36 research outputs found

    Temperature dependence of the visibility in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer

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    We performed the conductance and the shot noise measurements in an electronic Mach-Zehnder interferometer. The visibility of the interference is investigated as a function of the electron temperature that is derived from the thermal noise of the interferometer. The non-equilibrium noise displays both h/e and h/2e oscillations vs. the modulation gate voltage.Comment: 19 pages, 4 figure

    Preventive home visits – a chance for older people to stay at home as long as possible

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    Introduction: Due to demographic change and lack of health care personnel new solutions like preventive home visits (PHV) are necessary. PHV reduces the risk of long-term care and therefore, enables older people to live in their home as long as possible. Aim of the study: The aim of this study is to analyse the acceptance of PHV and the effect of PHV on health status of the older people. Methods: In this mixed method study PHV as a nursing intervention will be offered to people older than 65 years, not yet eligible for benefits from the long-term care insurance and living in Emlichheim, a region in the northwestern part of Lower Saxony. A sample of 75 people is determined. The health status will be recorded with the Short Form 12 questionnaire. Fifteen semi-structured interviews will be performed to investigate acceptance of the PHV intervention. Quantitative data will be analysed using inferential statistics, qualitative data will be analysed using content analysis. Ethical approval has been obtained. Results: It is expected that the findings of this study complete current knowledge about the concept of PHV. Practical relevance: This study is of high practical relevance, because additional insights of acceptance might enable the adaption of the PHV concept. Furthermore, increased knowledge and motivation for preventive behaviour of the older people is anticipated in order to extend their autonomy. The results of this study could contribute to the implementation of PHV in Germany, especially in rural areas. It tends to allow a self-determined life in their familiar environment for the older people, as the biggest need of this group

    Vorstellung des Studiengangs: Pharmazie

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    Inhalt: Berufsbild der Pharmazeuten; Tätigkeitsbereiche des Pharmazeuten; Studiengang - Aufbau und Inhalte; Zulassung zum Studiu

    A Task-Model for Text Corpus Analysis in Knowledge Management

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    . Task-models are user-centered representations of goals and actions a user needs to perform in the context of information processing. They help to characterize tasks which might be fruitfully supported by current or future systems and therefore are promising aids for a deeper understanding of user activities in certain application domains. This paper presents a taxonomy for document analysis tasks which are relevant in particular in knowledge management and can potentially be aided by visual text-access technology. The task-model is developed in three steps: Selected domain-independent task-models from literature are condensed to form a theoretical basis for the development of a specialized model. Case studies concerned with different document analysis tasks as well as results of a survey in knowledge-intensive industries complete and optimize the specialized task-model for document analysis in knowledge management.

    Vorstellung des Studiengangs: Pharmazie (Stex)

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    Inhalt: Das Berufsbild; Pharmazeutische Wissenschaften; Regularien des Pharmaziestudiums; Aufbau des Pharmaziestudiums; Weiterbildung und Spezialisierung; Tätigkeitsfelder; Zulassung zum Pharmaziestudium; Auswahlverfahren; weitere Informationen; Warum in Jena studieren

    A.: Exploiting Metadata for Ontology-Based Visual Exploration of Weakly Structured Text Documents

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    A large amount of strategically relevant business information is contained in unstructured texts. While information brokering approaches are used to contextualize such documents and to generate metadata, text mining is used to explore large document spaces. So far, little attention has been paid on a value-adding combination of these technologies. In this paper we show how metadata and documents can be complementarily represented and used interactively to support users in text corpus analysis. We present a text analysis portal which displays interdocument similarity by means of so-called document maps, complemented by a display of the domain ontology and metadata-based access methods. 1

    Providing Awareness in Complex Cooperation Networks

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    MonA - An Extensible Framework for Web Document Monitoring

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