal yang sangat fundamental bagi keberlangsungan kehidupan manusia khususnya pada kehidupan modern seperti saat ini. Dengan berolahraga seseorang dapat menjaga salah satu komponen penting dalam diri seseorang tersebut yaitu kebugaran jasmani, siswa diharuskan menjaga kebugaran dengan teratur berolahraga.  Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan untuk menganalisa dan memahami tingkat kebugaran jasmani peserta didik saat pelajaran jasmani olahraga kesehatan (PJOK) di SMP Daruttaqwa Gresik. Sasaran peneliti adalah siswa kelas VII SMP Daruttaqwa, yang berjumlah 45 siswa dari jumlah populasi siswa di SMP Daruttaqwa Gresik sebanyak 142 siswa. Metode yang digunakan peneliti adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, dan proses pengambilan datanya menggunakan MFT (Multistage Fitnes Test). Pengambilan sampel menggunakan  cluster random sampling yang mana sampel diambil secara acak dengan melakukan pengundian dari wakil kelas VII,VIII, dan IX, sehingga terpilih kelas VII. Dari hasil penelitian didapatkan data tingkat kategori kebugaran jasmani dari peserta didik kelas VII yang berjumlah 45 siswa, menunjukkan bahwa peserta yang masuk dalam kategori sangat kurang berjumlah 42 siswa dengan nilai rata-rata tingkat kebugaran ≤25, sedangkan yang masuk dalam kategori kurang berjumlah 3 siswa dengan nilai kebugaran ≤ 27, pada siswa kelas VII di SMP Daruttaqwa gresik. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa rata-rata tingkat kebugaran siswa kelas VII di SMP Daruttaqwa gresik tergolong rendah, hal tersebut diklasifikasikan berdasarkan tabel klasifikasi bleep test yang  mana nilai ideal tingkat kebugaran siswa dikatakan baik apabila nilainya 35≥42 untuk kelas VII.   Kata Kunci: pendidikan olahraga; kebugaran jasmani; multistage fitnes test Abstract Sport is very fundamental for the sustainability of human life, especially in modern life as it is today. By exercising a person can maintain one of the important components in a person, namely physical fitness, students are required to maintain fitness by regularly exercising. This study aims to analyze and understand the level of physical fitness of students during physical health lessons (PJOK) at SMP Daruttaqwa Gresik. The research target was the seventh grade students of Daruttaqwa Middle School, which amounted to 45 students from the total student population at Daruttaqwa Junior High School Gresik as many as 142 students. The method used by the researcher is descriptive quantitative, and the data collection process uses MFT (Multistage Fitness Test). Sampling used cluster random sampling where samples were taken randomly by drawing lots from representatives of class VII, VIII, and IX, so that class VII was chosen. From the results of the study obtained data on the level of physical fitness categories from class VII students, totaling 45 students, indicating that participants who fall into the very poor category are 42 students with an average fitness level of 25, while those who fall into the poor category are 3 students. with a fitness score of 27, for seventh grade students at SMP Daruttaqwa Gresik. It can be concluded that the average fitness level of class VII students at SMP Daruttaqwa Gresik is low, it is classified based on the bleep test classification table where the ideal value of the student's fitness level is said to be good if the value is 35≥42 for class VII.   Keywords: sport science; physical fitness; multistage fitnes test &nbsp
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