10 research outputs found

    Wilson Loops in 2D Noncommutative Euclidean Gauge Theory: 2. 1/\theta Expansion

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    We analyze the 1/θ1/\theta and 1/N expansions of the Wilson loop averages Uθ(N)_{U_\theta (N)} in the two-dimensional noncommutative Uθ(N)U_\theta (N) gauge theory with the parameter of noncommutativity θ\theta. For a generic rectangular contour CC, a concise integral representation is derived (non-perturbatively both in the coupling constant g2g^{2} and in θ\theta) for the next-to-leading term of the 1/θ1/\theta expansion. In turn, in the limit when θ{\theta} is much larger than the area A(C)A(C) of the surface bounded by CC, the large θ\theta asymptote of this representation is argued to yield the next-to-leading term of the 1/θ1/\theta series. For both of the expansions, the next-to-leading contribution exhibits only a power-like decay for areas A(C)>>σ1A(C)>>\sigma^{-1} (but A(C)<<θA(C)<<{\theta}) much larger than the inverse of the string tension σ\sigma defining the range of the exponential decay of the leading term. Consequently, for large θ\theta, it hinders a direct stringy interpretation of the subleading terms of the 1/N expansion in the spirit of Gross-Taylor proposal for the θ=0\theta=0 commutative D=2 gauge theory.Comment: LaTex, 50pp., 9 PostScript figure

    Coulomb self-energy integral of a uniformly charged d-cube: A physically-based method for approximating multiple integrals

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    We report a concise expression for the electrostatic Coulomb self-energy of a uniformly charged cube with arbitrary dimensionality. The result, conveniently expressed in integral form, shows the unique behavior of the system as dimensionality increases. We use the case study of a uniformly charged square and cube to illustrate the effectiveness of the method employed. The resulting integral expression of the Coulomb self-energy of a multi-dimensional cube can be calculated numerically at very high accuracy. Numerically exact values of Coulomb self-energy obtained this way provide an excellent tool to gauge the validity of various computational techniques including a straightforward discretization method employed in this work. The proposed method relates the self-energy multi-variable integral to energy contributions coming from a finite discrete system of point charges with the understanding that the number of point charges gradually increases towards the continuum limit. We achieve very good accuracy by using an expression with only two terms where the second term increases considerably the accuracy of computation of continuum integrals and represents a systematic first-order correction to the finite energy of the discrete system. The applied numerical method turns out to be very reliable as shown by the results obtained for cubic domains with dimensionality varying from two to five. The method can be easily generalized to other types of domains with arbitrary geometry

    Are Good Managers Required for a Separation of Ownership and Control?

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