128 research outputs found

    Cyclotron line signatures of thermal and magnetic mountains from accreting neutron stars

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    Cyclotron resonance scattering features (CRSFs) in the X-ray spectrum of an accreting neutron star are modified differently by accretion mounds sustained by magnetic and thermocompositional gradients. It is shown that one can discriminate, in principle, between mounds of different physical origins by studying how the line energy, width, and depth of a CRSF depend on the orientation of the neutron star, accreted mass, surface temperature distribution, and equation of state. CRSF signatures including gravitational light bending are computed for both phase-resolved and phase-averaged spectra on the basis of self-consistent Grad-Shafranov mound equilibria satisfying a global flux-freezing constraint. The prospects of multimessenger X-ray and gravitational-wave observations with future instruments are canvassed briefly.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Pulsar timing noise and the minimum observation time to detect gravitational waves with pulsar timing arrays

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    The sensitivity of pulsar timing arrays to gravitational waves is, at some level, limited by timing noise. Red timing noise - the stochastic wandering of pulse arrival times with a red spectrum - is prevalent in slow-spinning pulsars and has been identified in many millisecond pulsars. Phenomenological models of timing noise, such as from superfluid turbulence, suggest that the timing noise spectrum plateaus below some critical frequency, fcf_c, potentially aiding the hunt for gravitational waves. We examine this effect for individual pulsars by calculating minimum observation times, Tmin(fc)T_{\rm min}(f_c), over which the gravitational wave signal becomes larger than the timing noise plateau. We do this in two ways: 1) in a model-independent manner, and 2) by using the superfluid turbulence model for timing noise as an example to illustrate how neutron star parameters can be constrained. We show that the superfluid turbulence model can reproduce the data qualitatively from a number of pulsars observed as part of the Parkes Pulsar Timing Array. We further show how a value of fcf_c, derived either through observations or theory, can be related to TminT_{\rm min}. This provides a diagnostic whereby the usefulness of timing array pulsars for gravitational-wave detection can be quantified.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Computing Fast and Reliable Gravitational Waveforms of Binary Neutron Star Merger Remnants

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    Gravitational waves have been detected from the inspiral of a binary neutron-star, GW170817, which allowed constraints to be placed on the neutron star equation of state. The equation of state can be further constrained if gravitational waves from a post-merger remnant are detected. Post-merger waveforms are currently generated by numerical-relativity simulations, which are computationally expensive. Here we introduce a hierarchical model trained on numerical-relativity simulations, which can generate reliable post-merger spectra in a fraction of a second. Our spectra have mean fitting factors of 0.95, which compares to fitting factors of 0.76 and 0.85 between different numerical-relativity codes that simulate the same physical system. This method is the first step towards generating large template banks of spectra for use in post-merger detection and parameter estimation.Comment: Submitted to PRL. 6 pages, 4 figure

    Tracking continuous gravitational waves from a neutron star at once and twice the spin frequency with a hidden Markov model

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    Searches for continuous gravitational waves from rapidly spinning neutron stars normally assume that the star rotates about one of its principal axes of moment of inertia, and hence the gravitational radiation emits only at twice the spin frequency of the star, 2f∗2f_*. The superfluid interior of a star pinned to the crust along an axis nonaligned with any of its principal axes allows the star to emit gravitational waves at both f∗f_* and 2f∗2f_*, even without free precession, a phenomenon not clearly observed in known pulsars. The dual-harmonic emission mechanism motivates searches combining the two frequency components of a signal to improve signal-to-noise ratio. We describe an economical, semicoherent, dual-harmonic search method, combined with a maximum likelihood coherent matched filter, F-statistic, and improved from an existing hidden Markov model (HMM) tracking scheme to track two frequency components simultaneously. We validate the method and demonstrate its performance through Monte Carlo simulations. We find that for sources emitting gravitational waves at both f∗f_* and 2f∗2f_*, the rate of correctly recovering synthetic signals (i.e., detection efficiency), at a given false alarm probability, can be improved by ∼10\sim 10%-70% by tracking two frequencies simultaneously compared to tracking a single component only. For sources emitting at 2f∗2f_* only, dual-harmonic tracking only leads to minor sensitivity loss, producing ≲10%\lesssim 10\% lower detection efficiency than tracking a single component. In directed continuous-wave searches where f∗f_* is unknown and hence the full frequency band is searched, the computationally efficient HMM tracking algorithm provides an option of conducting both the dual-harmonic search and the conventional single frequency tracking to obtain optimal sensitivity, with a typical run time of ∼103\sim 10^3 core-hr for one year's observation

    Axion sourcing in dense stellar matter via CP-violating couplings

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    Compact objects such as neutron stars and white dwarfs can source axionlike particles and QCD axions due to CP-violating axion-fermion couplings. The magnitude of the axion field depends on the stellar density and on the strength of the axion-fermion couplings. We show that even CP-violating couplings one order of magnitude smaller than existing constraints source extended axion field configurations. For axionlike particles, the axion energy is comparable to the magnetic energy in neutron stars with inferred magnetic fields of the order of 1013 G and exceeds by more than one order of magnitude the magnetic energy content of white dwarfs with inferred fields of the order of 104 G. On the other hand, the energy stored in the QCD axion field is orders of magnitude lower due to the smallness of the predicted CP-violating couplings. It is shown that the sourced axion field can polarize the photons emitted from the stellar surface, and stimulate the production of photons with energies in the radio band.F. A., P. D. L., and A. M. are supported by the Australian Research Council (ARC) Centre of Excellence for Gravitational Wave Discovery (OzGrav), through Project No. CE170100004. P. D. L. is supported through ARC Discovery Project DP220101610. J. A. P. and A. G. acknowledge support from the Generalitat Valenciana Grants No. ASFAE/2022/026 (with funding from NextGenerationEU PRTR-C17.I1) and CIPROM/2022/ 13, and from the AEI Grant No. PID2021-127495NB I00 funded by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by “ESF Investing in your future.
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