8 research outputs found

    Gate-tunable anomalous Hall effect in stacked van der Waals ferromagnetic insulator - topological insulator heterostructures

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    The search of novel topological phases, such as the quantum anomalous Hall insulator (QAHI) or the axion insulator, has motivated different schemes to introduce magnetism into topological insulators. One scheme is to introduce ferromagnetic dopants in topological insulators. However, it is generally challenging and requires carefully engineered growth/heterostructures or relatively low temperatures to observe the QAHI due to issues such as the added disorder with ferromagnetic dopants. Another promising scheme is using the magnetic proximity effect with a magnetic insulator to magnetize the topological insulator. Most of these heterostructures are synthesized so far by growth techniques such as molecular beam epitaxy and metallic organic chemical vapor deposition. These are not readily applicable to allow mixing and matching many of the available ferromagnetic and topological insulators due to difference in growth conditions and lattice mismatch. Here, we demonstrate that the magnetic proximity effect can still be obtained in stacked heterostructures assembled via the dry transfer of exfoliated micrometer-sized thin flakes of van der Waals topological insulator and magnetic insulator materials (BiSbTeSe2/Cr2Ge2Te6), as evidenced in the observation of an anomalous Hall effect (AHE). Furthermore, devices made from these heterostructures can allow modulation of the AHE when controlling the carrier density via electrostatic gating. These results show that simple mechanical transfer of magnetic van der Waals materials provides another possible avenue to magnetize topological insulators by magnetic proximity effect, a key step towards further realization of novel topological phases such as QAHI and axion insulators.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    Heterostructure engineering in 2D van der Waals Materials: Unveiling magnetism and strain effects

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    Since the discovery of graphene in 2004, numerous other materials with intriguing electronic, optical, and magnetic properties have been found to be layered and exfoliatable down to atomic thickness. Owing to their weak interlayer coupling, mediated only by van der Waals forces, this new class of 2-dimensional materials, also known as van der Waals (vdW) materials, allows layer-by-layer stacking, overcoming some of the limitations of growth techniques. In particular, the growing inventory of vdW materials has expanded to include magnetic materials, further broadening the possibilities of novel devices based on stacked heterostructures. These magnetic heterostructures can find applications in spintronics and memory devices and may be combined with other vdW materials with optical properties for applications in optoelectronics. In this thesis, we assembled heterostructures via mechanical transfer or growth to modify the magnetism in these vdW materials. We used various optical and electrical techniques to probe the modified magnetism or its effects on the novel heterostructure. Thus, we observed the emergence of the magnetic proximity effect on the topological insulator BiSbTeSe2 after dry transferring a thin flake of Cr2Ge2Te6 on top, taking steps towards the observation of novel topological phases, such as the quantum Hall insulator. Additionally, we demonstrated an increased Curie temperature and magnetic anisotropy, effectively enhancing the magnetism, in thin flakes of Cr2Ge2Te6 and Cr2Si2Te6 after sputtering NiO or MgO. Finally, noting that the effect of modified magnetism in Cr2Ge2Te6 after sputtering NiO or MgO is induced due to wrinkle formation and strain, we further reproduce similar wrinkle formation on other 2D materials such as hBN, graphite, and 2D antiferromagnets (XPS3, (X= Mn, Fe, Ni), CrSBr, RuCl3). We used polarized Raman spectroscopy to characterize the induced biaxial strain in hBN and showed that such wrinkle formation can lead to moderately (up to 1.4% strain) spatially inhomogeneous and anisotropic strain profiles. These efforts demonstrate the versatility of tailoring the properties of these vdW materials.</p

    On the Optical Properties of Cr<sub>2</sub>Ge<sub>2</sub>Te<sub>6</sub> and Its Heterostructure

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    Recently, there has been a growing interest in two-dimensional van der Waals (vdW) magnets owing to their unique two-dimensional magnetic phenomena and potential applications. Most vdW ferromagnets have the Curie temperature below room temperature, highlighting the need to explore how to enhance their magnetism. In our previous report, we successfully increased the Curie temperature of the prototypical vdW magnet Cr2Ge2Te6 using a NiO overlayer. In layered materials, the presence of wrinkles is often observed and evaluating them using optical microscopy proves to be useful; however, there have been limited investigations into the optical constants of vdW magnets, hampering progress in understanding their optical properties. In this study, we present the optical constants of Cr2Ge2Te6 obtained through ellipsometry measurements. To account for the presence of wrinkles, we model a vacuum region between the substrate and the vdW magnet, and we calculate the reflectivity as a function of wavelength and vacuum thickness to visualize the optical image. Furthermore, we discuss the relationship between the optical constants and the electronic structure of the material