337 research outputs found

    Risikofaktoren und Prävention aggressiven Verhaltens von Kindern und Jugendlichen

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    Contrary to often very simplified explanatory approaches published in the media, the ongoing research takes into account a multi-causal framework and different developmental processes with respect to the causes of aggressive behavior. Meanwhile, a bio-psycho-social model has been established which broadly describes the conditions correlating with the development of aggressive behavior. In addition to the developmental risk and the protective factors listed in this model, situative factors such as provocation, special incentives, ownership of weapons and other provoking factors are also decisive. In accordance with the broad range of developmental and triggering factors, numerous interventions and most of all preventive programs are suggested to reduce aggressive behavior. One of the most intensively evaluated and internationally known prevention programs is “Faustlos” (“without fists”). This article outlines evaluation outcomes, content and structure of the Faustlos-curriculum. The text also summarizes the risk and protective factors for aggressive behavior in children and adolescents. (DIPF/Orig.)Im Gegensatz zu den teilweise sehr vereinfachenden Erklärungsansätzen in den Medien, ist bezüglich der Ursachen für aggressives Verhalten von einem multikausalen Bedingungsgefüge und unterschiedlichen Entwicklungsverläufen aggressiven Verhaltens auszugehen. Für eine umfassende Beschreibung der Bedingungen, die mit der Entstehung aggressiven Verhaltens korrelieren, hat sich inzwischen ein bio-psycho-soziales Modell etabliert. Neben den hier aufgeführten ursächlichen Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren sind für das Auftreten aggressiver Verhaltensweisen auch situative Faktoren wie Provokationen, spezielle Anreize, Waffenbesitz und andere auslösende Momente entscheidend. Entsprechend der breiten Palette ursächlicher und auslösender Faktoren werden zur Eindämmung aggressiven Verhalten vielfältige Interventions- und v.a. Präventionsmaßnahmen vorgeschlagen. Eines der am intensivsten evaluierten und international sehr verbreiteten Präventionsprogramme ist „Faustlos“. Im vorliegenden Artikel werden Evaluationsergebnisse, Inhalte und Struktur des Faustlos-Programms beschrieben, und es werden die Risiko- und Schutzfaktoren aggressiven Verhaltens von Kindern und Jugendlichen zusammenfassend dargestellt. (DIPF/Orig.

    Vernetzte Sphären' als Herausforderung für eine moderne Ordnungspolitik

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    Die zunehmende Verflechtung von Staat, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft stellt die Ordnungspolitik vor ein Dilemma: Die Kluft zwischen dem eigenen Steuerungsanspruch und der faktischen Steuerungsfähigkeit wird immer größer. Wie ist diese Entwicklung zu bewerten? In welchem Rahmen kann der Staat agieren? --

    They Are All After You: Investigating the Viability of a Threat Model That Involves Multiple Shoulder Surfers

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    Many of the authentication schemes for mobile devices that were proposed lately complicate shoulder surfing by splitting the attacker's attention into two or more entities. For example, multimodal authentication schemes such as GazeTouchPIN and GazeTouchPass require attackers to observe the user's gaze input and the touch input performed on the phone's screen. These schemes have always been evaluated against single observers, while multiple observers could potentially attack these schemes with greater ease, since each of them can focus exclusively on one part of the password. In this work, we study the effectiveness of a novel threat model against authentication schemes that split the attacker's attention. As a case study, we report on a security evaluation of two state of the art authentication schemes in the case of a team of two observers. Our results show that although multiple observers perform better against these schemes than single observers, multimodal schemes are significantly more secure against multiple observers compared to schemes that employ a single modality. We discuss how this threat model impacts the design of authentication schemes

    Выбор способа хранения результатов научных экспериментов в базе данных на примере MS SQL Server

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    This article describes the use of MS SQL server as file storage to store files of scientific researches. The article describes the advantages and disadvantages of different methods of storing files to MS SQL Server

    Trends and economic drivers for United States naloxone pricing, January T 2006 to February 2017

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    Anecdotal evidence indicates that naloxone prices have risen in recent years, but limited research has examined the magnitude of these increases and potential causes. We contribute nationally representative evidence to help answer each of these questions, including wholesale pricing data from a proprietary drug sales database span- ning January 2006 to February 2017. We find that all formulations of naloxone increased in price since 2006 except for Narcan Nasal Spray. These cumulative increases totaled 2281% for the 0.4 MG single-dose products, 244% for the 2 MG single-dose products, 3797% for the 4 MG multi-dose products, and 469% for the 0.4 MG Evzio auto-injector. We believe that increased demand for naloxone from the opioid epidemic may explain the more gradual price increases for the 0.4 MG single-dose and 4 MG multi-dose products prior to 2012. On the other hand, we believe that the sudden, sustained prices increases occurring for all of the products since 2012 may be the result of a drug shortage for the 0.4 MG single-dose products and the fact that each naloxone product has historically been sold by only a single competitor

    Wetting on a spherical wall: influence of liquid-gas interfacial properties

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    We study the equilibrium of a liquid film on an attractive spherical substrate for an intermolecular interaction model exhibiting both fluid-fluid and fluid-wall long-range forces. We first reexamine the wetting properties of the model in the zero-curvature limit, i.e., for a planar wall, using an effective interfacial Hamiltonian approach in the framework of the well known sharp-kink approximation (SKA). We obtain very good agreement with a mean-field density functional theory (DFT), fully justifying the use of SKA in this limit. We then turn our attention to substrates of finite curvature and appropriately modify the so-called soft-interface approximation (SIA) originally formulated by Napi\'orkowski and Dietrich [Phys. Rev. B 34, 6469 (1986)] for critical wetting on a planar wall. A detailed asymptotic analysis of SIA confirms the SKA functional form for the film growth. However, it turns out that the agreement between SKA and our DFT is only qualitative. We then show that the quantitative discrepancy between the two is due to the overestimation of the liquid-gas surface tension within SKA. On the other hand, by relaxing the assumption of a sharp interface, with, e.g., a simple smoothing of the density profile there, markedly improves the predictive capability of the theory, making it quantitative and showing that the liquid-gas surface tension plays a crucial role when describing wetting on a curved substrate. In addition, we show that in contrast to SKA, SIA predicts the expected mean-field critical exponent of the liquid-gas surface tension

    Nudged Elastic Band calculation of the binding potential for liquids at interfaces

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    The wetting behavior of a liquid on solid substrates is governed by the nature of the effective interaction between the liquid-gas and the solid-liquid interfaces, which is described by the binding or wetting potential g(h)g(h) which is an excess free energy per unit area that depends on the liquid film height hh. Given a microscopic theory for the liquid, to determine g(h)g(h) one must calculate the free energy for liquid films of any given value of hh; i.e. one needs to create and analyze out-of-equilibrium states, since at equilibrium there is a unique value of hh, specified by the temperature and chemical potential of the surrounding gas. Here we introduce a Nudged Elastic Band (NEB) approach to calculate g(h)g(h) and illustrate the method by applying it in conjunction with a microscopic lattice density functional theory for the liquid. We show too that the NEB results are identical to those obtained with an established method based on using a fictitious additional potential to stabilize the non-equilibrium states. The advantages of the NEB approach are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Ein Framework für die Publikation von Multimediadokumenten in digitalen Bibliotheken

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    Autoren stehen immer häufiger vor der komplexen Aufgabe, multimediale Lehrmaterialien oder komplex strukturierte multimediale Dokumente zu erstellen und diese in digitalen Bibliotheken zur Verfügung zu stellen. Hier wird oft nur eine Unterstützung bei der Erstellung von Teildokumenten angeboten. Für das Zusammenfassen der Teildokumente in Multimediadokumenten fehlt die Unterstützung durch entsprechende Werkzeuge. Ein weiteres Problem stellt die Kontrolle und Ablaufsteuerung von Publikationsprozessen durch Workflow-Management-Systeme dar, die oft nicht angeboten wird. Starre Abfolgen von Arbeitsschritten geben den Verlauf der Publikation vor. Der hier gezeigte Ansatz stellt einen Publikationsprozess von Multimediadokumenten in digitalen Bibliotheken als Lösung für die oben genannten Probleme vor. Es werden Anforderungen an den Prozess untersucht. Aufbauend auf diesen Anforderungen wird der Publikationsprozess in digitalen Bibliotheken definiert. Als Ergebnis wird ein Java Framework für Publikationsprozesse in digitalen Bibliotheken vorgestellt, das auf den Konzepten von Service-Orientierten Architekturen (SOA) aufbaut. Die SOA ermöglicht es Komponenten einfach hinzuzufügen oder auszutauschen. Um den Publikationsprozess zu unterstützen, wurde das Framework durch die Integration einer Workflow-Komponente erweitert. Das Framework ist prototypisch für das digitale Bibliothekssystem MyCoRe umgesetzt, welches an der Universitätsbibliothek Rostock zum Einsatz kommt