3,034 research outputs found

    Towards a Representative Bureaucracy: Promoting Linguistic Representation and Diversity in the Swiss and Canadian Federal Public Services

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    Drawing on the concept of representative bureaucracy, this article examines how two multilingual states - Canada and Switzerland - deal with issues related to the participation of different linguistic communities in the federal public service. Following a political mobilization of the linguistic cleavage, strategies to promote multilingualism in the public service have been adopted in both countries. The Canadian strategy focuses on equal treatment of Anglophones and Francophones in the public service. In Switzerland, adequate representation of the linguistic communities is the primary goal. These differences are explained by the characteristics of the linguistic regimes in each of the two countries as well as by the peculiarities of consociational democracy in Switzerland. In both countries, the linguistic origins of public administration staff, overall, mirrors the proportions of the linguistic communities in the wider society. Within administrative units, however, linguistic diversity is hampered by the logics of language rationalization, where minorities are under pressure to communicate in the language of the majorit

    Vers une bureaucratie représentative. La promotion de la représentation et de la diversité linguistiques dans l'administration fédérale en Suisse et au Canada

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    RĂ©sumĂ©. Sous l'angle du concept de bureaucratie reprĂ©sentative, le prĂ©sent article compare la gestion des enjeux liĂ©s Ă  la participation des diffĂ©rentes communautĂ©s linguistiques dans l'administration publique de deux États multilingues : le Canada et la Suisse. À la suite de la mobilisation politique autour du clivage linguistique, des stratĂ©gies de promotion du plurilinguisme ont Ă©tĂ© adoptĂ©es dans les deux pays. La stratĂ©gie canadienne mise sur l'Ă©galitĂ© de traitement des fonctionnaires anglophones et francophones. La Suisse poursuit quant Ă  elle l'objectif de la reprĂ©sentation des diffĂ©rentes communautĂ©s linguistiques dans la fonction publique. Ces diffĂ©rences de fond s'expliquent, entre autres, par la nature du rĂ©gime linguistique en place et par le contexte de dĂ©mocratie consociationnelle en Suisse. La participation proportionnelle des communautĂ©s linguistiques au sein de l'administration fĂ©dĂ©rale est globalement atteinte dans les deux pays. Cependant, au niveau du fonctionnement interne, une logique de rationalitĂ© linguistique exerce une pression sur les groupes minoritaires pour qu'ils adoptent la langue majoritaire. Abstract. Drawing on the concept of representative bureaucracy, this article examines how two multi-lingual states—Canada and Switzerland—deal with issues related to the participation of different linguistic communities in the federal public service. Following a political mobilisation of the linguistic cleavage, strategies to promote multilingualism in the public service have been adopted in both countries. The Canadian strategy focuses on equal treatment of Anglophones and Francophones in the public service. In Switzerland, adequate representation of the linguistic communities is the primary goal. These differences are explained by the characteristics of the linguistic regimes in each of the two countries, as well as by the peculiarities of consociational democracy in Switzerland. In both countries, the linguistic origins of public administration staff, overall, mirrors the proportions of the linguistic communities in the wider society. Within administrative units, however, linguistic diversity is hampered by the logics of language rationality, where minorities are under pressure to communicate in the language of the majorit

    The T-cell leukemia related rpl10-R98S mutant traps the 60S export adapter Nmd3 in the ribosomal P site in yeast

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    Mutations in the ribosomal protein Rpl10 (uL16) can be drivers of T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL). We previously showed that these T-ALL mutations disrupt late cytoplasmic maturation of the 60S ribosomal subunit, blocking the release of the trans-acting factors Nmd3 and Tif6 in S. cerevisiae. Consequently, these mutant ribosomes do not efficiently pass the cytoplasmic quality control checkpoint and are blocked from engaging in translation. Here, we characterize suppressing mutations of the T-ALL-related rpl10-R98S mutant that bypass this block and show that the molecular defect of rpl10-R98S is a failure to release Nmd3 from the P site. Suppressing mutations were identified in Nmd3 and Tif6 that disrupted interactions between Nmd3 and the ribosome, or between Nmd3 and Tif6. Using an in vitro system with purified components, we found that Nmd3 inhibited Sdo1-stimulated Efl1 activity on mutant rpl10-R98S but not wild-type 60S subunits. Importantly, this inhibition was overcome in vitro by mutations in Nmd3 that suppressed rpl10-R98S in vivo. These results strongly support a model that Nmd3 must be dislodged from the P site to allow Sdo1 activation of Efl1, and define a failure in the removal of Nmd3 as the molecular defect of the T-ALL-associated rpl10-R98S mutation

    Anaerobic oxidation of methane in hypersaline cold seep sediments

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    Life in hypersaline environments is typically limited by bioenergetic constraints. Microbial activity at the thermodynamic edge, such as the anaerobic oxidation of methane (AOM) coupled to sulphate reduction (SR), is thus unlikely to thrive in these environments. In this study, carbon and sulphur cycling was investigated in the extremely hypersaline cold seep sediments of Mercator mud volcano. AOM activity was partially inhibited but still present at salinity levels of 292 g L−1 (c. eightfold sea water concentration) with rates of 2.3 nmol cm−3 day−1 and was even detectable under saturated conditions. Methane and evaporite-derived sulphate comigrated in the ascending geofluids, which, in combination with a partial activity inhibition, resulted in AOM activity being spread over unusually wide depth intervals. Up to 79% of total cells in the AOM zone were identified by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) as anaerobic methanotrophs of the ANME-1. Most ANME-1 cells formed monospecific chains without any attached partner. At all sites, AOM activity co-occurred with SR activity and sometimes significantly exceeded it. Possible causes of these unexpected results are discussed. This study demonstrates that in spite of a very low energy yield of AOM, microorganisms carrying this reaction can thrive in salinity up to halite saturatio

    Neural Operator: Is data all you need to model the world? An insight into the impact of Physics Informed Machine Learning

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    Numerical approximations of partial differential equations (PDEs) are routinely employed to formulate the solution of physics, engineering and mathematical problems involving functions of several variables, such as the propagation of heat or sound, fluid flow, elasticity, electrostatics, electrodynamics, and more. While this has led to solving many complex phenomena, there are some limitations. Conventional approaches such as Finite Element Methods (FEMs) and Finite Differential Methods (FDMs) require considerable time and are computationally expensive. In contrast, data driven machine learning-based methods such as neural networks provide a faster, fairly accurate alternative, and have certain advantages such as discretization invariance and resolution invariance. This article aims to provide a comprehensive insight into how data-driven approaches can complement conventional techniques to solve engineering and physics problems, while also noting some of the major pitfalls of machine learning-based approaches. Furthermore, we highlight, a novel and fast machine learning-based approach (~1000x) to learning the solution operator of a PDE operator learning. We will note how these new computational approaches can bring immense advantages in tackling many problems in fundamental and applied physics

    Protein aggregation and calcium dysregulation are hallmarks of familial Parkinson's disease in midbrain dopaminergic neurons

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    Mutations in the SNCA gene cause autosomal dominant Parkinson’s disease (PD), with loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra, and aggregation of α-synuclein. The sequence of molecular events that proceed from an SNCA mutation during development, to end-stage pathology is unknown. Utilising human-induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs), we resolved the temporal sequence of SNCA-induced pathophysiological events in order to discover early, and likely causative, events. Our small molecule-based protocol generates highly enriched midbrain dopaminergic (mDA) neurons: molecular identity was confirmed using single-cell RNA sequencing and proteomics, and functional identity was established through dopamine synthesis, and measures of electrophysiological activity. At the earliest stage of differentiation, prior to maturation to mDA neurons, we demonstrate the formation of small ÎČ-sheet-rich oligomeric aggregates, in SNCA-mutant cultures. Aggregation persists and progresses, ultimately resulting in the accumulation of phosphorylated α-synuclein aggregates. Impaired intracellular calcium signalling, increased basal calcium, and impairments in mitochondrial calcium handling occurred early at day 34–41 post differentiation. Once midbrain identity fully developed, at day 48–62 post differentiation, SNCA-mutant neurons exhibited mitochondrial dysfunction, oxidative stress, lysosomal swelling and increased autophagy. Ultimately these multiple cellular stresses lead to abnormal excitability, altered neuronal activity, and cell death. Our differentiation paradigm generates an efficient model for studying disease mechanisms in PD and highlights that protein misfolding to generate intraneuronal oligomers is one of the earliest critical events driving disease in human neurons, rather than a late-stage hallmark of the disease
