53 research outputs found
Technological and Educational Requirements for Inland Navigation Simulator in the Danube Region
Education and practical training of the crew members in water transport have been directed towards harmonisation within the EU. One of the basic goals of the project HINT (Harmonized Inland Navigation Transport through education and information technology) is the implementation of inland navigation simulators into the educational process. They might become an alternative way for practical training of crew members in near future. In this article we analyse the requirements for the functions and complexity of an inland navigation simulator in the educational process within the Danube region. The analysis comes from the research that was carried out by the organisations that work in Inland Water Transport (IWT) in the Danube region in October 2013
Rieka Váh je najdlhšia slovenská rieka, ktorá svojím povodím zaberá až jednu tretinu územia Slovenska. Jej význam spočíva nielen z pohľadu výroby elektrickej energie, ale aj ako dopravnej cesty, ktorá by pomohla k rozvoju hospodárstva najmä severozápadnej aj južnej časti Slovenska. Cieľom projektu vážska vodná cesta je splavniť rieku Váh od Komárna po Žilinu. Obchodná plavba sa s určitými obmedzeniami realizuje len v jej spodnej časti. Naďalej je potrebné zrekonštruovať, resp. vybudovať zdvíhacie zariadenia a kanály v jej strednej a hornej časti.The river Vah is the longest Slovak river, which occupies up to one third of Slovakia with its catchment area. Its importance lies not only in the production of electricity but also as a transport route that would help to develop the economy especially in the northwest and southern parts of Slovakia. The basic goal of the project Vah waterway is to make the Vah river navigable from Komarno to Zilina. With some limitations commercial navigation only carries out on its lower stretch. It is necessary to reconstruct or build lifting devices and canals on its middle or upper part
Unlawful Acts in Maritime Transport & Civil Aviation
Maritime and civil aviation security is a global problem posed by terrorism and illegal acts and therefore requires global attention and solutions that can only be provided by relevant international organizations (International Maritime Organization and International Civil Aviation Organization). Nineteen years have passed since the attacks of 11 September 2001 on the World Trade Center, but the threat of another terrorist attack is still just as possible and unacceptable. The series of attacks in the USA have started a new period of history. This period can be characterised as unsteady, unpredictable, and transforming of complex systems, including new types of dangers. The paper provides a comprehensive analysis and comparison of the most serious types of unlawful acts (terrorism and piracy) regarding legislation and jurisdiction. For the sake of comparability of legal phenomena, special attention is paid to illegal acts at sea and in the airspace above the sea
The port of Hamburg is the largest German seaport lying on the banks of the Elbe River, 115 kilometres from its estuary into the North Sea. Within container transhipment, it is on the third rank among European ports beyond the Dutch port of Rotterdam, and the Belgium port of Antwerp. Hamburg belonged to the first European ports that started handling containers at the end of the 1960s. In 1990, the port handled 1.696 mil. TEUs, in 2017, it was already 8.815 mil. TEUs. The port of Hamburg has four container terminals, two of which are automated or semiautomated terminals. The terminals differ in technical equipment, transhipment technology, handling systems
Maritime canals and straits play a relevant role in sea transport; they shorten navigation time in transport of cargoes between sea ports and contribute to reduce transport costs. They have passed though the reconstruction and modernisation to adapt the present requirements of maritime transport because of the increase of the volume of cargoes that is transported by this mode of transport
Tento článok je zameraný na prepravu skaziteľného nákladu, konkrétne potravín. Sú tu spomenuté legislatívne podmienky, ktoré je potrebné dodržiavať pri preprave. Nájdeme tu informácie o špeciálnych prepravných prostriedkoch, ktoré sa využívajú na prepravu a konkrétne požiadavky na prepravu hlboko mrazených, mrazených alebo chladených potravín. Spomenuté sú aj rozlišovacie značky, ktoré nám určujú rozsah teploty pri preprave potravín.This article is about transport of perishable cargo, specifically foodstuffs. There are also mentioned legislative conditions, which have to be respected during transport. We can find information about special means of transport, which are applied for transport and specific requirements for transport of deep-frozen, frozen and chilled foods. In this article are also mentioned distinguishing marks, which determine the temperature range during transport of food
Dunaj, druhá najdlhšia európska rieka, preteká desiatimi európskymi krajinami sveta. Po otvorení prieplavu Mohan – Dunaj v roku 1992 došlo k jej napojeniu na sieť vodných ciest západnej Európy a vytvoreniu vodnej cesty dlhej viac ako 3 500 kilometrov, ktorá spája Severné more s Čiernym morom. Význam tejto vodnej cesty spočíva nielen vo výmene tovaru medzi európskymi krajinami, ale aj vo výrobe elektrickej energie prostredníctvom vodných diel, ktoré ležia na tejto vodnej ceste. Predmetom článku je aj SWOT analýza vnútrozemskej plavby na Dunaji, ako aj objemy prepráv za ostatné obdobie a ich odhad vývoja s použitím metódy najmenších štvorcov.The Danube, the second longest European River, flows through ten European countries. After opening of the Main-Danube Canal in 1992, the Danube was linked with the waterways of Western European countries and a new waterway that is more than 3 500 kilometres long was formed and links the North and Black Sea. The importance of this waterway consist of exchange of goods among these European countries and the production of electricity by the dams that are located on this waterway. The goals of this paper are also SWOT analysis and the volumes of goods transported on the Danube for the last few years and their prediction with using the method of least squares
Predmetom článku je priblíženie sa k problematike prepravy nákladu medzi juhovýchodnou Áziou a Európou prostredníctvom štruktúry námorného systému. Zvláštna pozornosť je venovaná námorným prieplavom a úžinám na tejto trase.
The goal of the paper are the issues of cargo transport between the Far East and Europy by the structure of maritime system. Special attention is devoted to maritme canals and straits on this route
The purpose of this article is to present the current scenario of the economy in the countries of the South American continent. In the second section it presents in general terms how the main countries are organized in relation to inland waterway transport, presenting the main waterways, their characteristics and the main inland ports of the region
Privacy-Aware and Secure Decentralized Air Quality Monitoring
Indoor Air Quality monitoring is a major asset to improving quality of life and building management. Today, the evolution of embedded technologies allows the implementation of such monitoring on the edge of the network. However, several concerns need to be addressed related to data security and privacy, routing and sink placement optimization, protection from external monitoring, and distributed data mining. In this paper, we describe an integrated framework that features distributed storage, blockchain-based Role-based Access Control, onion routing, routing and sink placement optimization, and distributed data mining to answer these concerns. We describe the organization of our contribution and show its relevance with simulations and experiments over a set of use cases
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