69 research outputs found

    Suppression of dilepton production at finite baryon density

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    We study dilepton production from a quark-gluon plasma of given energy density at finite quark chemical potential μ and find that the dilepton production rate is a strongly decreasing function of μ. Therefore, the signal to background ratio of dileptons from a plasma created in a heavy-ion collision may decrease significantly

    Skalendokumentation: Selbstgesteuertes Lernen

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    Für die Studie HUBER-STÖCKER (2015) wurde eine Reihe von Skalen zur Messung des Selbstgesteuerten Lernens entworfen. Sie richten sich an Schüler der 5. bis > 9. Jahrgangsstufe und wurden an einer Gesamtstichprobe von N = 705 Schülern validiert. Die skalische Operationalisierung erfolgt entlang des >3-Schalen-ModellsRubikonmodell der Handlungsphasensozial erwünschten Antworttendenz< in der genannten Studie als vielversprechende Perspektive herausgestellt. (DIPF/Orig.

    Collective flow in heavy ion reactions and the properties of excited nuclear matter

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    Quantum Molecular Dynamics (QMD) calculations of central collisions between heavy nuclei are used to study fragment production and the creation of collective flow. It is shown that the final phase space distributions are compatible with the expectations from a thermally equilibrated source, which in addition exhibits a collective transverse expansion. However, the microscopic analyses of the transient states in the intermediate reaction stages show that the event shapes are more complex and that equilibrium is reached only in very special cases but not in event samples which cover a wide range of impact parameters as it is the case in experiments. The basic features of a new molecular dynamics model (UQMD) for heavy ion collisions from the Fermi energy regime up to the highest presently available energies are outlined

    Nucleus-nucleus collisions at highest energies

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    The microscopic phasespace approach URQMD is used to investigate the stopping power and particle production in heavy systems at SPS and RHIC energies. We find no gap in the baryon rapidity distribution even at RHIC. For CERN energies URQMD shows a pile up of baryons and a supression of multi-nucleon clusters at midrapidity

    Baryon resonances: A Primary rho ---> lepton+ lepton- source in p + p and p + d at 4.9-GeV.

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    Dilepton spectra for p+p and p+d reactions at 4.9GeV are calculated. We consider electromagnetic bremsstrahlung also in inelastic reactions. N* and Delta* decay present the major contributions to the pho and omega meson yields.Pion annihilation yields only 1.5% of all pho's in p+d. The pho mass spectrum is strongly distorted due to phase space effects, populating dominantly dilepton masses below 770MeV

    Геолого-промышленные типы месторождений германия, методика поисков и разведки

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    Recent genetic studies found the A allele of the variant rs1006737 in the alpha 1C subunit of the L-type voltage-gated calcium channel (CACNA1C) gene to be overrepresented in patients suffering from bipolar disorder, schizophrenia or major depression. While the functions underlying the pathophysiology of these psychiatric disorders are yet unknown, impaired performance in verbal fluency tasks is an often replicated finding. We investigated the influence of the rs1006737 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) on verbal fluency and its neural correlates.Brain activation was measured with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) during a semantic verbal fluency task in 63 healthy male individuals. They additionally performed more demanding verbal fluency tasks outside the scanner. All subjects were genotyped for CACNA1C rs1006737.For the behavioral measures outside the scanner, rs1006737genotype had an effect on semantic but not on lexical verbal fluency with decreased performance in risk-allele carriers. In the fMRI experiment, while there were no differences in behavioural performance, increased activation in the left inferior frontal gyrus as well as the left precuneus was found in risk-allele carriers in the semantic verbal fluency task.The rs1006737 variant does influence language production on a semantic level in conjunction with the underlying neural systems. These findings are in line with results of studies in bipolar disorder, schizophrenia and major depression and may explain some of the cognitive and brain activation variation found in these disorders

    The effects of a DTNBP1 gene variant on attention networks: an fMRI study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Attention deficits belong to the main cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia and come along with altered neural activity in previously described cerebral networks. Given the high heritability of schizophrenia the question arises if impaired function of these networks is modulated by susceptibility genes and detectable in healthy risk allele carriers.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The present event-related fMRI study investigated the effect of the single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs1018381 of the <it>DTNBP1 </it>(dystrobrevin-binding protein 1) gene on brain activity in 80 subjects while performing the attention network test (ANT). In this reaction time task three domains of attention are probed simultaneously: alerting, orienting and executive control of attention.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Risk allele carriers showed impaired performance in the executive control condition associated with reduced neural activity in the left superior frontal gyrus [Brodmann area (BA) 9]. Risk allele carriers did not show alterations in the alerting and orienting networks.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>BA 9 is a key region of schizophrenia pathology and belongs to a network that has been shown previously to be involved in impaired executive control mechanisms in schizophrenia. Our results identified the impact of <it>DTNBP1 </it>on the development of a specific attention deficit via modulation of a left prefrontal network.</p

    High prevalence of NMDA receptor IgA/IgM antibodies in different dementia types

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    OBJECTIVE: To retrospectively determine the frequency of N-Methyl-D-Aspartate (NMDA) receptor (NMDAR) autoantibodies in patients with different forms of dementia. METHODS: Clinical characterization of 660 patients with dementia, neurodegenerative disease without dementia, other neurological disorders and age-matched healthy controls combined with retrospective analysis of serum or cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for the presence of NMDAR antibodies. Antibody binding to receptor mutants and the effect of immunotherapy were determined in a subgroup of patients. RESULTS: Serum NMDAR antibodies of IgM, IgA, or IgG subtypes were detected in 16.1% of 286 dementia patients (9.5% IgM, 4.9% IgA, and 1.7% IgG) and in 2.8% of 217 cognitively healthy controls (1.9% IgM and 0.9% IgA). Antibodies were rarely found in CSF. The highest prevalence of serum antibodies was detected in patients with “unclassified dementia” followed by progressive supranuclear palsy, corticobasal syndrome, Parkinson’s disease-related dementia, and primary progressive aphasia. Among the unclassified dementia group, 60% of 20 patients had NMDAR antibodies, accompanied by higher frequency of CSF abnormalities, and subacute or fluctuating disease progression. Immunotherapy in selected prospective cases resulted in clinical stabilization, loss of antibodies, and improvement of functional imaging parameters. Epitope mapping showed varied determinants in patients with NMDAR IgA-associated cognitive decline. INTERPRETATION: Serum IgA/IgM NMDAR antibodies occur in a significant number of patients with dementia. Whether these antibodies result from or contribute to the neurodegenerative disorder remains unknown, but our findings reveal a subgroup of patients with high antibody levels who can potentially benefit from immunotherapy