358 research outputs found

    Neue Sortenlisten und neue Lenkungsabgabe

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    Jährliche Einschätzungen des Biosaatgutangebotes sorgen dafür, dass die Sortenlisten praxisgerecht bleiben. Die Sortenempfehlungen für die Ernte 2007 für Getreide, Kartoffeln, Gemüse und Zierpflanzen liegen vor, die Liste für den Futterbau ist zurzeit noch in der Vernehmlassung. Neu ist eine Lenkungsabgabe auf konventionellem Kartoffelpflanzgut. Wer konsequent bio einsetzt, soll dafür nicht finanziell büssen

    Plasmonic crystal demultiplexer and multiports

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    Artificially built periodic optical structures in dielectric and metallic media have generated considerable interest due to their potential for optical device miniaturization. In this context plasmonics, i.e., optics based on surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) offers new exciting prospects. SPPs are hybrid light/electron surface waves at the interface between a dielectric and a metal and as such hold the potential for 2D optical functionality. Indeed, SPP elements as mirrors, splitters and interferometers have been recently demonstrated. However, for plasmonics to qualify at the information technology level requires necessarily the realization of wavelength division (demultiplexing) which constitutes a fundamental ingredient of optical communication. In the following we experimentally demonstrate 2D SPP demultiplexing in the visible spectral range by using photonic crystals for SPPs (plasmonic crystals). In addition, we demonstrate that plasmonic crystal are capable of realizing integrated linear multiports which could constitute building blocks of analog or quantum optical computing.Comment: Nano Lett.7, 1697 (2007

    Entwicklung der Konzeptkompetenz von Supervisorinnen und Supervisoren in Ausbildung

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    In den letzten Jahrzehnten hat sich die Supervision zu einer eigenständigen Beratungsform im beruflichen Kontext entwickelt. Empirische Forschungsbemühungen in diesem Feld sind bisher weitgehend auf Untersuchungen des Nutzens und der Wirksamkeit von Supervision sowie auf supervisorische Prozesse ausgerichtet, wohingegen im Bereich der Aus- und Weiterbildung von Supervision noch ein Mangel an Forschung zu konstatieren ist. Mit der vorliegenden Diplomarbeit wird ein Beitrag zur Supervisionsausbildungsforschung geleistet, indem die Entwicklung der Konzeptkompetenz angehender SupervisorInnen untersucht wird. Verstanden wird unter Konzeptkompetenz die Fähigkeit von SupervisorInnen, ihre Interventionen begründend auf vorangehenden Diagnosen zu planen. Zur Erfassung der Konzeptkompetenz hatten angehende SupervisorInnen am Beginn und am Ende ihrer Supervisionsausbildung schriftliche Arbeitsproben zu einer Falldarstellung aus der supervisorischen Praxis anzufertigen. Als Auswertungsmethode kommt das qualitativ-quantitative Verfahren GABEK (GAnzheitliche BEwältigung von KOmplexität) zur Anwendung, wobei die Auswertung mithilfe des für GABEK-Anwendungen entwickelten PC-Programms WinRelan erfolgt. Die Ergebnisse bestätigen die Annahme, dass SupervisionsausbildungskandidatInnen Grundkompetenzen zur Konzeptbildung in die Ausbildung mitbringen. Durch einen Prä-Post-Vergleich zeigt sich weiters, dass wie erwartet eine Entwicklung der Konzeptkompetenz im Zuge der Ausbildung stattgefunden hat: Die ProbandInnen erstellen als AusbildungsfinalistInnen inhaltlich stärker ausdifferenzierte, komplexere und sprachlich kohärentere Fallkonzepte, die vermehrt und in verstärkter Weise auf theoretischen Erklärungsmodellen basieren. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass sich vor allem die Fähigkeiten der ProbandInnen zu affektiv-emotionalem Verstehen und zu psychodynamischem Verstehen (Übertragungs- und Gegenübertragungsanalyse) verfeinert und weiterentwickelt haben sowie ein Aufbau theoretischen Wissens stattgefunden hat, auf das in der Praxis des Konzipierens zurückgegriffen werden kann.In the last few decades supervision developed into an independent form of counselling in the professional context. Previously, empirical research activities in this field have been widely focused on studies of the benefits and the effectiveness of supervision and studies about the supervision process, whereas there continues to be a lack of research in the field of education and training of supervision. With this diploma thesis the author aims at making a contribution to the supervision educational research by investigating the development of the conceptual competence of supervisors in training. Conceptual competence signifies the ability of supervisors to plan their interventions based on previous diagnostics. To grasp the conceptual competence, supervisors in training had to draw up written work samples from a case presentation of supervision practice at the beginning and at the end of their supervision training. The qualitative-quantitative Method GABEK, supported by the PC-Program WinRelan, is used as an evaluation method. The results confirm the supposition that supervisors in training have basic conceptual competences at the beginning of the training. A pre-post comparison showed that a development of the conceptual competence has, as expected, taken place in the course of the training: At the end of the training the subjects create more differentiated, more complex and linguistically more coherent work samples, which are increasingly and more intensively based on theoretical explanatory models. The results indicate that the subjects have especially refined and further developed their affective-emotional understanding and psychodynamic understanding (transference and countertransference analysis) abilities. Furthermore an accumulation of theoretical knowledge has taken place, which can be applied in the practice

    Hybride Wissensverarbeitung in der präventivmedizinischen Diagnostik

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    von Andreas KollerPaderborn, Univ.-GH, Diss., 199

    Changes in Electric Brain Response to Affective Stimuli in the First Week of Antidepressant Treatment: An Exploratory Study

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    Introduction: Asymmetrical alpha and frontal theta activity have been discussed as neurobiological markers for antidepressant treatment response. While most studies focus on resting-state EEG, there is evidence that task-related activity assessed at multiple time points might be superior in detecting subtle early differences. Methods: This was a naturalistic study design assessing participants in a psychiatric in- and outpatient hospital setting. We investigated stimulus-related EEG asymmetry (frontal and occipital alpha-1 and alpha-2) and power (frontal midline theta) assessed at baseline and 1 week after initiation of pharmacological depression treatment while presenting affective stimuli. We then compared week 4 responders and nonresponders to antidepressant treatment. Results: Follow-up analyses of a significant group x emotion x time interaction (p < 0.04) for alpha-1 asymmetry showed that responders differed significantly at baseline in their asymmetry scores in response to sad compared to happy faces with a change in this pattern 1 week later. Nonresponders did not show this pattern. No significant results were found for alpha-2, occipital alpha-1, and occipital alpha-2 asymmetry or frontal midline theta power. Discussion: Our study addresses the gap in comparisons of task-related EEG activity changes measured at two time points and supports the potential value of this approach in detecting early differences in responders versus nonresponders to pharmacological treatment. Important limitations include the small sample size and the noncontrolled study design

    Psychiatric Comorbidity and Stress in Medical Students Using Neuroenhancers

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    Background: Pharmacological neuroenhancement (PN) is a common healthcare problem at least among students. PN seems to be associated with stressful situations. There is a lack of data about personal characteristics, comorbidities, and coping strategies regarding stress and factors of resilience in students and medical staff. Methods: A web-based survey about the non-medical use of PN drugs with a focus on neuroenhancement was developed and distributed among medical students throughout Germany; the questionnaire was open in April and May of 2020. The survey contained questions about the use of well-known PN drugs, frequency, special purposes, reasons for the use, psychiatric disorders, use of psychotropic drugs apart from PN purposes, and factors of resilience using the brief resilience scale. Results: Data of 1,159 students of medicine were analyzed. The most frequently used substances for PN were coffee (78.8% lifetime prevalence rate), energy drinks (45.7%), caffeine tablets (24.3%), methylphenidate (5.2%), illicit amphetamines (2.0%), and cocaine (1.7%). 98.4% suspected that PN drug use could lead to addiction. PN drug use specifically for PN was significantly associated with the use of (a) any psychotropic drug (other than neuroenhancers), (b) any psychiatric disorder, and (c) higher values of feeling pressure to perform in professional/students' life and in private life as well as (d) the subjective feeling of pressure to perform to be burdening and (e) harmful to one's own health. PN drug use in general was significantly associated with being less resilient. The use of illicit PN drugs, over the counter drugs and prescription drugs was associated with being less resilient. Conclusion: This study indicates that PN with legal and illegal drugs is a widespread phenomenon among German medical students. Users seem to be more often burdened by psychiatric disorders, especially addictive disorders, the perception of stress, pressure to perform and low levels of resilience. These aspects should be considered in further investigation of PN drug use

    Price Competitiveness in the European Monetary Union: A Decomposition of Inflation Differentials based on the Leontief Input-Output Price Model for the Period 2000 to 2014

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    This paper studies the persistent producer price inflation differentials within the European Monetary Union. By applying a decomposition procedure within the input-output framework, the drivers of sectoral producer price inflation in a representative sample of member states are re-vealed. We find that in the pre-crisis period (2001-2008) the inflation differentials in manufactur-ing and market services of all countries vis-à-vis Germany were consistently positive resulting in a loss of price competitiveness for all economies. Manufacturing and market service sectors of many countries continued to lose price competitiveness, though to a lesser extent, also during the crisis period (2009-2014). We observe that differences in unit labour cost developments across countries constitute an important driver, especially in the pre-crisis period. Other drivers, such as import costs, intermediate input costs and operating surpluses also contribute, in particular dur¬ing the crisis period