208 research outputs found

    Quality Of Life Of Esophagectomized Patients: Adenocarcinoma Versus Squamous Cell Carcinoma.

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    To evaluate and compare the quality of life (QOL) of patients undergoing esophagectomy for treatment of adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction and squamous cell carcinoma. We conducted a cross-sectional study in postoperative patients submitted to esophagectomy for adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction (ACA) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), using the SF-36 questionnaire applied in 24 patients (10 ACAs and 14 SCCs), from the 5th months postoperatively, including clinical symptoms and weight change. The assessment of QOL showed the best functional capacity (p = 0.018) in the ACA group. There was a correlation between the fields mental health and Role of Emotions (p = 0.003) and between pain and physical aspects limitation (p = 0.003) in both histological types. Weight loss was greater in ACA (45.9 kg), with no significant difference between current BMI (p> 0.66). Dysphagia was reported by 83.3% of patients, anorexia by 58.3%, chewing difficulty by 42%, nausea and vomiting by 41.7% and diarrhea by 29.2%, with no correlation with QOL reported (p> 0.05). The highest score for functional capacity indicates that ACA patients were able to perform all types of physical activity, including the more demanding, at a higher level than patients with SCC. Some symptoms persisted postoperatively, but did not affect the quality of life of patients.403-

    Futuro dos modelos de linguagem nos cuidados em saúde: o papel do ChatGPT

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    The field of medicine has always been at the forefront of technological innovation, constantly seeking new strategies to diagnose, treat, and prevent diseases. Guidelines for clinical practice to orientate medical teams regarding diagnosis, treatment, and prevention measures have increased over the years. The purpose is to gather the most medical knowledge to construct an orientation for practice. Evidence-based guidelines follow several of the main characteristics of a systematic review, including systematic and unbiased search, selection, and extraction of the source of evidence. In recent years, the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has provided clinicians and patients with access to personalized, data-driven insights, support and new opportunities for healthcare professionals to improve patient outcomes, increase efficiency, and reduce costs. One of the most exciting developments in AI has been the emergence of chatbots. A chatbot is a computer program to simulate conversation with human users. Recently, OpenAI, a research organization focused on machine learning, developed ChatGPT, a large language model that generates human-like text. ChatGPT uses a type of AI known as a deep learning model. ChatGPT can quickly search and select pieces of evidence through numerous databases to provide answers to complex questions, reducing the time and effort required to research a particular topic manually. Consequently, language models can accelerate the creation of clinical practice guidelines. While there is no doubt that ChatGPT has the potential to revolutionize the way healthcare is delivered, it is essential to note that it should not be used as a substitute for human healthcare professionals. Instead, ChatGPT should be seen as a tool that can be used to augment and support the work of healthcare professionals, helping them to provide better care to their patients.A área da medicina sempre esteve na vanguarda da inovação tecnológica, buscando constantemente novas estratégias para diagnosticar, tratar e prevenir doenças. As diretrizes para a prática clínica são para orientar as equipes médicas quanto ao diagnóstico, tratamento e medidas de prevenção aumentaram ao longo dos anos. O objetivo é reunir o máximo de conhecimento médico para construir uma orientação para a prática. As diretrizes baseadas em evidências seguem várias das principais características de uma revisão sistemática, incluindo busca sistemática e imparcial, seleção e extração da fonte de evidência. Nos últimos anos, o rápido avanço da inteligência artificial (IA) forneceu aos médicos e pacientes acesso a informações personalizadas e baseadas em dados, suporte e novas oportunidades para os profissionais de saúde melhorarem os resultados dos pacientes, aumentarem a eficiência e reduzirem custos. Um dos desenvolvimentos mais empolgantes da IA foi o surgimento dos chatbots. Um chatbot é um programa de computador para simular conversas com usuários humanos. Recentemente, a OpenAI, uma organização de pesquisa focada em aprendizado de máquina, desenvolveu o ChatGPT, um grande modelo de linguagem que gera texto semelhante ao humano. O ChatGPT usa um tipo de IA conhecido como modelo de aprendizado profundo. O ChatGPT pode pesquisar e selecionar rapidamente evidências em vários bancos de dados para fornecer respostas a perguntas complexas, reduzindo o tempo e o esforço necessários para pesquisar um tópico específico manualmente. Consequentemente, os modelos de linguagem podem acelerar a criação de diretrizes de prática clínica. Embora não haja dúvida de que o ChatGPT tem potencial para revolucionar a forma como os cuidados de saúde são prestados, é essencial observar que não deve ser usado como substituto de profissionais de saúde humanos. Em vez disso, o ChatGPT deve ser visto como uma ferramenta que pode ser usada para aumentar e apoiar o trabalho dos profissionais de saúde, ajudando-os a prestar melhores cuidados aos seus pacientes

    Omeprazol e misoprostol na prevenção de lesões de mucosa gástrica causadas por indometacina e celecoxib em ratos

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    PURPOSE: To evaluate and to compare macro and microscopically the intense injuries of the gastric mucosa of rats which were caused by NSAIDS celecoxib and indomethacin and the gastric cytoprotection with omeprazole and misoprostol. METHODS: The sample is formed by one hundred and fifty Wistar rats with average weight 200 g, distributed in four groups, such as: Group A, subdivided in groups A1 and A2 - pre-treatment with omeprazole (20 mg/rat) during seven days and on the 8th day - use of NSAIDS, concerning A1 (20 rats) were given celecoxib (1mg/rat) and A2 (20 rats) were given indomethacin. The Group B, subdivided in group B1 and B2 - pre-treatment with misoprostol (20mg/rat) during seven days and on the 8th day use of NSAIDS, concerning B1 (20 rats) were given celecoxib (1 mg/ rat) and B2 (20 rats) were given indomethacin (12.5 mg/rat). The Group C: were not given cytoprotection during seven days, from the 7th to the 8th day - fast of food and water ad libitum, on the 8th day of NSAIDS use, concerning C1 (20 rats) were given celecoxib, C2 (20 rats) were given indomethacin (12.5 mg/ rat), C3 (20 rats) were given celecoxib (200mg/rato), and Group D - control group, concerning 10 rats were observed during seven days ingesting food and water ad libitum. On the 9th day, the stomachs were taken out and were macro and microscopically evaluated for the identification of the gastric injuries. RESULTS: On the macroscopic studies, the groups A2, B2 and C2 presented a remarkable high number of injuries for cm² /animal, respectively 18.55 injuries for cm² /animal, 16.25 injuries for cm² /animal and 13.55 injuries for cm²/animal. On the microscopic studies, the percentage of the injured mucosa, presented expressive difference among the groups A1, B1, C1 when compared to the groups A2, B2, C2 (p<0.0001). The average of the length/injury and the average of the depth of the injuries did not present expressive statistics differences among the groups A2, B2 and C2. The average of the edema presented expressive statistics difference among the groups A2 and D; B2 and C2 and between C2 and D (p < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: The indomethacin on the applied concentration causes a great number of macroscopic and microscopic injuries to gastric mucosa of rats when compared to celecoxib which does not cause lesions. Omeprazole and misoprostol on the applied concentrations do not present macroscopic and microscopic effectiveness on the gastric cytoprotection when applying indomethacin. Considering the microscopic analysis of the average of the edema, the group of animals, which was given misoprostol as cytoprotection, presented a lower average compared to the group which was given omeprazole.OBJETIVO: Avaliar e comparar macro e microscopicamente as lesões agudas da mucosa gástrica de ratos provocadas pelos AINEs celecoxib e indometacina e a citoproteção gástrica com omeprazol e misoprostol. MÉTODOS: A amostragem consistiu 150 ratos machos da raça Wistar, com peso médio de 200g, divididos em quatro grupos, a saber: grupo A, subdividido em grupos A1 e A2 - pré-tratamento com omeprazol (20 mg/rato) durante sete dias, e no oitavo dia receberam o AINEs, sendo A1 (20 ratos) receberam celecoxib (1mg/rato) e A2 (20 ratos) receberam indometacina (12,5mg/rato). O grupo B, subdividido em grupo B1 e B2 - pré-tratamento com misoprostol (20ìg/rato) durante sete dias e no oitavo dia receberam AINEs, sendo B1 (20 ratos) receberam celecoxib (1mg/rato) e B2 (20 ratos) receberam indometacina (12,5mg/rato). O grupo C não recebeu citoproteção durante sete dias e no oitavo dia recebeu AINEs, sendo C1 (20 ratos) receberam celecoxib (1mg/rato) , C2 (20ratos) receberam indometacina (12,5mg/rato), C3 (20 ratos) receberam celecoxib e grupo D - grupo controle, no qual dez ratos foram observados recebendo ração e água ad libitum. A seguir, no 9º dia (de todos os grupos), os estômagos eram removidos e avaliados macro e microscopicamente para a identificação das lesões gástricas. RESULTADOS: Na análise macroscópica, os grupos A2, B2 e C2 apresentaram número de lesões por cm²/animal significativamente elevados, sendo respectivamente 18,55 lesões por cm²/animal, 16,25 lesões por cm²/animal e 13,55 lesões por cm²/animal. Na análise microscópica, a porcentagem da mucosa com lesão mostrou diferença significativa entre os grupos A1, B1, C1 quando comparados com os grupos A2, B2 e C2 (p<0,0001). Os resultados da média da extensão/lesão e da média da profundidade das lesões não mostraram diferenças estatísticas significativas entre os grupos A2, B2 e C2. A média do edema mostrou diferença estatística significativa entre os grupos A2 e D; B2 e C2 e entre C2 e D (p<0,05). CONCLUSÕES: A indometacina na concentração empregada provoca número significativo de lesões macro e microscópicas na mucosa gástrica de ratos quando comparadas ao celecoxib, que não provocou lesões. O omeprazol e o misoprostol nas concentrações empregadas não mostraram efetividade macro e microscópica na citoproteção gástrica à administração da indometacina. Considerando-se a análise microscópica da média do edema, o grupo de animais que recebeu misoprostol como citoprotetor apresentou menor média em comparação ao grupo que recebeu o omeprazol.16817

    Surgical treatment of epiphrenic diverticulum by videolaparoscopy

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    BACKGROUND: Epiphrenic diverticulum is a rare condition in clinical practice usually presented by few symptoms such as dysphagia. Before the advent of the videosurgery, it's surgical treatment was performed by a left thoracotomy or laparotomy and resection of the diverticulum, associated or not with myotomy in the esophagogastric junction. Today, this procedure has been accomplished, by laparoscopy with very good results, leading to a better postoperative recuperation. METHODS: We present five patients with epiphrenic diverticulum that were treated by videolaparoscopy. Three of them were females and their ages varied between 37 and 64 years old. All patients were submitted to an endoscopy and X-ray to confirm the diagnosis; three were submitted to a manometry that showed unspecific motility alterations. RESULTS: Resection of the diverticulum was performed successfully by videolaparoscopy in all cases. One patient showed esophageal leakage after 8 days with normal control postoperative X-ray. The hospital length of stay varied between 7 and 21 days, and disphagya relief was achieved in all patients, with a follow-up between two to eleven years. CONCLUSION: Videolaparoscopic surgical repair for epiphrenic diverticulum, associated or not to myotomy of the esophagogastric junction, is the treatment of choice. It is associated with less pain and complications, with a shorter length of stay. This technique is safe and efficient for treatment of the epiphrenic diverticulum.OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste trabalho é registrar o tratamento cirúrgico de cinco pacientes operados por meio da videolaparoscopia, comentar a técnica empregada e apresentar os resultados obtidos. MÉTODO: São relatados cinco casos de tratamento cirúrgico videolaparoscópico de pacientes portadores de divertículo epifrênico. Três pacientes, cuja idade variou de 37 a 64 anos, eram do sexo feminino. Todos foram submetidos aos exames de endoscopia e contrastado do esôfago para confirmação do diagnóstico. A manometria foi realizada em três pacientes, que demonstrou alterações motoras inespecíficas. RESULTADOS: Em todos os pacientes, a operação foi realizada por abordagem videolaparoscópica, tendo sido feita a ressecção do divertículo, hiatoplastia e fundoplicatura. A complicação mais importante foi uma fístula na linha de sutura do esôfago após oito dias, apesar de o exame contrastado de controle ter sido normal. O tempo de internação variou de 7 a 21 dias (média de 9,8 dias) e todos tiveram melhora da disfagia no acompanhamento de 2 a 11 anos. CONCLUSÕES: O tratamento cirúrgico do divertículo epifrênico pode ser realizado por videolaparoscopia, Essa via de acesso traz o benefício de um pós-operatório com menor dor, taxa de complicação aceitável e tempo de internação compatível com o porte da cirurgia. Por demonstrar ser segura e eficiente na resolução dos sintomas, hoje a técnica de escolha para o tratamento do divertículo epifrênico, em mãos experientes, pode ser considerada a primeira escolha.36536

    Quality of life of esophagectomized patients: adenocarcinoma versus squamous cell carcinoma

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate and compare the quality of life (QOL) of patients undergoing esophagectomy for treatment of adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction and squamous cell carcinoma. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study in postoperative patients submitted to esophagectomy for adenocarcinoma of the esophagogastric junction (ACA) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), using the SF-36 questionnaire applied in 24 patients (10 ACAs and 14 SCCs), from the 5th months postoperatively, including clinical symptoms and weight change. RESULTS: The assessment of QOL showed the best functional capacity (p = 0.018) in the ACA group. There was a correlation between the fields mental health and Role of Emotions (p = 0.003) and between pain and physical aspects limitation (p = 0.003) in both histological types. Weight loss was greater in ACA (45.9 kg), with no significant difference between current BMI (p> 0.66). Dysphagia was reported by 83.3% of patients, anorexia by58.3%, chewing difficulty by 42%, nausea and vomiting by 41.7% and diarrhea by 29.2%, with no correlation with QOL reported (p> 0.05). CONCLUSION: The highest score for functional capacity indicates that ACA patients were able to perform all types of physical activity, including the more demanding, at a higher level than patients with SCC. Some symptoms persisted postoperatively, but did not affect the quality of life of patients.OBJETIVO: Avaliar e comparar a qualidade de vida de pacientes esofagectomizados para tratamento de adenocarcinoma da junção esofagogástrica e de carcinoma epidermoide. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal no pós-operatório de doentes esofagectomizados por adenocarcinoma da junção esofagogástrica (Adenoca) e carcinoma epidermóide (CEC), empregando o questionário SF-36 aplicado em 24 pacientes (10 por Adenoca e 14 por CEC), a partir do 5º mês de pós-operatório, incluindo os sintomas clínicos e a variação de peso. RESULTADOS: A avaliação da QV mostrou melhor resultado de capacidade funcional (p=0,018) para o grupo Adenoca. Houve correlação entre os domínios saúde mental e limitação por aspectos emocionais (p=0,003) e entre dor e limitação por aspectos físicos (p=0,003) nos dois tipos histológicos. A perda de peso foi maior nos esofagectomizados por Adenoca (45,9Kg), sem diferença significativa entre o IMC atual (p>0,66). A disfagia foi relatada por 83,3% dos pacientes, a anorexia por 58,3%, a dificuldade de mastigação por 42%, a náuseas e os vômitos por 41,7% e a diarréia por 29,2%, sem correlação com a QV relatada (p>0,05). CONCLUSÃO: O escore mais alto para capacidade funcional indica que o paciente com Adenoca foi capaz de realizar todo tipo de atividade física, incluindo as mais vigorosas em um nível maior que o paciente com CEC. Alguns sintomas persistiram no pós-operatório, porém não interferiram na qualidade de vida dos pacientes.31

    Modelo experimental de tabagismo e simulação de refluxo com ácido e pepsina em ratos

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    To develop experimental models to evaluate the effects of hydrochloric acid associated with the pepsin instilled in the mucosa of the upper esophagus and the esophagogastric junction of young male rats Wistar, simulating injury caused by gastroesophageal reflux on the mucosa of aero-digestive tract in humans as well as the action of the risk exposure of mucosa to cigarette smoke. Fifty young male Wistar rats divided in 5 groups with 10 animals each one, respectively simulating pharyngo-laryngeal reflux and gastroesophageal reflux, pharyngo-laryngeal reflux and smoking, smoking only, gastroesophageal reflux and control group. The histopathologic studies no recorded neoplasias, only mild changes and no significant alterations. The hemo-oximetry (carboxyhemoglobin and methemoglobim) and CO2 concentration confirm that the animals were submitted to high intensity of exposure to carcinogens in tobacco and its derivatives. The experimental models were highly efficient, practical, easy to use and economical and can be employed in other similar studies to determine the harmful effects by smoking and reflux2711822Desenvolver modelos experimentais para avaliar os efeitos do ácido clorídrico associado a pepsina, instilados na mucosa da parte superior do esôfago e da junção esofagogástrica de jovens ratos Wistar, simulando lesão causada por refluxo gastroesofágico na mucosa do trato aero-digestivo em humanos, bem como a ação da exposição ao risco de mucosa, como a fumaça de cigarro. Cinqüenta jovens ratos Wistar divididos em cinco grupos com 10 animais cada um, respectivamente, simulando o refluxo faringo-laríngeo e refluxo gastroesofágico, refluxo faringo-laríngeo e tabagismo, tabagismo só, refluxo gastroesofágico e grupo controle. Os estudos histopatológicos não registraram neoplasias, apenas leves alterações e não significativas. O hemo-oximetria (carboxiemoglobina e metemoglobina) e concentração de CO2 corroboram que os animais foram submetidos a alta intensidade de exposição a substâncias cancerígenas do tabaco e seus derivados. Os modelos experimentais desenvolvidos foram altamente eficientes, práticos, fáceis de usar e econômicos podendo ser empregados em outros estudos semelhantes para determinar os efeitos prejudiciais causados pelo tabagismo e reflux

    Lesões proliferativas gástricas induzidas pelo refluxo duodenogástrico em ratos

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    PURPOSE: To analyze mucosal proliferation and its characteristics, through specific models of duodenogastric reflux, in the stomach of Wistar rats. METHODS: Seventy-five healthy and adult male rats were divided into three groups: group I - control (n = 25 animals), submitted to gastrotomy of the posterior wall of the glandular stomach; group II - DGR (n = 25 animals), submitted to duodenogastric reflux through latero-lateral gastrojejunal anastomosis in the posterior wall of the glandular stomach and group III - DGR-P (n = 25 animals), submitted to duodenogastric reflux through the pylorus following the same procedure of group II, sectioning and closing the afferent loop. The animals were observed during 36 weeks and subsequently the mucosal lesions were analyzed, with macroscopic and microscopic examination of the prepyloric, the gastrojejunostomy and the squamous area of the stomach. RESULTS: Group I did not present any kind of lesion. Macroscopic lesions of the prepyloric area in groups II and III were 0% and 20%, respectively. Macroscopic lesions of the gastrojejunal stoma in groups II and III were 36% and 88%, respectively, and 12% and 28%, respectively, in the squamous area. Microscopically, adenomatous hyperplasia (AH), squamous hyperplasia (SH) and adenocarcinoma (AC) were diagnosed. The occurrence of AH at the prepyloric area in groups II and III was 0% and 40%, respectively, and in the gastrojejunal stoma, 40% and 72%, respectively. The occurrence of SH in the squamous area in groups II and III was 12% and 20%, respectively, without statistical differences between the groups. AC was found only in three animals of groups III (12%). CONCLUSIONS: The duodenogastric reflux in this experimental model caused high frequency of proliferative lesions of the gastrojejunal stoma and in the prepyloric area, while adenocarcinoma was a rare occurrence.OBJETIVO: Avaliar as lesões proliferativas que se desenvolvem na mucosa gástrica de ratos Wistar após modelo específico de refluxo duodeno-gástrico. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 75 ratos adultos machos divididos em três grupos experimentais: o grupo I (controle) submetido a gastrotomia na parede posterior do estômago glandular (25 animais); o grupo II (RDG), foi submetido a gastrojejunoanastomose látero-lateral na parede posterior do estômago glandular (25 animais) e o grupo III (RDG-P) submetido a gastrojejunoanastomose látero-lateral na parede posterior do estômago glandular, com secção e fechamento da alça (25 animais). Os animais foram observados durante 36 semanas, após o que foram realizados estudos macroscópicos e microscópicos da anastomose gastrojejunal, da região pré-pilórica e região escamosa do estômago. RESULTADOS: Os animais do Grupo I não apresentaram nenhum tipo de lesão. No grupo II observou-se 40% de lesões do tipo hiperplasia adenomatosa na anastomose e 12% de hiperplasia escamosa. No grupo III obteve-se 40% de hiperplasia adenomatosa na mucosa pré-pilórica, 72 % de hiperplasia adenomatosa na mucosa da anastomose, 20% de hiperplasia escamosa e 12 % de adenocarcinoma. CONCLUSÕES: O refluxo duodeno-gástrico induz a alta freqüência de lesões proliferativas na mucosa adjacente à anastomose gastrojejunal ou na mucosa pré-pilórica e o adenocarcinoma é um evento raro neste modelo experimental.20721

    [fat Absorption After Total Gastrectomy In Rats Submitted To Roux-en-y Or Rosanov-like Double-transit Technique].

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    Steatorrhea is one of the most common complications in reconstruction after total gastrectomy. Many reconstruction techniques after total gastrectomy have been developed in order to avoid these undesirable effects, but each one of them has some inconvenience. In this experiment, a modified Rosanov technique that keeps duodenal transit, evaluation of fat absorption after gastrectomy was tested. Three groups of rats with the same characteristics were used. Total gastrectomy was performed in two groups: one was operated on and transit was reestablished by the Roux-en-Y technique (group Y), while the other was submitted to the modified Rosanov technique (group R). Following surgery, a handmade hyper fatty diet (11% of fat) was offered. A third group (control - group C) was not operated but was submitted to the same conditions of the other groups, and used for reference steatocrit values. The animals underwent laparotomy 14 days after surgery and had their feces collected from cecum to determine their steatocrit by analysis of their values. Steatocrit values for groups R and C (mean 5.16% and 4.15% respectively) were similar (p > 0.1), while group Y had significantly higher values (mean = 28.18%, p = 0.0001 - p < 0,05). This was attributed to the fact that group R animals had their duodenal transit patent, decreasing the complications expected in the Roux-en-Y reconstruction. Steatorrhea in the modified Rosanov technique was similar to the control group, while Roux-en-Y reconstruction presented higher steatorrhea and fat malabsorption.21380-

    Neoadjuvant Chemoradiotherapy And Surgery Compared With Surgery Alone In Squamous Cell Carcinoma Of The Esophagus.

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    Despite progress in recent years in methods of diagnosis and surgical treatment of esophageal cancer, there is still controversy about the benefits from neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. To analise the survival of patients submitted to esophagectomy for squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus with or without neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy. A retrospective, non-randomized study conducted using the medical charts of patients operated for squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus at the School of Medical Sciences, University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil between 1979 and 2006. The Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to calculate survival curves and the log-rank test to compare data in each group. The significance level was settled as 5%. A total of 123 patients were evaluated in this study, divided into three groups: I-26 (21.2%) patients submitted to esophagectomy alone; II-81 (65.8%) patients submitted to neoadjuvant radiotherapy plus esophagectomy and III-16 (13%) patients submitted to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy plus esophagectomy. A statistically significant survival was recorded between the groups (log rank=6.007; P=0.05), survival being greatest in the group submitted to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy, followed by the group submitted to neoadjuvant radiotherapy compared to the group submitted to esophagectomy alone as the initial treatment of choice. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy neoadjuvants in patients with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus offers benefits and increases survival.50101-
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