403 research outputs found

    Analisis Cemaran Bakteri Coliform Dan Identifikasi Escherichia Coli Pada Air Isi Ulang Dari Depot Di Kota Manado

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    Water is a basic needs for human life, but potable water is getting hard to find. The high rates of environmental pollution affecting the availability of clean water. This study aims to analyze the bacterial contamination in drinking water refill from the depots with random sampling method from nine districts in the city of Manado. This research included the examination of Total Plate Count (TPC), examination of Coliform bacteria, and identification of Escherichia coli. The results of this study indicate that the all nine samples tested drinking water contained microbial contamination ranging from 1.6 x 103 to 2.9 x 104 colonies/mL. All samples contained coliform bacteria that do not qualify according to the Ministry of Health Regulation No. 492/MENKES/Per/IV/2010 which states 0 APM/100 mL sample. On the identification of Escherichia coli, first sample and ninth sample does not contain the bacteria Escherichia coli. While the other samples contained the bacterium Escherichia coli that do not qualify according to the Ministry of Health Regulation No. 492/MENKES/Per/IV/2010 are stated that in 100 mL of drinking water should not be contained of bacterium Escherichia coli

    High-precision radiocarbon dating of the construction phase of Oakbank Crannog, Loch Tay, Perthshire

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    Many of the Loch Tay crannogs were built in the Early Iron Age and so calibration of the radiocarbon ages produces very broad calendar age ranges due to the well-documented Hallstatt plateau in the calibration curve. However, the large oak timbers that were used in the construction of some of the crannogs potentially provide a means of improving the precision of the dating through subdividing them into decadal or subdecadal increments, dating them to high precision and wiggle-matching the resulting data to the master <sup>14</sup>C calibration curve. We obtained a sample from 1 oak timber from Oakbank Crannog comprising 70 rings (Sample OB06 WMS 1, T103) including sapwood that was complete to the bark edge. The timber is situated on the northeast edge of the main living area of the crannog and as a large and strong oak pile would have been a useful support in more than 1 phase of occupation and may be related to the earliest construction phase of the site. This was sectioned into 5-yr increments and dated to a precision of approximately ±8–16 <sup>14</sup>C yr (1 σ). The wiggle-match predicts that the last ring dated was formed around 500 BC (maximum range of 520–465 BC) and should be taken as indicative of the likely time of construction of Oakbank Crannog. This is a considerable improvement on the estimates based on single <sup>14</sup>C ages made on oak samples, which typically encompassed the period from around 800–400 BC

    Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Daftar Pemilih Tetap (Dpt) dan Logistik pada Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah (Studi Kasus: Kpud Kabupaten Bandung)

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    Aplikasi Pengolahan Data Daftar Pemilih Tetap (DPT) dan Logistik dibutuhkan untuk mendukung semua kegiatan pengolahan data pemilih dan kebutuhan logistik Komisi Pemilihan Umum Daerah (KPUD) sebagai pihak yang bertanggung jawab dalam pelaksanaan Pemilihan Umum (Pemilu). Sistem pengolahan data yang telah ada selama ini dilakukan secara manual dan kurang efisien sehingga masih sering terjadi kesalahan dalam pendataan pemilih yang menyebabkan ketidakakuratan data.Aplikasi Pengolahan Data DPT dan Logistik membahas tentang pendataan penduduk yang berpotensi sebagai pemilih dalam Pemilu berdasarkan syarat-syarat yang ditentukan, serta mengolah data kebutuhan logistik yang diperlukan untuk pelaksanaan Pemilu dan anggaran dalam penyediaan kebutuhan logistik. Sistem yang dibangun berupa aplikasi jaringan dengan menggunakan PHP sebagai antarmuka aplikasi dan MySQL sebagai basis datanya. Metode yang digunakan dalam membuat aplikasi ini adalah metode waterfall yang meliputi analisis kebutuhan perangkat lunak, desain, coding dan pengujian.Aplikasi yang telah dibangun dapat menangani masalah pengolahan data mencakup insert, update dan delete data pemilih dan data kebutuhan logistik, menangani penyimpanan data dalam jumlah besar dan penyusunan laporan

    Pengaruh Sampul Depan Novel Teenlit Terhadap Minat Beli Masyarakat

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    Jaman sekarang semua buku memiliki sampul depan, oleh karenanya harus diupayakan agar bagus dan menarik. Demikian pula dengan sampul depan novel kategori Teenlit, khususnya pada pengaruhnya dengan minat beli masyarakatnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mendeskripsikan pengaruh sampul depan novel dengan kategori teenlit terhadap minat beli masyarakat di Surabaya. Diharapkan dari penelitian ini dapat menjadi masukkan kepada para desainer dalam membuat sampul depan novel yang tepat untuk target audience di Surabaya. Dari hasil analisa maka dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa sampul depan novel teenlit yang elemen desainnya dielaborasikan sedemikian rupa dapat mempengaruhi minat beli masyarakat. Sampul depan novel teenlit tidak hanya sekedar alat pembungkus, melainkan sebagai alat komunikasi pertama pada konsumen. Oleh karenanya penggunakan elemen-elemen desain seperti warna, tipografi, tekstur dan layout sangat mutlak diperlukan

    The Discrete Analysis of the Tissue Biopsy Images with Metamaterial Formalization:Identifying Tumor Locus

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    Herein, we develop an enhanced and automated methodology for detection of the tumour cells in fixed biopsy samples. Metamaterial formalism (MMF) approach allowing recognition of tumour areas in tissue samples is enhanced by providing an advanced technique to digitize mouse biopsy images. Thus, a colour-based segmentation technique based on the K-means clustering method is used allowing for a precise segmentation of the cells composing the biological tissue sample. Errors occurring at the tissue digitization steps are detected by applying MMF. Doing so, we end up with the robust, fully automated approach with no needs of the human intervention, ready for the clinical applications. The proposed methodology consists of three major steps, i. e. digitization of the biopsy image, analysis of the biopsy image, modelling of the disordered metamaterial. It is worthwhile mentioning, that the technique under consideration allows for the cancer stage detection. Moreover, early stage cancer diagnosis is possible by applying MMF

    Spike-Train Responses of a Pair of Hodgkin-Huxley Neurons with Time-Delayed Couplings

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    Model calculations have been performed on the spike-train response of a pair of Hodgkin-Huxley (HH) neurons coupled by recurrent excitatory-excitatory couplings with time delay. The coupled, excitable HH neurons are assumed to receive the two kinds of spike-train inputs: the transient input consisting of MM impulses for the finite duration (MM: integer) and the sequential input with the constant interspike interval (ISI). The distribution of the output ISI ToT_{\rm o} shows a rich of variety depending on the coupling strength and the time delay. The comparison is made between the dependence of the output ISI for the transient inputs and that for the sequential inputs.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Ligand-Receptor Interactions

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    The formation and dissociation of specific noncovalent interactions between a variety of macromolecules play a crucial role in the function of biological systems. During the last few years, three main lines of research led to a dramatic improvement of our understanding of these important phenomena. First, combination of genetic engineering and X ray cristallography made available a simultaneous knowledg of the precise structure and affinity of series or related ligand-receptor systems differing by a few well-defined atoms. Second, improvement of computer power and simulation techniques allowed extended exploration of the interaction of realistic macromolecules. Third, simultaneous development of a variety of techniques based on atomic force microscopy, hydrodynamic flow, biomembrane probes, optical tweezers, magnetic fields or flexible transducers yielded direct experimental information of the behavior of single ligand receptor bonds. At the same time, investigation of well defined cellular models raised the interest of biologists to the kinetic and mechanical properties of cell membrane receptors. The aim of this review is to give a description of these advances that benefitted from a largely multidisciplinar approach
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