62 research outputs found

    Economic Evaluation of Longevity in Organic Dairy Farming

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    The aim of this study was to highlight the economic importance of longevity in organic dairy cattle husbandry. Performance and reproductive data of 44,976 Austrian organic Simmental dairy cows were analysed by applying a bio-economic model. A farm scenario as well as different market situations were modelled. Overall costs declined with increasing longevity, due to dropping replacement costs. Annual profit was influenced considerably by milk yield and longevity. Short-lived animals needed substantially higher annual milk yields than long-lived animals to achieve equal annual profits. The applied market scenarios showed an increasing importance of longevity in situations of increasing economic pressure (+20% of concentrate price). It has been proven that extending longevity allows lower milk yield levels without decreasing profitability. Lower use of concentrates and reduced dependence on off-farm inputs and market fluctuations are further benefits

    Ă–konomische Bewertung der Langlebigkeit von MilchkĂĽhen in der biologischen Landwirtschaft

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    The aim of this study was to highlight the economic importance of longevity in organic dairy cattle husbandry. Performance and reproductive data of 44,976 Austrian organic Simmental dairy cows were analysed by applying a bio-economic model. A farm scenario as well as different market situations were modelled. Overall costs declined with increasing longevity due to dropping replacement costs. Annual profit was influenced considerably by milk yield and longevity. Short-lived animals needed substantially higher annual milk yields than long-lived animals to achieve equal annual profits. The applied market scenarios showed an increasing importance of longevity in situations of increasing economic pressure (+20% of concentrate price). It has been proven that extending longevity allows lower milk yield levels without decreasing profitability. Lower use of concentrates and reduced dependence on off-farm inputs and market fluctuations are further benefits of increasing longevity

    Optimierung der Proteinversorgung durch Maissilage auf ökologisch wirtschaftenden Milchviehbetrieben im Grünland

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    The aim of the present study was to investigate and optimize the protein supply of organic dairy cows kept in Austrian grassland regions through the inclusion of maize silage into the diet. Therefore, two feeding trials were carried out. Trial I examined the effect of a partial substitution of purchased concentrates with home grown maize silage on feed and nutrient intake, milk performance and feed efficiency. Trial II was conducted to investigate the effect of maize silage or grain as an energy supplement to grass-clover silage based diets. In trial I milk yield decreased by 10%, however concentrate intake per kg milk was markedly reduced and dietary N efficiency and energy balance tendencially improved. Trial II revealed that even a small amount of maize silage supplementation had a marked influence on nutrient (protein, fibre) intake, ruminal N balance (RNB) and milk composition (milk fat and milk urea concen-tration)

    VE-cadherin facilitates BMP-induced endothelial cell permeability and signaling

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    Several vascular disorders, such as aberrant angiogenesis, atherosclerosis and pulmonary hypertension, have been linked to dysfunctional BMP signaling. Vascular hyperpermeability via distortion of endothelial cell adherens junctions is a common feature of these diseases, but the role of BMPs in this process has not been investigated. BMP signaling is initiated by binding of ligand to, and activation of, BMP type I (BMPRI) and type II (BMPRII) receptors. Internalization of VE-cadherin as well as c-Src kinase-dependent phosphorylation have been implicated in the loosening of cell-cell contacts, thereby modulating vascular permeability. Here we demonstrate that BMP6 induces hyperpermeabilization of human endothelial cells by inducing internalization and c-Src-dependent phosphorylation of VE-cadherin. Furthermore, we show BMP-dependent physical interaction of VE-cadherin with the BMP receptor ALK2 (BMPRI) and BMPRII, resulting in stabilization of the BMP receptor complex and, thereby, the support of BMP6-Smad signaling. Our results provide first insights into the molecular mechanism of BMP-induced vascular permeability, a hallmark of various vascular diseases, and provide the basis for further investigations of BMPs as regulators of vascular integrity, both under physiological and pathophysiological conditions

    Lebensmitteleffizienz der Ă–sterreichischen Nutztierhaltung - Bedeutung der GrĂĽnlandwirtschaft

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    Der Beitrag der Tierhaltung zur menschlichen Ernährungssicherung wird aufgrund der ineffizienten Umwandlung von pflanzlichen Futtermitteln in tierische Produkte sehr kontrovers diskutiert. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es daher, anhand von nationalen Daten für die Jahre 2011–2013 den Beitrag von verschiedenen Tierkategorien (Rinder, Milchkühe, Maststiere, Schweine, Masthühner, Legehennen, Puten, Schafe und Ziegen) zur Netto-Lebensmittelproduktion in Österreich zu ermitteln. Rinder trugen als einzige Nutztierart sowohl bezüglich Energie als auch bezüglich Protein zu einer positiven Netto-Lebensmittelproduktion bei, das heißt sie produzierten über die tierischen Produkte mehr für die Menschen essbare Energie und essbares Protein, als sie in Form von Futtermitteln aufnahmen. Werden auch die Unterschiede in der Proteinqualität zwischen pflanzlichen und tierischen Proteinen berücksichtigt, so lieferten zusätzlich auch Legehennen, Schafe und Ziegen einen positiven Beitrag zur Bereitstellung von Protein für die menschliche Ernährung. Abgesehen vom Futter für das intensive Stiermastsystem kamen rund 50 % des Futterproteins und der Futterenergie für Wiederkäuer von Dauergrünland, welches ansonsten nicht für die Lebensmittelproduktion zur Verfügung stehen würde

    BMP2-induced chemotaxis requires PI3K p55γ/p110α-dependent phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-triphosphate production and LL5β recruitment at the cytocortex

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    Background: BMP-induced chemotaxis of mesenchymal progenitors is fundamental for vertebrate development, disease and tissue repair. BMP2 induces Smad and non-Smad signalling. Whereas signal transduction via Smads lead to transcriptional responses, non-Smad signalling induces both, transcriptional and immediate/early non-transcriptional responses. However, the molecular mechanisms by which BMP2 facilitates planar cell polarity, cortical actin rearrangements, lamellipodia formation and chemotaxis of mesenchymal progenitors are poorly understood. Our aim was to uncover the molecular mechanism by which BMP2 facilitates chemotaxis via the BMP2-dependent activation of PI3K and spatiotemporal control of PIP3 production important for actin rearrangements at the mesenchymal cell cytocortex. Results: We unveiled the molecular mechanism by which BMP2 induces non-Smad signalling by PI3K and the role of the second messenger PIP3 in BMP2-induced planar cell polarity, cortical actin reorganisation and lamellipodia formation. By using protein interaction studies, we identified the class Ia PI3K regulatory subunit p55γ to act as a specific and non-redundant binding partner for BMP receptor type II (BMPRII) in concert with the catalytic subunit p110α. We mapped the PI3K interaction to a region within the BMPRII kinase. Either BMP2 stimulation or increasing amounts of BMPRI facilitated p55γ association with BMPRII, but BMPRII kinase activity was not required for the interaction. We visualised BMP2-dependent PIP3 production via PI3K p55γ/p110α and were able to localise PIP3 to the leading edge of intact cells during the process of BMP2-induced planar cell polarity and actin dependent lamellipodia formation. Using mass spectrometry, we found the highly PIP3-sensitive PH-domain protein LL5β to act as a novel BMP2 effector in orchestrating cortical actin rearrangements. By use of live cell imaging we found that knock-down of p55γ or LL5β or pharmacological inhibition of PI3K impaired BMP2-induced migratory responses. Conclusions: Our results provide evidence for an important contribution of the BMP2-PI3K (p55γ/p110α)- PIP3-LL5β signalling axis in mesenchymal progenitor cell chemotaxis. We demonstrate molecular insights into BMP2-induced PI3K signalling on the level of actin reorganisation at the leading edge cytocortex. These findings are important to better understand BMP2–induced cytoskeletal reorganisation and chemotaxis of mesenchymal progenitors in different physiological or pathophysiological contexts

    Forage particle size and forage preservation method modulate lying behaviour in dairy cows

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    It has been suggested that reducing forage particle size as well as feeding hay compared to silage may improve forage intake. Little is known, however, how such ration characteristics affect other aspects of cattle behaviour. Therefore, this study investigated the lying behaviour of cows in response to particle size reduction (LONG versus SHORT; Trial 1) and preservation method (SILAGE versus HAY; Trial 2) of forages which constituted ≥ 80% of the rations’ dry matter. Two feeding groups with 10 (Trial 1) and 9 Holstein cows each (Trial 2) received the experimental rations for approximately 5 weeks. Cows were housed in a free-stall barn with straw-bedded cubicles and rubberized floor in the alleys. Lying behaviour was recorded using HOBO Pendant® acceleration data loggers during the last 3 weeks of the experimental period as well as for 3 consecutive days during the week preceding the experiment, the latter serving as a baseline covariate to consider individual cow lying behaviour. SHORT-fed cows (Trial 1) had a longer daily lying time (+ 1.1 h/d; P = 0.003) and tended to have more lying bouts (+ 3.1; P = 0.090) than cows fed the LONG ration. In both groups, a preference towards the left lying side (57.4%) was observed. A similar pattern was observed for both groups with regard to rumination time while lying. Cows fed SILAGE or HAY (Trial 2) did not differ with regard to lying times (12.8 h/d). However, cows on HAY tended to lie less on the left side (- 1.1 h/d; P = 0.098) and had less lying bouts per day (- 2.5 bouts/d; P = 0.039). Consequently, these cows showed nearly an equal preference for the left and right lying side with 49.1% and 51.6%, respectively; whereas cows on SILAGE tended to prefer the left lying side (55.6%), also when ruminating. In contrast, cows on HAY tended to reduce rumination time on the left lying side (- 0.61 h/d; P = 0.079). Effects observed may be attributed to changes in eating behaviour as well as the amount of feed ingested in a given time period. Under the conditions investigated, time budgets for lying may be limited and changes of the forage characteristics (e.g. particle size reduction) could mitigate these constraints

    Proximal femoral resection arthroplasty for patients with cerebral palsy and dislocated hips: 20 patients followed for 1–6 years

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    Background and purpose Chronic hip dislocation in non-ambulatory individuals with cerebral palsy (CP) can lead to severe problems, of which pain is often the most severe. We studied the outcome of proximal femoral resection, especially regarding pain, sitting balance, perineal care, and patient satisfaction

    Detection and Alignment of 3D Domain Swapping Proteins Using Angle-Distance Image-Based Secondary Structural Matching Techniques

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    This work presents a novel detection method for three-dimensional domain swapping (DS), a mechanism for forming protein quaternary structures that can be visualized as if monomers had “opened” their “closed” structures and exchanged the opened portion to form intertwined oligomers. Since the first report of DS in the mid 1990s, an increasing number of identified cases has led to the postulation that DS might occur in a protein with an unconstrained terminus under appropriate conditions. DS may play important roles in the molecular evolution and functional regulation of proteins and the formation of depositions in Alzheimer's and prion diseases. Moreover, it is promising for designing auto-assembling biomaterials. Despite the increasing interest in DS, related bioinformatics methods are rarely available. Owing to a dramatic conformational difference between the monomeric/closed and oligomeric/open forms, conventional structural comparison methods are inadequate for detecting DS. Hence, there is also a lack of comprehensive datasets for studying DS. Based on angle-distance (A-D) image transformations of secondary structural elements (SSEs), specific patterns within A-D images can be recognized and classified for structural similarities. In this work, a matching algorithm to extract corresponding SSE pairs from A-D images and a novel DS score have been designed and demonstrated to be applicable to the detection of DS relationships. The Matthews correlation coefficient (MCC) and sensitivity of the proposed DS-detecting method were higher than 0.81 even when the sequence identities of the proteins examined were lower than 10%. On average, the alignment percentage and root-mean-square distance (RMSD) computed by the proposed method were 90% and 1.8Å for a set of 1,211 DS-related pairs of proteins. The performances of structural alignments remain high and stable for DS-related homologs with less than 10% sequence identities. In addition, the quality of its hinge loop determination is comparable to that of manual inspection. This method has been implemented as a web-based tool, which requires two protein structures as the input and then the type and/or existence of DS relationships between the input structures are determined according to the A-D image-based structural alignments and the DS score. The proposed method is expected to trigger large-scale studies of this interesting structural phenomenon and facilitate related applications

    GestaltMatcher Database - A global reference for facial phenotypic variability in rare human diseases

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    The most important factor that complicates the work of dysmorphologists is the significant phenotypic variability of the human face. Next-Generation Phenotyping (NGP) tools that assist clinicians with recognizing characteristic syndromic patterns are particularly challenged when confronted with patients from populations different from their training data. To that end, we systematically analyzed the impact of genetic ancestry on facial dysmorphism. For that purpose, we established the GestaltMatcher Database (GMDB) as a reference dataset for medical images of patients with rare genetic disorders from around the world. We collected 10,980 frontal facial images - more than a quarter previously unpublished - from 8,346 patients, representing 581 rare disorders. Although the predominant ancestry is still European (67%), data from underrepresented populations have been increased considerably via global collaborations (19% Asian and 7% African). This includes previously unpublished reports for more than 40% of the African patients. The NGP analysis on this diverse dataset revealed characteristic performance differences depending on the composition of training and test sets corresponding to genetic relatedness. For clinical use of NGP, incorporating non-European patients resulted in a profound enhancement of GestaltMatcher performance. The top-5 accuracy rate increased by +11.29%. Importantly, this improvement in delineating the correct disorder from a facial portrait was achieved without decreasing the performance on European patients. By design, GMDB complies with the FAIR principles by rendering the curated medical data findable, accessible, interoperable, and reusable. This means GMDB can also serve as data for training and benchmarking. In summary, our study on facial dysmorphism on a global sample revealed a considerable cross ancestral phenotypic variability confounding NGP that should be counteracted by international efforts for increasing data diversity. GMDB will serve as a vital reference database for clinicians and a transparent training set for advancing NGP technology.</p
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