354 research outputs found

    Efficient moving point handling for incremental 3D manifold reconstruction

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    As incremental Structure from Motion algorithms become effective, a good sparse point cloud representing the map of the scene becomes available frame-by-frame. From the 3D Delaunay triangulation of these points, state-of-the-art algorithms build a manifold rough model of the scene. These algorithms integrate incrementally new points to the 3D reconstruction only if their position estimate does not change. Indeed, whenever a point moves in a 3D Delaunay triangulation, for instance because its estimation gets refined, a set of tetrahedra have to be removed and replaced with new ones to maintain the Delaunay property; the management of the manifold reconstruction becomes thus complex and it entails a potentially big overhead. In this paper we investigate different approaches and we propose an efficient policy to deal with moving points in the manifold estimation process. We tested our approach with four sequences of the KITTI dataset and we show the effectiveness of our proposal in comparison with state-of-the-art approaches.Comment: Accepted in International Conference on Image Analysis and Processing (ICIAP 2015

    Mesh-based 3D Textured Urban Mapping

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    In the era of autonomous driving, urban mapping represents a core step to let vehicles interact with the urban context. Successful mapping algorithms have been proposed in the last decade building the map leveraging on data from a single sensor. The focus of the system presented in this paper is twofold: the joint estimation of a 3D map from lidar data and images, based on a 3D mesh, and its texturing. Indeed, even if most surveying vehicles for mapping are endowed by cameras and lidar, existing mapping algorithms usually rely on either images or lidar data; moreover both image-based and lidar-based systems often represent the map as a point cloud, while a continuous textured mesh representation would be useful for visualization and navigation purposes. In the proposed framework, we join the accuracy of the 3D lidar data, and the dense information and appearance carried by the images, in estimating a visibility consistent map upon the lidar measurements, and refining it photometrically through the acquired images. We evaluate the proposed framework against the KITTI dataset and we show the performance improvement with respect to two state of the art urban mapping algorithms, and two widely used surface reconstruction algorithms in Computer Graphics.Comment: accepted at iros 201

    Multi-View Stereo with Single-View Semantic Mesh Refinement

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    While 3D reconstruction is a well-established and widely explored research topic, semantic 3D reconstruction has only recently witnessed an increasing share of attention from the Computer Vision community. Semantic annotations allow in fact to enforce strong class-dependent priors, as planarity for ground and walls, which can be exploited to refine the reconstruction often resulting in non-trivial performance improvements. State-of-the art methods propose volumetric approaches to fuse RGB image data with semantic labels; even if successful, they do not scale well and fail to output high resolution meshes. In this paper we propose a novel method to refine both the geometry and the semantic labeling of a given mesh. We refine the mesh geometry by applying a variational method that optimizes a composite energy made of a state-of-the-art pairwise photo-metric term and a single-view term that models the semantic consistency between the labels of the 3D mesh and those of the segmented images. We also update the semantic labeling through a novel Markov Random Field (MRF) formulation that, together with the classical data and smoothness terms, takes into account class-specific priors estimated directly from the annotated mesh. This is in contrast to state-of-the-art methods that are typically based on handcrafted or learned priors. We are the first, jointly with the very recent and seminal work of [M. Blaha et al arXiv:1706.08336, 2017], to propose the use of semantics inside a mesh refinement framework. Differently from [M. Blaha et al arXiv:1706.08336, 2017], which adopts a more classical pairwise comparison to estimate the flow of the mesh, we apply a single-view comparison between the semantically annotated image and the current 3D mesh labels; this improves the robustness in case of noisy segmentations.Comment: {\pounds}D Reconstruction Meets Semantic, ICCV worksho

    Attention Mechanisms for Object Recognition with Event-Based Cameras

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    Event-based cameras are neuromorphic sensors capable of efficiently encoding visual information in the form of sparse sequences of events. Being biologically inspired, they are commonly used to exploit some of the computational and power consumption benefits of biological vision. In this paper we focus on a specific feature of vision: visual attention. We propose two attentive models for event based vision: an algorithm that tracks events activity within the field of view to locate regions of interest and a fully-differentiable attention procedure based on DRAW neural model. We highlight the strengths and weaknesses of the proposed methods on four datasets, the Shifted N-MNIST, Shifted MNIST-DVS, CIFAR10-DVS and N-Caltech101 collections, using the Phased LSTM recognition network as a baseline reference model obtaining improvements in terms of both translation and scale invariance.Comment: WACV2019 camera-ready submissio

    Facetwise Mesh Refinement for Multi-View Stereo

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    Mesh refinement is a fundamental step for accurate Multi-View Stereo. It modifies the geometry of an initial manifold mesh to minimize the photometric error induced in a set of camera pairs. This initial mesh is usually the output of volumetric 3D reconstruction based on min-cut over Delaunay Triangulations. Such methods produce a significant amount of non-manifold vertices, therefore they require a vertex split step to explicitly repair them. In this paper, we extend this method to preemptively fix the non-manifold vertices by reasoning directly on the Delaunay Triangulation and avoid most vertex splits. The main contribution of this paper addresses the problem of choosing the camera pairs adopted by the refinement process. We treat the problem as a mesh labeling process, where each label corresponds to a camera pair. Differently from the state-of-the-art methods, which use each camera pair to refine all the visible parts of the mesh, we choose, for each facet, the best pair that enforces both the overall visibility and coverage. The refinement step is applied for each facet using only the camera pair selected. This facetwise refinement helps the process to be applied in the most evenly way possible.Comment: Accepted as Oral ICPR202

    TAPA-MVS: Textureless-Aware PAtchMatch Multi-View Stereo

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    One of the most successful approaches in Multi-View Stereo estimates a depth map and a normal map for each view via PatchMatch-based optimization and fuses them into a consistent 3D points cloud. This approach relies on photo-consistency to evaluate the goodness of a depth estimate. It generally produces very accurate results; however, the reconstructed model often lacks completeness, especially in correspondence of broad untextured areas where the photo-consistency metrics are unreliable. Assuming the untextured areas piecewise planar, in this paper we generate novel PatchMatch hypotheses so to expand reliable depth estimates in neighboring untextured regions. At the same time, we modify the photo-consistency measure such to favor standard or novel PatchMatch depth hypotheses depending on the textureness of the considered area. We also propose a depth refinement step to filter wrong estimates and to fill the gaps on both the depth maps and normal maps while preserving the discontinuities. The effectiveness of our new methods has been tested against several state of the art algorithms in the publicly available ETH3D dataset containing a wide variety of high and low-resolution images

    Robust Moving Objects Detection in Lidar Data Exploiting Visual Cues

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    Detecting moving objects in dynamic scenes from sequences of lidar scans is an important task in object tracking, mapping, localization, and navigation. Many works focus on changes detection in previously observed scenes, while a very limited amount of literature addresses moving objects detection. The state-of-the-art method exploits Dempster-Shafer Theory to evaluate the occupancy of a lidar scan and to discriminate points belonging to the static scene from moving ones. In this paper we improve both speed and accuracy of this method by discretizing the occupancy representation, and by removing false positives through visual cues. Many false positives lying on the ground plane are also removed thanks to a novel ground plane removal algorithm. Efficiency is improved through an octree indexing strategy. Experimental evaluation against the KITTI public dataset shows the effectiveness of our approach, both qualitatively and quantitatively with respect to the state- of-the-art

    Modular development of mobile robots with open source hardware and software components

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    Prototyping and engineering robot hardware and low-level control often require time and efforts thus subtracted to core research activities, such as SLAM or planning algorithms development, which need a working, reliable, platform to be evaluated in a real world scenario. In this paper, we present Rapid Robot Prototyping (R2P), an open source, hardware and software architecture for the rapid prototyping of robotic applications, where off-the-shelf embedded modules (e.g., sensors, actuators, and controllers) are combined together in a plug-and-play fashion, enabling the implementation of a complex system in a simple and modular way. R2P makes people involved in robotics, from researchers and designers to students and hobbyists, dramatically reduce the time and efforts required to build a robot prototype

    Colorimetry applied to the field of cultural heritage: examples of study cases

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    For a few years now, the Dipartimento di Storie e Metodi per la Conservazione dei Beni Culturali of the Alma Mater Studiorum Università di Bologna (sede di Ravenna) has been creating a Diagnostic Laboratory for the study on the “system: cultural heritage/conservation environment”. In the present paper the results of different surveys concerning the use of colorimetry on different typologies of art works are reported: graphic documents (fig. 1); oil painting on board and canvas (fig. 2); wall painting (fig. 3); stony materials consolidated with ethyl silicate (fig. 4). Measurements of the chromatic parameters, according to the CIE L*a*b* chromaticity diagram and to the UNI 8941 Standard Coloured surfaces, were carried out with the spectrophotometric colorimeter Minolta CM-2600D model. The reference measurements (targets) were carried out on every typology of works. Such targets, recorded on the tool or in the computer, could be considered in order to draw a comparison in time on the same studied surface. It is then possible to check the trend of the chromatic alteration as an effect of interaction of the environment of location-conservation with the art work and, then to determine the causes, i.e the environmental operating-factors. The measurements of the chromatic parameters for graphic documents and for wall paintings have also allowed us to establish if the modifications, caused by an inappropriate environment, must be linked to irreversible or reversible effects and, then, with the possibility of being removed. As regards wall paintings, the respect of the “noble patina” was showed, as established by the Card of Restoration, by means of the measurement of the + b* parameters (yellow degree). The studies on stony materials aimed at the evaluation of the chromatic alterations of the art works previously consolidated with various products based on ethyl silicates: different results were reached according to the different degree of stone cohesion, anisotropy of the material and different exposure conditions of the works. Such researches may contribute to applying colorimetry in the field of cultural heritage
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