6 research outputs found

    Renormalization analysis of correlation properties in a quasiperiodically forced two-level system

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    We give a rigorous renormalization analysis of the self-similarity of correlation functions in a quasiperiodically forced two-level system. More precisely, the system considered is a quantum two-level system in a time-dependent field consisting of periodic kicks with amplitude given by a discontinuous modulation function driven in a quasiperiodic manner at golden mean frequency. Mathematically, our analysis consists of a description of all piecewise-constant periodic orbits of an additive functional recurrence. We further establish a criterion for such orbits to be globally bounded functions. In a particular example, previously only treated numerically, we further calculate explicitly the asymptotic height of the main peaks in the correlation function

    Period-adding bifurcations and chaos in a periodically stimulated excitable neural relaxation oscillator

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    The response of an excitable neuron to trains of electrical spikes is relevant to the understanding of the neural code. In this paper we study a neurobiologically motivated relaxation oscillator, with appropriately identified fast and slow coordinates, that admits an explicit mathematical analysis. An application of geometric singular perturbation theory shows the existence of an attracting invariant manifold which is used to construct the Fenichel normal form for the system. This facilitates the calculation of the response of the system to pulsatile stimulation and allows the construction of a so-called extended isochronal map. The isochronal map is shown to have a single discontinuity and be of a type that can admit three types of response: mode-locked, quasi-periodic and chaotic. The bifurcation structure of the system is seen to be extremely rich and supports period-adding bifurcations separated by windows of both chaos and periodicity. A bifurcation analysis of the isochronal map is presented in conjunction with a description of the various routes to chaos in this system

    Asymptotics of scaling parameters for period-doubling in unimodal maps with asymmetric critical points

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    The universal period-doubling scaling of a unimodal map with an asymmetric critical point is governed by a period-2 point of a renormalisation operator. The period-2 point is parametrised by the degree of the critical point and the asymmetry modulus. In this paper we study the asymptotics of period-2 points and their associated scaling parameters in the singular limit of degree tending to 1

    Generalized dimensions of Feigenbaum's attractor from renormalization-group functional equations

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    A method is suggested for the computation of the generalized dimensions of fractal attractors at the period-doubling transition to chaos. The approach is based on an eigenvalue problem formulated in terms of functional equations, with a coeffecient expressed in terms of Feigenbaum's universal fixed-point function. The accuracy of the results is determined only by precision of the representation of the universal function

    Continued fractions and solutions of the Feigenbaum-Cvitanovic equation

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    In this paper, we develop a new approach to the construction of solutions of the Feigenbaum-Cvitanovic equation whose existence was shown by H.Epstein. Our main tool is the analytic theory of continued fractions

    Golden mean renormalization for a generalized Harper equation: The strong coupling fixed point

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    We construct a renormalisation fixed point corresponding to the strong coupling limit of the golden mean Harper equation. We give an analytic expression for this fixed point, establish its existence and uniqueness, and verify properties previously seen only in numerical calculations. The spectrum of the linearisation of the renormalisation operator at this fixed point is also explicitly determined. This strong coupling fixed point also helps describe the onset of a strange nonchaotic attractor in quasiperiodically forced systems