178 research outputs found
Szakmai ajánlás az utazótanárok munkájára a középiskolás látássérültek habilitációs fejlesztéséhez = Professional Recommendation for the Traveling Teacher’s Who are Working with the Visually Impaired and Habilitation Personality Development High – Schooler
A középiskolai tanulmányok elején a látássérült fiataloknak számos kezdeti nehézséggel kell megküzdeniük a mindennapi iskolai élet során. Az intézmény területén való tájékozódás, a középiskolai életritmus, a magasabb osztálylétszámok, a szaktanárok által alkalmazott, magasabb szintű, önállóbb gondolkodást igénylő tevékenységek és módszerek nagyobb kihívást jelentenek számukra, mint ép társaiknak. Különösen nehezebb helyzetekkel találkoznak azok a látássérült fiatalok, akik a korábbi években szegregált intézményben tanultak, ahol kisebb osztályközösségben, tiflopedagógus, speciális eszköz, egyéni megsegítést biztosító fejlesztő foglalkozások támogatással végezték tanulmányaikat. Az utazótanári szolgáltatás biztosítja azt, hogy integrált környezetben ez a támogató megsegítés jelen legyen a látássérült tanulók és a velük foglalkozó középiskolai szaktanárok számára egyaránt.
At the beginning of high school studies where visually impaired with young people have to outbrave with much daily difficultly. Orientation in the institution about high school ‘s rythymys higher class sizes, and higher levels of attitudes and methods that require more independent thinking by class teachers are more challenging to them than their good companions. Particularly heavier situations are encountered by young people with visually impaired who have been studying in a segregated institution in previous years, where they have completed their studies in a smaller class community, an educator, a specialized tool, and individual development assistants. The travel ambulance service ensures that this supportive assistance is provided in an integrated environment both for students with visually impaired and secondary school teachers
Inzulinutánzó fémkomplexek biospeciációja a sejten kívüli és a sejten belüli térben = Extracellular and intracellular biospeciation of insulin-mimetic metal complexes
Antidiabetikus hatású VO(IV) és Zn(II) komplexek lehetséges átalakulásait vizsgáltuk a sejten kívüli és a sejten belüli térben, hogy felvilágosítást kapjunk a legvalószínűbb kémiai formára (biospeciáció), amely kapcsolatba hozható a biológiai aktivitással. Megállapítottuk, hogy a sejten kívüli térben mindkét fém esetében elsősorban a nagy molakulatömegű fehérjék a felelősek a fémionok/komplexek szállításáért, a VO(IV) komplexek esetén a Tf, míg a Zn(II) komplexek esetén a HSA. A kis molekulatömegű szérum komponensek, a citrát, illetve a His és Cys szerepe sem elhanyagolható, mivel ezek jelentik a fémion könnyen mobilizálható formáját. Az eredeti hordozó ligandumok, bár kölcsönhatásukat e szérum fehérjékkel (elsősorban a HSA-nal kimutattuk, úgy tűnik elsősorban a fémionok felszívódásának fokozásában van. Modell vizsgálatainkat és számításainkat ultraszűréssel, valamint ionkromatográfia-ICP(MS), illetve kapillárelektroforézis-ICP(MS) vizsgálatokkal igazoltuk. A fémionok sejten belüli lehetséges átalakulásait a mM koncentrációban jelenlevő glutation (GSH) és adenozin-trifoszfát (ATP) ligandumokkal vizsgáltuk. Megállapítottuk, hogy a VO(IV) esetén a GSH elsősorban a vanádium oxidációs állapotának meghatározásában és fenntartásában (alapvetően +4), míg az ATP a biner és terner komplexekben való megkötéséban játszik szerepet. Ugyanakkor a Zn(II)-nél a vegyes ligandumú komplexképződéssel a hordozó komplexek és az ATP, illetve a GSH között gyakorlatilag minden esetben számolni kell. | The possible transformation reactions of potential antidiabetic VO(IV) and Zn(II) complexes were studied extracellurarly and intracellurarly in order to obtain information for the most probable chemical form (biospeciation) existing in the system and thus might be responsible for the biological activity. It was found that the high molecular mass serum proteins are the primary metal ion transporters with both metal ions and/or their complexes; in the case of VO(IV) the Tf, while in the case of Zn(II) HSA. The role of the low molecular mass components of serum like citrate or His and Cys are also important, as they may be the mobile form of the metal ions. The original carrier ligands, although their interactions with the serum proteins were detected possibly only facilitate absorption. The results of the modeling studies and calculations were confirmed by ultrafiltration and ionchromatography-ICP(MS) or capillaryelectrophoresis-ICP(MS) combined techniques on human serum samples. In the cell, the possible transformations of these complexes were studied with glutathione (GSH) and adenosine.triphosphate (ATP) both being present in mM concentration in the cell. It was found that in the case of VO(IV) complexes the primary role of GSH is its redox activity, while ATP as a strong complexing agent will bind VO(IV) in binary and ternary complexes. At he same time in the case of Zn(II) ternary complex formation between the carrier complexes and GSH or ATP may be important in any cases
Increased nociceptin/orphanin FQ plasma levels in hepatocellular carcinoma
AIM: The heptadecapeptide nociceptin alias orphanin FQ is the endogenous agonist of opioid receptor-like1 receptor. It is involved in modulation of pain and cognition. High blood level was reported in patients with acute and chronic pain, and in Wilson disease. An accidental observation led us to investigate nociceptin in hepatocellular carcinoma.
METHODS: Plasma nociceptin level was measured by radioimmunoassay, aprotinin was used as protease inhibitor. Hepatocellular carcinoma was diagnosed by laboratory, ultrasound, other imaging, and confirmed by fine needle biopsy. Results were compared to healthy controls and patients with other chronic liver diseases.
RESULTS: Although nociceptin levels were elevated in patients with Wilson disease (14.0 +/- 2.7 pg/mL, n = 26), primary biliary cirrhosis (12.1 +/- 3.2 pg/mL, n = 21) and liver cirrhosis (12.8 +/- 4.0 pg/mL, n = 15) compared to the healthy controls (9.2 +/- 1.8 pg/mL, n = 29, P < 0.001 for each), in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma a ten-fold increase was found (105.9 &PLUSMN; 14.4 pg/mL, n = 29, P < 0.0001). High plasma levels were found in each hepatocellular carcinoma patient including those with normal alpha fetoprotein and those with pain (104.9 +/- 14.9 pg/mL, n = 12) and without (107.7 +/- 14.5 pg/mL, n = 6).
CONCLUSION: A very high nociceptin plasma level seems to be an indicator for hepatocellular carcinoma. Further research is needed to clarify the mechanism and clinical significance of this novel finding
Autonomic and sensory nerve dysfunction in primary biliary cirrhosis
AIM: Cardiovascular autonomic and peripheral sensory neuropathy is a known complication of chronic alcoholic and non-alcoholic liver diseases. We aimed to assess the prevalence and risk factors for peripheral sensory nerve and autonomic dysfunction using sensitive methods in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC).
METHODS: Twenty-four AMA M2 positive female patients with clinical, biochemical and histological evidence of PBC and 20 age matched healthy female subjects were studied. Five standard cardiovascular reflex tests and 24-h heart rate variability (HRV) analysis were performed to define autonomic function. Peripheral sensory nerve function on median and peroneal nerves was characterized by current perception threshold (CPT), measured by a neuroselective diagnostic stimulator (Neurotron, Baltimore, MD).
RESULTS: Fourteen of 24 patients (58%) had at least one abnormal cardiovascular reflex test and thirteen (54%) had peripheral sensory neuropathy. Lower heart rate response to deep breathing (P = 0.001), standing (P = 0.03) and Valsalva manoeuvre (P = 0.01), and more profound decrease of blood pressure after standing (P = 0.03) was found in PBC patients than in controls. As a novel finding we proved that both time domain and frequency domain parameters of 24-h HRV were significantly reduced in PBC patients compared to controls. Each patient had at least one abnormal parameter of HRV. Lower CPT values indicated hyperaesthesia as a characteristic feature at peroneal nerve testing at three frequencies (2000 Hz: P = 0.005; 250 Hz: P = 0.002; 5 Hz: P = 0.004) in PBC compared to controls. Correlation of autonomic dysfunction with the severity and duration of the disease was observed. Lower total power of HRV correlated with lower CPT values at median nerve testing at 250 Hz (P = 0.0001) and at 5 Hz (P = 0.002), as well as with those at peroneal nerve testing at 2000 Hz (P = 0.01).
CONCLUSION: Autonomic and sensory nerve dysfunctions are frequent in PBC. Twenty-four-hour HRV analysis is more sensitive than standard cardiovascular tests for detecting of both parasympathetic and sympathetic impairments. Our novel data suggest that hyperaesthesia is a characteristic feature of peripheral sensory neuropathy and might contribute to itching in PBC. Autonomic dysfunction is related to the duration and severity of PBC
Rising plasma nociceptin level during development of HCC: A case report
AIM: Although liver cirrhosis is a predisposing factor for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), relatively few reports are available on HCC in primary biliary cirrhosis. High plasma nociceptin (N/OFQ) level has been shown in Wilson disease and in patients with acute and chronic pain.
METHODS: We report a follow-up case of HCC, which developed in a patient with primary biliary cirrhosis. The tumor appeared 18 years after the diagnosis of PBC and led to death within two years. Alfa fetoprotein and serum nociceptin levels were monitored before and during the development of HCC. Nociceptin content was also measured in the tumor tissue.
RESULTS: The importance and the curiosity of the presented case was the novel finding of the progressive elevation of plasma nociceptin level up to 17-fold (172 pg/mL) above the baseline (9.2 +/- 1.8 pg/mL) parallel with the elevation of alpha fetoprotein (from 13 ng/mL up to 3 480 ng/mL) during tumor development. Nociceptin content was more than 15-fold higher in the neoplastic tissue (0.16 pg/mg) than that in the tumor-free liver tissue samples (0.01 pg/mg) taken during the autopsy.
CONCLUSION: Results are in concordance with our previous observation that a very high plasma nociceptin level may be considered as an indicator for hepatocellular carcinoma
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