3,957 research outputs found

    Social identity, precision and charity: when less precise speakers are held to stricter standard

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    Recent has begun to show systematic connections between social information and pragmatic reasoning. These findings raise the question of whether social information shapes comprehenders' assessments of the correctness of linguistic description in light of a single known and determined fact. We explore this question by testing the impact of speaker identity on T(ruth)-V(alue) J(udgment)s based on the interpretation of number words. We find that imprecise statements from speakers socially expected to be less precise – i.e. “Chill" ones – are rejected at a higher rate, and thus held to more stringent evaluation standards, than those from speakers socially expected to speak more precisely – i.e. “Nerdy" ones. We explain the new finding by appealing to the idea that, by virtue of generally being perceived to be more precise, Nerdy speakers are granted higher epistemic credibility than Chill ones. The emerging picture is one in which TVJ assessments are affected by social considerations in a different way from other experimental tasks, suggesting a nuanced interplay between social information and different interpretation tasks and processe

    Imprecision, personae, and pragmatic reasoning

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    Recent work at the interface of semantics and sociolinguistics showed that listeners reason about the semantic/pragmatic properties of linguistic utterances to draw social inferences about the speaker (Acton and Potts 2014; Beltrama 2018; Jeong 2021). These findings raise the question of whether reverse effects exist as well, i.e., whether (and how) social meanings can also impact the interpretation of semantic/pragmatic meanings. Using (im)precision as a case study, we provide experimental evidence that (i) numerals receive stricter interpretations when utteredbyNerdy(vs. Chill) speakers; and that (ii) this effect is stronger for comprehenders who don’t (strongly) identify with the speaker, suggesting that pragmatic reasoning is crucially shaped by social information about both the speaker and the comprehender. These findings suggest that different layers of meanings inform one another in a bi-directional fashion – i.e., semantic information can invite social inferences, and Misocial information can guide meaning interpretation

    Collapsing the Boundaries between De Jure and De Facto Slavery: The Foundations of Slavery beyond the Transatlantic Frame

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    The identification of contemporary forms of slavery is often problematically demarcated by reference to transatlantic enslavement as the definitive archetype. Such an approach overlooks other historic slaveries and neglects the totality of the maangamizi-the African holocaust. This article addresses the problematics of positioning the transatlantic system as the paradigm and unpacks the constituent elements of de jure slavery to construct an understanding of slavery as a condition as well as a status. By identifying the core features of de jure chattel slavery through time, this paper displaces the assumption that legal status is determinative, giving meaning to the concept of slavery in the contemporary world

    Marital Conflict and Early Adolescents' Self-Evaluation: The Role of Parenting Quality and Early Adolescents' Appraisals

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    Cognitive appraisals and family dynamics have been identified as mediators of the relationship between marital conflict and children's adjustment. Surprisingly little research has investigated both meditational processes in the same study. Guided by the cognitive-contextual framework and the spillover hypothesis, the present study integrated factors from both theories early adolescents' appraisals of threat and self-blame, as well as perceived parenting quality as mediators of the link between early adolescents' perception of marital conflict and their self-evaluations (self-esteem and scholastic competence). Analyses were based on the first two waves of an ongoing longitudinal study. Participants were 176 two-parent families, and their early adolescents (50.5% girls) whose mean age was 10.61years at Time 1 (SD=0.40) and 11.63years at Time 2 (SD=0.39). Structural equation modeling analyses indicated that parenting quality and early adolescents' perceived threat provided indirect pathways between marital conflict and early adolescents' self-esteem 1year later when controlling for their initial level of self-esteem. With respect to scholastic competence, only fathers' parenting was an indirect link. Self-blame did not play a role. Implications for understanding the mechanisms by which exposure to marital conflict predicts early adolescents' maladjustment are discusse

    Assesing geodiversity in Tierra Del Fuego (Southern Patagonia, Argentina): A strategy to promote geotourism

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    This contribution aims to present three hierarchized areas in central and northern Tierra del Fuego (Argentina) whose geodiversity may be used for educational purposes to encourage the Earth Sciences and to design of geotourism strategies. In comparison with south Tierra del Fuego, tourism development in both areas is still low. After applying a specific methodology, 163 georesources were identified, described, mapped and classified.Fil: Coronato, Andrea Maria Josefa. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Schwarz, Soledad Natalia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Austral de Investigaciones Científicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Tierra del Fuego, Antártida e Islas del Atlántico Sur. Instituto de Ciencias Polares, Ambientales y Recursos Naturales; Argentina9th International Conference on GeomorphologyAtenasGreciaInternational Asociation of Geomorphologist

    Das Buch zum Film. Der Film zum Buch

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    Das Phänomen der Literaturverfilmung besteht in der Forschungsgeschichte seit langer Zeit und lässt sich mit der Geburt des Films in Verbindung setzen. So gab es bereits sehr früh Verfilmungen von Literatur. Dabei stehen Film und Literatur in einem wechselseitig, sich aufeinander beziehenden Verhältnis. Sehr früh wurden Diskurse ausgelöst, die noch bis heute andauern. Einen zentralen Punkt nimmt dabei die Bestsellerverfilmung ein. Nicht immer ist davon auszugehen, dass eine Verfilmung auch Bestand neben der erfolgreichen literarischen Vorlage hat. Oft werden auch dem Publikum unbekannte Werke verfilmt. Die Diplomarbeit beschäftigt sich zu Beginn mit der Entstehung des Films, sprich welche filmgeschichtlichen Phasen es zu durchlaufen gab, bis es zum heutigen Tonfilm kam. Des Weiteren erfolgen eine Auseinandersetzung mit den verschiedenen Literaturadaptionen und ein Versuch, das Phänomen Literaturverfilmung zu definieren. Außerdem beschäftigt sich die Arbeit mit dem Begriff der Werktreue und dem Verhältnis von Film und Literatur. Drei ausgewählte Methoden des Vergleichs runden den Theorieteil ab. Im nächsten Abschnitt wird versucht, das Phänomen Bestseller zu definieren. Danach unterziehen sich die beiden österreichischen Erfolgsbücher Die Klavierspielerin und Schlafes Bruder einer genauen Analyse. Herausgearbeitet werden die Erfolgsfaktoren der Werke. Das letzte Kapitel befasst sich mit den Verfilmungen der beiden Werke. Die Verfilmung von Schlafes Bruder entstand bereits drei Jahre nach Erscheinung des Romans. Joseph Vilsmaier fungierte als Regisseur. Die Verfilmung von Elfriede Jelineks Roman entstand erst viele Jahre nach Erscheinung des Werkes. Michael Haneke nahm dabei die Rolle des Regisseurs ein. Die Filmregisseure gehen sehr verschieden mit ihren Literaturvorlagen um. Es erfolgt schließlich ein Vergleich der Verfilmungen

    The Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill: a cost-benefit analysis

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    This report provides an analysis of the costs and benefits of extending support to adult conclusive victims of human trafficking in England and Wales for 12 months after exiting the National Referral Mechanism (NRM), the UK’s identification and support system for victims of modern slavery. This extended support is proposed under S.48B of The Modern Slavery (Victim Support) Bill (the Bill). The Bill includes provision (S.48A) to guarantee in law the support that is already provided on a non-statutory basis

    Textile based dye-sensitized solar cells with natural dyes

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    Natural dyes extracted from hibiscus petals, elderberries and mallow flowers were investigated in dye-sensitized solar cells. Two approaches were followed: 1. Hybrid glass/fabric cells with titanium dioxide on glass as working electrode and a textile counter electrode; 2. hybrid fabric/glass cells with zinc oxide as working electrode on textile and a glass counter electrode. The zinc oxide layer on cotton was prepared by electroless deposition whereas the titanium dioxide coated glass electrodes were obtained directly from the manufacturer. In both cases the redox couple consisted of iodine / triiodide and the counter electrode was based on an electrically conductive fabric

    Seizures and prolonged recovery from general anaesthesia in a horse with guttural pouch mycosis undergoing bilateral arterial coil embolisation

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    An 11-year-old Holstein mare was referred after profuse bilateral epistaxis due to fungal plaques. Clinical evaluation was unremarkable except for mild tachycardia. General anaesthesia was induced for coil embolisation of the left internal carotid artery, right external carotid and maxillary arteries. Under anaesthesia, cardiorespiratory stability was ensured, and six coils were deployed under fluoroscopy, whereas three previously deployed coils were found. During recovery from anaesthesia, generalised seizures, fast horizontal nystagmus and a breath-holding breathing pattern were evident. Diazepam and medetomidine were administered, but the seizures resumed shortly after. After the administration of hypertonic saline solution and hydrocortisone, the seizures ceased. However, the horse remained unresponsive for 3 hours despite supportive care consisting of oxygen, glucose, fluid therapy and warming. Although a poor prognosis was presumed, the horse recovered after one attempt, 180 minutes after isoflurane cessation. The present case report highlights the importance of adequate support during recovery from anaesthesia


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    Unternehmer in Grenzregionen fühlen sich von der EU-Erweiterung besonders betroffen, da diese ihre Betriebsstandorte nahe zur ehemaligen EU-Außengrenze und damit zu den Bewerberstaaten Osteuropas haben. Die Erweiterung bietet einerseits Chancen, andererseits bringt sie auch verschärfte Konkurrenz für die Betriebe in diesen Regionen. Somit sind neue Herausforderungen für die Unternehmer in Grenzregionen gegeben. Im Rahmen einer empirischen Studie wird die Einstellung der Unternehmer des Retzer Landes, eine Grenzregion im nördlichen Weinviertel, in Hinblick der bisherigen Erfahrungen mit der Europäischen Union und ihre persönlichen Erwartungen, Hoffnungen, Befürchtungen und Wahrnehmungen, betreffend der EU-Osterweiterung 2004, untersucht. Um diese Auswirkungen zu erfassen, wird das Konzept des Telefoninterviews mittels standardisiertem Fragebogen herangezogen. Insgesamt wurden 86 Unternehmer im Zeitraum von April bis Mai 2004 interviewt. Berücksichtig wurden Betriebe aus den sechs Gemeinden des Retzer Landes: Hardegg, Retzbach, Retz, Schrattenthal, Pulkau und Zellerndorf. Die Auswertung der Fragebögen erfolgte unter Anwendung der Computersoftware SPSS. Die Ergebnisse dieser empirischen Untersuchung haben gezeigt, dass ungeachtet aller Auswirkungen, sich aller Voraussicht nach im Retzer Land durch die EU-Osterweiterung neue Möglichkeiten für Tourismus und lokale Wirtschaft ergeben. In beiden Bereichen liegt ein enormes Entwicklungspotential, welches sich die Region mit höchster Wahrscheinlichkeit zu Nutzen machen wird. Insgesamt betrachtet hat sich das Retzer Land bereits seit dem Fall des Eisernen Vorhangs zu einer aufstrebenden Region entwickelt.In case of enterprises of the „old“ EU member states, the eastern EU enlargement of 2004 will have a large impact on those who share the border with the new EU Member States. The enterprises of the north-east of Austria will be particularly affected. From this point of view the “Retzer Land”, a border region in northern Weinviertel, and its enterprisers are the main protagonists of this study. Different approaches and perceptions of the enterprisers according to the European Union and its EU enlargement of 2004 have been surveyed using standardised questionnaire. In total 86 enterprisers have been interviewed by telephone between April and May 2004. The enterprises come from six communities of the Retzer Land: Hardegg, Retzbach, Retz, Schrattenthal, Pulkau und Zellerndorf. The empirical analysis have been made with the computer software SPSS. Even though many endeavors in economic and touristic fields have already been made since the fall of the Iron Curtain, the overall effect is regarded as positive. The results of this study show that in both fields, economic and touristic area, the benefits are likely to increase regardless all positive or negative effects of the EU enlargement 2004
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