3,382 research outputs found

    University as an Institute of Forming the Value- and Competence-Based Codes of New Industrialization

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    The objective of the article is to consider a transition to neo-industrialization through a prism of codes (genetic) of the territory, allow-ing it to participate in neo-industrialization processes, and of the institutes stimulating its process, in specific conditions of managing practice. And to define a role of universities in formation of value- and competence-based codes of neo-industrialization. The plan and methodology included: analysis of relation of values and modernization; revealing of the values being characteristic for post-industrialization; revealing of neo-industrialization codes of territory and the actors forming these codes; at last, for empirical determination of neo-industrialization codes which universities create, – the poll of students of Ural state universities. So, to reveal the main codes of neo-industrialization its features were ana-lyzed being marked out by various researchers. The analysis showed that in the basis of neo-industrial development are the technical innovations rais-ing the labor productivity; the professional specialization caused by the level of education of population; and also new forms of interaction, both among the organizations and among people in a production process, creat-ing the new and updating the existing information flows and sources of their generation. Basic codes of neo-industrialization of a territory are: in-novative codes of territory (innovative solutions); production codes (pro-duction capacities); branch codes (branch specifics); information codes (in-formation and the information technologies); social-value codes (values of the population in terms of industrial transformations); social-competence codes (knowledge, ability and skills of population as of effective produc-tive force); institutional codes of territory (legislative provision of transi-tion to new type of industrialization). Respectively, the basic actors form-ing the codes of neo-industrialization are the enterprises of real sector (car-rier of production and industrial codes), society (carrier of social codes), authorities (carrier of institutional codes). Universities act as a transformer of information, innovative and value- and competence-based codes. For defining the neo-industrialization codes, what universities form, the poll of students of Ural state universities was carried out. It showed, that, to the majority of respondents, education is not only the process of knowledge transmission promoting to find job, but also the process of studying to live in the conditions being continually changed, of forming the platform for further self-development. The most of respondents are inclined to associate universities with the in-stitute of forming the competence-based codes of neo-industrialization, but also with research and international cooperation functions. As the poll showed, in Ural universities among scientific-educational measures at least represented are the meetings with business representatives – it’s a lack of interaction with enterprises, what could increase relevance and importance of the knowledge being transmitted. In the part of mutual influence of values and modernization processes, the poll showed that by new generation prevail secular-rational values what replaced the traditional values, forging the population in its behavior and needs as well as causing the resistance to innovative transformations. By new generation prevail the values of self-expression. That’s why it can be said that young generation positively percepts indus-trial transformations, being an active cell of postindustrial society. The fact that the values of self-expression prevail, testifies an active position of students and readiness to participate in changing their life. The answers of respondents received testify that one more institute of forming the social-value codes of neo-industrialization is a family, what confirms a theory of cultural transmission. In the part of the nearest planes of students after university graduation, the poll showed that new generation possesses the positive potential of in-novative transformations and neo-industrialization on the whole. The most popular answers were “to get a job on an existing enterprise”, “to study further (magistracy / postgraduate study)”, “to create family”, “to create own business”. The results of research allow to conclude, that universities set and solve, by permanently improving themselves in ways, mechanisms and instru-ments, the double task: on the one hand, form the social competence-based codes of new industrialization furthering the forming the high-qualified work force; in the other hand, form the social value-based codes of new industrialization, such as leader qualities, patriotic qualities, re-sponsibility, general culture, what will create a neo-industrial perception of world and allow to exist in it successfully

    Comparative Assessment of the Factors and Conditions of the Formation of the Neoindustrial Social State in Russia and Germany

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    Russia and Germany are traditionally reputed as countries with socially oriented economies. Namely, these countries are also close by the index of the share of real sector of economy at GDP. And however, Germany is a founder of social market household largely defined its leadership in world economy, in current conditions of crisis of “the state of general welfare” the search of a new model of development for Germany is also important as for Russia stood on the way of modernization and neo-industrialization. In the article, the hypothesis about forming of the new model of development uniting the social orientation of economy, processes of neoindustrialization, and globalization is made. At the same time, the social orientation is the main aim of socio-economic development, neo-industrialization is a way to achieve it, and globalization is a criterion presupposing more effective use of resources. Theoretical backgrounds of development of “social state” are generalized in the works of German and Russian classics put the backgrounds of economic humanism, it has allowed to prove the fatality of modernization process without considering of deep mental backgrounds and civilization codes of the nation development. The methodological approaches to development of a new model of neo-industrial social state with emphasizing different levels: global, national, local, individual are worked out; and the technique for estimation of factors and conditions of its development is proposed. The technique is tested on the example of Russia and Germany. The comparative analysis conducted has allowed to make the conclusion about similarity of target guidelines, initial conditions, problems and ways of their solving in these countries, that is to be considered both in a strategy and a policy of socio-economic development of these countries and by their international partnership

    Corporate education system as a factor of ensuring modern companies’ financial stability

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    Purpose: This article aims to identify the role of corporate universities opened by large holdings for their employees’ effective training as a part of the company’s mission implementation and ensuring business financial stability strategy. Design/Methodology/Approach: To implement flexible project management of the companies’ financial stability, a concept of corporate university development is presented on the grounds of a competency-based approach. Main emphasis of the competency-based approach is aimed at the labor functions performance and establishment of a correlation between competence and labor efficiency of employees. Findings: Methods and techniques of corporate education are aimed at creating human capital development optimal model, ensuring the company’s financial stability. Practical Implications: The study results were tested as part of a corporate retraining program for the specialists at the “Russian Railways” company in Rostov-on-Don. Participation in corporate university programs allows employees responding quickly to market changes. Originality/value: Main contribution of this study is to create an algorithm for transmitting the company's strategy to all management levels. The tools for key changes in the company’s organizational and financial management system are formed at a corporate university.peer-reviewe

    CMS dashboard task monitoring: A user-centric monitoring view

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    We are now in a phase change of the CMS experiment where people are turning more intensely to physics analysis and away from construction. This brings a lot of challenging issues with respect to monitoring of the user analysis. The physicists must be able to monitor the execution status, application and grid-level messages of their tasks that may run at any site within the CMS Virtual Organisation. The CMS Dashboard Task Monitoring project provides this information towards individual analysis users by collecting and exposing a user-centric set of information regarding submitted tasks including reason of failure, distribution by site and over time, consumed time and efficiency. The development was user-driven with physicists invited to test the prototype in order to assemble further requirements and identify weaknesses with the application

    Targeting the principle implementation in the system of social support

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    Purpose: The article aims to identify the actual problems of implementing the principle of targeting in the social protection system in Russia and to develop a set of measures to transform the mechanism of its provision based on a differentiated approach, which implies not only differences in the size of social transfers, but also on various forms of such support. Design/Methodology/Approach: As the basic approaches of the study there were chosen the theory of social investment and the conception of result-based budgeting. The study suggested the development of a more effective financial support system, the substantiation of a differentiated approach to the organization of a social system based on a single method by determining the degree of financial vulnerability of citizens and the development of methodological recommendations on the use of financial instruments to strengthen the targeting of social protection of needy citizens. Findings: The article substantiates that the necessary condition for the transformation of the social protection system to strengthen the social and financial security of needy citizens is the development of a differentiated approach in the provision of social support measures. Practical Implications: The results of the study can be implemented into the management of social protection in order to improve its efficiency and effectiveness by using the targeting of social transfers based on clear criteria of need, the differentiated approach implementation in determining the measures of social support through the use of "map of social support of citizens", expanding the application of social contract technology. Originality/Value: The set of measures proposed in the study will make it possible not only to adjust and direct social support to really needy recipients and to differentiate the volume of the support provided, but also to create conditions for the recipients of targeted protection to self-sufficiency, which, in turn, will contribute to the poverty reduction.peer-reviewe