33 research outputs found

    Neuropeptidomic analysis of the embryonic Japanese quail diencephalon

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Endogenous peptides such as neuropeptides are involved in numerous biological processes in the fully developed brain but very little is known about their role in brain development. Japanese quail is a commonly used bird model for studying sexual dimorphic brain development, especially adult male copulatory behavior in relation to manipulations of the embryonic endocrine system. This study uses a label-free liquid chromatography mass spectrometry approach to analyze the influence of age (embryonic days 12 vs 17), sex and embryonic day 3 ethinylestradiol exposure on the expression of multiple endogenous peptides in the developing diencephalon.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We identified a total of 65 peptides whereof 38 were sufficiently present in all groups for statistical analysis. Age was the most defining variable in the data and sex had the least impact. Most identified peptides were more highly expressed in embryonic day 17. The top candidates for EE<sub>2 </sub>exposure and sex effects were neuropeptide K (downregulated by EE<sub>2 </sub>in males and females), gastrin-releasing peptide (more highly expressed in control and EE<sub>2 </sub>exposed males) and gonadotropin-inhibiting hormone related protein 2 (more highly expressed in control males and displaying interaction effects between age and sex). We also report a new potential secretogranin-2 derived neuropeptide and previously unknown phosphorylations in the C-terminal flanking protachykinin 1 neuropeptide.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study is the first larger study on endogenous peptides in the developing brain and implies a previously unknown role for a number of neuropeptides in middle to late avian embryogenesis. It demonstrates the power of label-free liquid chromatography mass spectrometry to analyze the expression of multiple endogenous peptides and the potential to detect new putative peptide candidates in a developmental model.</p

    Quantitation of endogenous metabolites in mouse tumors using mass-spectrometry imaging

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    Described is a quantitative-mass-spectrometryimaging (qMSI) methodology for the analysis of lactate and glutamate distributions in order to delineate heterogeneity among mouse tumor models used to support drug-discovery efficacy testing. We evaluate and report on preanalysisstabilization methods aimed at improving the reproducibility and efficiency of quantitative assessments of endogenous molecules in tissues. Stability experiments demonstrate that optimum stabilization protocols consist of frozen-tissue embedding, post-tissue-sectioning desiccation, and storage at −80 °C of tissue sections sealed in vacuum-tight containers. Optimized stabilization protocols are used in combination with qMSI methodology for the absolute quantitation of lactate and glutamate in tumors, incorporating the use of two different stable-isotope-labeled versions of each analyte and spectral-clustering performed on each tissue section using k-means clustering to allow region-specific, pixel-by-pixel quantitation. Region-specific qMSI was used to screen different tumor models and identify a phenotype that has low lactate heterogeneity, which will enable accurate measurements of lactate modulation in future drug-discovery studies. We conclude that using optimized qMSI protocols, it is possible to quantify endogenous metabolites within tumors, and region-specific quantitation can provide valuable insight into tissue heterogeneity and the tumor microenvironment

    Mass spectrometry imaging of cassette-dosed drugs for higher throughput pharmacokinetic and biodistribution analysis

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    Cassette dosing of compounds for preclinical drug plasma pharmacokinetic analysis has been shown to be a powerful strategy within the pharmaceutical industry for increasing throughput while decreasing the number of animals used. Presented here for the first time is data on the application of a cassette dosing strategy for label-free tissue distribution studies. The aim of the study was to image the spatial distribution of eight nonproprietary drugs (haloperidol, bufuralol, midazolam, clozapine, terfenadine, erlotinib, olanzapine, and moxifloxacin) in multiple tissues after oral and intravenous cassette dosing (four compounds per dose route). An array of mass spectrometry imaging technologies, including matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI MSI), liquid extraction surface analysis tandem mass spectrometry (LESA-MS/MS), and desorption electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (DESI-MS) was used. Tissue analysis following intravenous and oral administration of discretely and cassette-dosed compounds demonstrated similar relative abundances across a range of tissues indicating that a cassette dosing approach was applicable. MALDI MSI was unsuccessful in detecting all of the target compounds; therefore, DESI MSI, a complementary mass spectrometry imaging technique, was used to detect additional target compounds. In addition, by adapting technology used for tissue profiling (LESA-MS/MS) low spatial resolution mass spectrometry imaging (∼1 mm) was possible for all targets across all tissues. This study exemplifies the power of multiplatform MSI analysis within a pharmaceutical research and development (R&D) environment. Furthermore, we have illustrated that the cassette dosing approach can be readily applied to provide combined, label-free pharmacokinetic and drug distribution data at an early stage of the drug discovery/development process while minimizing animal usage

    Chronic nicotine treatment impacts the regulation of opioid and non-opioid peptides in the rat dorsal striatum

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    The chronic use of nicotine, the main psychoactive ingredient of tobacco smoking, alters diverse physiological processes and consequently generates physical dependence. To understand the impact of chronic nicotine on neuropeptides, which are potential molecules associated with dependence, we conducted qualitative and quantitative neuropeptidomics on the rat dorsal striatum (DS), an important brain region implicated in the preoccupation/craving phase of drug dependence. We used extensive LC-FT-MS/MS analyses for neuropeptide identification and LC-FT-MS in conjunction with stable isotope addition for relative quantification. The treatment with chronic nicotine for three months led to moderate changes in the levels of endogenous DS peptides. Five enkephalin opioid peptides were up-regulated, while no change was observed for dynorphin peptides. Specially, nicotine altered levels of 9 non-opioid peptides derived from precursors including somatostatin and cerebellin, which potentially modulate neurotransmitter release and energy metabolism. This broad but selective impact on the multiple peptidergic systems suggests that apart from the opioid peptides, several other peptidergic systems are involved in the preoccupation/craving phase of drug dependence. Our finding permits future evaluation of the neurochemical circuits modulated by chronic nicotine exposure and provides a number of novel molecules that could serve as potential therapeutic targets for treating drug dependence

    Peptidomics-Based Discovery of Novel Neuropeptides

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    Mid-Holocene Baltic Sea transgression along the coast of Blekinge, SE Sweden ancient lagoons correlated with beach ridges

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    The mid-Holocene Littorina transgression in southern Scandinavia is well documented. Multiple-stratigraphic sequences in ancient Littorina lagoons in the coastal area of Blekinge, SE Sweden reveal a maximum relative sea level of 7-8 m above present sea level between 8000-6000 cal. BP. Evidence for at least two transgression waves is found within this period. In this study these are documented in one modern lake and correlated with an ancient beach-lagoon stratigraphy. Furthermore, two younger transgressions are documented at one site, altogether establishing a firm transgression chronology for the time span 8000-4000 cal. BP (sea level 5-8 m a.s.l.) as a basis for understanding the dynamics of Baltic sea-level changes. Neolithic cultural layers are correlated to regression periods, indicating more favorable conditions for beach settlement between stormy transgression periods

    Holocene palaeoecology and shoreline displacement on the Biskopsmala Peninsula, southeastern Sweden

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    High-resolution palaeoecological proxies of pollen, macrofossils and diatoms from an isolation lake provide a long-term record of the Holocene landscape history and shoreline displacement on the Biskopsmala Peninsula in central Blekinge, SE Sweden. During the Preboreal/Boreal transition, the peninsula was sparsely vegetated by woodlands, along with lateglacial dwarf shrub/steppe communities. The lake basin was isolated from the shallow Yoldia Sea during this time. The regional climate improved from 10 700 cal. BP, evident as progressive expansion of Pinus -dominated mixed forest with deciduous trees. The lake basin was probably connected with the Ancylus Lake during the period 10 700-10 100 cal. BP. Subsequently the basin became isolated again, corresponding to the Early Littorina Sea phase. Replacement of freshwater diatoms by those with brackish-water affinity at 8100 cal. BP indicates the initial transgression of the Littorina Sea in this basin. But not until 7500 cal. BP were brackish conditions fully established. Peaks of brackish-marine diatoms and dinoflagellates during 7500-7000 cal. BP indicate increased saltwater inflow to the Baltic Sea in response to global meltwater pulse 3. However, interactive changes in seagrass and stonewort macrofossil concentrations suggest that three minor transgressions during 5900-5300, 5000-4700 and 4400-4000 cal. BP occurred locally, associated with centennial-scale variations in regional wind pattern or coastal storminess. By 3000 cal. BP, the lake basin was finally isolated from the Baltic, and thereafter the landscape on the peninsula became gradually more influenced by human activities

    Controlled-pH Tissue Cleanup Protocol for Signal Enhancement of Small Molecule Drugs Analyzed by MALDI-MS Imaging

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    The limit of detection of low-molecular weight compounds in tissue sections, analyzed by matrix assisted laser desorption ionization mass spectrometry imaging (MALDI-MSI), was significantly improved by employing sample washing using a pH-controlled buffer solution. The pH of the washing solutions were set at values whereby the target analytes would have low solubility. Washing the tissue sections in the buffered solution resulted in removal of endogenous soluble ionization-suppressing compounds and salts, while the target compound remained in situ with minor or no delocalization during the buffered washing procedure. Two pharmaceutical compounds (cimetidine and imipramine) and one new protease inhibitor compound were successfully used to evaluate the feasibility of the pH-controlled tissue washing protocol for MALDI-MSI. Enhancement in signal-to-noise ratio was achieved by a factor of up to 10

    SwePep, a Database Designed for Endogenous Peptides and Mass Spectrometry

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