2,022 research outputs found

    Extended Riemannian Geometry II: Local Heterotic Double Field Theory

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    We continue our exploration of local Double Field Theory (DFT) in terms of symplectic graded manifolds carrying compatible derivations and study the case of heterotic DFT. We start by developing in detail the differential graded manifold that captures heterotic Generalized Geometry which leads to new observations on the generalized metric and its twists. We then give a symplectic pre-NQ-manifold that captures the symmetries and the geometry of local heterotic DFT. We derive a weakened form of the section condition, which arises algebraically from consistency of the symmetry Lie 2-algebra and its action on extended tensors. We also give appropriate notions of twists-which are required for global formulations-and of the torsion and Riemann tensors. Finally, we show how the observed α\alpha'-corrections are interpreted naturally in our framework.Comment: v2: 30 pages, few more details added, typos fixed, published versio

    Modeling the effect of intercalators on the high-force stretching behavior of DNA

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    DNA is structurally and mechanically altered by the binding of intercalator molecules. Intercalation strongly affects the force-extension behavior of DNA, in particular the overstretching transition. We present a statistical model that captures all relevant findings of recent force-extension experiments. Two predictions from our model are presented. The first suggests the existence of a novel hyper-stretching regime in the presence of intercalators and the second, a linear dependence of the overstretching force on intercalator concentration, is verified by re-analyzing available experimental data. Our model pins down the physical principles that govern intercalated DNA mechanics, providing a predictive understanding of its limitations and possibilities.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure


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    Системы измерения параметров волнения для подводных аппаратов

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    Выпускная квалификационная работа 97 с., 18 рис., 21 табл., 21 источник, 4 прил. Цель работы – проверка теоретической возможности регистрации и обработки данных о величине морского волнения на некоторой глубине, создание макета прибора, измеряющего соответствующее волнение, на основе датчика акселерометра. Область применения: система управления для автономного необитаемого подводного аппарата. В процессе исследования проводились: теоретический обзор линеаризованной теории волны, испытания пригодности акселерометра для задачи измерения вертикальной составляющей при волновом движении, проектирование макета, написание программы для микроконтроллера, изготовление печатной платы макета.Final qualifying work 97 p., 18 fig., 21 tab., 21 sources, 4 app. The Purpose is to test the theoretical possibility of registration and processing of data on the magnitude of sea waves at a certain depth, the creation of the layout of the device, which measures the corresponding sea swell, based on the accelerometer sensor. Scope: control system for autonomous underwater vehicle. A theoretical overview of the linearized theory of wave test accelerometer suitability for vertical component measurement tasks with wave motion, layout design, writing programs for the microcontroller and making the printed board layout were carried out while research

    Turkish-German innovation networks in the European research landscape

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    Research networks are regarded as channels for knowledge creation and diffusion and are thus essential for the development and integration of economies. In this paper we have a look at the long Turkish-German-migration history which should offer opportunities for both countries to benefit from brain circulation, transnational entrepreneurs and research networks. The present paper examines the structure of research networks of the European Framework Programmes (FP) that are established by joint participation of organizations in research projects, in particular German research organizations with Turkish participants in FP5 to FP7 in the knowledge-intensive technology fields ICT, Biotechnology and Nanoscience. A better understanding of these networks allows for improving the design of research policies at national levels as well as at the EU level. The empirical examination of network properties reveals that the diverse networks show a range of similarities in the three technology fields in each FP such as the small-world properties. Moreover, our findings show that German actors play a specific role in most examined research networks with Turkish participation

    Transition and worker mobility behaviour of tourism alumni: The case of Switzerland

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    The research paper investigates the behaviour of tourism alumni at the transition from tourism education market to tourism labour market and from tourism labour market to other labour markets. The paper focuses especially on the decisions of tourism graduates to enter in the tourism labour market as "stayer" or to exit the tourism industry as "mover". The first part commences with some facts and figures from the hotel and restaurant industry of Switzerland regarding the mover issue. The second part discusses the framework of the mover/stayer phenomenon. In the third part, the methodology to determine the transition and worker mobility behaviour and the drivers of this behaviour are presented. A multinomial logit model with a dummy variable controlling for the possibility that tourism alumni may behave differently than alumni of non-tourism sectors was implemented. Descriptive results from a univariate analysis and econometric estimations from a multivariate analysis are described in the fourth part. The influence of gender, age, educa-tion level and other variables are estimated for the tourism industry as well as for non-tourism industries using the example of Switzerland. It will be shown that tourism alumni exhibit higher mover rates and mover probabilities as compared to those of non-tourism industries. Keywords

    Search for B+ -> l+ nu gamma decays with hadronic tagging using the full Belle data sample

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    Der Zerfall des B-Mesons B+ -> l+ nu gamma ist ein seltener Prozess, der sensitiv auf den hadronischen Parameter lambda_B ist. Der Parameter wird fuer Berechnungen mit der QCD-Faktorisierung benoetigt. Diese Analyse liefert die weltbeste Obergrenze auf das Verzweigungsverhaeltnis fuer diese Zerfaelle