797 research outputs found

    Photon statistics and dynamics of Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer

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    We report high time-resolution measurements of photon statistics from pairs of dye molecules coupled by fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). In addition to quantum-optical photon antibunching, we observe photon bunching on a timescale of several nanoseconds. We show by numerical simulation that configuration fluctuations in the coupled fluorophore system could account for minor deviations of our data from predictions of basic Forster theory. With further characterization we believe that FRET photon statistics could provide a unique tool for studying DNA mechanics on timescales from 10^-9 to 10^-3 s.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter

    Tensor Networks with a Twist: Anyon-permuting domain walls and defects in PEPS

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    We study the realization of anyon-permuting symmetries of topological phases on the lattice using tensor networks. Working on the virtual level of a projected entangled pair state, we find matrix product operators (MPOs) that realize all unitary topological symmetries for the toric and color codes. These operators act as domain walls that enact the symmetry transformation on anyons as they cross. By considering open boundary conditions for these domain wall MPOs, we show how to introduce symmetry twists and defect lines into the state.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures, 2 appendices, v2 published versio

    All bipartite entangled states display some hidden nonlocality

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    We show that a violation of the Clauser-Horne-Shimony-Holt (CHSH) inequality can be demonstrated in a certain kind of Bell experiment for all bipartite entangled states. Our protocol allows local filtering measurements and involves shared ancilla states that do not themselves violate CHSH. Our result follows from two main steps. We first provide a simple characterization of the states that violate the CHSH-inequality after local filtering operations in terms of witness-like operators. Second, we prove that for each entangled state σ\sigma, there exists another state ρ\rho not violating CHSH, such that ρσ\rho\otimes\sigma violates CHSH. Hence, in this scenario, σ\sigma cannot be substituted by classical correlations without changing the statistics of the experiment; we say that σ\sigma is not simulable by classical correlations and our result is that entanglement is equivalent to non-simulability.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    A complete family of separability criteria

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    We introduce a new family of separability criteria that are based on the existence of extensions of a bipartite quantum state ρ\rho to a larger number of parties satisfying certain symmetry properties. It can be easily shown that all separable states have the required extensions, so the non-existence of such an extension for a particular state implies that the state is entangled. One of the main advantages of this approach is that searching for the extension can be cast as a convex optimization problem known as a semidefinite program (SDP). Whenever an extension does not exist, the dual optimization constructs an explicit entanglement witness for the particular state. These separability tests can be ordered in a hierarchical structure whose first step corresponds to the well-known Positive Partial Transpose (Peres-Horodecki) criterion, and each test in the hierarchy is at least as powerful as the preceding one. This hierarchy is complete, in the sense that any entangled state is guaranteed to fail a test at some finite point in the hierarchy, thus showing it is entangled. The entanglement witnesses corresponding to each step of the hierarchy have well-defined and very interesting algebraic properties that in turn allow for a characterization of the interior of the set of positive maps. Coupled with some recent results on the computational complexity of the separability problem, which has been shown to be NP-hard, this hierarchy of tests gives a complete and also computationally and theoretically appealing characterization of mixed bipartite entangled states.Comment: 21 pages. Expanded introduction. References added, typos corrected. Accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Perturbative 2-body Parent Hamiltonians for Projected Entangled Pair States

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    We construct parent Hamiltonians involving only local 2-body interactions for a broad class of Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS). Making use of perturbation gadget techniques, we define a perturbative Hamiltonian acting on the virtual PEPS space with a finite order low energy effective Hamiltonian that is a gapped, frustration-free parent Hamiltonian for an encoded version of a desired PEPS. For topologically ordered PEPS, the ground space of the low energy effective Hamiltonian is shown to be in the same phase as the desired state to all orders of perturbation theory. An encoded parent Hamiltonian for the double semion string net ground state is explicitly constructed as a concrete example.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figures, v2 published versio