1,743 research outputs found

    Academic Knowledge Transfers and the Structure of International Research Networks

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    Az egyetemektĂ”l az ipari innovĂĄciĂłig ĂĄramlĂł tudĂĄstranszfer földrajza napjaink közgazdasĂĄgi szakirodalmĂĄnak szĂ©les körben kutatott tĂ©mĂĄjĂĄvĂĄ vĂĄlt. A vizsgĂĄlatok egyik meghatĂĄrozĂł eredmĂ©nyekĂ©nt emlĂ­thetĂ”, hogy az egyetemek Ă©s az ipar közötti lokĂĄlis tudĂĄs-ĂĄramlĂĄsok hatĂ©konysĂĄgĂĄt szĂĄmos kĂŒlsĂ” tĂ©nyezĂ” – mint pl. az agglomerĂĄciĂł, a vĂĄllalkozĂłi környezet vagy a helyi ĂŒzleti kultĂșra – is befolyĂĄsolja. Az egyetemek nemzetközi kutatĂłi hĂĄlĂłzatokba valĂł beĂĄgyazottsĂĄga Ă©s az egyetemekrĂ”l szĂĄrmazĂł tudĂĄs szĂ©tterjedĂ©se közötti kapcsolat vizsgĂĄlata viszont igen friss fejlemĂ©ny a közgazdasĂĄgi szakirodalomban. A tĂ©ma fontossĂĄgĂĄt egyrĂ©szt az indokolja, hogy a kutatĂłi produktivitĂĄs Ă©s a tudomĂĄnyos hĂĄlĂłzatokhoz valĂł tartozĂĄs között szoros összefĂŒggĂ©s fedezhetĂ” fel, mĂĄsrĂ©szt pedig az, hogy az egyetemekhez köthetĂ” szabadalmak Ă©s a minĂ”sĂ©gi kutatĂĄsi eredmĂ©nyek nem zĂĄrjĂĄk ki szĂŒksĂ©gszerĂ»en egymĂĄst. A hĂĄlĂłzatok Ă©s a szabadalmak közötti kapcsolatok tehĂĄt Ă­gĂ©retes tĂ©mĂĄt szolgĂĄltatnak az elemzĂ©sek szĂĄmĂĄra. TanulmĂĄnyunk a nemzetközi publikĂĄciĂłk szerzĂ”it magĂĄban foglalĂł hĂĄlĂłzatok szerkezetĂ©nek (pl. koncentrĂĄciĂł, mĂ©ret, integrĂĄltsĂĄg) az egyetemi szabadalmakra vonatkozĂł hatĂĄsĂĄt vizsgĂĄlja a tudĂĄstermelĂ©si-fĂŒggvĂ©ny alkalmazĂĄsĂĄval a PĂ©csi TudomĂĄnyegyetem kĂŒlönbözĂ” egysĂ©geirĂ”l gyĂ»jtött adatokra tĂĄmaszkodva.University knowledge transfer, network analysis, knowledge production function

    Nodular calcrete from the Lower Permian KorpĂĄd Sandstone Formation (borehole Dinnyeberki 9015, Mecsek Mts, Hungary) and its palaeoenvironmental significance

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    The Korpád Sandstone in the 9015 drill core (Mecsek Mts.) consists of red mudstones and interbedded calcrete crusts with sandstones and conglomerates. Calcrete microfabrics reveal micritic mottles, rhizocretions, smaller root casts and Microcodium-like aggregates. These features together with the mineralogy suggest a relatively dry climate with low amount of rainfall (100–500 mm/year) during pedogenesis. Calcite cements are interpreted to have precipitated first in an oxidizing meteoric environment; then, after initial burial, under reducing conditions

    Clay Mineralogy of Red Clay Deposits from the Central Carpathian Basin (Hungary): Implications for Plio/Pleistocene Chemical Weathering and Paleoclimate

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    Geochemical and mineralogical studies of palaeosols provide essential information for palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental interpretation of continental deposits and can present a proxy for palaeoclimate. Red clays in the central Carpathian Basin (Hungary) (Tengelic Red Clay Formation; Kerecsend Red Clay Formation), overlain by loess-palaeosol sequences, were studied. Results from geochemical climofunctions applied to Upper Pliocene–Lower Pleistocene red clays and palaeosols located in the Carpathian Basin, and clay mineralogy, indicate that the palaeoclimate was considerably more humid and warmer during the Late Pliocene-Early Pleistocene in comparison to modern values

    A dĂ©l-dunĂĄntĂșli permokarbon kĂ©pzƑdmĂ©nyek: HagyomĂĄnyos felfogĂĄs Ă©s rĂ©tegtani problĂ©mĂĄk

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    A dĂ©l-dunĂĄntĂșli permi kontinentĂĄlis kĂ©pzƑdmĂ©nyek közĂŒl a több Ă©vtizeden keresztĂŒl termelt urĂĄnĂ©rcnek köszönhetƑen a KƑvĂĄgĂłszƑlƑsi HomokkƑ FormĂĄciĂł (KƑvĂĄgĂłtöttösi HomokkƑ Tagozat) rendkĂ­vĂŒl nagy jelentƑsĂ©gƱ volt a közelmĂșltban (FĂŒlöp, 1994; BarabĂĄs & BarabĂĄsnĂ© Stuhl, 1998). A nagy aktivitĂĄsĂș radioaktĂ­v hulladĂ©k elhelyezĂ©sĂ©re irĂĄnyulĂł kutatĂĄs a finomszemcsĂ©s Bodai Aleurolit FormĂĄciĂłra koncentrĂĄl (pl. Árkai et al., 2000). A karbon Ă©s a permi ĂŒledĂ©kciklus idƑsebb formĂĄciĂłi, tovĂĄbbĂĄ a GyƱrƱfƱi Riolit kƑzetei azonban a kedvezƑtlen feltĂĄrtsĂĄgi viszonyok, illetve a potenciĂĄlis nyersanyagok hiĂĄnya miatt rĂ©szletes kutatĂĄsi programok tĂĄrgyĂĄt nem kĂ©peztĂ©k, ezĂ©rt a kapcsolĂłdĂł földtani ismeretek mind lokĂĄlis, mind regionĂĄlis szinten napjainkban is szĂĄmos nyitott kĂ©rdĂ©st tartalmaznak (Varga, 2009)

    Rendszervåltåsok rendszerei. A kollektív történelem kísértete és tudås-veszteségei

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    A kollektĂ­v emlĂ©kezet gyakorlatai, a megemlĂ©kezĂ©sek Ă©s felhatalmazĂĄsok, legitimĂĄlĂĄsok Ă©s identitĂĄs-keresĂ©sek, reformok Ă©s elszĂĄmoltatĂĄsok korszakai vissza-visszatĂ©rƑ etapjai az emberi progressziĂł-törtĂ©netnek. Hol optimista jövƑkĂ©ppĂ©, hol sötĂ©t mĂșltĂ©lmĂ©nnyĂ© vĂĄlnak ugyan, de az idƑbeli kontinuitĂĄst a magabiztos tĂĄrsas tudĂĄs alapjĂĄvĂĄ teszik, mindezek rĂ©vĂ©n pedig a rendszervĂĄltĂĄsok hermeneutikĂĄjĂĄhoz jĂĄrulhatnak hozzĂĄ. S mert forrĂĄsanyag egyre több adĂłdik a levĂ©ltĂĄrak mĂĄr megnyĂ­lĂł körĂ©ben, e feladat elvĂ©gzĂ©sĂ©nek felelƑssĂ©ge a törtĂ©nĂ©szekre, kommunikĂĄtorokra marad, de kiegĂ©szĂŒl a pedagĂłgusokĂ©val, a megĂ©rtĂ©s „hasznĂĄt” sokszorozĂł szerepkörökkel, a tudomĂĄny feladatvĂĄllalĂĄsĂĄval Ă©s a közgondolkodĂĄst befolyĂĄsolĂł programossĂĄgokkal is


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    Due to the rapid technological, technical and economic development in the 21st century, knowledge and learning have become decisive economic factors and the role of human resources has also come in the limelight. The competitiveness of an entire national economy, a region or even a continent is basically determined by human resources with the suitable competencies. The labour market is in need of graduates who possess not only expertise in its strict sense but also master some economic, IT and foreign language skills. The free movement of labour is only of benefit to those who are able to communicate in a foreign language at a suitable level in addition to having specialised knowledge. We set out to carry out a questionnaire-based study to prove that attitudes in higher education need to be changed. The findings clearly show that both the students and the employers agree that the effectiveness of foreign language teaching needs to be improved and that students should be equipped with broader and more modern knowledge in the fields of finance, accountancy, law, economics and marketing. At the same time, today’s higher education is characterised by too many programmes and majors rather than the development of competencies meeting the real needs of the labour market. To sum it up, we can conclude that to improve Hungary’s competitiveness, the acquisition and the offering of the competences analysed in our research is indispensable. ------------------------------------------------- A XXI. szÃ¥zad rohamos technológiai, technikai, gazdasÃ¥gi fejlÅ‘dĂ©sĂ©nek köszönhetÅ‘en a tudÃ¥s Ă©s a tanulÃ¥s egyre inkÃ¥bb gazdasÃ¥gi tĂ©nyezÅ‘vĂ© vÃ¥lik. Egy nemzetgazdasÃ¥g, egy rĂ©gió vagy akÃ¥r egy kontinens versenykĂ©pessĂ©gĂ©t is alapvetÅ‘en meghatÃ¥rozza a megfelelÅ‘ kompetenciÃ¥kkal rendelkezÅ‘ humÃ¥n erÅ‘forrÃ¥s. A munkaerÅ‘piac a szűken Ă©rtelmezett szakismeret mellett gazdasÃ¥gi, szÃ¥mí¬tÃ¥stechnikai Ă©s idegen nyelvi ismeretekkel rendelkezÅ‘ diplomÃ¥s szakembereket keres. A munkaerÅ‘ szabad Ã¥ramlÃ¥sa csak azok szÃ¥mÃ¥ra jelent elÅ‘nyt, akik a magas szintű szaktudÃ¥s mellett megfelelÅ‘en kĂ©pesek idegen nyelven kommunikÃ¥lni. KutatÃ¥sunk cĂ©lja volt, hogy kĂ©rdőíves felmĂ©rĂ©ssel tÃ¥masszuk alÃ¥ azt a tĂ©nyt, hogy a felsÅ‘oktatÃ¥sban is szemlĂ©letvÃ¥ltÃ¥sra van szĂƒÂŒksĂ©g. A jelenlegi eredmĂ©nyek egyĂ©rtelműen bizonyítjÃ¥k, hogy a hallgatók Ă©s a munkÃ¥ltatók szerint is rendkívĂƒÂŒl fontos az idegen nyelvi oktatÃ¥s hatĂ©konysÃ¥gÃ¥nak növelĂ©se, a pĂ©nzĂƒÂŒgyi, szÃ¥mviteli, jogi, közgazdasÃ¥gi Ă©s marketingismeretek bÅ‘vítĂ©se Ă©s korszerűsítĂ©se. Ugyanakkor a mai felsÅ‘oktatÃ¥sra inkÃ¥bb a szakburjÃ¥nzÃ¥s jellemzÅ‘, mintsem a munkaerÅ‘piac igĂ©nyeihez igazodó kompetenciÃ¥k fejlesztĂ©se. ÖsszegzĂ©skĂ©ppen elmondható, hogy MagyarorszÃ¥g versenykĂ©pessĂ©gĂ©nek növelĂ©se szempontjÃ¥ból a kutatÃ¥sunkban vizsgÃ¥lt kompetenciÃ¥k elsajÃ¥títÃ¥sa Ă©s elsajÃ¥títtatÃ¥sa nĂ©lkĂƒÂŒlözhetetlen tĂ©nyezÅ‘.competence, competitiveness, human resources, model, education, labour market, kompetencia, versenykĂ©pessĂ©g, emberi erÅ‘forrÃ¥s, modell, oktatÃ¥s, munkaerÅ‘piac, Teaching/Communication/Extension/Profession,

    What is the growth potential of green innovation? An assessment of EU climate policy options

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    This paper provides a model-based analysis of the cost-efficiency of different EU climate policy options that could direct innovation in the private sector towards an environmentally sustainable growth path. Our objective is to assess different policy options in order to identify an appropriate policy-mix of environmental and innovation market instruments in terms of their cost-effectiveness. For this purpose, we develop a fully-dynamic, multisectoral DSGE model with endogenous technological change where we specifically identify its environmental content and we calibrate the model for the EU and the rest of the world. Our results suggest that an appropriate policy mix should intensively stimulate R&D in the green sectors in the short-run and phase-it out by spreading the R&D support to all sectors of the economy in the medium-term. Although intuitive, the orders of magnitude presented in this paper should be interpreted with caution by taking into account the underlying assumptions of the model and identification of green innovation data.Carbon revenue recycling, climate change, directed technical change, double dividend, dynamic general equilibrium model, endogenous growth, R&D

    A comparison of structural reform scenarios across the EU member states - Simulation-based analysis using the QUEST model with endogenous growth

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    This paper calibrates the Roeger-Varga-Veld (2008) micro-founded DSGE model with endogenous growth for all EU member states using country specific structural characteristics and employs the individual country models to analyse the macroeconomic impact of various structural reforms. We analyse the costs and benefits of reforms in terms of fiscal policy instruments such as taxes, benefits, subsidies and administrative costs faced by firms. We find that less R&D intensive countries would benefit the most from R&D promoting and skill-upgrading policies. We also find that shifting from labour to consumption taxes, reducing the benefit replacement rate and relieving administrative entry barriers are the most effective measures in those countries which have high labour taxes and entry barriers.Structural reforms, endogenous growth, DSGE modelling, EU member states, tax credits, tax shifts, entry barriers, human capital, D'Auria, Pagano, Ratto, Varga

    A Szegedi Dolomit FormĂĄciĂł kƑzettĂ­pusainak összehasonlĂ­tĂĄsa a Papuk-hegysĂ©gi közĂ©psƑ-triĂĄsz dolomittal

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    MunkĂĄnkban a Szegedi Dolomit FormĂĄciĂł (Szegedi-medence) Ă©s a Papuk-hegysĂ©g (SzlavĂłniai-szigethegysĂ©g) sötĂ©tszĂŒrke, anisusi dolomitjĂĄnak kƑzetvĂĄltozatait hasonlĂ­tjuk össze. MindkĂ©t összletet dominĂĄnsan platformfĂĄciesƱ dolomitvĂĄltozatok Ă©pĂ­tik fel, azonban a Szegedi Dolomit jelentƑs mĂ©rtĂ©kben tektonikus eredetƱ dolomitbreccsĂĄvĂĄ Ă©s (proto-)kataklĂĄzittĂĄ alakult. Az utĂłlagos tektonikus felĂŒlbĂ©lyegzĂ©s a korrelĂĄciĂłt bizonytalannĂĄ teszi; a regionĂĄlis kapcsolatok feltĂĄrĂĄsĂĄhoz a fekĂŒ Ă©s fedƑ kĂ©pzƑdmĂ©nyekre is kiterjedƑ összehasonlĂ­tĂł munka szĂŒksĂ©ges

    „ÍzesĂ­tƑ” a permi Bodai AgyagkƑ FormĂĄciĂł Ƒskörnyezeti rekonstrukciĂłjĂĄhoz: kƑsĂł utĂĄni pszeudomorfĂłzĂĄk a BAT–4 fĂșrĂĄs agyagkƑmintĂĄiban

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    A BAT–4 fĂșrĂĄsban a Bodai AgyagkƑ FormĂĄciĂł agyagkƑmintĂĄinak petrogrĂĄfiai mikroszkĂłpos vizsgĂĄlata sorĂĄn a vörös, agyagos–hematitos alapanyagban nĂ©gyzet, nĂ©gyĂĄgĂș csillag, illetve hĂĄromszög metszetƱ, uralkodĂłan pĂĄtos karbonĂĄt (kalcit vagy dolomit) egykristĂĄlyokbĂłl ĂĄllĂł kitöltĂ©seket figyeltĂŒnk meg. MorfolĂłgiĂĄjuk alapjĂĄn ezek a pszeudomorfĂłzĂĄk korĂĄbbi kƑsĂł vĂĄzkristĂĄlyok („hopper” halit, „pagoda” halit) utĂĄni helyettesĂ­tĂ©skĂ©nt Ă©rtelmezhetƑk, amelyek az intenzĂ­v bepĂĄrlĂłdĂĄs Ă©s a korai diagenetikus kƑsĂłkivĂĄlĂĄs bizonyĂ­tĂ©kai a laza ĂŒledĂ©kben a sĂłs iszaplapĂĄlyon
