82 research outputs found

    Regionalno sodelovanje med univerzami, raziskovalnimi institucijami in industrijo

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    Due to the fact that Slovenia is a small country in every aspect, we should cooperate at all levels of society in order to succeed among the global competition – to turn our smallness into an advantage. Thanks to this smallness everybody knows almost everybody else, which gave us a basis for cooperation in the past. In more recently, various mechanisms have emerged in Slovenia for encouraging more formal ways of cooperation among entities of the society, such as centres of excellence, technology centres, clusters, technology networks and technology platforms. In Slovenia, the players in the area of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) have established a solid tradition of collaboration between companies and research and development (R and D) institutions, which is of great importance in the world where development is rapid and where it is of vital importance for R and D companies to produce new products and solutions as quickly as possible if they want to expand. Today, almost all the leading Slovenian companies in the area of ICT are members of the ICT Technology Network (ICT TN), where they can find a place for cooperation and for the successful development, production and sale of integrated and user-friendly solutions and products. In this paper we will present ICT TN and its organisation. Special attention will be given to presentation of the four projects that members of ICT TN work on. The Centre of Excellence for Information and Communication Technologies (CE ICT), the Next Generation Network (NGN) Interoperability testing laboratory SINTESIO and the Technology Platforms (TP) are especially interesting projects because it is not just the technological aspect but also the social aspect – in the form of networking and collaboration – which is important.Glede na to da je Slovenija v vseh pogledih majhna dežela, bi morali razviti sodelovanje na vseh družbenih ravneh, če hočemo uspeti v globalni konkurenci – le tako bi našo majhnost spremenili v konkurenčno prednost. Zaradi te majhnosti se skorajda vsi medsebojno poznamo, kar je bilo v preteklosti temelj za sodelovanje. Nedavno tega so se v Sloveniji pojavili različni mehanizmi za spodbujanje bolj formalnih načinov sodelovanja med družbenimi subjekti, kot so centri odličnosti, tehnološka središča, grozdi, tehnološke mreže in tehnološke platforme. V Sloveniji so akterji na področju informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij vzpostavili trdno tradicijo sodelovanja med podjetji in institucijami za raziskave in razvoj, kar je velikega pomena v svetu, kjer se odvija hiter razvoj in kjer je za razvojna in raziskovalna podjetja življenjskega pomena, da kar se da hitro izdelujejo nove izdelke in rešitve, če se hočejo širiti. Danes so skorajda vsa vodilna slovenska podjetja na področju informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij člani informacijske in komunikacijske tehnološke mreže, kjer lahko najdejo prostor za sodelovanje in uspešen razvoj, proizvodnjo in prodajo integriranih in kupcu prijaznih rešitev in izdelkov. V tem prispevku bomo predstavili informacijsko in komunikacijsko tehnološko mrežo in njeno organiziranost. Posebno pozornost smo namenili predstavitvi štirih projektov, na katerih delajo člani informacijske in komunikacijske tehnološke mreže. Središče za odličnost informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij, naslednja generacija mrež, skupna uporabnost testnega laboratorija SINTESIO in pa tehnološke platforme so še posebej zanimivi projekti, kajti pri njih ni pomemben le tehnološki vidik, pač pa tudi družbeni, ki se kaže v obliki mrežnih povezav in sodelovanja

    Introduction to the Artificial Neural Networks

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    Playing soldiers: An Ethnographical study of virtual military units

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    The text aims to explore the environment and culture of virtual military units in the Arma 3 video game using an ethnographical approach. It analyses their structure and agency in terms of the theoretical views of concepts such as Communities of practice and the Protheus effect. It also considers the theories of role-playing and psychodrama. Immersion and player identity are also discussed on a theoretical level. Participant observation and focused interviews were chosen as data collection methods. The data was captured in the form of video recordings and further analysed. The text continues to focus on the analysis of the data sections presented and the emergence of three crucial aspects: the acquisition of technical skills by the players, their gradual enculturation into the gaming community, and, finally, the specific mode of experience these virtual activities offer, and emotional aspect of said experience. It is argued in the text that the specific technical knowledge that players acquire, combined with the connection to a specific context created and maintained by the group itself, allows the establishment of a specific relationship between the player and his virtual character that enables a particular form of authentic experiencing of the game content. These findings continue to be...Práce skrz etnografický design mapuje a exploruje prostředí virtuálních hráčských těles ve videohře Arma 3. Analyzuje jejich strukturu a dění v nich z pohledu teoretických východisek konceptů komunit praxe a Protheova efektu. Dále pak z pohledu teorií zabývajících se aspektem role-playingu a z pohledu psychodramatu. Diskutována je na teoretické úrovni rovněž imerse a hráčova identita. Jako metody sběru dat bylo zvoleno zúčastněné pozorování a cílené rozhovory. Data byla pořizována v podobě videozáznamů a nadále analyzována. Text se nadále soustředí na analýzu předložených datových úseků a emergenci tří zásadních aspektů: nabývání technických dovedností hráčů, jejich postupná enkulturace do herního společenství, a nakonec specifický způsob prožívání dění hráči a jeho emoční aspekty. V textu je argumentováno, že specifické technické znalosti, které hráči nabývají, kombinované s napojením na specifický kontext vytvořený a udržovaný skupinou samotnou, umožňují založení specifického vztahu mezi hráčem a jeho virtuální postavou, který umožňuje zvláštní formu autentického prožívání herního obsahu. Tyto poznatky jsou nadále konfrontovány s teoretickými východisky. Dospěl jsem k závěru, že pozorované jevy izolovaně mají relativně pevnou a spolehlivou oporu v literatuře, nicméně jejich součinnost a vzájemná...Katedra psychologieFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Effective Pitch Value Detection in Noisy Intelligent Environments for Efficient Natural Language Processing

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    The performance of applications based on natural language processing depends primarily on the environment in which these applications are applied. Intelligent environments will be one of the major applications used to process natural language. The methods for speaker’s gender classification can adapt and improve the performance of natural language processing applications. That is why, this chapter will present an effective speaker’s pitch value detection in noisy environments, which then allows more robust speaker’s gender classification. The chapter presents the algorithm for the speaker’s pitch value detection and performs the comparison in various noisy environments. The experiments are carried out on the part of the publically available Aurora 2 speech database. The results showed that the automatically determined pitch values deviate, on average, only by 8.39 Hz from the reference pitch value. A well-defined pitch value allows a functional speaker’s gender classification. In this chapter, presented speaker’s gender classification works well, even at low signal to noise ratios. The experiments show that the speaker’s gender classification performance at SNR 0 dB is higher than 91% when the automatically determined pitch value is used. Speaker’s gender classification can then be used further in the processes of natural language processing

    Influence of novel oral anticoagulants on anticoagulation care management

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    Anticoagulation treatment was recently improved by the introduction of novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs). Using a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods, this study explores the effects of the introduction of NOACs on anticoagulation care in Slovenia. Face-to-face interviews with key stakeholders revealed evolvement and challenges of anticoagulation care from different perspectives. Obtained information was further explored through the analysis of nationwide data of drug prescriptions and realization of health care services. Simplified management of anticoagulation treatment with NOACs and their high penetration expanded the capacity of anticoagulation clinics, and consequentially the treated population increased by more than 50 % in the last 5 years. The main challenge concerned the expenditures for medicines, which increased approximately 10 times in just a few years. At the same time, the anticoagulation clinics and their core organisation were not affected, which is not expected to change, since they are vital in delivering high-quality care


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    Družba Marmor, Sežana d.d. je bila ustanovljena leta 1947, kot Industrija kraškega marmorja Sežana, s sedežem v Vrhovljah. Skozi zgodovino se je veliko združevala z ostalimi lokalnimi podjetji in tako večkrat zamenjala ime podjetja. Od leta 1996 deluje pod imenom Marmor, Sežana d.d. Družba upravlja s štirimi aktivnimi kamnolomi (Lipica I, Lipica II, Doline in Kopriva), kjer pridobiva mineralno surovino za obdelavo v svojih proizvodnih enotah. Naravni kamen (Lipica enotni, Lipica rožasti, Repen in Kopriva) vgrajujemo v objekte pri nas in v svetu. Poleg same proizvodnje in obdelave ima družba tudi izredno kvalitetno ročno obdelavo za restavratorska dela. Podzemno pridobivanje blokov naravnega kamna v kamnolomih podjetja Marmor, Sežana d.d. poteka po nahajališču prilagojeni komorno – stebrni odkopni metodi. Za podpiranje in zagotavljanje stabilnosti podzemnih prostorov se uporablja samonosilna kamnina v obliki visokih varnostnih stebrov. Visoke varnostne stebre sekajo številne diskontinuitete, ki lahko predstavljajo različna tveganja pri zagotavljanju stabilnosti podzemnih prostorov in izvajanju del na podzemnih deloviščih. Za zagotavljanje varnosti se izvaja monitoring napetostnih in deformacijskih parametrov visokih varnostnih stebrov z uporabo (WV) napetostnih merilnih celic, vgrajenih v notranjosti in EL paličnimi merilci deformacij, vgrajenimi na površini varnostnih stebrov

    Localization patterns of cathepsins K and X and their predictive value in glioblastoma

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    Glioblastoma is a highly aggressive central nervous system neoplasm characterized by extensive infiltration of malignant cells into brain parenchyma, thus preventing complete tumor eradication. Cysteine cathepsins B, S, L and K are involved in cancer progression and are overexpressed in glioblastoma. We report here for the first time that cathepsin X mRNA and protein are also abundantly present in malignant glioma. Gene expression of cathepsins K and X was analyzed using publically-available tran-scriptomic datasets and correlated with glioma grade and glioblastoma subtype. Kaplan-Maier survival analysis was performed to evaluate the predictive value of cathepsin K and X mRNA expression. Cathepsin protein expression was localized and semi-quantified in tumor tissues by immunohistochemistry. Highest gene expression of cathepsins K and X was found in glioblastoma, in particular in the mesenchymal subtype. Overall, high mRNA expression of cathepsin X, but not that of cathepsin K, correlated with poor patients' survival. Cathepsin K and X proteins were abundantly and heterogeneously expressed in glioblastoma tissue. Immuno-labeling of cathepsins K and X was observed in areas of CD133-positive glioblastoma stem cells, localized around arterioles in their niches that also expressed SDF-1α and CD68. mRNA levels of both cathepsins K and X correlated with mRNA levels of markers of glioblastoma stem cells and their niches. The presence of both cathepsins in glioblastoma stem cell niche regions indicates their possible role in regulation of glioblastoma stem cell homing in their niches. The clinical relevance of this data needs to be elaborated in further prospective studies