4 research outputs found

    Factors Associated with Early Child Development: A Pre-Screening Study

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    Early child development is a critical phase for lifelong health, resulting from the influence of various factors. The present study assessed the factors associated with children’s deviant development. This cross-sectional study was conducted on 88 infants aged 6-12 months in six Public Health Centres in East Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Breastfeeding duration at each session, the frequency in a day and the length of breastfeeding in months, mothers’ knowledge, behavior, and the habit of squeezing in children were the risk factors for early development. A chi-square analysis of the relationship between risk factors and children’s development. Overall, the results indicated that shorter breastfeeding duration at each session (p=0.027), non-exclusive breastfeeding (p=0.050), and low mothers’ knowledge (p=0.032) significantly affected children’s development. These results suggested that exclusive breastfeeding and enough knowledge enhance infant development

    Pembuatan Film Pendek Bertemakan Persahabatan “How Bromance Us”

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    A good relationship is not always shared by most teenagers especially in socializing, even not just teenagers, the bigger a person, the more difficult it will be for them to have sincere friendships. In the present era there are many bad things that cause a problem and also have a negative impact that starts from a friendship that is not good. According to an extreme statement by British anthropologist Robin Dunbar, we could have hundreds of friends, but no more than 5 could understand us. This statement and phenomenon is the inspiration for this short film work entitled "How Bromance Us". How Bromance Us is a short film with a fictional drama genre, this friendship has been going on for more than nine years, started from the thought of Edgar who strongly does not believe that there are friends in this world who are truly sincere in undergoing friendship. In one situation Edgar realized that what he always believed was the wrong thing because he realized that his little relative Ryan was a true friend because he had gone through good and bad things together and gave each other support to each other. This work uses steps for developing ideas, writing scripts, determining players, selecting sets and properties, reading, shooting and, and editing. The results of this work last 20 minutes accompanied by a moral message that being yourself is very important, but do not forget to keep the feelings of others, especially true friends. It is hoped that this non-thesis work can change the way the viewer views his friendship relationship and can inspire other filmmakers to continue producing works that have a strong moral message

    The Nature-Related Influence of College Students English-Speaking Anxiety in Indonesia

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    The nature influence of speaking anxiety on foreign language (FL) learning settings has been established. In addition, research acknowledges the relevance of speaking performance in affecting individual predisposition to experience anxious feelings. However, few studies examine the Indonesian college students' anxiety influencing factors, mainly when speaking English. Data strategies employed a parallel design combining quantitative and qualitative methods mixing a closed-ended Likert-scale questionnaire with an in-depth interview. Twenty-eight college students responded online via Google Form to the questionnaire, while in addition, the in-depth interviews lasted 45-60 minutes with six college students. The results indicate that learning situations in classroom activities revolve around how teachers teach, college students' self-confidence, belief in language learning experiences, and excessive learning material are nature-related prominence factors of college students' anxiety in speaking English. In contrast, a lack of college students' preparation has no effect. Examined are the means through which this research contributes to the advancement of understanding and comprehension of previously unidentified components that influence college students' speaking anxiety


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    Telah dilakukan penelitian mengenai perbandingan udang rebon dengan kacang merah dan konsentrasi tepung tapioka terhadap karakteristik dari bakso kering. Penelitian utama meliputi dua faktor, faktor pertama adalah perbandingan udang rebon dengan kacang merah terdiri dari tiga taraf yaitu (6:1), (5:2), dan (4:3). Faktor kedua adalah konsentrasi tepung tapioka terdiri dari tiga taraf yaitu 10%; 12,5% dan 15%. Penelitian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan pola faktorial 3x3 dan ulangan tiga kali. Respon dalam penelitian ini berupa pengujian organoleptik (uji hedonik warna, aroma, rasa, dan tekstur), analisis kimia (kadar protein metode Kjeldahl, kadar air metode gravimetri, dan kadar serat kasar metode gravimetri), dan analisis fisik (uji waktu masak, dan uji volume pengembangan). Produk yang dipilih diuji secara kimia mulai dari kadar lemak, kadar karbohidrat, kadar abu, dan kadar kalsiumnya. Hasil penelitian utama didapat perbandingan udang rebon dengan kacang merah berpengaruh terhadap rasa, kadar protein, kadar air, kadar serat, dan volume pengembangan. Konsentrasi tepung tapioka berpengaruh terhadap warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur, kadar protein, kadar air, waktu masak, dan volume pengembangan. Interaksi antara perbandingan udang rebon dengan kacang merah dan konsentrasi tepung tapioka berpengaruh terhadap warna, aroma, rasa, tekstur, kadar protein, kadar serat, dan volume pengembangan. Produk yang dirpilih yaitu produk a2b1 (perbandingan udang rebon kering dengan kacang merah (5:2) dan konsentrasi tepung tapioka 10%) yang memiliki waktu masak 9,93 menit; volume pengembangan 24,93%; kandungan protein 19,27%; kadar air 10,25%; kadar serat 3,14%; karbohidrat pati 33,328%; lemak 1,23%; kadar abu 2,737%; dan kadar kalsium 74,469 mg. Kata kunci : Bakso Kering, Kacang Merah, Tepung Tapioka, Udang Rebon