973 research outputs found

    The Efficacy of Video Cameras to Account for Northern Bobwhites Flushed, but Undetected During Aerial Surveys

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    Over the past 20 years, conventional distance sampling from a helicopter platform has been used to estimate northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus; hereafter, bobwhite) density over large areas of rangeland vegetation. However, it has been speculated that aerial surveys can complicate the ability to meet the distance sampling assumption of detecting 100% of the target objects on the transect line due to the restricted observer view from the helicopter. We attempted to use video cameras to determine whether missed detections occurred and whether digital methods could improve the precision of bobwhite density estimates. Our objectives were to 1) determine whether video cameras are a viable option to detect if coveys are flushing behind the helicopter and missed by observers, 2) determine whether coveys are flushing underneath the helicopter and missed by observers, and 3) explore the use of video cameras in a mark-recapture distance sampling (MRDS) framework. We recorded video while traversing line-transects with a helicopter during 4 distance-sampling surveys across 2 ranches in South Texas, USA. For objective 1, we reviewed footage from cameras with a backward-facing view and detected only 1 pair of bobwhites (0.001% of 889 coveys detected) that flushed on video footage recorded during the surveys but were unnoticed by observers. These results indicated that when coveys flushed, they rarely flushed behind the helicopter, and the helicopter flew at what seemed to be the proper speed and altitude to detect late flushes. For objective 2, we reviewed footage from a helicopter-mounted camera that was recorded within a swath underneath the helicopter’s center. We recorded 22 flushes within the swath, none of which was missed by the observers in the helicopter; as a result, we could not complete an MRDS analysis in Program Distance. This study improved confidence in fulfilling the assumptions of distance sampling and resulting density estimates but was limited to flushing birds only

    Evaluating the Harvest Rate Recommendation for Northern Bobwhites in South Texas

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    The current harvest rate recommendation for northern bobwhites (Colinus virginianus; hereafter, bobwhite) in South Texas, USA is 20% of the autumn population, including crippling loss. This recommendation is based on population simulations of empirical data. We completed the first field evaluation of the 20% harvest recommendation by comparing prehunting and posthunting bobwhite density estimates on a hunted and nonhunted site in South Texas during the 2018–2019, 2019–2020, and 2020–2021 statewide bobwhite hunting seasons in Jim Hogg County, Texas. We conducted line-transect distance sampling surveys on 4 occasions per year (early November, mid-December, late January, early March) from a helicopter platform and prescribed the 20% annual bobwhite harvest from the November density estimate. According to our bobwhite density estimates, we found that bobwhite mortality (e.g., population decline) varied seasonally between hunted ( = 54% ± 3%) and nonhunted sites ( = 46% ± 5%). Our spring density estimates on both sites (i.e., hunted vs. nonhunted) were similar through the first 2 years but diverged in 2020–2021, with bobwhite densities that were 129% higher on the nonhunted site. Comparing our annual spring density results to the means reported from population models (i.e., 100-year simulations) used to create the 20% harvest recommendation, we found that the mean spring density of the model simulations was higher than our mean field estimates on both our hunted (+59%) and nonhunted sites (+77%). We recommend a conservative approach to prescribing a bobwhite harvest in South Texas, such as using the lower 95% confidence interval of a bobwhite abundance estimate for calculating harvest prescriptions, due to variability within density estimates and bobwhite survival in semiarid ranges

    Evaluation of Scleroderma Clinical Trials Consortium training recommendations on modified Rodnan skin score assessment in scleroderma

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    AimThe modified Rodnan skin score (mRSS) is a validated outcome measure for skin thickness in systemic sclerosis (SSc). Training has been shown to reduce variability in the measurement of mRSS. Our objective was to assess the interâ and intraâ observer variability of mRSS scoring using the proposed recommendations for training by the Scleroderma Clinical Trials Consortium (SCTC) and World Scleroderma Foundation (WSF).MethodFiftyâ two trainees and eight adult SSc patients participated in the SSc skin scoring workshop that was conducted in two sessions by four teachers. Each session, attended by 26 trainees, had a teaching and evaluation phase. The teaching phase comprised of: (a) lecture on mRSS scoring; (b) video demonstration of mRSS scoring; and (c) live demonstration of mRSS on one SSc patient. In the evaluation phase, each trainee independently assessed the mRSS in four SSc patients. For intraâ observer reliability, 14 trainees reâ assessed the mRSS of two SSc patients whom they had previously examined. We computed the interâ and intraâ observer variability using a linear mixed model.ResultsFor the evaluation phase, 34 (65.4%) trainees were within five units of the established teachers’ score in 3 out of 4 patients. Overall, the whole group had acceptable interâ observer variability (intraâ class correlation coefficient [ICC] = 0.71, mean = 8.64 and withinâ patient standard deviation [SD] = 4.25). The intraâ observer ICC was 0.85 and withinâ patient SD was 2.73.ConclusionThere was good interâ observer and excellent intraâ observer reliability. This is the first study examining the training of assessors using the SCTC/WSF recommendations and our results support the importance of standardized training for skin scoring.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/149705/1/apl13523.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/149705/2/apl13523_am.pd

    Optimizing parameters for clinical-scale production of high IL-12 secreting dendritic cells pulsed with oxidized whole tumor cell lysate

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Dendritic cells (DCs) are the most potent antigen-presenting cell population for activating tumor-specific T cells. Due to the wide range of methods for generating DCs, there is no common protocol or defined set of criteria to validate the immunogenicity and function of DC vaccines.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Monocyte-derived DCs were generated during 4 days of culture with recombinant granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor and interleukin-4, and pulsed with tumor lysate produced by hypochlorous acid oxidation of tumor cells. Different culture parameters for clinical-scale DC preparation were investigated, including: 1) culture media; 2) culture surface; 3) duration of activating DCs with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and interferon (IFN)-gamma; 4) method of DC harvest; and 5) cryomedia and final DC product formulation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>DCs cultured in CellGenix DC media containing 2% human AB serum expressed higher levels of maturation markers following lysate-loading and maturation compared to culturing with serum-free CellGenix DC media or AIM-V media, or 2% AB serum supplemented AIM-V media. Nunclon™Δ surface, but not Corning<sup>® </sup>tissue-culture treated surface and Corning<sup>® </sup>ultra-low attachment surface, were suitable for generating an optimal DC phenotype. Recombinant trypsin resulted in reduced major histocompatibility complex (MHC) Class I and II expression on mature lysate-loaded DCs, however presentation of MHC Class I peptides by DCs was not impaired and cell viability was higher compared to cell scraping. Preservation of DCs with an infusible cryomedia containing Plasma-Lyte A, dextrose, sodium chloride injection, human serum albumin, and DMSO yielded higher cell viability compared to using human AB serum containing 10% DMSO. Finally, activating DCs for 16 hours with LPS and IFN-γ stimulated robust mixed leukocyte reactions (MLRs), and high IL-12p70 production <it>in vitro </it>that continued for 24 hours after the cryopreserved DCs were thawed and replated in fresh media.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>This study examined criteria including DC phenotype, viability, IL-12p70 production and the ability to stimulate MLR as metrics of whole oxidized tumor lysate-pulsed DC immunogenicity and functionality. Development and optimization of this unique method is now being tested in a clinical trial of autologous oxidized tumor lysate-pulsed DC in clinical-scale in recurrent ovarian, primary peritoneal or fallopian tube cancer (NCT01132014).</p

    Relations of Sex Hormone Levels to Leukocyte Telomere Length in Black, Hispanic, and Asian/Pacific Islander Postmenopausal Women

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    Background Sex hormones may play important roles in sex-specific biological aging. We specifically examined the associations between circulating concentrations of sex hormones and leukocyte telomere length (TL). Methods We conducted a cross-sectional study of 1124 black, 444 Hispanic, and 289 Asian/Pacific Islander women in the Women's Health Initiative Observational Cohort. Concentrations of estradiol and testosterone were measured using electrochemiluminescence immunoassays. TL was measured using quantitative PCR. Results Women included in the study were 50 to 79 years of age. Levels of estradiol were not significantly associated with TL in this sample of women. The associations between total and free testosterone and TL differed by race/ethnicity (P for interaction = 0.03 for total testosterone and 0.05 for free testosterone). Total and free testosterone concentrations were not associated with TL in black and Hispanic women, whereas in Asian/Pacific Islanders, their concentrations were inversely associated with TL (P-trend = 0.003 for both). These associations appeared robust in multiple subgroup analysis and multivariable models adjusted for potential confounding factors. In Asian/Pacific Islanders, doubling of serum free testosterone concentration was associated with 202 bp shorter TL (95% CI, 51 to 353 bp), and doubling of total testosterone concentration was associated with 203 bp shorter TL (95% CI, 50 to 355 bp). Conclusions Serum concentration of estradiol was not associated with leukocyte TL in this large sample of postmenopausal women. Total and free testosterone levels were inversely associated with TL in Asian/Pacific Islander women but not in black and Hispanic women, although future studies to replicate our observations are warranted particularly to address potential ethnicity-specific relations. The significant findings of the study This study elucidates the potential roles of sex hormones in biological aging, and identified that total and free testosterone levels were inversely associated with telomere length in Asian/Pacific Islander women but not in black and Hispanic women. The study adds The findings of this study suggest that Asian/Pacific Islander women may be susceptible to the potential detrimental effects of high testosterone level on biologic aging

    Pediatric Non-Rhabdomyosarcoma Soft Tissue Sarcomas:Standard of Care and Treatment Recommendations from the European Paediatric Soft Tissue Sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG)

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    This paper describes the standard of care for patients with non-rhabdomyosarcoma soft tissue sarcomas (NRSTS) and the therapeutic recommendations developed by the European paediatric Soft tissue sarcoma Study Group (EpSSG). NRSTS form a very mixed group of mesenchymal extraskeletal malignancies. Their rarity, heterogeneity, and aggressiveness make the management of children and adolescents with these tumors complex and challenging. The overall cure rate for patients with NRSTS is around 70%, but survival depends on several prognostic variables, such as histotype and tumor grade, extent of disease and stage, tumor size, and tumor site. While surgery remains the mainstay of treatment for most of these tumors, a multimodal therapeutic approach including radiotherapy and chemotherapy is required in many cases. The EpSSG NRSTS 2005 study was the first prospective protocol tailored specifically to NRSTS. Together with the ARST0332 study developed by the North-American Soft Tissue Sarcoma Committee of the Children’s Oncology Group (COG), the EpSSG NRSTS 2005 study currently represents the benchmark for these tumors, establishing risk-adapted standards of care. The EpSSG has developed common treatment recommendations for the large group of adult-type NRSTS (including synovial sarcoma), and specific treatment recommendations for other particular adult-type histologies (ie, alveolar soft-part sarcoma, clear cell sarcoma and dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans); other highly malignant tumors with a biology and clinical behavior differing from those of adult-type NRSTS (ie, rhabdoid tumors and desmoplastic small round cell tumor); and soft tissue tumors of intermediate malignancy (ie desmoid-type fibromatosis, inflammatory myofibroblastic tumors, and infantile fibrosarcoma). New effective drugs are needed for patients whose NRSTS carries the worst prognosis, ie, those with unresectable tumors, metastases at diagnosis, or relapsing disease. Progress in this area relies on our ability to develop international integrated prospective collaborations, both within existing pediatric oncology networks and, importantly, between the communities of specialists treating pediatric and adult sarcoma.</p

    A theory-based online health behaviour intervention for new university students (U@Uni): results from a randomised controlled trial

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    BACKGROUND Too few young people engage in behaviours that reduce the risk of morbidity and premature mortality, such as eating healthily, being physically active, drinking sensibly and not smoking. This study sought to assess the efficacy and cost-effectiveness of a theory-based online health behaviour intervention (based on self-affirmation theory, the Theory of Planned Behaviour and implementation intentions) targeting these behaviours in new university students, in comparison to a measurement-only control. METHODS Two-weeks before starting university all incoming undergraduates at the University of Sheffield were invited to take part in a study of new students' health behaviour. A randomised controlled design, with a baseline questionnaire, and two follow-ups (1 and 6 months after starting university), was used to evaluate the intervention. Primary outcomes were measures of the four health behaviours targeted by the intervention at 6-month follow-up, i.e., portions of fruit and vegetables, metabolic equivalent of tasks (physical activity), units of alcohol, and smoking status. RESULTS The study recruited 1,445 students (intervention n = 736, control n = 709, 58% female, Mean age = 18.9 years), of whom 1,107 completed at least one follow-up (23% attrition). The intervention had a statistically significant effect on one primary outcome, smoking status at 6-month follow-up, with fewer smokers in the intervention arm (8.7%) than in the control arm (13.0%; Odds ratio = 1.92, p = .010). There were no significant intervention effects on the other primary outcomes (physical activity, alcohol or fruit and vegetable consumption) at 6-month follow-up. CONCLUSIONS The results of the RCT indicate that the online health behaviour intervention reduced smoking rates, but it had little effect on fruit and vegetable intake, physical activity or alcohol consumption, during the first six months at university. However, engagement with the intervention was low. Further research is needed before strong conclusions can be made regarding the likely effectiveness of the intervention to promote health lifestyle habits in new university students. TRIAL REGISTRATION Current Controlled Trials, ISRCTN67684181

    The intrinsic predictability of ecological time series and its potential to guide forecasting

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    Successfully predicting the future states of systems that are complex, stochastic, and potentially chaotic is a major challenge. Model forecasting error (FE) is the usual measure of success; however model predictions provide no insights into the potential for improvement. In short, the realized predictability of a specific model is uninformative about whether the system is inherently predictable or whether the chosen model is a poor match for the system and our observations thereof. Ideally, model proficiency would be judged with respect to the systems’ intrinsic predictability, the highest achievable predictability given the degree to which system dynamics are the result of deterministic vs. stochastic processes. Intrinsic predictability may be quantified with permutation entropy (PE), a model‐free, information‐theoretic measure of the complexity of a time series. By means of simulations, we show that a correlation exists between estimated PE and FE and show how stochasticity, process error, and chaotic dynamics affect the relationship. This relationship is verified for a data set of 461 empirical ecological time series. We show how deviations from the expected PE–FE relationship are related to covariates of data quality and the nonlinearity of ecological dynamics. These results demonstrate a theoretically grounded basis for a model‐free evaluation of a system's intrinsic predictability. Identifying the gap between the intrinsic and realized predictability of time series will enable researchers to understand whether forecasting proficiency is limited by the quality and quantity of their data or the ability of the chosen forecasting model to explain the data. Intrinsic predictability also provides a model‐free baseline of forecasting proficiency against which modeling efforts can be evaluated

    Consensus guidelines for sarcopenia prevention, diagnosis and management in Australia and New Zealand

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    Background: Sarcopenia is an age-associated skeletal muscle condition characterized by low muscle mass, strength, and physical performance. There is no international consensus on a sarcopenia definition and no contemporaneous clinical and research guidelines specific to Australia and New Zealand. The Australian and New Zealand Society for Sarcopenia and Frailty Research (ANZSSFR) Sarcopenia Diagnosis and Management Task Force aimed to develop consensus guidelines for sarcopenia prevention, assessment, management and research, informed by evidence, consumer opinion, and expert consensus, for use by health professionals and researchers in Australia and New Zealand. Methods: A four-phase modified Delphi process involving topic experts and informed by consumers, was undertaken between July 2020 and August 2021. Phase 1 involved a structured meeting of 29 Task Force members and a systematic literature search from which the Phase 2 online survey was developed (Qualtrics). Topic experts responded to 18 statements, using 11-point Likert scales with agreement threshold set a priori at >80%, and five multiple-choice questions. Statements with moderate agreement (70%–80%) were revised and re-introduced in Phase 3, and statements with low agreement (80%) were confirmed by the Task Force in Phase 4. Conclusions: The ANZSSFR Task Force present 17 sarcopenia management and research recommendations for use by health professionals and researchers which includes the recommendation to adopt the EWGSOP2 sarcopenia definition in Australia and New Zealand. This rigorous Delphi process that combined evidence, consumer expert opinion and topic expert consensus can inform similar initiatives in countries/regions lacking consensus on sarcopenia

    Consensus guidelines for sarcopenia prevention, diagnosis and management in Australia and New Zealand

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    Background: Sarcopenia is an age-associated skeletal muscle condition characterized by low muscle mass, strength, and physical performance. There is no international consensus on a sarcopenia definition and no contemporaneous clinical and research guidelines specific to Australia and New Zealand. The Australian and New Zealand Society for Sarcopenia and Frailty Research (ANZSSFR) Sarcopenia Diagnosis and Management Task Force aimed to develop consensus guidelines for sarcopenia prevention, assessment, management and research, informed by evidence, consumer opinion, and expert consensus, for use by health professionals and researchers in Australia and New Zealand. Methods: A four-phase modified Delphi process involving topic experts and informed by consumers, was undertaken between July 2020 and August 2021. Phase 1 involved a structured meeting of 29 Task Force members and a systematic literature search from which the Phase 2 online survey was developed (Qualtrics). Topic experts responded to 18 statements, using 11-point Likert scales with agreement threshold set a priori at \u3e 80 %, and five multiple-choice questions. Statements with moderate agreement (70 % – 80 %) were revised and re-introduced in Phase 3, and statements with low agreement ( \u3c 70 %) were rejected. In Phase 3, topic experts responded to six revised statements and three additional questions, incorporating results from a parallel Consumer Expert Delphi study. Phase 4 involved finalization of consensus statements. Results: Topic experts from Australia (n = 62, 92.5 %) and New Zealand (n = 5, 7.5 %) with a mean ± SD age of 45.7 ± 11.8 years participated in Phase 2; 38 (56.7 %) were women, 38 (56.7 %) were health professionals and 27 (40.3 % ) were researchers/academics. In Phase 2, 15 of 18 (83.3 %) statements on sarcopenia prevention, screening, assessment, management and future research were accepted with strong agreement. The strongest agreement related to encouraging a healthy lifestyle (100 %) and offering tailored resistance training to people with sarcopenia (92.5 %). Forty-seven experts participated in Phase 3; 5/6 (83.3 %) revised statements on prevention, assessment and management were accepted with strong agreement. A majority of experts (87.9 %) preferred the revised European Working Group for Sarcopenia in Older Persons (EWGSOP2) definition. Seventeen statements with strong agreement ( \u3e 80 %) were confirmed by the Task Force in Phase 4. Conclusions: The ANZSSFR Task Force present 17 sarcopenia management and research recommendations for use by health professionals and researchers which includes the recommendation to adopt the EWGSOP2 sarcopenia definition in Australia and New Zealand. This rigorous Delphi process that combined evidence, consumer expert opinion and topic expert consensus can inform similar initiatives in countries/regions lacking consensus on sarcopenia
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