1,240 research outputs found

    Innovations in teaching

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    The article describes the main goal task, objective and point of innovation learningВ статье рассматриваются основные цели, задачи и сущность инноваций в образовани

    Variability of the structure of winter microbial communities in Chelyabinsk lakes

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    Microorganisms form complex and dynamic communities that play a key role in the biogeochemical cycles of lakes. A high level of urbanization is currently a serious threat to bacterial communities and the ecosystem of freshwater bodies. To assess the contribution of anthropogenic load to variations in the structure of winter microbial communities in lakes, microorganisms of four water bodies of Chelyabinsk region were studied for the first time. We used cultural, chromatography-mass spectrometric, and modern methods of statistical data processing (particularly, multivariate exploratory analysis and canonical analysis of correspondences). The research showed that the composition of winter microbial communities in lakes Chebarkul’, Smolino, Pervoye, and Shershenevskoye Reservoir did not differ significantly between the main phyla of microorganisms. The dominant microorganisms were found to be of the Firmicutes phylum and Actinobacteria phylum. The structure of bacterial communities had special features depending on the characteristics of the water body and the sampling depths. Thus, in the lakes Smolino, Pervoye, and Shershenevskoye Reservoir, an important role was played by associations between microorganisms – indicators of fecal contamination: coliform bacteria and Enterococcus. On the contrary, in Chebarkul’ Lake, members of the genus Bacillus, which are natural bioremediators, formed stable winter associations. However, the differences between water bodies and sampling depths reflected 28.1% and 9.8% of the variability of the winter microbial communities, respectively. The largest contribution (about 60%) to the variability of the structure was made by intra-water processes, which determined the high heterogeneity of samples from different water areas. We assume that an important role in this variability was played by the high anthropogenic impact in a large industrial metropolis. In our opinion, this line of research is very promising for addressing key environmental issues

    Structures and orientational transitions in thin films of tilted hexatic smectics

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    We present detailed systematic studies of structural transformations in thin liquid crystal films with the smectic-C to hexatic phase transition. For the first time all possible structures reported in the literature are observed for one material (5 O.6) at the variation of temperature and thickness. In unusual modulated structures the equilibrium period of stripes is twice with respect to the domain size. We interpret these patterns in the frame work of phenomenological Landau type theory, as equilibrium phenomena produced by a natural geometric frustration in a system having spontaneous splay distortion.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Data growth and its impact on the SCOP database: new developments

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    The Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) database is a comprehensive ordering of all proteins of known structure, according to their evolutionary and structural relationships. The SCOP hierarchy comprises the following levels: Species, Protein, Family, Superfamily, Fold and Class. While keeping the original classification scheme intact, we have changed the production of SCOP in order to cope with a rapid growth of new structural data and to facilitate the discovery of new protein relationships. We describe ongoing developments and new features implemented in SCOP. A new update protocol supports batch classification of new protein structures by their detected relationships at Family and Superfamily levels in contrast to our previous sequential handling of new structural data by release date. We introduce pre-SCOP, a preview of the SCOP developmental version that enables earlier access to the information on new relationships. We also discuss the impact of worldwide Structural Genomics initiatives, which are producing new protein structures at an increasing rate, on the rates of discovery and growth of protein families and superfamilies. SCOP can be accessed at http://scop.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/scop

    Ethnolinguistic Lacunae in Translation into Chinese of Novel by G. Sh. Yakhina “Zuleikha Opens Her Eyes”

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    The problem of linguocultural lacunarity in literary translation is considered. The novelty of the study lies in the fact that for the first time ethnolinguistic lacunae, represented by Turkic ethnographisms, are studied in the text of the original novel by G. Sh. Yakhina (2015) and its translation into Chinese by Zhang Jie and Xie Yuncai (2017). The material was the Turkisms of the novel by G. Sh. Yakhina “Zuleikha opens her eyes”, commented by the author in the appendix “Dictionary of Tatar words and expressions”. The article discusses the ethno-linguistic approach to the study of Turkisms (Albasty, Kaplau, Shurale, etc.), which includes: analysis of the etymology of the word, its linguo-ethnic status, functonal specificity, background information. It is proved that ethnolinguistic lacunarity is manifested not only through the extralinguistic component of the word and its national and cultural marking. The proposition is substantiated that the conjugation of the linguocultural Tatar-Russian contact is lacunar, which is “read” in the original text, but not in its translation. It is proved that the main way to eliminate lacunae is compensation, which allows to most fully recreate the ethnolinguistic specificity of reality. It is established that the methods of explication and generalization are frequent, which contribute to the preservation of the ethnolinguistic originality of the work

    Nonlinear magneto-optical rotation of frequency-modulated light resonant with a low-J transition

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    A low-light-power theory of nonlinear magneto-optical rotation of frequency-modulated light resonant with a J=1->J'=0 transition is presented. The theory is developed for a Doppler-free transition, and then modified to account for Doppler broadening and velocity mixing due to collisions. The results of the theory are shown to be in qualitative agreement with experimental data obtained for the rubidium D1 line.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, v.2 edited for clarit

    Structure-function-dynamics relationships in the peculiar Planktothrix PCC7805 OCP1: impact of his-tagging and carotenoid type

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    The orange carotenoid protein (OCP) is a photoactive protein involved in cyanobacterial photoprotection. Here, we report on the functional, spectral and structural characteristics of the peculiar Planktothrix PCC7805 OCP (Plankto-OCP). We show that this OCP variant is characterized by higher photoactivation and recovery rates, and a stronger energy-quenching activity, compared to other OCPs studied thus far. We characterize the effect of the functionalizing carotenoid and of his-tagging on these reactions, and the time scales on which these modifications affect photoactivation. The presence of a His-tag at the C-terminus has a large influence on photoactivation, thermal recovery and PBS-fluorescence quenching, and likewise for the nature of the carotenoid that additionally affects the yield and characteristics of excited states and the ns-s dynamics of photoactivated OCP. By solving the structures of Plankto-OCP in the ECN- and CAN-functionalized states, each in two closely-related crystal forms, we further unveil the molecular breathing motions that animate Plankto-OCP at the monomer and dimer levels. We finally discuss the structural changes that could explain the peculiar properties of Plankto-OCP. - Complete functional characterization of Synechocystis and Planktothrix OCPs - Hitherto unknown structures of ECN- and CAN-functionalized Planktothrix OC