3,444 research outputs found

    SLC27 family of fatty acid transporters (version 2019.4) in the IUPHAR/BPS Guide to Pharmacology Database

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    Fatty acid transporter proteins (FATPs) are a family (SLC27) of six transporters (FATP1-6). They have at least one, and possibly six [4, 11], transmembrane segments, and are predicted on the basis of structural similarities to form dimers. SLC27 members have several structural domains: integral membrane associated domain, peripheral membrane associated domain, FATP signature, intracellular AMP binding motif, dimerization domain, lipocalin motif, and an ER localization domain (identified in FATP4 only) [2, 8, 9]. These transporters are unusual in that they appear to express intrinsic very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase (EC 6.2.1.- , EC enzyme activity. Within the cell, these transporters may associate with plasma and peroxisomal membranes. FATP1-4 and -6 transport long- and very long-chain fatty acids, while FATP5 transports long-chain fatty acids as well as bile acids [7, 11]

    SLC27 family of fatty acid transporters in GtoPdb v.2023.1

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    Fatty acid transporter proteins (FATPs) are a family (SLC27) of six transporters (FATP1-6). They have at least one, and possibly six [6, 13], transmembrane segments, and are predicted on the basis of structural similarities to form dimers. SLC27 members have several structural domains: integral membrane associated domain, peripheral membrane associated domain, FATP signature, intracellular AMP binding motif, dimerization domain, lipocalin motif, and an ER localization domain (identified in FATP4 only) [4, 10, 11]. These transporters are unusual in that they appear to express intrinsic very long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase (EC 6.2.1.- , EC enzyme activity. Within the cell, these transporters may associate with plasma and peroxisomal membranes. FATP1-4 and -6 transport long- and very long-chain fatty acids, while FATP5 transports long-chain fatty acids as well as bile acids [9, 13, 1]

    Systemisch-strukturelle Risikofaktoren für sexuellen Missbrauch in der kirchlichen Jugendarbeit

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    Dieser Artikel reflektiert systemisch-strukturelle Risikofaktoren, welche das Auftreten von sexuellem Missbrauch in kirchlicher Jugendarbeit begünstigen können. Nachdem der Begriff des „sexuellen Missbrauchs“ näher definiert wird, nimmt der Text ein theoretisches Modell auf, welches die Bedingungsgefüge von Missbrauch aus den drei Perspektiven von Täter*innen1, Opfern und Umfeld betrachtet. Dabei werden Missbrauchshandlungen verstanden als ein Ergebnis des Zusammenwirkens von Handlungsmotivation, Repräsentationen, Handlungsmöglichkeiten und Kosten-Nutzen- Abwägungen. Für diese verschiedenen Bereiche werden systemisch-strukturelle Risikofaktoren kirchlicher Jugendarbeit ausgemacht. Ein signifikanter Teil dieser Faktoren kann vor allem durch Präventionsarbeit reduziert werden. This article reflects systemic-structural risk factors that can facilitate the occurrence of sexual abuse in the youth ministry. After defining the term “sexual abuse”, the author applies a theoretical model that considers the structure of conditions of abuse from the three perspectives of perpetrators, victims and the environment. Abusive acts are understood to result from the interaction of motivation to act, representations, possibilities for action and cost-benefit considerations. Systemic-structural risk factors for youth ministry are identified for these different areas. A significant part of these factors can be reduced primarily through prevention work

    Eta Carinae: Binarity Confirmed

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    We report the recovery of a spectroscopic event in eta Carinae in 1997/98 after a prediction by Damineli (1996). A true periodicity with P = 2020+-5 days (0.2% uncertainty) is obtained. The line intensities and the radial-velocity curve display a phase-locked behavior implying that the energy and dynamics of the event repeat from cycle to cycle. This rules out S Doradus oscillation or multiple shell ejection by an unstable star as the explanation of the spectroscopic events. A colliding-wind binary scenario is supported by our spectroscopic data and by X-ray observations. Although deviations from a simple case exist around periastron, intensive monitoring during the next event (mid 2003) will be crucial to the understanding of the system.Comment: 13 pages, accepted by ApJ Letters (January 2000

    Identification of seedling resistance against leaf rust using innovative phenotyping methods

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    Puccinia triticina als Auslöser des Braunrosts, ist eines der wichtigsten pilzlichen Pathogene des Weizens. Effektive Resistenzen können vor Ertragsverlusten und verringerter Qualität schützen. Mehr als 80 Braunrostresistenzgene (Lr-Gene) sind bekannt, die meisten sind vertikale Resistenzgene und sind infolge des Auftretens virulenter Braunrostrassen gefährdet, ihre Wirksamkeit zu verlieren. Daher fokussieren sich Züchtungsaktivitäten auf quantitative Resistenzgene wie z. B. Lr34 und Lr46. In einer F2 Population, die aus dem resistenten Elter Pavon F76, der Lr46 im Adultpflanzenstadium ausprägt, und der anfälligen Linie Thatcher entstanden ist, wurden bereits im Keimpflanzenstadium wirksame Resistenz-QTLs in Regionen, in denen keine bekannten Resistenzgene zu erwarten sind, nachgewiesen. Mit Hilfe innovativer Phänotypisierungsmethoden, z. B. mikroskopischen Beobachtungen und der Zählung der Uredosporen, konnten drei QTL auf den Chromosomen 2B, 4D und 7D nachgewiesen werden. Diese Resistenz-QTL erklären mehr als 11 % der phänotypischen Varianz. Von Markern innerhalb der QTL können nun KASP Marker abgeleitet werden, die für eine markergestützte Züchtung geeignet sind. Die Ergebnisse der Studie zeigen erneut, dass die Mendelschen Gesetze nicht nur auf phänotypische Merkmale anwendbar sind. Sie gelten ebenso für die Vererbung der unterschiedlichen Allele, die durch Marker nachweisbar sind und sind somit essentiell für die Markerselektion und die markergestützte Züchtung.Puccinia triticina, as the causal agent of leaf rust, is one of the most important fungal diseases of wheat. Effective resistance can prevent yield losses and reduced quality. More than 80 leaf rust resistance (Lr genes) genes are known, most of which are vertical resistance genes vulnerable to breakdown by virulent races of leaf rust. Therefore, breeding activities are focused on quantitative resistance genes, e.g., Lr34 and Lr46. In an F2 population derived from the partially resistant cultivar Pavon F76, carrying Lr46 at the adult plant stage, and the susceptible spring wheat variety Thatcher, seedling resistance QTLs could be detected, independent of the expected chromosomal regions for already known Lr genes. Using innovative phenotyping methods, e.g., microscopic evaluation and counting of uredospore pustules, three QTLs were detected on chromosomes 2B, 4D and 7D. These resistance QTLs explained more than 11% of the phenotypic variance. KASP markers can be derived from markers within the QTL peaks and are available for marker-assisted selection. The study proves again that Mendelian rules do not only describe the inheritance of phenotype. They also apply to the inheritance of the marker alleles and are therefore essential for marker selection and marker-assisted breeding

    Crop adaptation to climate change as a consequence of long-term breeding

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    Major global crops in high-yielding, temperate cropping regions are facing increasing threats from the impact of climate change, particularly from drought and heat at critical developmental timepoints during the crop lifecycle. Research to address this concern is frequently focused on attempts to identify exotic genetic diversity showing pronounced stress tolerance or avoidance, to elucidate and introgress the responsible genetic factors or to discover underlying genes as a basis for targeted genetic modification. Although such approaches are occasionally successful in imparting a positive effect on performance in specific stress environments, for example through modulation of root depth, major-gene modifications of plant architecture or function tend to be highly context-dependent. In contrast, long-term genetic gain through conventional breeding has incrementally increased yields of modern crops through accumulation of beneficial, small-effect variants which also confer yield stability via stress adaptation. Here we reflect on retrospective breeding progress in major crops and the impact of long-term, conventional breeding on climate adaptation and yield stability under abiotic stress constraints. Looking forward, we outline how new approaches might complement conventional breeding to maintain and accelerate breeding progress, despite the challenges of climate change, as a prerequisite to sustainable future crop productivity.Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung http://dx.doi.org/10.13039/501100002347Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen (3114)Peer Reviewe

    Co-Evolution of Sink and Source in the Recent Breeding History of Winter Wheat in Germany

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    Optimizing the interplay between sinks and sources is of crucial importance for breeding progress in winter wheat. However, the physiological limitations of yield from source (e.g. green canopy duration, GCD) and sink (e.g. grain number) are still unclear. Furthermore, there is little information on how the source traits have been modified during the breeding history of winter wheat. This study analyzed the breeding progress of sink and source components and their relationships to yield components. Field trials were conducted over three years with 220 cultivars representing the German breeding history of the past five decades. In addition, genetic associations of QTL for the traits were assessed with genome-wide association studies. Breeding progress mainly resulted from an increase in grain numbers per spike, a sink component, whose variations were largely explained by the photosynthetic activity around anthesis, a source component. Surprisingly, despite significant breeding progress in GCD and other source components, they showed no direct influence on thousand grain weights, indicating that grain filling was not limited by the source strength. Our results suggest that, 1) the potential longevity of the green canopy is predetermined at the time point that the number of grains is fixed; 2) a co-evolution of source and sink strength during the breeding history contribute to the yield formation of the modern cultivars. For future breeding we suggest to choose parental lines with high grain numbers per spike on the sink side, and high photosynthetic activity around anthesis and canopy duration on the source side, and to place emphasis on these traits throughout selection