11 research outputs found

    BRST treatment of zero modes for the worldline formalism in curved space

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    One-loop quantities in QFT can be computed in an efficient way using the worldline formalism. The latter rests on the ability of calculating 1D path integrals on the circle. In this paper we give a systematic discussion for treating zero modes on the circle of 1D path integrals for both bosonic and supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models, following an approach originally introduced by Friedan. We use BRST techniques and place a special emphasis on the issue of reparametrization invariance. Various examples are extensively analyzed to verify and test the general set-up. In particular, we explicitly check that the chiral anomaly, which can be obtained by the semiclassical approximation of a supersymmetric 1D path integral, does not receive higher order worldline contributions, as implied by supersymmetry.Comment: 37 pages, no figures; misprints correcte

    Dimensional regularization for N=1supersymmetric sigma models and the worldline formalism

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    We generalize the worldline formalism to include spin 1/2 fields coupled to gravity. To this purpose we first extend dimensional regularization to supersymmetric nonlinear sigma models in one dimension. We consider a finite propagation time and find that dimensional regularization is a manifestly supersymmetric regularization scheme, since the classically supersymmetric action does not need any counterterm to preserve worldline supersymmetry. We apply this regularization scheme to the worldline description of Dirac fermions coupled to gravity. We first compute the trace anomaly of a Dirac fermion in 4 dimensions, providing an additional check on the regularization with finite propagation time. Then we come to the main topic and consider the one-loop effective action for a Dirac field in a gravitational background. We describe how to represent this effective action as a worldline path integral and compute explicitly the one- and two-point correlation functions, i.e. the spin 1/2 particle contribution to the graviton tadpole and graviton self-energy. These results are presented for the general case of a massive fermion. It is interesting to note that in the worldline formalism the coupling to gravity can be described entirely in terms of the metric, avoiding the introduction of a vielbein. Consequently, the fermion--graviton vertices are always linear in the graviton, just like the standard coupling of fermions to gauge fields

    Worldline formalism in a gravitational background

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    We analyze the worldline formalism in the presence of a gravitational background. In the worldline formalism a path integral is used to quantize the worldline coordinates of the particles. Contrary to the simpler cases of scalar and vector backgrounds, external gravity requires a precise definition of the ultraviolet regularization of the path integral. Taking into account the UV regularization, we describe the first quantized representation of the one-loop effective action for a scalar particle. We compute explicitly the contribution to the graviton tadpole and self-energy to test the validity of the method. The results obtained by usual field theoretical Feynman diagrams are reproduced in an efficient way. Finally, we comment on the technical problems related to the factorization of the zero mode from the path integral on the circle.Comment: 18 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX; references adde