937 research outputs found

    SyvÀlÀmpökaivon analysointi lÀmpöpumppujÀrjestelmissÀ

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    Deep-heat wells in bedrock are a new potential heat source for heat pumps. With a depth up to ten-fold compared to state-of-the-art boreholes, a deep-heat well could extract much more heat from the same area enabling installation of heat pumps in densely populated areas. In this thesis, comprehensive thermal analyses were made to better understand the performance of such systems. For this purpose, a simulation model for deep-heat wells was developed with the COMSOL Multiphysics software. The performance of a deep well is influenced by many geophysical, thermophysical, and engineering factors. For example, a higher thermal conductivity and thermal gradient increases the thermal output of the borehole heat exchanger. There is a strong link between the well performance and inlet temperature of fluid and mass flow rate. The simulations indicate that a 2 km deep well with a coaxial borehole heat exchanger produces 110 kW (55 W/m) at steady state. The yearly heat energy output would be 30-fold com-pared to a traditional borehole. Different operational strategies and well configurations were also analyzed. The deep-heat well can be used for heat storage, e.g. with power-to-heat schemes enabling quite high charging power levels up to 1 MW for shorter periods. Using multiple wells increases the overall performance, but the wells start to interfere each other’s performance with more than four wells with 30 m well distance. The borehole heat exchanger contains some special issues due to its length. To avoid thermal short-circuiting, a vacuum tube type of solution is recommended instead of plastic pipes, which could drop the heat output by even 50%. Setting an optimal flow rate is also important, as the electricity needed for pumping the heat transfer fluid could easily reduce the system COP by up to 10%, or even more in non-optimal systems. The thesis results emphasize careful planning and design of deep-heat systems, in particular in geoengineering and thermal engineering, when moving to practical pilot project. Comprehensive optimization of deep-heat systems would be relevant for future work to establish standard designs for practitioners.SyvĂ€kaivolĂ€mpö on uusi lupaava lĂ€mmönlĂ€hde lĂ€mpöpumpuille. Se on jopa kymmenen kertaa syvempi kuin perinteiset porareiĂ€t, jolloin se pystyy ottamaan huomattavasti enemmĂ€n lĂ€mpöÀ samalta pinta-alalta mahdollistaen lĂ€mpöpumppujen laajemman kĂ€ytön kaupunkialueilla. TĂ€ssĂ€ diplomityössĂ€ tutkittiin perusteellisesti syvĂ€kaivojen lĂ€mpöteknistĂ€ toimintaa ja suorituskykyĂ€. TyössĂ€ laadittiin simulointimalli syvĂ€kaivolle COMSOL Multiphysics -ohjelmiston avulla. SyvĂ€kaivon toimintaan vaikuttavat monet geofysikaaliset ja lĂ€mpötekniset parametrit ja tekniset ratkaisut. Esimerkiksi korkeampi kallion lĂ€mmön johtavuus ja lĂ€mpögradientti parantavat syvĂ€kaivon lĂ€mmön tuotantoa. Virtausnopeus ja sisÀÀn menevĂ€n nesteen lĂ€mpötila vaikuttavat suuresti kaivon suorituskykyyn. Simuloinnit osoittavat, ettĂ€ 2 km syvĂ€ koaksiaalinen lĂ€mpökaivo voisi tuottaa lĂ€mpöÀ 110 kW (55 W/m) tasapainotilassa. SyvĂ€kaivon vuosituotto on tĂ€llöin jopa 30-kertainen tavanomaiseen porareikÀÀn verrattuna. TyössĂ€ tutkittiin myös erilaisia toimintastrategioita. SyvĂ€kaivoa voidaan kĂ€yttÀÀ lĂ€mmön varastointiin esimerkiksi ’power-to-heat’-konversion yhteydessĂ€ mahdollistaen lyhyillĂ€ latausjaksoilla jopa 1 MW lataustehon. Useampia kaivoja kĂ€ytettĂ€essĂ€ suorituskyky paranee, mutta kaivot alkavat vuorovaikuttamaan vahvemmin keskenÀÀn, kun niiden mÀÀrĂ€ kasvaa yli neljĂ€n, mikĂ€ tiputtaa yhdestĂ€ kaivosta saatavan lĂ€mmön mÀÀrÀÀ. SyvĂ€kaivoon liittyy erityispiirteitĂ€ sen pituudesta johtuen. Termisen oikosulun vĂ€lttĂ€miseksi on suositeltavaa kĂ€yttÀÀ tyhjiöputkiratkaisua muoviputkien sijaan, jotka saattavat pudottaa saatavan lĂ€mpötehon jopa puoleen. LĂ€mmönsiirtonesteen virtausnopeuden optimaalinen asetus on myös tĂ€rkeÀÀ, koska pumppaukseen tarvittava sĂ€hkö voi helposti pudottaa lĂ€mpöpumpun lĂ€mpökerrointa 10% tai jopa enemmĂ€n, jos virtausnopeus on optimiarvoa paljon korkeampi. Diplomityön johtopÀÀtökset painottavat syvĂ€kaivojen huolellista suunnittelua ja erityisesti erilaisten lĂ€mpö- ja geoteknisten seikkojen huomioon ottamista, kun edetÀÀn kĂ€ytĂ€nnön projekteihin. SyvĂ€kaivojen kattava optimointi olisi tulevaisuudessa hyödyksi suunnittelukĂ€ytĂ€ntöjen vakiinnuttamiseksi

    Fast time variations of supernova neutrino fluxes and their detectability

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    In the delayed explosion scenario of core-collapse supernovae (SNe), the accretion phase shows pronounced convective overturns and a low-multipole hydrodynamic instability, the standing accretion shock instability (SASI). These effects imprint detectable fast time variations on the emerging neutrino flux. Among existing detectors, IceCube is best suited to this task, providing an event rate of ~1000 events per ms during the accretion phase for a fiducial SN distance of 10 kpc, comparable to what could be achieved with a megaton water Cherenkov detector. If the SASI activity lasts for several hundred ms, a Fourier component with an amplitude of 1% of the average signal clearly sticks out from the shot noise. We analyze in detail the output of axially symmetric hydrodynamical simulations that predict much larger amplitudes up to frequencies of a few hundred Hz. If these models are roughly representative for realistic SNe, fast time variations of the neutrino signal are easily detectable in IceCube or future megaton-class instruments. We also discuss the information that could be deduced from such a measurement about the physics in the SN core and the explosion mechanism of the SN.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures. Final version accepted in PRD. Section on astrophysical relevance and several references adde

    cphVB: A System for Automated Runtime Optimization and Parallelization of Vectorized Applications

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    Modern processor architectures, in addition to having still more cores, also require still more consideration to memory-layout in order to run at full capacity. The usefulness of most languages is deprecating as their abstractions, structures or objects are hard to map onto modern processor architectures efficiently. The work in this paper introduces a new abstract machine framework, cphVB, that enables vector oriented high-level programming languages to map onto a broad range of architectures efficiently. The idea is to close the gap between high-level languages and hardware optimized low-level implementations. By translating high-level vector operations into an intermediate vector bytecode, cphVB enables specialized vector engines to efficiently execute the vector operations. The primary success parameters are to maintain a complete abstraction from low-level details and to provide efficient code execution across different, modern, processors. We evaluate the presented design through a setup that targets multi-core CPU architectures. We evaluate the performance of the implementation using Python implementations of well-known algorithms: a jacobi solver, a kNN search, a shallow water simulation and a synthetic stencil simulation. All demonstrate good performance

    Digital Tools and Instructional Rules: A study of how digital technologies become rooted in classroom procedures

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    This paper examines how a classroom culture developsadvanced strategies and procedures for handling complexdigital tools. We report from a vocational Mediaand Communication course at an Upper SecondarySchool in Oslo, Norway. Our analysis reveals how aprocedure called practical assignments has developedhistorically at the school, and how this procedure iscarried out in the classroom. Theoretically, our studyis informed by Activity Theory, which affords us toolsto analyze how social institutions and learning trajectoriesevolve over time, and how longitudinal dimensionsemerge in situ. Our findings show how teachers andlearners create a space for solving context-specific problemsinvolving sophisticated technology. A historicalanalysis is here crucial not only in understanding whydigital technologies are used in specific ways, but alsohow they evolve into classroom conventions

    Har keepere som er fÞdt tidligere pÄ Äret lettere for Ä bli tatt ut til norske aldersbestemte fotballandslag?

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    Quality and management in kindergarten - an organizational challenge.

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    Bacheloroppgave, barnehagelÊrerutdanning, 2016.Norsk: Denne oppgaven fokuserer pÄ hvordan ledelse basert pÄ blant annet ytre motivasjon og strenge dokumentasjonskrav kan gi implikasjoner for prosesskvaliteten i norske barnehager. Gjennom analyse av teori og forskning i tilknytning til kvalitetsbegrepet, New Public Management, samt Human Resource Management ser den pÄ hvordan sentrale faktorer innenfor ulike organisasjonsteorier har preget, og fortsatt preger barnehagesektoren i dag. Det trekkes ogsÄ sammenligninger mellom de ulike teoriene for Ä gi en bredere forstÄelsesramme rundt oppgavens problemstilling. Med hovedvekt pÄ forskning og litteratur innenfor Human Resource Management gjÞr oppgaven rede for hvordan ledelse sterkt preget av faktorer innenfor den harde varianten av dette feltet vil gi mindre tid til Ä utfÞre, samt lavere motivasjon til gjennomfÞring av de relasjonelle handlinger som kreves for utÞvelse av god prosesskvalitet.English: This bachelor thesis wil focus on how management including external motivation and documentation requirements may provide implications for the process quality in Norwegian kindergartens (age 1-6). Through analysis of theory and research related to quality, New Public Management, and Human Resource Management this thesis looks at how key factors within different organizational theories have characterized, and still have an impact on kindergartens today. It also compare the different theories to provide a larger understanding around the issue of the task. With an emphasis on research and literature in Human Resource Management this thesis explain how management strongly influenced by factors within the hard variant of this field, will give less time to perform, as well as lower motivation for the implementation of the relational acts who is required for the exercise of good process quality

    LPS Counter Regulates RNA Expression of Extracellular Proteases and Their Inhibitors in Murine Macrophages

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    Besides their evident importance in host defense, macrophages have been shown to play a detrimental role in different pathological conditions, including chronic inflammation, atherosclerosis, and cancer. Regardless of the exact situation, macrophage activation and migration are intimately connected to extracellular matrix degradation. This process is accomplished by multiple proteolytic enzymes, including serine proteases and members of the matrix metalloproteinase family. In this study, we have utilized qPCR arrays to simultaneously analyze the temporal expression pattern of a range of genes involved in extracellular matrix metabolism in the mouse derived-macrophage cell line RAW 264.7 following stimulation with LPS. Our results revealed that LPS induces the expression of matrix metalloproteinases while at the same time decreased the expression of matrix metalloproteinase inhibitors. The opposite scenario was found for the genes encoding serine proteases, which were downregulated while their inhibitors were upregulated. In addition, intergenic comparison of the expression levels of related proteases revealed large differences in their basal expression level. These data highlight the complexity of the gene expression regulation implicated in macrophage-dependent matrix degradation and furthermore emphasize the value of qPCR array techniques for the investigation of the complex regulation of the matrix degradome

    Karakterer korrelerer ikke med kunnskapsnivÄ

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    FormÄlet med denne studien var Ä undersÞke hvorvidt allmennkunnskap korrelerer med gjennomsnittskarakterer hos elever i tredjeklasse pÄ videregÄende. En quiz ble gitt til 96 elever pÄ to forskjellige videregÄende skoler hvor de anonymt fylte ut kjÞnn, bursdagsmÄned, bydel, hvor i sÞskenflokken de er, samt deres gjennomsnittskarakter. Quizen hadde fem kategorier med ti spÞrsmÄl i hver kategori. Resultatene varierte fra tre til 34 riktige svar, med en gjennomsnittskarakter som varierte fra 3,7 til 5,9. De forskjellige gruppene ble videre delt inn i grupper og sammenlignet med korrelasjon, standardavvik og/eller T.Test for Ä vise om forskjellene var signifikante eller ikke. Resultatet viste en korrelasjonskoeffisient pÄ 0,09 og det betyr at det ikke var en sammenheng mellom karakterer og allmennkunnskap. Det var heller ingen korrelasjon mellom hvilken bydel eleven bodde i, hvilken mÄned man var fÞdt i eller hvor i sÞskenflokken man er. &nbsp
