116 research outputs found

    Concept-Cartoons as a Tool to Evoke and Analyze Pupils Judgments in Social Science Education

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    The following contribution makes an effort to place the concept-cartoon-method into the context of social science education. Concept-cartoons (CCs) enable teachers to use the everyday life experiences and individual thoughts of the pupils as a positive enrichment tool within the learning processes. In this context, CCs are very suitable to function as a method to gain information about both the existing mental conceptions and the individual political judgment strategies. Through this, it is possible to put everyday life concepts and scientific knowledge in a constructive relationship, which finally enhances new learning objectives. First the article highlights the relevance of pupils’ and teachers` concepts for judgment processes. On this basis the method of CCs is introduced and evaluatedDer folgende Artikel beschĂ€ftigt sich mit den Möglichkeiten des methodischen Einsatzes von Concept-Cartoons im Rahmen sozialwissenschaftlichen Unterrichts. Als Instrumentarium zur Diagnose von SchĂŒlervorstellungen und individuellen Urteilsstrategien, bieten Comic-Cartoons den LehrkrĂ€ften die Möglichkeit, den Unterricht entlang dieser lernrelevanten Perspektiven zu gestalten. Durch die konstruktive VerknĂŒpfung von Alltagskonzepten und Fachkonzepten können auf diese Weise neue Chancen fĂŒr nachhaltige Lehr- und Lernprozesse erschlossen werden. Innerhalb dieses Beitrags wird zunĂ€chst die Bedeutung von SchĂŒlervorstellungen und vorfachlichen Urteilsstrategien fĂŒr wirksamen sozialwissenschaftlichen Unterricht geklĂ€rt. Im Anschluss erfolgt eine EinfĂŒhrung in die Methode „Concept-Cartoons“. Abschließend werden exemplarisch drei von den Autoren gestaltete Cartoons vorgestellt

    Data Analytics for Effective Decision-Making in Crises - Identifying Relevant Data Analytics Competencies for Automotive Procurement Departments

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    Crises become the norm for organizations, as recent years have shown. Especially the automotive industry is still facing disruptive changes such as e-mobility, connected cars or autonomous driving. Disrupted supply chains, related production downtimes and associated financial losses are consequences. Procurement departments are the interface between internal and external stakeholders in supply chains, and therefore, the central authority for managing crises. In such situations, effective decision-making is essential. Positive effects of data analytics on decision-making were part of numerous research endeavors, as well as related data analytics competencies. We conducted semi-structured interviews with experienced experts about relevant data analytics competencies in procurement departments. We present an overview specifically for procurement departments and derive implications of these competencies on decision-making. As a result, we apply our findings to existing research from a theoretical perspective and support procurement leaders and their departments in facing current and future challenges from a practical perspective

    Automotive Manufacturers and Their Stumble from one Supply Crisis to Another: Procurement Departments Could be the Game Changer by Using Data Analytics, but

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    With this paper, we examine the use of data analytics for crisis management in automotive procurement departments. Possible business values of data analytics were part of numerous research approaches. Nevertheless, automotive manufacturers are repeatedly confronted with supply chain disruptions. Procurement departments have a central role within supply chains and are predominantly responsible for stable supply processes. Taking into account the potential of data analytics, such crises should be avoided or at least mitigated. Thus, there is the question, why data analytics cannot currently help automotive procurement departments by facing such crises. We therefore evaluate problems and obstacles by implementing and using data analytics in automotive procurement departments. Therefore, we talk to experienced procurement experts for evaluating practical insights. With our findings we provide practical insights and applicable recommendations for action with the goal of helping procurement leaders to better leverage data analytics for meeting current and future crises


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    Muscular balance is one of the most widely discussed topics in sport science over the past years. The publications show a significant discrepancy between the accuracy of the numerous published statements on the theory of muscular balance and the small number of empirical studies. In the present investigation the authors examined both the logical and the empirical extent of the theory of muscular balance. Examination of the plausibility and the stringency of the argument showed that the theory of muscular balance lacks a scientific basis. However the empirical section disclosed a number of correlations between muscle function and body posture. Within a ten week training period the studentsÂŽ average pelvic tilt was lowered significantly by a suitable program

    Mentoring for young female practitioners and scientists in spatial and environmental planning in Germany - experiences of the joint mentoring program of the Academy for Spatial Research and Planning and the Association for Spatial and Environmental Research

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    In order to overcome the underrepresentation of women on higher management levels in planning, the Academy for Spatial Research and Planning (ARL) and the Association for Spatial and Environmental Research (FRU) in Germany jointly have elaborated a mentoring program for young female planning practitioners and scientists. This article introduces objectives and elements of the mentoring program being considered a strategic talent development in a network of excellence. Results from a survey among the mentees and mentors of five subsequent years are presented revealing the principal verification of the program with its main elements: one-by-one mentoring for one year each, joint events, qualification classes for the mentees, projects by mentees and support with publications, and a final certificate. The survey reveals the need for several modifications, such as the introduction of target agreements at the beginning of a mentoring period, the modification of the project study as well as the extension of the mentoring period, which are discussed in detail. Finally, conclusions are drawn regarding the program efficacy and transfer

    RĂ€umliche Konsequenzen des demographischen Wandels - worĂŒber reden wir?

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    Der Aufsatz stellt grundlegende Erkenntnisse und ZusammenhĂ€nge zum Thema "Demographischer Wandel" vor, klĂ€rt die zentralen Begriffe und gibt einen Überblick ĂŒber die generellen rĂ€umlichen Auswirkungen des demographischen Wandels sowie ĂŒber ausgewĂ€hlte Handlungsfelder. Im Aufsatz werden drei Lesarten des Begriffs "Demographischer Wandel" aufgezeigt. Es folgt die Empfehlung fĂŒr die Verwendung des Begriffs im "weiteren Sinn": Demographischer Wandel als RĂŒckgang, Alterung und Heterogenisierung im Sinne der Internationalisierung der Bevölkerung. Unter Bezugnahme auf die 12. koordinierte Bevölkerungsvorausberechnung des Statistischen Bundesamtes werden die demographische Entwicklung in Deutschland skizziert und Aussagen ĂŒber die kĂŒnftige Zahl und Struktur der Bevölkerung abgeleitet. Ein wichtiges Anliegen ist die kleinrĂ€umige Differenzierung der Bevölkerungsdynamik. Auch kĂŒnftig wird es voraussichtlich aus ökonomischen GrĂŒnden eine Umverteilung der Bevölkerung geben - hĂ€ufig von lĂ€ndlich-peripheren Regionen in ökonomisch prosperierende. Die Auswirkungen in rĂ€umlicher Hinsicht sind vielfĂ€ltig und betreffen alle Infrastrukturbereiche. Sie sind jedoch nur eingeschrĂ€nkt von den Kommunen beeinflussbar. Politische und planerische Akteure sind - differenziert nach rĂ€umlicher und finanzieller Ausgangssituation - zum Handeln aufgefordert. Dabei zeigt sich, dass noch immer Strategien des Gegensteuerns prĂ€feriert werden, da Anpassungsstrategien an die Folgen des demographischen Wandels, insbesondere an den BevölkerungsrĂŒckgang, hĂ€ufig nicht akzeptiert werden. Ein "Wechsel des VerstĂ€ndnisses" ist erforderlich: Blicke in die Zukunft dĂŒrfen nicht lĂ€nger an bisherigen Wachstumszielen orientiert sein.This essay introduces fundamental cognitions and coherences to the subject “demographic change”, explains central terms and gives an overview over the general spatial consequences of the demographic change as well as selected fields of action. In the essay three versions of the term “demographic change” are being demonstrated. The recommendation for the use of the term in a “wider sense” follows; Demographic change as decline, aging and heterogenization in the sense of internationalization of the population. In reference to the 12th coordinated population projection of the Federal Statistical Office, the demographic development in Germany is being sketched and statements regarding the future number and structure of the population derived. An important issue is the differentiation of population dynamics on a small scale. Due to economical reasons, also in the future a shifting of the population is to be expected - in many cases from peripheral-rural regions to economically prosperous ones. The consequences in a spatial context are diverse and apply to all areas of infrastructure. They can, however, only be influenced by the local authorities within limitations. Political and planning activists are - differentiated by spatial and financial initial situation - called for action. Here it shows that strategies of counter-steering are being preferred, as adaptation strategies for the consequences of demographic change, especially the decline of population, are often not accepted. A “change of understanding” is necessary: Views to the future must not be orientated on previous growth targets any longer


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    Lebensstile als typische Struktur von im Alltagsleben sichtbaren Verhaltensweisen haben einen expressiven Charakter, implizieren somit eine Stilisierung und gehen mit einer Symbolisierung der Verhaltensweisen einher. Lebensstilmodelle können daher als ErgĂ€nzung zu Klassen- oder Schichtmodellen begriffen werden. Lebensstile weisen vielfĂ€ltige RaumbezĂŒge auf. Beispielsweise lassen sich sozialrĂ€umliche Segregation, Suburbanisierung und Gentrifizierung gewinnbringend lebensstilspezifisch analysieren und interpretieren

    “Greedy Buyers, Amoral Speculators and Lacking State Control” - Pupils Conceptions about the Crisis and their Relevance for Political and Economic Learning

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    This article exemplarily illustrates pupils‘ concepts of the Economic and Financial Crisis. It is especially interesting to examine in how far pupils assign relevance to current crisis phenomena for their daily lives and how these are perceived and explained. Diagnosing and analysing the available concepts is a prerequisite for planning Politics lessons. In the politic and economic classroom researching pupils‘ concepts and paying attention to them can help to show student orientated ways of learning

    Pupillometry examinations of the human eye with the eye diagnostic device PEP-2000 - first results

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    Pupillometry forms the diagnostic basis for numerous pathologies of the eye. For this reason, fast and accurate diagnostics in the field of ophthalmology are essential. Two examination techniques, full-field ERG and pupillometry were combined in a diagnostic device developed by ICM e.V. to reduce the examination process for both examiners and patients. In this paper, the device is examined for the quality of the pupillometry measurements. A study with 12 healthy subjects (3 f, 9 m, 36.33 ± 11.94 years) was conducted to evaluate the device. The results showed that the minimal pupil diameter is 40 % higher than the literature values. The main reason for the differences is the low light intensity of 15 cd/m2. However, the maximum pupil diameter is within the range of the researched values. The results of the pupillary reaction measurements show that the values obtained (amplitude, contraction time and peak time) are within the range of literature values. The latency time of 690 ms is 40 % too high. The reason for this could be the moderate pupil detection rate of 50-70 %. Nevertheless, plausible and comparable analysis values could be obtained with the eye diagnostic device PEP-2000. Further work will look at improving pupil detection rates
