60 research outputs found

    Práticas educativas na área da saúde: realização de exames Bacterioscópicos para o controle das doenças sexualmente Transmissíveis (DST)

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    Trabalho apresentado no 31º SEURS - Seminário de Extensão Universitária da Região Sul, realizado em Florianópolis, SC, no período de 04 a 07 de agosto de 2013 - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina.Reportamos os resultados do nosso projeto de extensão intitulado “Práticas educativas na área da saúde: realização de exames bacterioscópicos para o controle das Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis (DST) na Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, Santa Maria - RS. O objetivo geral desse trabalho foi o de proporcionar aos acadêmicos do curso de Farmácia da UFSM a oportunidade de aprender a coletar secreções vaginais, cervicais e/ou uretrais solicitadas pelos médicos que fazem parte da equipe da Estratégia de Saúde da Família (ESF) nas Unidades Básica de Saúde da Vila Maringá e Vila Schirmer em Santa Maria, RS. Estas comunidades carentes são composta por aproximadamente 5 mil habitantes, os quais têm dificuldade de se locomover até o laboratório municipal do Centro de Diagnóstico e Atenção Secundária (CEDAS) para a realização de exames laboratoriais, aliado ao fato de que esse tipo de exame (bacterioscópico de secreções) não é efetuado nesse local. Portanto, esse projeto, além de realizar esse tipo de análise não disponibilizada ainda à população, auxilia na formação de recursos humanos qualificados, capacitando a equipe multidisciplinar dessas unidades, e despertando nos discentes o comprometimento com o social, uma vez que representam os futuros profissionais da saúde. Finalmente contribuem para a melhoria na qualidade de vida das pessoas que lá residem, atuando na prevenção da transmissão das Doenças Sexualmente Transmissíveis (DSTs), o que constitui uma das estratégias básicas na sua prevenção. Até o presente momento, foram coletadas 17 secreções vaginais das quais 70,58% (12/17) foram visualizados microrganismos envolvidos em vaginites. Os microrganismos encontrados foram: Gardnerella vaginalis 58,33% (7/12), Leptothrix vaginalis 8,33% (1/12), Lactobacillus acidophilus (Doederlein) exacerbado 8,33% (1/12), floras anaeróbias 16,66% (2/12) e Neisseria gonorrhoeae 8,33% (1/12)

    O−O Bond Formation and Liberation of Dioxygen Mediated by N5‐Coordinate Non‐Heme Iron(IV) Complexes

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    Formation of the O−O bond is considered the critical step in oxidative water cleavage to produce dioxygen. High‐valent metal complexes with terminal oxo (oxido) ligands are commonly regarded as instrumental for oxygen evolution, but direct experimental evidence is lacking. Herein, we describe the formation of the O−O bond in solution, from non‐heme, N5‐coordinate oxoiron(IV) species. Oxygen evolution from oxoiron(IV) is instantaneous once meta‐chloroperbenzoic acid is administered in excess. Oxygen‐isotope labeling reveals two sources of dioxygen, pointing to mechanistic branching between HAT (hydrogen atom transfer)‐initiated free‐radical pathways of the peroxides, which are typical of catalase‐like reactivity, and iron‐borne O−O coupling, which is unprecedented for non‐heme/peroxide systems. Interpretation in terms of [FeIV(O)] and [FeV(O)] being the resting and active principles of the O−O coupling, respectively, concurs with fundamental mechanistic ideas of (electro‐) chemical O−O coupling in water oxidation catalysis (WOC), indicating that central mechanistic motifs of WOC can be mimicked in a catalase/peroxidase setting.DFG, 12489635, SFB 658: Elementarprozesse in molekularen Schaltern auf OberflächenTU Berlin, Open-Access-Mittel - 201

    Fluid independent flow determination by surface acoustic wave driven ultrasonic techniques

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    A fluid-independent ultrasonic approach for flow determination in microchannels in the harsh environment of an ultra high pressure liquid chromatography (UHPLC) system is presented. Ultrasonic waves in the fluid are excited by separate media surface acoustic waves (SAW) of Rayleigh-Wave type. The LiNbO 3 SAW chip being equipped with interdigitated transducers for SAW excitation also marks the bottom of the fluid channel and thus allows for very effective SAW coupling to the fluid. The channel ceiling acts as an acoustical mirror for longitudinal ultrasonic waves propagating through the fluid. To deduce the fluid flow from the ultrasonic transmission after reflection, we employ a combination of time differential phase and time of flight measurements with a two port vector network analyzer. To verify and assign our experimental results, we use an adapted time explicit finite element method. In the simulation, both the piezoelectric single crystal and the fluid are included and we solve the linear Navier-Stokes equation to evaluate the background flow. By changing the ultrasonic propagation direction, we are able to deduce the fluid volume flow over time with very high accuracy, independent of the actual liquid in the channel

    Nonreciprocal transmission of magnetoacoustic waves in compensated synthetic antiferromagnets

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    We investigate the interaction between surface acoustic waves (SAWs) and spin waves (SWs) in a Pt/Co(2nm)/Ru(0.85nm)/Co(2nm)/Pt compensated synthetic antiferromagnet (SAF) composed of two ferromagnetic layers with equal thicknesses separated by a thin nonmagnetic Ru spacer layer. Because of the combined presence of interlayer dipolar coupling fields and interfacial Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction (iDMI), the optical SW mode shows a large nondegenerate dispersion relation for counter-propagating SWs. Due to resonant SAW-SW interaction, we observe a nonreciprocal SAW transmission in the prepared piezoelectric/SAF hybrid device. We demonstrate that the nonreciprocity of the SAW transmission in symmetric SAFs with equal thicknesses of the magnetic layers can show a substantially different characteristic behavior in comparison to asymmetric SAFs or magnetic single layers with iDMI. For the prepared SAF, the nonreciprocal shift of the magnetoacoustic resonance fields and the magnetoacoustic SW excitation efficiency depend on the external magnetic field sweep direction. For one magnetic field sweep direction and angle of the magnetic field, the resonance fields of the waves propagating in one direction are larger than for the waves propagating in the opposite direction. In addition, the magnitude of the nonreciprocal field shift is at minimum if the external magnetic field is aligned perpendicular to the SW propagation direction. The experimental results are in agreement with a phenomenological SAW-SW interaction model

    Nonreciprocal magnetoacoustic waves in synthetic antiferromagnets with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction

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    The interaction between surface acoustic waves (SAWs) and spin waves (SWs) in a piezoelectric/magnetic thin film heterostructure yields potential for the realization of novel microwave devices and applications in magnonics. In the present work, we investigate the SAW-SW interaction in a Pt/Co(2nm)/Ru(0.85nm)/Co(4nm)/Pt synthetic antiferromagnet (SAF) composed of two ferromagnetic layers with different thicknesses separated by a thin nonmagnetic Ru spacer layer. Because of the combined presence of interfacial Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya interaction (iDMI) and interlayer dipolar coupling fields, the optical SW mode shows a large nondegenerate dispersion relation for oppositely propagating SWs. Due to SAW-SW interaction, we observe nonreciprocal SAW transmission in the piezoelectric/SAF hybrid device. The equilibrium magnetization directions of both Co layers are manipulated by an external magnetic field to set a ferromagnetic, canted, or antiferromagnetic configuration. This has a strong impact on the SW dispersion, its nonreciprocity, and SAW-SW interaction. The experimental results are in agreement with a phenomenological SAW-SW interaction model, which considers the interlayer exchange coupling, iDMI, and interlayer dipolar coupling fields of the SWs

    Entscheidungsstrukturen in Schulen. Eine differenzielle Analyse der Schulorganisation

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    Vor dem Hintergrund der Diskussion um die Einzelschule als Gestaltungseinheit werden Ergebnisse aus einem empirischen Forschungsprojekt vorgestellt, in dem die Entscheidungsstrukturen von Schulen Gegenstand einer explorativen Analyse sind. Ziel der Analyse ist eine differenzierende Darstellung von Strukturmustern der Schulorganisation, in denen die Perspektiven von Lehrern und Schulleitern berücksichtigt werden. Die Ergebnisse bieten einen Ausgangspunkt für multidimensionale Modellierungen der Schulorganisation. (DIPF/Orig.)Against the background of the debate on the individual school as organizational unit, the author presents results of an empirical research project focussing on an explorative analysis of decision-structures in schools. This analysis aims at a discriminative outline of structural patterns of school organization which take into account the perspectives of both teachers and principals. The results provide a starting point for a multi-dimensional modeling of school organization. (DIPF/Orig.