12,272 research outputs found

    First order phase transition in the anisotropic quantum orbital compass model

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    We investigate the anisotropic quantum orbital compass model on an infinite square lattice by means of the infinite projected entangled-pair state algorithm. For varying values of the JxJ_x and JzJ_z coupling constants of the model, we approximate the ground state and evaluate quantities such as its expected energy and local order parameters. We also compute adiabatic time evolutions of the ground state, and show that several ground states with different local properties coexist at Jx=JzJ_x = J_z. All our calculations are fully consistent with a first order quantum phase transition at this point, thus corroborating previous numerical evidence. Our results also suggest that tensor network algorithms are particularly fitted to characterize first order quantum phase transitions.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, major revision with new result

    Gravitational Effects of Quantum Fields in the Interior of a Cylindrical Black Hole

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    The gravitational back-reaction is calculated for the conformally invariant scalar field within a black cosmic string interior with cosmological constant. Using the perturbed metric, the gravitational effects of the quantum field are calculated. It is found that the perturbations initially strengthen the singularity. This effect is similar to the case of spherical symmetry (without cosmological constant). This indicates that the behaviour of quantum effects may be universal and not dependent on the geometry of the spacetime nor the presence of a non-zero cosmological constant.Comment: 13 pages, 1 figure, uses AMS package. D.E. solution corrected. Some qualitative results are change

    A review of the potential for competitive cereal cultivars as a tool in integrated weed management

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    Competitive crop cultivars offer a potentially cheap option to include in integrated weed management strategies (IWM). Although cultivars with high competitive potential have been identified amongst cereal crops, competitiveness has not traditionally been considered a priority for breeding or farmer cultivar choice. The challenge of managing herbicide-resistant weed populations has, however, renewed interest in cultural weed control options, including competitive cultivars. We evaluated the current understanding of the traits that explain variability in competitive ability between cultivars, the relationship between suppression of weed neighbours and tolerance of their presence and the existence of trade-offs between competitive ability and yield in weed-free scenarios. A large number of relationships between competitive ability and plant traits have been reported in the literature, including plant height, speed of development, canopy architecture and partitioning of resources. There is uncertainty over the relationship between suppressive ability and tolerance, although tolerance is a less stable trait over seasons and locations. To realise the potential of competitive crop cultivars as a tool in IWM, a quick and simple-to-use protocol for assessing the competitive potential of new cultivars is required; it is likely that this will not be based on a single trait, but will need to capture the combined effect of multiple traits. A way needs to be found to make this information accessible to farmers, so that competitive cultivars can be better integrated into their weed control programmes

    Methanesulfonic Acid in Coastal Antarctic Snow Related to Sea‐ice Extent

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    Proxy records of biogenic sulfur gas obtained from ice cores suggest that variability in marine biogenic sulfur emissions may reflect changes in climate [Saigne and Legrand, 1987; Legrand et al., 1988, Legrand et al., 1991; Anderson and Charlson, 1991]. Increased sea‐ice extent has previously been proposed as one cause of relatively high methanesulfonic acid (MSA) in glacial‐age ice core samples [Gibson et al., 1990]. We have analyzed MSA, one of the oxidation products of the biogenic sulfur gas dimethylsulfide [Hatakeyama et al., 1985], from snowpit samples recovered from a coastal site in Southern Victoria Land, Antarctica. Time series of MSA correlate significantly with the longest continuous record available of Southern Ocean sea‐ice extent (two decades) [Jacka, 1990]

    Sea Level Pressure Variability in the Amundsen Sea Region Inferred from a West Antarctic Glaciochemical Record

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    Using European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) numerical operational analyses, sea ice extent records, and station pressure data, we investigate the influence of sea level pressure variability in the Amundsen Sea region on a West Antarctic (Siple Dome) glaciochemical record. Empirical orthogonal function analysis of the high-resolution Siple Dome multivariate ice core chemical time series record (SDEOF1) documents lower tropospheric transport of sea-salt aerosols to the site. During 1985–1994 the SDEOF1 record of high (low) aerosol transport corresponds to anomalously low (high) sea level pressure (SLP) in the Amundsen Sea region. Spatial correlation patterns between ECMWF monthly SLP fields and the annual SDEOF1 record suggest that a majority of sea-salt aerosol is transported to Siple Dome during spring (September, October, and November). Analysis of zonal and meridional wind fields supports the SLP/SDEOF1 correlation and suggests the SDEOF1 record is sensitive to changes in regional circulation strength. No relationship is found between sea ice extent and the SDEOF1 record for the period 1973–1994. To investigate the SDEOF1 record prior to ECMWF coverage, a spring transpolar index (STPI) is created, using normalized SLP records from the New Zealand and South America/Antarctic Peninsula sectors, and is significantly correlated (at least 95% c.l.) with the SDEOF1 record on an annual (r = 0.32, p\u3c 0.001) and interannual (3 years; r = 0.51, p \u3c 0.001) basis. Dominant periodicities (3.3 and 7.1 years) in the annual SDEOF1 record (1890–1994 A.D.) suggest that a portion of the recorded interannual variability may be related tropical/extratropical ENSO teleconnections. Changes in the periodic structure of the full (850–1994 A.D.) Siple Dome record suggests a shift in SLP forcing during the Little Ice Age (∼1400–1900 A.D.) interval

    The Murmur of the Sleeping Black Hole: Detection of Nuclear Ultraviolet Variability in LINER Galaxies

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    LINER nuclei, which are present in many nearby galactic bulges, may be the manifestation of low-rate or low-radiative-efficiency accretion onto supermassive central black holes. However, it has been unclear whether the compact UV nuclear sources present in many LINERs are clusters of massive stars, rather than being directly related to the accretion process. We have used HST to monitor the UV variability of a sample of 17 galaxies with LINER nuclei and compact nuclear UV sources. Fifteen of the 17 galaxies were observed more than once, with two to five epochs per galaxy, spanning up to a year. We detect significant variability in most of the sample, with peak-to-peak amplitudes from a few percent to 50%. In most cases, correlated variations are seen in two independent bands (F250W and F330W). Comparison to previous UV measurements indicates, for many objects, long-term variations by factors of a few over decade timescales. Variability is detected in LINERs with and without detected compact radio cores, in LINERs that have broad H-alpha wings detected in their optical spectra (``LINER 1's''), and in those that do not (``LINER 2s''). This variability demonstrates the existence of a non-stellar component in the UV continuum of all types, and sets a lower limit to the luminosity of this component. We note a trend in the UV color (F250W/F330W) with spectral type - LINER 1s tend to be bluer than LINER 2s. This trend may indicate a link between the shape of the nonstellar continuum and the presence or the visibility of a broad-line region. In one target, the post-starburst galaxy NGC 4736, we detect variability in a previously noted UV source that is offset by 2.5" (60 pc in projection) from the nucleus. This may be the nearest example of a binary active nucleus, and of the process leading to black hole merging.Comment: accepted to Ap

    Primordial perturbations from slow-roll inflation on a brane

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    In this paper we quantise scalar perturbations in a Randall-Sundrum-type model of inflation where the inflaton field is confined to a single brane embedded in five-dimensional anti-de Sitter space-time. In the high energy regime, small-scale inflaton fluctuations are strongly coupled to metric perturbations in the bulk and gravitational back-reaction has a dramatic effect on the behaviour of inflaton perturbations on sub-horizon scales. This is in contrast to the standard four-dimensional result where gravitational back-reaction can be neglected on small scales. Nevertheless, this does not give rise to significant particle production, and the correction to the power spectrum of the curvature perturbations on super-horizon scales is shown to be suppressed by a slow-roll parameter. We calculate the complete first order slow-roll corrections to the spectrum of primordial curvature perturbations.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figure

    The Modified Weighted Slab Technique: Models and Results

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    In an attempt to understand the source and propagation of galactic cosmic rays we have employed the Modified Weighted Slab technique along with recent values of the relevant cross sections to compute primary to secondary ratios including B/C and Sub-Fe/Fe for different galactic propagation models. The models that we have considered are the disk-halo diffusion model, the dynamical halo wind model, the turbulent diffusion model and a model with minimal reacceleration. The modified weighted slab technique will be briefly discussed and a more detailed description of the models will be given. We will also discuss the impact that the various models have on the problem of anisotropy at high energy and discuss what properties of a particular model bear on this issue.Comment: LaTeX - AASTEX format, Submitted to ApJ, 8 figures, 20 page

    Entropy in Black Hole Pair Production

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    Pair production of Reissner-Nordstrom black holes in a magnetic field can be described by a euclidean instanton. It is shown that the instanton amplitude contains an explicit factor of eA/4e^{A/4}, where AA is the area of the event horizon. This is consistent with the hypothesis that eA/4e^{A/4} measures the number of black hole states.Comment: 24 pages (harvmac l mode