30 research outputs found
The results of magnetic separation use in ore processing of metalliferous raw basalt of Volyn region
Purpose. To determine the effectiveness of the electric field use in ore processing for extraction of native copper concentrate from raw basalt, to identify the most technologically advanced grain-size classes of the feed stock. To define the nature of the relationship between the amount of recoverable concentrate and the main dominant factors – separator field density and the coarseness of the prepared raw material.
Methods. We used the substantiated physical and chemical methods of elemental, mineral, fractional, particle size distribution analysis of the basalt rock mass under processing, methods of laboratory, semi-industrial and industrial research into crushing, grinding, classification, and electromagnetic separation processes at the stages of ore preparation of raw materials for the production of metalliferous industrial products. The methods of statistical modeling and experimental results regression analysis have been applied.
Findings. The preferred grain-size classes in the process of ore preparation and classification of basalt rock components for electrostatic separation were determined. The dependences of copper concentrate production from basalt, tuff and lava-breccia on the electrostatic field density while changing grain-size classes in the initial product were worked out. The regression dependences of the copper concentrate output on various relationships between grain-size classes in the initial material and the electric field density were obtained.
Originality. The content of native copper in basalt, lava breccia and tuff was established and the preferred grain-size classes in the process of ore preparation were identified. It is for the first time that the magnetic susceptibility of all three components of basalt raw material was determined, and the influence of the magnetic field on the output of titano-magnetite concentrate was shown as well as the rational grain size of ore preparation was detrmined. The
dependences of the copper concentrate output have been established and the efficiency of the electrical separation in complex processing of basalt raw material has been proved.Мета. Визначення ефективності використання електричного поля у процесі рудопідготовки для виділення концентрату самородної міді з базальтової сировини, встановлення найбільш технологічних класів крупності перероблюваної сировини й характеру залежності кількості добутого концентрату від основних домінуючих факторів – напруженості поля сепаратора та крупності підготовленої сировини.
Методика. У роботі використані апробовані фізичні та хімічні методи аналізу елементного, мінерального, фракційного, гранулометричного складу переробки базальтової гірської маси, методи лабораторних, напівпромислових і промислових досліджень процесів дроблення, подрібнення, класифікації, електромагнітної сепарації на етапах рудопідготовки сировини до отримання металовмісних промпродуктів. Застосовані методи статистичного моделювання і регресійного аналізу результатів експериментальних досліджень.
Результати. Встановлено класи крупності у процесі рудопідготовки і класифікації складових базальтової гірської маси до електросепарації. Виявлено залежності виходу мідного концентрату для базальту, туфу та лавобрекчії від напруженості електричного поля при варіюванні вмістом різних класів крупності у вихідному продукті. Отримано регресійні залежності виходу мідного концентрату від різних співвідношень між класами крупності у вихідному продукті та від напруженості електричного поля.
Наукова новизна. Встановлено процентний вміст самородної міді у базальті, лавобрекчії, туфі та показані кращі класи крупності у процесі рудопідготовки. Вперше визначена магнітна сприйнятливість всіх трьох складових базальтової сировини, показано вплив величини магнітного поля на вихід концентрату титаномагнетиту й визначена раціональна крупність рудопідготовки. Вперше встановлено залежності виходу мідного концентрату й показана ефективність використання операції електричної сепарації при комплексній переробці базальтової сировини.
Практична значимість. Отримані результати досліджень вказують на доцільність комплексної переробки базальтової сировини, і на цій основі розроблений спосіб її переробки.Цель. Определение эффективности использования электрического поля в процессе рудоподготовки для выделения концентрата самородной меди из базальтового сырья, установление наиболее технологичных классов крупности перерабатываемого сырья и характера зависимости количества извлекаемого концентрата от основных доминирующих факторов – напряженности поля сепаратора и крупности подготовленного сырья.
Методика. В работе использованы апробированные физические и химические методы анализа элементного, минерального, фракционного, гранулометрического состава перерабатываемой базальтовой горной массы, методы лабораторных, полупромышленных и промышленных исследований процессов дробления, измельчения, классификации, электромагнитной сепарации на этапах рудоподготовки сырья к получению металлосодержащих промпродуктов. Применены методы статистического моделирования и регрессионного анализа результатов экспериментальных исследований.
Результаты. Установлены предпочтительные классы крупности в процессе рудоподготовки и классификации составляющих базальтовой горной массы к электросепарации. Установлены зависимости выхода медного концентрата для базальта, туфа и лавобрекчии от напряженности электрического поля при варьировании содержанием разных классов крупности в исходном продукте. Получены регрессионные зависимости выхода медного концентрата от различных соотношений между классами крупности в исходном продукте и от напряженности электрического поля.
Научная новизна. Установлено процентное содержание самородной меди в базальте, лавобрекчии и туфе, а также показаны предпочтительные классы крупности в процессе рудоподготовки. Впервые установлена магнитная восприимчивость всех трех составляющих базальтового сырья, показано влияние величины магнитного поля на выход концентрата титаномагнетита и определена рациональная крупность рудоподго-товки. Впервые установлены зависимости выхода медного концентрата и показана эффективность использования операции электрической сепарации при комплексной переработке базальтового сырья.
Практическая значимость. Полученные результаты исследований указывают на целесообразность комплексной переработки базальтового сырья, и на этой основе разработан способ его переработки
The Relationship between Oil Prices and Exchange Rate in Russia
This paper studies the relationship between oil price and the exchange rates in Russian Federation. There is a close interrelation between the currency rate of dollar to ruble and oil prices. The regression model has accurately shown this interrelation. The interrelation with a foreign policy factor - sanctions of the USA and the European Union is also revealed. There is a close interrelation between the currency rate of dollar to ruble and oil prices. The regression model has accurately shown this interrelation. Oil prices of the Brent oil is the dominating factor in a currency exchange rate formation mechanism of ruble, at least, in the long term. When world oil prices are stabilized and sanctions cancelled, currency fluctuations and uncertainty will be minimized. The findings of this paper may be used by foreign and domestic investors while taking decisions because all the shocks impact on the economy in short and long term.
Keywords: oil price, exchange rate, interrelation with a foreign policy factor
JEL Classifications: C58, F31, Q3
Radio Broadcasting Experience and Development Prospects (European Scientific Dialogue)
The paper presents an analysis of various opinions concerning radio-industry development issues, given new IT processes implemented in mass media. The authors study the technological evolution of radio broadcasting in terms of analyzing its main development stages. They provide an assessment of listeners’ high confidence in radio broadcasts as compared to other mass media sources. Focus is placed on promoting sonic brands in the sphere of media-communication. The researchers also pay special attention to podcasting as a new way to listen to audio-content. The advantages and possible consequences of podcasting influence on radio-industry are assessed. The research is based on the expert discussion on radio broadcasting issues which took place at “Radiodays Europe 2019”
Kenar bulma algoritması ve regresyon ile dct-tabanlı referanssız bloklanma ölçüm metodu
Thesis (M.A.)--Özyeğin University, Graduate School of Sciences and Engineering, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, January 2014.Bu tezde, bloklanma hatalarını bulan bir algoritma ve detaylı sonuçları sunulmaktadır. Günümüzde, resimlerin ve videoların sayısal kodlamaları ve aktarımları artmaktadır. DCT-tabanlı sıkıştırma tekniklerini kullanan, düşük veri oranına sahip videoların (ya da resim dizilerinin) iletiminde bloklanma hataları ciddi problemler oluşturmaktadır. Bant genişliğindeki kısıtlamadan dolayı uygulanan fazla sıkıştıma hatalarını meydana getirebiliyor. Bu hatalar son kullanıcılarda tatminsizlik yaratmaktadır. Yayıncılar ve internet servis sağlayıcıları sistemlerindeki bloklanma gibi bozulmaları kalite ölçüm teknikleriyle her zaman değerlendirmek isterler. Bloklanma hataları tam-referanslı, azaltılmış referanslı ya da referanssız ölçüm teknikleriyle yapılabilir. Referanssız ölçüm burada en verimli yöntemdir çünkü, referans veriye ulaşmak her zaman mümkün olmayabilir. Bu yöntem ayrıca gerçek-zamanlı denetlemelere olanak sağlar. Bu tezde, referanssız bloklanma ölçen yeni bir metod sunduk. Bu metod DCT tabanlı olup diğer literatürlerde de belirtilen insan görsel sistem modelini kullanır. Fakat bu yöntemi özgün kılan, Sobel kenar bulma algoritmasını kullanarak yanlış ölçümlerden kaçınılması ve regresyon analizi ile gözlemcilerin ortalama puanlarının (MOS) deneysel sonuçlarla bağdaştırılmasıdır. Bu özgün yöntemler, LIVE veritabanındaki MOS değerler ile yüksek benzerlikte sonuçlar elde etmemizde yardımcı oldu. LIVE veritabanındaki resimler, algoritma çıktılarının işlenmesinde ve test edilmesinde kullanıldı. Bu veritabanında farklı derecelerde bozulmalara maruz kalmış resimler mevcut. Bizim sonuçlarımızla MOS değerlerinin ne kadar iyi eşleştiğini ölçmek için Pearson ve Spearman korelasyon tekniklerini kullandık. LIVE veritabanı için, literatürdeki en iyi elde edilen Spearman korelasyonu %94 iken, biz %95 elde ettik. Ayrıca, biz %98 Pearson korelasyonu elde ederken literatürde en iyisi %94'tür.This thesis presents a blocking artifact detection algorithm and consists of detailed experimental results. Blocking artifacts are a serious problem in low data rate transmission of such videos (or image sequences), which employ DCT-based compression algorithms. Too much compression due to bandwidth constraints can introduce blocking artifacts. Online quality measurement techniques for artifacts such as blockiness are required to for broadcasters and internet service providers to inspect their streaming systems. Blockiness measurement can be done through full-reference (FR), reduced-reference (RR), or no-reference (NR) methods. NR is the most efficient one as accessing reference content may not be always possible. NR methods also offer the possibility of real-time inspection. We propose a novel NR blockiness measurement method. The method is based on DCT and uses a model of the human visual system like some of the literature. However, it is unique as it uses Sobel edge detection algorithm to avoid miscalculations and also employs regression analysis to match mean opinion scores (MOS) of human observers. These unique features of our method let us achieve results that are more correlated to the MOS for LIVE dataset, which is used to train and test our algorithm. To measure how well our results match the MOS values in LIVE, we use Pearson and Spearman correlation formulations. The best Spearman correlation obtained in the literature for LIVE dataset is 94% while we get 95%. On the other hand, we get a Pearson correlation of 98% and surpass the best in the literature by 94%
Formation of future teachers' meta-competence as a base to develop their potential readiness for continuing education
The purpose of the study is to identify the features of the relationship between the potential readiness of future teachers for lifelong education and the level of development of meta-competence and to develop recommendations on this basis for creating conditions in the university for the development of students' meta-cognitive abilities. Research methods and materials. The study involved 748 students enrolled in teacher education programs. Studied: the level of formation of future teachers of psychological, strategic and competence-based readiness for lifelong education (questionnaire survey); the level of development of their worldview ("Methodology of worldview activity" by D.A. Leontyev, A.N. Ilchenko), intellectual ("Mental performance and the type of intelligence" by B.N. Ryzhov), cognitive ("Methodology for assessing the systemic nature of thinking" I.A. Sychev) and operational-procedural (methods for identifying the level of formation of mental operations (methods for identifying the ability to analyze, compare, generalize and classify) components of metacompetence. Comparative (chi-square test, Student's t-test) and correlation (Spearman's correlation coefficient ) analyzes. Results. A close relationship was revealed between the indicators of the potential readiness of future teachers for lifelong pedagogical education and individual components of metacompetence, characteristics of students' worldview, their intelligence and cognitive abilities. Conclusion. The results of the study suggest that the formation of future teachers' readiness for lifelong education should be based not only and not so much on stimulating their motivational activity, but also on creating conditions for the development of their worldview, intelligence, systemic, creative thinking and general cognitive abilities.O objetivo do estudoé identificar as características da relação entre a potencial preparação dos futuros professores para a educação ao longo da vida e o nível de desenvolvimento da meta-competência e desenvolver recomendações nesta base para criar condições na universidade para o desenvolvimento dos alunos. 'habilidades meta-cognitivas. Métodos e materiais de pesquisa. O estudo envolveu 748 alunos matriculados em programas de formação de professores. Estudados: o nível de formação dos futuros professores de prontidão psicológica, estratégica e baseada nas competências para a educação ao longo da vida (inquérito por questionário); o nível de desenvolvimento de sua visão de mundo ("Metodologia da atividade de visão de mundo" por DA Leontyev, AN Ilchenko), intelectual ("Desempenho mental e o tipo de inteligência" por BN Ryzhov), cognitivo ("Metodologia para avaliar a natureza sistêmica do pensamento" IA Sychev) e operacional-procedimental (métodos para identificar o nível de formação das operações mentais (métodos para identificar a capacidade de analisar, comparar, generalizar e classificar) componentes de metacompetência. Comparativos (teste qui-quadrado, teste t de Student) e análises de correlação (coeficiente de correlação de Spearman). Resultados. Uma estreita relação foi revelada entre os indicadores de prontidão potencial dos futuros professores para a educação pedagógica ao longo da vida e os componentes individuais da metacompetência, características da visão de mundo dos alunos, sua inteligência e habilidades cognitivas.Conclusão. Os resultados do estudo sugerem que a formação da prontidão dos futuros professores para a formação ao longo da vida deve basear-se não só e não tanto no estímulo à sua atividade motivacional, mas também na criação de condições para o desenvolvimento da sua visão de mundo, inteligência, pensamento sistémico, criativo e habilidades cognitivas gerais.El propósito del estudioes identificar las características de la relación entre la preparación potencial de los futuros docentes para la educación permanente y el nivel de desarrollo de la metacompetencia y desarrollar recomendaciones sobre esta base para crear las condiciones en la universidad para el desarrollo de los estudiantes. 'habilidades metacognitivas. Métodos y materiales de investigación. El estudio involucró a 748 estudiantes inscritos en programas de formación docente. Estudiado: el nivel de formación de los futuros profesores de preparación psicológica, estratégica y por competencias para la educación permanente (encuesta por cuestionario); el nivel de desarrollo de su cosmovisión ("Metodología de la actividad de cosmovisión" por DA Leontyev, AN Ilchenko), intelectual ("Rendimiento mental y el tipo de inteligencia" por BN Ryzhov), cognitivo ("Metodología para evaluar la naturaleza sistémica del pensamiento" IA Sychev) y operacional-procedimental (métodos para identificar el nivel de formación de operaciones mentales (métodos para identificar la capacidad de analizar, comparar, generalizar y clasificar) componentes de la metacompetencia. Comparativo (prueba chi-cuadrado, prueba t de Student) y análisis de correlación (coeficiente de correlación de Spearman). Resultados. Se reveló una estrecha relación entre los indicadores de la preparación potencial de los futuros profesores para la educación pedagógica permanente y los componentes individuales de la metacompetencia, las características de la cosmovisión de los estudiantes, su inteligencia y habilidades cognitivas. Conclusión. Los resultados del estudio sugieren que la formación de la preparación de los futuros docentes para la educación permanente debe basarse no solo y no tanto en estimular su actividad motivacional, sino también en crear las condiciones para el desarrollo de su cosmovisión, inteligencia, pensamiento sistémico, creativo y habilidades cognitivas generales
Sirolimus-Eluting Electrospun-Produced Matrices as Coatings for Vascular Stents: Dependence of Drug Release on Matrix Structure and Composition of the External Environment
Although a number of drug-eluting coatings for vascular stents (VSs) have been developed and are in commercial use, more efficient stent coatings and drug delivery systems are needed. Sirolimus (SRL) is a clinically important drug with antiproliferative and immunosuppressive activities that is widely used for coating stents. Here, we characterized SRL-enriched matrices, intended for coating vascular stents, that were produced by electrospinning (ES) on a drum collector from a solution of polycaprolactone (PCL) and human serum albumin (HSA), 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoroisopropanol (HFIP), dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO), and SRL. The release of tritium-labeled SRL (3H-SRL) from matrices in phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) or human blood plasma (BP) was studied. The introduction of DMSO in the ES blend decreased SRL release. The use of BP significantly accelerated SRL release through binding with serum biomolecules. The exchange of PBS or BP after every time point also increased SRL release. The maximum SRL release in BP was observed at 3 days. The matrices produced from the ES solution with DMSO and HSA released no more than 80% SRL after 27 days in BP, even under medium exchange conditions. Therefore, PCL-based matrices containing HSA, SRL, and DMSO can be used for coating VSs with prolonged SRL delivery
Correction: Gostev et al. In Vivo Stability of Polyurethane-Based Electrospun Vascular Grafts in Terms of Chemistry and Mechanics. Polymers 2020, 12, 845
The authors wish to make a change to the published paper [...
Influence of Elongation of Paclitaxel-Eluting Electrospun-Produced Stent Coating on Paclitaxel Release and Transport through the Arterial Wall after Stenting
It was previously shown that polycaprolactone (PCL)-based electrospun-produced paclitaxel (PTX)-enriched matrices exhibit long-term drug release kinetics and can be used as coatings for drug-eluting stents (DES). The installation of vascular stents involves a twofold increase in stent diameter and, therefore, an elongation of the matrices covering the stents, as well as the arterial wall in a stented area. We studied the influence of matrix elongation on its structure and PTX release using three different electrospun-produced matrices. The data obtained demonstrate that matrix elongation during stent installation does not lead to fiber breaks and does not interfere with the kinetics of PTX release. To study PTX diffusion through the expanded artery wall, stents coated with 5%PCL/10%HSA/3%DMSO/PTX and containing tritium-labeled PTX were installed into the freshly obtained iliac artery of a rabbit. The PTX passing through the artery wall was quantified using a scintillator β-counter. The artery retained the PTX and decreased its release from the coating. The retention of PTX by the arterial wall was more efficient when incubated in blood plasma in comparison with PBS. The retention/accumulation of PTX by the arterial wall provides a prolonged drug release and allows for the reduction in the dose of the drugs in electrospun-produced stent coatings