71 research outputs found

    Inclusion of the personal biography in daily care : a qualitative study

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    Introduction: In Switzerland, 39% of nursing home residents have a dementia related disease. Behavioral symptoms are increasingly observed as dementia progresses. These symptoms impair patients’ quality of life and are distressing to family caregivers and nurses. A person-centered approach, which includes the resident’s individual biography, reduces such symptoms. The most current literature describes how therapists include biographical information in designated therapies. However person-centered care takes place not only in specific activities. Nurses are responsible for their patients’ care 24 hours a day. Aim: The goal of this study is to explore how nurses include biographical information in their daily care. Method: Data were collected from qualitative interviews with registered nurses (n=10) in a nursing home and analysed according to the Charmaz Grounded Theory approach. Results: The inclusion of the personal biography in daily care appears as a continuous, repetitive process with three main categories: “negotiating“, “connecting” and “being-in-good-hands”. Nurses in this study report that they can trigger positive reactions and reduce behavioral symptoms by means of meaningful interventions, when connected to the residents’ biography. Meaningful interventions can support residents in making contact to their current everyday life, acting independently and perceiving self-efficacy (= connecting). To initiate meaningful interventions, nurses need to connect biographical information to current experiences of the resident (= negotiating). This requires a thorough understanding of the residents’ situation. Nurses obtain an in-depth understanding through caring relationships, which are characterized by continuity of care and a mutual dialogue, where needs and experiences are shared, understood and evaluated (= being-in-good-hands). Einleitung: In der Schweiz sind 39% der Pflegeheimbewohnenden von einer dementiellen Erkrankung betroffen. Bei fortschreitender Demenz treten vermehrt Verhaltensauffälligkeiten auf. Dies beeinträchtigt die Lebensqualität von Betroffenen und belastet Angehörige und Pflegende. Ein personzentrierter Ansatz, der die Biographie der Bewohnenden berücksichtigt, reduziert solche Verhaltensauffälligkeiten. In der bestehenden Literatur wird vorwiegend beschrieben, wie biographische Informationen bei punktuellen Therapien und von den ausführenden therapeutischen Fachpersonen einbezogen werden. Personzentrierte Pflege findet jedoch nicht nur während bestimmter Aktivitäten statt: Pflegepersonen sind rund um die Uhr für die Betreuung der Betroffenen zuständig. Ziel: Das Ziel dieser Studie ist es, zu untersuchen, wie Pflegende biographische Informationen im Pflegealltag berücksichtigen. Methode: Es wurden qualitative Interviews mit Pflegefachpersonen (n=10) geführt und anhand des Grounded-Theory-Ansatzes nach Charmaz analysiert. Ergebnisse: Das Einbeziehen der Biographie in den Alltag zeigt sich als kontinuierlicher, sich wiederholender Prozess mit drei Hauptkategorien: „Aushandeln“, „Anknüpfen“ und „Aufgehoben sein“. Pflegende dieser Studie berichten, dass positive Reaktionen hervorgerufen und Verhaltensauffälligkeiten reduziert werden können. Voraussetzung dazu sind pflegerische Interventionen, die für die Betroffenen eine spezielle, an ihre Biographie anknüpfende Bedeutung in sich tragen. Sie werden damit für die Betroffenen bedeutungsvoll. Bedeutungsvolle Interventionen erlauben es den Bewohnenden, an den Alltag anzuknüpfen, eigenständig zu handeln und sich als wirksam zu erleben (=Anknüpfen). Um bedeutungsvolle Interventionen zu gestalten, werden biographische Informationen mit aktuellen Erfahrungen verbunden (=Aushandeln). Dazu sind vertiefte Kenntnisse über die Bewohnenden nötig. Diese erhalten Pflegende durch vertrauensvolle Beziehungen, welche sich durch Kontinuität und einen Austausch auszeichnen, bei dem Bedürfnisse und Erfahrungen erfasst, verstanden und gemeinsam eingeschätzt werden (=Aufgehoben sein)

    Adherence to treatment in adolescents with haemophilia : a qualitative study

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    Adolescents experience important changes in their physical, emotional, social and behavioural development. It is known that adolescents wish to be accepted by their peers, strive for independence and are prone to experiment. The challenge for adolescents with haemophilia is the need for taking responsibility for managing their illness and learning to comply with recommended treatment. This study aimed to investigate the process of adherence to treatment in adolescents with haemophilia

    Sterben mit Demenz: die häufigsten Symptome : eine Literaturübersicht

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    Sensing, observing and interpreting the symptoms of persons suffering from dementia is very challenging. The difficulties lie in their restricted capacity to communicate and irregular transitions from a chronic-stable to an acute-critical condition both in the course of their symptoms and in the slow but continuous process of deterioration. The aim of this integrative literature review was to identify the symptoms dementia patients present in the final twelve months of their lives and to identify instruments for symptom assessment. To this end, a comprehensive literature search within the electronic databases Medline® (PubMed), Cinahl® (EBSCO), PsycINFO® (OVID) and Cochrane Library for systematic reviews® and for clinical trials® in both German and English was performed including publications from January 2000 to July 2012. Six symptoms were identified as frequent and common in the end-of-life phase of people with dementia: respiratory distress, pain, mood swings, restricted mobility, restricted food and fluid intake and behavioural and psychosocial symptoms. Knowledge of atypical symptom manifestation requires critical reflection about perceptions and observations, interpretation of these observations, development of assumptions and location within the context of everyday life in the meaning of clinical reasoning. Das Wahrnehmen, Beobachten und Interpretieren von Symptomen bei Personen mit Demenz in ihrer letzten Lebensphase ist herausfordernd. Die Schwierigkeiten liegen in der eingeschränkten verbalen Kommunikation, in wechselnden Übergängen von chronisch-stabilen zu akut-kritischen Symptomverläufen und in der langsamen aber stetigen Krankheitsverschlechterung. Das Ziel dieser integrativen Literaturübersicht war es Symptome demenzerkrankter Personen in ihren letzten zwölf Lebensmonaten zu erfassen. Hierzu wurden die elektronischen Datenbanken Medline® (PubMed), Cinahl® (EBSCO), PsycINFO® (OVID), Cochrane Library für systematische Reviews® und für klinische Studien® von Januar 2000 bis Juli 2012 in Deutsch und Englisch systematisch durchsucht. Es konnten sechs häufig und gemeinsam vorkommenden Symptome identifiziert werden: Atemnot, Schmerzen, Stimmungsschwankungen, eingeschränkte Mobilität, Ernährungsschwierigkeiten und herausforderndes Verhalten. Das Wissen um eine atypische Symptommanifestation erfordert ein klinisches Urteilsvermögen, das Wahrnehmungen und Beobachtungen kritisch reflektiert und interpretiert, die Entwicklung von Hypothesen und eine Einordnung in den Alltag ermöglicht

    Betreuungsindex in Pflegeheimen : Entwicklung und Validierung eines neuen Instruments zur Beurteilung von Betreuungsqualität in Pflegeheimen

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    Erworben im Rahmen der Schweizer Nationallizenzen (http://www.nationallizenzen.ch)Hintergrund: Derzeit gibt es in der Literatur kein geeignetes Instrument zur Beurteilung der Betreuungsqualität in Pflegeheimen. Die Autoren haben deshalb ein neues Instrument, den Betreuungsindex in Pflegeheimen (Nursing Home Care Index, NCI), konzipiert und getestet. Material und Methode: Betreuungsqualität wird in der Literatur in 8 Dimensionen definiert. Es wurde ein Fragebogen mit 42 Fragen aus 12 validierten Messinstrumenten entwickelt. Der Originalfragebogen wurde mit 320 Mitarbeitern aus 15 Alteneinrichtungen getestet. Die Daten wurden mithilfe einer Faktorenanalyse und Cronbachs α untersucht und auf 3 Faktoren und 16 Fragen reduziert. Das revidierte Instrument wurde in einer weiteren Studie mit 136 Mitarbeitern auf seine Anwendbarkeit überprüft. Ergebnisse: Als Ergebnis der Faktorenanalyse konnten 16 Items mit einer 3-Faktoren-Struktur, d. h. soziale Teilhabe, emotionales Wohlbefinden und Selbstbestimmung, identifiziert werden. Diese 3 Faktoren erklären 51,2% der Gesamtvarianz. Die Reliabilität der Gesamtskala beträgt 0,87, die der 3 Subskalen Selbstbestimmung 0,86, emotionales Wohlbefinden 0,71 und soziale Beziehungen bzw. Teilhabe 0,78. Die Gesamtpunktezahl des NCI erlaubt eine Kategorisierung der Betreuungsqualität in den 3 Abstufungen gut, ausreichend und dringender Verbesserungsbedarf. Schlussfolgerungen: Der NCI hat eine doppelte Funktion. Einerseits dient er Mitarbeitern und dem Heimmanagement als internes Qualitätssicherungsinstrument. Andererseits könnte es zukünftig Angehörigen von potenziellen Heimbewohnern die Möglichkeit bieten, die Betreuungsqualität verschiedener Pflegeheime zu vergleichen. Background: There is currently no adequate tool in the literature for assessing the quality of care in nursing homes. Therefore, we developed and tested a new instrument the Nursing Home Care Index (NCI). Methods: Quality of care is defined in the literature by 8 dimensions. An instrument with 42 questions of 12 validated scales was implemented. The new instrument was tested on 320 staff members in 15 nursing homes. The data were examined with the help of factor analysis and Cronbach’s α, which reduced the factors to 3 and the questions to 16. Finally the revised scale was tested in a further pilot study with 136 staff members. Results: The revised scale consists of 16 items. Based on the factor analysis, a 3-factor structure, namely social relationships, personal well-being, and self-determination were identified. These 3 factors explained 51.2% of total variance. Overall Cronbach’s α was 0.87. The α reliability for the subscales was 0.86 (self-determination), 71 personal well-being, and 0.78 social relationship, respectively. Based on the NCI score, quality of care can be categorized into 3 classes: good, adequate, and urgent need for action. Conclusions: The NCI has a double function. Nursing staff and management can now use the NCI to conduct internal quality assurance regarding their caring efforts. In the future, the NCI can become a useful tool for families and residents to compare the quality of care in different nursing homes

    The effect of inpatient treatment on the stress experienced by parents with an excessively crying infant

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    Einleitung: Bis zu 40 % der Familien im ersten Trimenon sind mit einem exzessiv schreienden Kind konfrontiert. Die belastende Situation mit diesen Kindern ist ein bedeutender Faktor, weshalb Eltern professionelle Hilfe aufsuchen. Die Unterstützung durch Fachpersonen hat grosses Potential, um die Belastung der Eltern abzubauen. Stationäre Behandlungen für Familien mit Schreiproblematik zur Belastungsreduzierung wurden in keiner der bisherigen Studien thematisiert. Ziel: Das Ziel der Studie ist aufzuzeigen, welchen Beitrag ein stationäres Setting zur Reduzierung der Belastung von Eltern mit einem exzessiv schreienden Kind leisten kann. Methode: Als Design wurde die Methodologie der Grounded Theory nach Charmaz verwendet. In halbstrukturierten Interviews wurden 13 Elternteile aus 9 Familien befragt. Resultate: Zwei Kernkategorien wurden erarbeitet. „Aus dem Ruder laufen“ beschreibt, wie die Eltern die Steuerung im Familienleben verlieren. „In eigenen Alltag finden“ beschreibt wie sie die Sicherheit zurückgewinnen und eigene Bewältigungsstrategien erarbeiten. Schlussfolgerung: Ein stationärer Spitalaufenthalt entlastet Familien mit einem exzessiv schreienden Kind. Hilfreich ist der Umgebungswechsel. Beratung und Begleitung erweitern die Kompetenzen der Eltern im Handling des Kindes. Die Belastung der Eltern kann beim Austritt wieder zunehmen. Deshalb sollte die Planung und Begleitung der Abschlussphase der Behandlung sowie des Austritts verbessert werden. Introduction: Up to 40% of families are faced with a fussy, inconsolable high need infant in the first three months postpartum. A major reason for parents to seek professional help is the trying aspect of the situation with these children. The supportive role of health professionals has the greatest potential to reduce the parent’s stress and burden. To our knowledge, there are no studies on inpatient treatment for families with such infants so far. Aim: The aim of this study is to show how an inpatient setting may reduce the stress and burden of parents with an inconsolably crying infant. Method: A grounded theory approach (Charmaz) was used to analyse semi-structured interviews of 13 parents from a total of 9 families. Results: Two core categories emerged from the data: “To get out of hand” describes how parents lose the ability to control and direct family life. “To find one’s way into daily routine” describes how they once again gain confidence and develop coping strategies. Conclusion: An inpatient treatment reduces the burden on families with inconsolably crying infants. The change in the environment is helpful. Guidance and support enhance the parents’ skill and ability to handling the infant. The stress on the parents can increase again upon hospital discharge. Therefore, improvement is needed in treatment planning and parental support at the conclusion of the hospital stay as well as upon hospital discharge

    Eintritt ins Pflegeheim : das Erleben der Entscheidung aus der Perspektive der Pflegeheimbewohnerinnen und Pflegeheimbewohner

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    Der Eintritt ins Pflegeheim wird als eines der herausforderndsten Lebensereignisse bezeichnet. Pflegende sind erste Ansprechpersonen wenn es darum geht, diesen Prozess zu begleiten. Allerdings fehlen ihnen bislang Erkenntnisse darüber, wie sich ein Heimeintritt und der damit verbundene Veränderungsprozess aus der Sicht Betroffener gestaltet. Dies erschwert die Planung gezielter Interventionen und Unterstützungsangebote. Ziel der qualitativ-deskriptiven Studie war es daher den Entscheidungsprozess zum Heimeintritt aus der Sicht von Betroffenen darzustellen. Hierzu erfolgte eine Sekundäranalyse 62 qualitativer Einzelinterviews mit älteren Personen nach Heimeintritt. Die Daten wurden mittels Inhaltsanalyse analysiert. Es kristallisierten sich drei aufeinanderfolgende Phasen des Heimeintritt heraus: die oft mehrjährige Planung, die Entscheidungsphase (von der ersten Anmeldung bis zur endgültigen Entscheidung) und die Transition. Mitbestimmung und Entscheidungsfreiräume scheinen in allen Phasen wichtig zu sein, sowohl vor als auch während und nach dem tatsächlichen Heimeintritt. Auch umfasst die Transition mitunter Jahre und belastet Betroffene. Pflegerische Interventionen könnten dazu beitragen, dass das Lebensereignis Heimeintritt positiv oder weniger einschneidend erlebt wird. Admission to a nursing home is considered to be one of the most challenging life events for older people. Since nurses are primary contact persons, they could provide support in the relocation process. However, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the effects of nursing home entry on the persons concerned. Additionally, the development of targeted interventions and support programs is complex. The aim of this qualitative descriptive study is to explore older people's experiences related to the decision-making process around nursing home placement. We analysed 62 qualitative interviews using content analysis with older people living in nursing homes. The following three successive phases were identified: planning, decision making (from application to final decision) and transition. Participation and freedom of choice appeared to be important in all phases, as well as before, during and after admission to a nursing home. The transition phase can sometimes last for years and can be distressing for older people. Nursing interventions could contribute to a more positive and less restrictive experience when supporting the elderly with nursing home entry

    The Digital Transformation of Physician–Patient Consultations: Identifying Problems and Approaches to Improve Adherence

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    There is evidence for a correlation between effective physician–patient communication in consultations and improved adherence to treatment. Lack of time, limited communication training, growing administrative duties, and low recall of physicians’ information and recommendations by patients are antagonists to effective physician–patient communication. In interviews with physicians, therapists, and patients, we first identify problems of current consultation practices and condense them in a problem scenario. We then use interview results to explore potential solutions, applying modern information technology such as digital medical assistants. Lastly, those potential solutions are condensed in an activity scenario that can be used for further design science research activities

    Pain Intervention for people with Dementia in nursing homes (PID) : study protocol for a quasi-experimental nurse intervention

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    Background: It is estimated that 19 to 83% of people with dementia suffer from pain that is inadequately treated in the last months of life. A large number of healthcare workers who care for these people in nursing homes lack appropriate expertise and may therefore not always recognise, assess and treat pain in those with dementia who have complex problems on time, properly and efficiently. The aim of this intervention trial is to identify care needs of people with dementia suffering from pain living in a nursing home. Methods: A quasi-experimental nurse-led intervention trial based on a convenience sample of four nursing homes in the Swiss Canton of Zurich examines the effects on dementia patients (n = 411), the healthcare institution and the qualification level of the healthcare workers compared to historical controls, using an event analysis and a multilevel analysis. Healthcare workers will be individually trained how to assess, intervene and evaluate acute and chronic pain. There are three data-monitoring cycles (T0, T1, T2) and two intervention cycles (I1, I2) with a total study duration of 425 days. There is also a process evaluation based on Dobbins analyses that analyze in particular the potentials for change in clinical practice of change agents. Discussion: The aim of the intervention trial is to improve pain management strategies in older people with dementia in nursing homes. Clinically significant findings will be expected that will help reduce suffering in the sense of “total pain” for people with dementia. The joint intra- and interdisciplinary collaboration between practice and supply-oriented (nursing) research will have both a lasting effect on the efficiency measurement and provide scientifically sound results. Nursing homes can integrate the findings from the intervention trial into their internal quality control process. The potential for improvements can be directly influenced by the nursing home itself

    Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale for People with Dementia : easy language adaption and translation

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    Background: In this article, we report the cultural adaption and translation of the Integrated Palliative Care Outcome Scale for People with Dementia (IPOS-Dem) into a Swiss-German easy language version for proxy assessment of people with dementia living in Swiss nursing homes. The Swiss-German easy language version of the IPOS-Dem was developed and culturally adapted in a six-phase process from the German IPOS-Dem using recommended guidelines.With nursing home staff and laypeople, the conceptual definition and relevance of IPOS-Dem items were established during phase I. Phase II encompassed the completion of forward translations. Independent native speakers blind to the original scale translated and back-translated the Swiss-German easy language version. The resulting IPOS-Dem version was then blindly back-translated in phase III. Experts reviewed all resulting translations in phase IV to produce a pre-final IPOS-Dem version. Finally, the phase V cognitive debriefing involved two focus groups assessing the pre-final IPOS-Dem version. Phase V included cognitive interviews with laypeople (n = 2), family members of those with dementia (n = 4) and staff from different care contexts (n = 12). Results: Using easy language specialists yielded a clinically relevant, comprehensive and understandable translation. In addition, face and content validity for the easy language version were established in the cognitive interviews. Conclusions: With an easy language IPOS-Dem, all frontline staff and family members can be empowered to communicate their observations after caring interactions. Enhanced clinical communication with easy language tools shows the potential for research and clinical applications. In addition, attentive use in scales of easy language communication may foster increased engagement with untrained laypeople in clinical and care research

    Pain Interventions for people with dementia: a quasi-experimental study

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    Abstract Background Due to the complexity of the provision of care for people with dementia, pain assessment and management is still considered to be lacking. An optimal way to support frontline staff in providing pain assessment and management for people with dementia living in nursing homes has not yet been identified. The success of supporting interventions seems dependent on contextual factors in the nursing homes. This study, therefore, analyzes the feasibility of a nurse-led training intervention, using repeated on-site case studies, in modifying pain intensity and frequency in people with dementia. Methods Using a quasi-experimental design, we undertook a multi-center study of nurse-led training in pain management, with subsequent on-site case studies. Healthcare workers from 3 nursing homes assessed pain in 164 residents with dementia over 147 days. We used mixed-effect growth curve models with spline regression to analyze the data. Results We found that on-site case studies support frontline staff with pain management and assessment. Repeated reflection in case studies led to significantly longer pain free intervals (from 4.7 at baseline to 37.1 days at second follow-up) and decreased frequency of pain events (OR 0.54 at first follow-up and 0.43 at second follow-up). However no trends regarding pain intensity could be found. Therefore, on-site case studies may be valuable for improving pain frequency and pain-free intervals over time. Conclusion This feasibility study shows the potential of on-site support for frontline nursing home staff. On-site case studies may also affect health outcomes in people with dementia. However, the complexity of dementia care necessitates the management of a broader range of needs. Trial registration The study was retrospectively registered on the tenth of January 2017 with the German registry of clinical trials (DRKS00009726)