35 research outputs found
Framing the Real: Lefèbvre and NeoRealist Cinematic Space as Practice
In 1945 Roberto Rossellini's Neo-realist Rome, Open City set in motion an approach to cinema and its representation of real life – and by extension real spaces – that was to have international significance in film theory and practice. However, the re-use of the real spaces of the city, and elsewhere, as film sets in Neo-realist film offered (and offers) more than an influential aesthetic and set of cinematic theories. Through Neo-realism, it can be argued that we gain access to a cinematic relational and multidimensional space that is not made from built sets, but by filming the built environment. On the one hand, this space allows us to "notice" the contradictions around us in our cities and, by extension, the societies that have produced those cities, while on the other, allows us to see the spatial practices operative in the production and maintenance of those contradictions. In setting out a template for understanding the spatial practices of Neo-realism through the work of Henri Lefèbvre, this paper opens its films, and those produced today in its wake, to a spatio-political reading of contemporary relevance. We will suggest that the rupturing of divisions between real spaces and the spaces of film locations, as well the blurring of the difference between real life and performed actions for the camera that underlies much of the central importance of Neo-realism, echoes the arguments of Lefèbvre with regard the social production of space. In doing so, we will suggest that film potentially had, and still has, a vital role to play in a critique of contemporary capitalist spatial practices
Interaction Testing and Polygenic Risk Scoring to Estimate the Association of Common Genetic Variants with Treatment Resistance in Schizophrenia
Importance: About 20% to 30% of people with schizophrenia have psychotic symptoms that do not respond adequately to first-line antipsychotic treatment. This clinical presentation, chronic and highly disabling, is known as treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS). The causes of treatment resistance and their relationships with causes underlying schizophrenia are largely unknown. Adequately powered genetic studies of TRS are scarce because of the difficulty in collecting data from well-characterized TRS cohorts. Objective: To examine the genetic architecture of TRS through the reassessment of genetic data from schizophrenia studies and its validation in carefully ascertained clinical samples. Design, Setting, and Participants: Two case-control genome-wide association studies (GWASs) of schizophrenia were performed in which the case samples were defined as individuals with TRS (n = 10501) and individuals with non-TRS (n = 20325). The differences in effect sizes for allelic associations were then determined between both studies, the reasoning being such differences reflect treatment resistance instead of schizophrenia. Genotype data were retrieved from the CLOZUK and Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC) schizophrenia studies. The output was validated using polygenic risk score (PRS) profiling of 2 independent schizophrenia cohorts with TRS and non-TRS: a prevalence sample with 817 individuals (Cardiff Cognition in Schizophrenia [CardiffCOGS]) and an incidence sample with 563 individuals (Genetics Workstream of the Schizophrenia Treatment Resistance and Therapeutic Advances [STRATA-G]). Main Outcomes and Measures: GWAS of treatment resistance in schizophrenia. The results of the GWAS were compared with complex polygenic traits through a genetic correlation approach and were used for PRS analysis on the independent validation cohorts using the same TRS definition. Results: The study included a total of 85490 participants (48635 [56.9%] male) in its GWAS stage and 1380 participants (859 [62.2%] male) in its PRS validation stage. Treatment resistance in schizophrenia emerged as a polygenic trait with detectable heritability (1% to 4%), and several traits related to intelligence and cognition were found to be genetically correlated with it (genetic correlation, 0.41-0.69). PRS analysis in the CardiffCOGS prevalence sample showed a positive association between TRS and a history of taking clozapine (r2 = 2.03%; P =.001), which was replicated in the STRATA-G incidence sample (r2 = 1.09%; P =.04). Conclusions and Relevance: In this GWAS, common genetic variants were differentially associated with TRS, and these associations may have been obscured through the amalgamation of large GWAS samples in previous studies of broadly defined schizophrenia. Findings of this study suggest the validity of meta-analytic approaches for studies on patient outcomes, including treatment resistance
The Loss-of-Function Mutation aldA67 Leads to Enhanced α-L-Rhamnosidase Production by Aspergillus nidulans
In Aspergillus nidulans L-rhamnose is catabolised to pyruvate and L-lactaldehyde, and the latter ultimately to L-lactate, via the non-phosphorylated pathway (LRA) encoded by the genes lraA-D, and aldA that encodes a broad substrate range aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) that also functions in ethanol utilisation. LRA pathway expression requires both the pathway-specific transcriptional activator RhaR (rhaR is expressed constitutively) and the presence of L-rhamnose. The deletion of lraA severely impairs growth when L-rhamnose is the sole source of carbon and in addition it abolishes the induction of genes that respond to L-rhamnose/RhaR, indicating that an intermediate of the LRA pathway is the physiological inducer likely required to activate RhaR. The loss-of-function mutation aldA67 also has a severe negative impact on growth on L-rhamnose but, in contrast to the deletion of lraA, the expression levels of L-rhamnose/RhaR-responsive genes under inducing conditions are substantially up-regulated and the production of α-L-rhamnosidase activity is greatly increased compared to the aldA+ control. These findings are consistent with accumulation of the physiological inducer as a consequence of the loss of ALDH activity. Our observations suggest that aldA loss-of-function mutants could be biotechnologically relevant candidates for the over-production of α-L-rhamnosidase activity or the expression of heterologous genes driven by RhaR-responsive promoters.This research was funded by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ERDF—A way to make Europe (RDI project grant number AGL2015-66131-C2-2-R, the Spanish Ministerio de EconomÃa y Competitividad/FEDER) and the Generalitat Valenciana-Conselleria d’Educació grant reference PROMETEO/2018/066.Peer reviewe
Schizophrenia polygenic risk predicts general cognitive deficit but not cognitive decline in healthy older adults
There has been a long argument over whether schizophrenia is a neurodegenerative disorder associated with progressive cognitive impairment. Given high heritability of schizophrenia, ascertaning if genetic susceptibility to schizophrenia is also associated with cognitive decline in healthy people would support the view that schizophrenia leads to an accelerated cognitive decline. Using the population representative sample of 6817 adults aged >50 years from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing, we investigated associations between the biennial rate of decline in cognitive ability and the schizophrenia polygenic score (SZ-PGS) during the 10-year follow-up period. SZ-PGS was calculated based on summary statistics from the Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. Cognition was measured sequentially across four time points using verbal memory and semantic fluency tests. The average baseline verbal memory was 10.4 (SD = 3.4) and semantic fluency was 20.7 (SD = 6.3). One standard deviation (1-SD) increase in SZ-PGS was associated with lower baseline semantic fluency (β = −0.25, 95%CI = −0.40 to −0.10, p = 0.002); this association was significant in men (β = −0.36, 95%CI = −0.59 to −0.12, p = 0.003) and in those who were aged 60–69 years old (β = −0.32, 95%CI = −0.58 to −0.05, p = 0.019). Similarly, 1-SD increase in SZ-PGS was associated with lower verbal memory score at baseline in men only (β = −0.12, 95%CI = −0.23 to −0.01, p = 0.040). However, SZ-PGS was not associated with a greater rate of decline in these cognitive domains during the 10-year follow-up. Our findings highlight that while genetic susceptibility to schizophrenia conveys developmental cognitive deficit, it is not associated with an ongoing cognitive decline, at least in later life. These results do not support the neo-Kraepelinian notion of schizophrenia as a genetically determined progressively deteriorating brain disease
Catabolism of l-rhamnose in A. nidulans proceeds via the non-phosphorylated pathway and is glucose repressed by a CreA-independent mechanism
l-rhamnose (6-deoxy-mannose) occurs in nature mainly as a component of certain plant structural polysaccharides and bioactive metabolites but has also been found in some microorganisms and animals. The release of l-rhamnose from these substrates is catalysed by extracellular enzymes including α-l-rhamnosidases, the production of which is induced in its presence. The free sugar enters cells via specific uptake systems where it can be metabolized. Of two l-rhamnose catabolic pathways currently known in microorganisms a non-phosphorylated pathway has been identified in fungi and some bacteria but little is known of the regulatory mechanisms governing it in fungi. In this study two genes (lraA and lraB) are predicted to be involved in the catabolism of l-rhamnose, along with lraC, in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Transcription of all three is co-regulated with that of the genes encoding α-l-rhamnosidases, i.e. induction mediated by the l-rhamnose-responsive transcription factor RhaR and repression of induction in the presence of glucose via a CreA-independent mechanism. The participation of lraA/AN4186 (encoding l-rhamnose dehydrogenase) in l-rhamnose catabolism was revealed by the phenotypes of knock-out mutants and their complemented strains. lraA deletion negatively affects both growth on l-rhamnose and the synthesis of α-l-rhamnosidases, indicating not only the indispensability of this pathway for l-rhamnose utilization but also that a metabolite derived from this sugar is the true physiological inducer.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación/FEDER and Ministerio de EconomÃa y Competitividad/FEDER (Grant Numbers AGL2011-29925 and AGL2015-6631-C2-2-R, respectively).Peer reviewe
Agrobacterium tumefaciens-Mediated Transformation of NHEJ Mutant Aspergillus nidulans Conidia: An Efficient Tool for Targeted Gene Recombination Using Selectable Nutritional Markers
Protoplast transformation for the introduction of recombinant DNA into Aspergillus nidulans is technically demanding and dependant on the availability and batch variability of commercial enzyme preparations. Given the success of Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated transformation (ATMT) in diverse pathogenic fungi, we have adapted this method to facilitate transformation of A. nidulans. Using suitably engineered binary vectors, gene-targeted ATMT of A. nidulans non-homologous end-joining (NHEJ) mutant conidia has been carried out for the first time by complementation of a nutritional requirement (uridine/uracil auxotrophy). Site-specific integration in the ΔnkuA host genome occurred at high efficiency. Unlike other transformation techniques, however, cross-feeding of certain nutritional requirements from the bacterium to the fungus was found to occur, thus limiting the choice of auxotrophies available for ATMT. In complementation tests and also for comparative purposes, integration of recombinant cassettes at a specific locus could provide a means to reduce the influence of position effects (chromatin structure) on transgene expression. In this regard, targeted disruption of the wA locus permitted visual identification of transformants carrying site-specific integration events by conidial colour (white), even when auxotrophy selection was compromised due to cross-feeding. The protocol described offers an attractive alternative to the protoplast procedure for obtaining locus-targeted A. nidulans transformants.This publication is the result of work in the authors’ laboratory supported by the RDI project AGL2015-66131-C2-2-R financed by MICIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/ERDF-A way of making Europe, and the Generalitat Valenciana-Conselleria d’Educació (PROMETEO/2018/066). VC was supported by AGL2015-66131-C2-2-R.Peer reviewe