149 research outputs found

    Quantum information transport to multiple receivers

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    The importance of transporting quantum information and entanglement with high fidelity cannot be overemphasized. We present a scheme based on adiabatic passage that allows for transportation of a qubit, operator measurements and entanglement, using a 1-D array of quantum sites with a single sender (Alice) and multiple receivers (Bobs). Alice need not know which Bob is the receiver, and if several Bobs try to receive the signal, they obtain a superposition state which can be used to realize two-qubit operator measurements for the generation of maximally entangled states.Comment: Modified in view of referee's comments, new author added, natural scheme for operator measurements identified, hence W state preparation replaced with GHZ state preparation via operator measurements. 4 pages, 3 figure

    Characterisation of ICAM-3 and extracellular vesicles in the clearance of apoptotic cells

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    Apoptotic cell clearance by phagocytes is a vital part of programmed cell death that prevents dying cells from undergoing necrosis which may lead to inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. Apoptotic cells (AC) are removed by phagocytes, in a process that involves 'find me' and 'eat me' signals that facilitate the synapsing and engulfment of cell corpses. Extracellular vesicles (EV) are shed during apoptosis and promote phagocyte recruitment. Binding of AC is achieved by multiple ligand-receptor interactions. One interesting AC associated ligand is ICAM-3, a highly glycosylated adhesion molecule of the IgSF family, expressed on human leukocytes. On viable cells ICAM-3 participates in initiating immune responses, whereas on AC we show it attracts phagocytes through EV and aids in the binding of AC to the phagocytes. This project aims to characterize the role of ICAM-3 and EV in the clearance of AC and to identify the mechanisms that underlie their function in apoptotic cell clearance. Human B cells induced to apoptosis by UV irradiation were observed during their progression from viable to apoptotic via flow cytometry. The involvement of ICAM-3 in mediating interaction between AC and MØ was assessed. The ability of ICAM3 on EV to mediate chemoattraction was observed using chemotaxis assays. Additionally the anti-inflammatory effect was assessed using LPS-induced TNF-α production that suggested it may have anti-inflammatory effects. Future work in this project will assess the role of ICAM3 on EV from different phases of apoptosis to exert functional effects both in vitro and in vivo

    Cell exclusion in couette flow:evaluation through flow visualisation and mechanical forces

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    Cell exclusion is the phenomenon whereby the hematocrit and viscosity of blood decrease in areas of high stress. While this is well known in naturally occurring Poiseuille flow in the human body, it has never previously been shown in Couette flow, which occurs in implantable devices including blood pumps. The high-shear stresses that occur in the gap between the boundaries in Couette flow are known to cause hemolysis in erythrocytes. We propose to mitigate this damage by initiating cell exclusion through the use of a spiral-groove bearing (SGB) that will provide escape routes by which the cells may separate themselves from the plasma and the high stresses in the gap. The force between two bearings (one being the SGB) in Couette flow was measured. Stained erythrocytes, along with silver spheres of similar diameter to erythrocytes, were visualized across a transparent SGB at various gap heights. A reduction in the force across the bearing for human blood, compared with fluids of comparable viscosity, was found. This indicates a reduction in the viscosity of the fluid across the bearing due to a lowered hematocrit because of cell exclusion. The corresponding images clearly show both cells and spheres being excluded from the gap by entering the grooves. This is the first time the phenomenon of cell exclusion has been shown in Couette flow. It not only furthers our understanding of how blood responds to different flows but could also lead to improvements in the future design of medical devices

    High-speed quantum networking by ship

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    Networked entanglement is an essential component for a plethora of quantum computation and communication protocols. Direct transmission of quantum signals over long distances is prevented by fibre attenuation and the no-cloning theorem, motivating the development of quantum repeaters, designed to purify entanglement, extending its range. Quantum repeaters have been demonstrated over short distances, but error-corrected, global repeater networks with high bandwidth require new technology. Here we show that error corrected quantum memories installed in cargo containers and carried by ship can provide a flexible connection between local networks, enabling low-latency, high-fidelity quantum communication across global distances at higher bandwidths than previously proposed. With demonstrations of technology with sufficient fidelity to enable topological error-correction, implementation of the quantum memories is within reach, and bandwidth increases with improvements in fabrication. Our approach to quantum networking avoids technological restrictions of repeater deployment, providing an alternate path to a worldwide Quantum Internet.Comment: 7 Pages, 2 Figures 1 Table. Comments Welcome. Final Version, to Appear Sci. Re

    Macrophages: the Good, the Bad, and the Gluttony

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    Macrophages are dynamic cells that play critical roles in the induction and resolution of sterile inflammation. In this review, we will compile and interpret recent findings on the plasticity of macrophages and how these cells contribute to the development of non-infectious inflammatory diseases, with a particular focus on allergic and autoimmune disorders. The critical roles of macrophages in the resolution of inflammation will then be examined, emphasizing the ability of macrophages to clear apoptotic immune cells. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a chronic autoimmune-driven spectrum of diseases where persistent inflammation results in synovial hyperplasia and excessive immune cell accumulation, leading to remodeling and reduced function in affected joints. Macrophages are central to the pathophysiology of RA, driving episodic cycles of chronic inflammation and tissue destruction. RA patients have increased numbers of active M1 polarized pro-inflammatory macrophages and few or inactive M2 type cells. This imbalance in macrophage homeostasis is a main contributor to pro-inflammatory mediators in RA, resulting in continual activation of immune and stromal populations and accelerated tissue remodeling. Modulation of macrophage phenotype and function remains a key therapeutic goal for the treatment of this disease. Intriguingly, therapeutic intervention with glucocorticoids or other DMARDs promotes the re-polarization of M1 macrophages to an anti-inflammatory M2 phenotype; this reprogramming is dependent on metabolic changes to promote phenotypic switching. Allergic asthma is associated with Th2-polarised airway inflammation, structural remodeling of the large airways, and airway hyperresponsiveness. Macrophage polarization has a profound impact on asthma pathogenesis, as the response to allergen exposure is regulated by an intricate interplay between local immune factors including cytokines, chemokines and danger signals from neighboring cells. In the Th2-polarized environment characteristic of allergic asthma, high levels of IL-4 produced by locally infiltrating innate lymphoid cells and helper T cells promote the acquisition of an alternatively activated M2a phenotype in macrophages, with myriad effects on the local immune response and airway structure. Targeting regulators of macrophage plasticity is currently being pursued in the treatment of allergic asthma and other allergic diseases. Macrophages promote the re-balancing of pro-inflammatory responses towards pro-resolution responses and are thus central to the success of an inflammatory response. It has long been established that apoptosis supports monocyte and macrophage recruitment to sites of inflammation, facilitating subsequent corpse clearance. This drives resolution responses and mediates a phenotypic switch in the polarity of macrophages. However, the role of apoptotic cell-derived extracellular vesicles (ACdEV) in the recruitment and control of macrophage phenotype has received remarkably little attention. ACdEV are powerful mediators of intercellular communication, carrying a wealth of lipid and protein mediators that may modulate macrophage phenotype, including a cargo of active immune-modulating enzymes. The impact of such interactions may result in repair or disease in different contexts. In this review, we will discuss the origin, characterization, and activity of macrophages in sterile inflammatory diseases and the underlying mechanisms of macrophage polarization via ACdEV and apoptotic cell clearance, in order to provide new insights into therapeutic strategies that could exploit the capabilities of these agile and responsive cells

    Physical and functional characterisation of apoptotic cell-derived extracellular vesicles

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    Damaged, aged or unwanted cells are removed from the body by an active process known as apoptosis. This highly orchestrated programme results in the exposure of 'flags' at the dying cell surface and the release of attractive signals to recruit phagocytes. Together these changes ensure efficient phagocytic removal of dying cells and prevention of inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. Extracellular vesicles (EV) are released from a variety of cells (both viable and apoptotic) and they serve as a novel means of intercellular communication. They range in size: 70-100nm ('exosomes') through 100-1000nm ('microparticles') to large vesicles released from dying cells ('apoptotic bodies'). Release of apoptotic cell-derived extracellular vesicles (acdEV) of less than 1000nm is an important mechanism by which phagocytes are attracted to sites of cell death. Using a variety of approaches we characterize the release, physical characteristics and function of acdEV. Using fluorescence microscopy we demonstrate release of ICAM-3 on acdEV from dying leukocytes and, through the use of resistive pulse technology (qNano, IZON Science), we accurately size and quantitate acdEV release. The function of acdEV is revealed through the use of both horizontal chemotaxis assays (Dunn chambers) and vertical transwell migration assays (Cell-IQ, CM Technologies). These assays reveal potent chemoattractive capacity of acdEV and associated ICAM-3. Additionally we demonstrate an additional novel function of acdEV as anti-inflammatory immune-modulators. These data support an integrated approach to the physical and functional analyses of EV

    Designing liposomal adjuvants for the next generation of vaccines

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    Liposomes not only offer the ability to enhance drug delivery, but can effectively act as vaccine delivery systems and adjuvants. Their flexibility in size, charge, bilayer rigidity and composition allow for targeted antigen delivery via a range of administration routes. In the development of liposomal adjuvants, the type of immune response promoted has been linked to their physico-chemical characteristics, with the size and charge of the liposomal particles impacting on liposome biodistribution, exposure in the lymph nodes and recruitment of the innate immune system. The addition of immunostimulatory agents can further potentiate their immunogenic properties. Here, we outline the attributes that should be considered in the design and manufacture of liposomal adjuvants for the delivery of sub-unit and nucleic acid based vaccines

    Evidence of sequestration of triclabendazole and associated metabolites by extracellular vesicles of <i>Fasciola hepatica</i>

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    Fascioliasis is a neglected zoonotic disease that infects humans and ruminant species worldwide. In the absence of vaccines, control of fascioliasis is primarily via anthelminthic treatment with triclabendazole (TCBZ). Parasitic flatworms, including Fasciola hepatica, are active secretors of extracellular vesicles (EVs), but research has not been undertaken investigating EV anthelmintic sequestration. Adult F. hepatica were cultured in lethal and sub-lethal doses of TCBZ and its active metabolites, in order to collect EVs and evaluate their morphological characteristics, production and anthelmintic metabolite content. Transmission electron microscopy demonstrated that F. hepatica exposed to TCBZ and its metabolites produced EVs of similar morphology, compared to non-TCBZ exposed controls, even though TCBZ dose and/or TCBZ metabolite led to measurable structural changes in the treated F. hepatica tegument. qNano particle analysis revealed that F. hepatica exposed to TCBZ and its metabolites produced at least five times greater EV concentrations than non-TCBZ controls. A combined mass spectrometry and qNano particle analysis confirmed the presence of TCBZ and the TCBZ–sulphoxide metabolite in anthelmintic exposed EVs, but limited TCBZ sulphone was detectable. This data suggests that EVs released from adult F. hepatica have a biological role in the sequestration of TCBZ and additional toxic xenobiotic metabolites

    Anaerobiosis influences virulence properties of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cystic fibrosis isolates and the interaction with Staphylococcus aureus

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    The airways of individuals with cystic fibrosis (CF) are abundantly colonised by Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Co-infecting hypoxic regions of static mucus within CF airways, together with decreases in pulmonary function, mucus plugging and oxygen consumption by host neutrophils gives rise to regions of anoxia. This study determined the impact of anaerobiosis upon S. aureus-P. aeruginosa interactions in planktonic co-culture and mixed species biofilms in vitro. Whilst anoxia reduced the ability for P. aeruginosa CF isolates to dominate over S. aureus, this occurred in an isolate dependent manner. Investigations into the underlying mechanisms suggest that the anti-staphylococcal compound facilitating P. aeruginosa dominance under normoxia and anoxia is greater than 3 kDa in size and is heat-stable. Not all interspecies interactions studied were antagonistic, as S. aureus exoproducts were shown to restore and enhance P. aeruginosa motility under normoxia and anoxia in an isolate dependent manner. Collectively, this study suggests changes in oxygen availability within regions of the CF lung is likely to influence interspecies interactions and in turn, potentially influence disease progression
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