13 research outputs found


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    Introduzione: La neoplasia esofagea presenta un\u2019incidenza di circa 3-4 casi/105, all\u2019ottavo posto nel mondo. In Italia \ue8 prevalente l\u2019istotipo squamo cellulare (SCC) rispetto all\u2019adenocarcinoma. La prognosi per i pazienti affetti \ue8 solitamente infausta poich\ue9 diagnosticati in uno stadio di malattia localmente avanzato. Questo studio pilota si concentra su una nuovo intervento diagnostico per la diagnosi precoce del SCC. Metodi: Due pazienti (MM, 63 e 60 anni) SCC e quattro controlli sani (MMFF, 41/70/30/28 anni) hanno partecipato a questo studio. L\u2019espirato \ue8 stato raccolto in un sachetto da 1 L (Tedlar\uae) prima dell\u2019esecuzione della EGDS e mantenuto a 23\ub13\ub0C. E\u2019 stato inoltre eseguito un prelievo di aria ambiente prima di ogni campionamento come controllo. I componenti organici volatili (VOC) sono stati preconcentrati a 50\ub0C per 30 minuti utilizzando una fibra SPME (\u201csolid phase micro extraction\u201d) di poly-dimethylsiloxane spesso 100 micrometri. Per l\u2019identificazione chimica i campioni sono stati iniettati in un gascromatografo Varian attrezzato con una colonna capillare VA-5 di 30 m, 0.25 mm di diametro interno, ricoperto con un film di phenylmethylpolysiloxane spesso 0.25 micrometri. La temperatura del forno era: 15 min a 40\ub0C, una rampa di 3\ub0C/min fino a 60\ub0C, un plateau a 60\ub0C per 5 min, una rampa di 10\ub0C/min fino a 150\ub0C, mantenendo la temperatura per 1 min, una rampa di 25\ub0C/min fino a 290\ub0C, mantenendo per 20 min. Per l\u2019analisi degli spettri di massa \ue8 stato utilizzato MS Workstation 6.4 for Windows (Varian). Risultati: Nei 2 campioni di pazienti SCC sono stati identificati due componenti unici mediante GC/MS ed identificati con la libreria di spettri di massa: 2,3,4-trimethyl-hexane (RT: 35,928) and N-heneicosane (RT: 37,006). I componenti identificati non sono stati trovati nei campioni di controllo

    Healthcare worker's attitude to seasonal influenza vaccination in the South Tyrolean province of Italy: Barriers and facilitators

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    BACKGROUND: Seasonal influenza vaccination (SIV) is an effective and safe way to prevent influenza. Public health institutions around the world consequently recommend SIV to certain groups at risk, including healthcare worker's (HCWs). Even if SIV is free of charge, the vaccination coverage rate remains low, however. The aim of this study was to gain information on the sociodemographics, lifestyle and knowledge of HCWs associated with their attitude to SIV, also investigating the differences between different professional categories of HCW. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted over six consecutive weeks from October to December 2016. It was based on an anonymous online questionnaire administered to all employees (N\u202f=\u202f9633) of the South Tyrolean Health Service. Coverage rates and attitudes to SIV were assessed by type of HCW. A logistic regression analysis was run to test the associations between SIV in the winter of 2015/2016 and potential predictors of the HCWs' attitude to vaccination. RESULTS: In all, 4091 employees (42.4% of the total) took part in the study. Statistically significant differences emerged between the different healthcare professions in terms of their reported vaccination rates and their attitudes to SIV. Among the different types of HCW, physicians had the highest rate of vaccination uptake. There were sociocultural and lifestyle factors associated with SIV in HCWs, as well as these worker's professional roles and the ward where they worked. All the professionals agreed that specific training was the best way to improve HCW vaccination rates. CONCLUSION: Low compliance with SIV among HCWs is attributable to numerous factors, some of which relate to their attitude to health issues. Commitment and accountability to patients and society should be further developed in HCWs. Specific training and information, also through informal scientific channels, should be provided to improve their knowledge of influenza and attitude to vaccination

    Problematic cell phone use for text messaging and substance abuse in early adolescence (11- to 13-year-olds)

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    The aim of our study was to examine the association between problematic cell phone use (PCPU) for text messaging and substance abuse in young adolescents. This cross-sectional study was conducted on the basis of an ad hoc questionnaire, during the 2014-2015 school year in a province of the Veneto Region (Italy); it involved a sample of 1156 students in grades 6 to 8 (11 to 13 years old). A self-report scale based on the Short Message Service (SMS) Problem Use Diagnostic Questionnaire (SMS-PUDQ) was administered to assess the sample's PCPU. A multivariate logistic regression model was applied to seek associations between PCPU (as the dependent variable) and independent variables. The proportion of students who reported a PCPU increased with age in girls (13.5 % in 6th grade, 16.4 % in 7th grade, and 19.5 % in 8th grade), but not in boys (14.3 % in 6th grade, 18.0 % in 7th grade, and 14.8 % in 8th grade). Logistic regression showed that drunkenness at least once and energy drink consumption raised the odds of PCPU, whereas reading books, higher average school marks, and longer hours of sleep were associated with lower odds of PCPU in early adolescence

    Health Literacy and Physical Activity: A Systematic Review

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    Background: The importance of health literacy (HL) in health promotion is increasingly clear and acknowledged globally, especially when addressing noncommunicable diseases. This paper aimed to collect and summarize all current data from observational studies generating evidence of the association between HL and physical activity (PA) and to analyze intervention studies on the promotion of PA to ascertain whether HL moderates the efficacy of such intervention. Methods: A comprehensive systematic literature search of observational studies investigating the association between HL and PA was performed. Intervention studies on the promotion of PA that also measured the HL levels of participants and its effect on the outcome of the intervention were also identified. Results: Of the 22 studies included in this review, 18 found a significant positive association between high HL and high levels of PA. The only intervention study among them indicated that HL was not a significant moderator of the intervention's effectiveness. Conclusion: HL can enable individuals to make deliberate choices about their PA and thus contribute to preventing many chronic noncommunicable diseases. That said, low levels of HL do not seem to influence the efficacy of health promotion interventions


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    Introduzione: Studi internazionali hanno rivelato una diffusa abitudine del gioco d\u2019azzardo gi\ue0 tra gli adolescenti e suggeriscono un\u2019associazione tra il livello di coinvolgimento nel gioco d\u2019azzardo e la vulnerabilit\ue0 all\u2019abuso di sostanze. Questo \ue8 il primo studio condotto in Europa, per indagare l\u2019associazione tra il gioco d\u2019azzardo e l\u2019abitudine al fumo di sigaretta, il consumo di alcool e il consumo di energy drink in ragazzi di 11-13 anni. Metodi: Una survey \ue8 stata condotta nell\u2019a.a. 2013- 2014 a Padova in un campione di 1325 studenti delle scuole secondarie di primo grado, a cui \ue8 chiesto di compilare un questionario anonimo di 106 domande. \uc8 stata eseguita un\u2019analisi logistica multilivello considerando come secondo livello la classe, al fine di tener conto del campionamento a cluster (classe) degli studenti. Risultati: Tra i rispondenti met\ue0 erano maschi (51,4%), la maggior parte italiani (76,5%) con un\u2019et\ue0 media di 12,4\ub197 anni. Nei ragazzi di III media il 41,2% dei maschi e il 25,9% delle femmine avevano gi\ue0 sperimentato il fumo di sigaretta, e il 59,0% dei ragazzi e il 45,9% delle ragazze avevano gi\ue0 provato gli alcolici, inoltre il 64,0% dei maschi e il 36,4% delle ragazze avevano provato gli energy-drink, e circa 5% dei ragazzi aveva sperimentato la marijuana e/o sostanze eccitanti. Il 26,4% dei maschi aveva sperimentato tre tra queste sostanze. Infine il 45,8% dei maschi e il 35,4% delle femmine avevano provato almeno un tipo di gioco d\u2019azzardo. In un modello aggiustato per i principali fattori confondenti, l\u2019aver sperimentato il gioco d\u2019azzardo \ue8 pi\uf9 probabile nei consumatori abituali (almeno una volta al mese) di energy drink (OR 2.77, 95% CI 1.60-4.82) e di alcol (OR 1.89, 95% CI 1.14-3.14), ma non nei fumatori abituali (OR 1.88, 95% CI 0.79-4.45). Conclusioni: E\u2019 importante essere consapevoli dell\u2019ampia diffusione di questo comportamento al fine anche di organizzare interventi di prevenzione multicomponente

    Problematic Use of Video Games and Substance Abuse in Early Adolescence: A Cross-sectional Study

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    OBJECTIVES: Problematic use of video games (PUVG) is associated with substance use in middle school students. The aim of our study was to examine the association between PUVG and substance abuse in children and young adolescents. METHODS: A survey was conducted during the 2014-2015 school year in Padua (northeastern Italy). The sample consisted of 1156 students in grades 6 to 8. A multivariate logistic regression model was applied to seek associations between PUVG (dependent variable) and independent variables. RESULTS: Logistic regression showed that lifetime drunkenness, combined energy drink and alcohol consumption (lifetime), reading comics, and disrespect for rules increased the odds of PUVG, whereas playing competitive sport, eating fruit and/or vegetables daily, finding it easy to talk with fathers and being female lowered the odds of PUVG in early adolescence. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show that PUVG is more likely in young adolescents at risk of substance abuse. Prevention schemes focusing on early adolescence should be based on a multicomponent intervention strategy that takes PUVG into account

    The Impact of Visual Guided Order Picking on Ocular Comfort, Ocular Surface and Tear Function

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    <div><p>Purpose</p><p>We investigated the effects of a visual picking system on ocular comfort, the ocular surface and tear function compared to those of a voice guided picking solution.</p><p>Design</p><p>Prospective, observational, cohort study.</p><p>Method</p><p><i>Setting</i>: Institutional. <i>Study Population</i>: A total of 25 young asymptomatic volunteers performed commissioning over 10 hours on two consecutive days. <i>Main Outcome Measures</i>: The operators were guided in the picking process by two different picking solutions, either visually or by voice while their subjective symptoms and ocular surface and tear function parameters were recorded.</p><p>Results</p><p>The visual analogue scale (VAS) values, according to subjective dry eye symptoms, in the visual condition were significantly higher at the end of the commissioning than the baseline measurements. In the voice condition, the VAS values remained stable during the commissioning. The tear break-up time (BUT) values declined significantly in the visual condition (pre-task: 16.6 sec and post-task: 9.6 sec) in the right eyes, that were exposed to the displays, the left eyes in the visual condition showed only a minor decline, whereas the BUT values in the voice condition remained constant (right eyes) or even increased (left eyes) over the time. No significant differences in the tear meniscus height values before and after the commissioning were observed in either condition.</p><p>Conclusion</p><p>In our study, the use of visually guided picking solutions was correlated with post-task subjective symptoms and tear film instability.</p></div