141 research outputs found

    Corrections to local scale invariance in the non-equilibrium dynamics of critical systems: numerical evidences

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    Local scale invariance (LSI) has been recently proposed as a possible extension of the dynamical scaling in systems at the critical point and during phase ordering. LSI has been applied inter alia to provide predictions for the scaling properties of the response function of non-equilibrium critical systems in the aging regime following a quench from the high-temperature phase to the critical point. These predictions have been confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations and analytical results for some specific models, but they are in disagreement with field-theoretical predictions. By means of Monte Carlo simulations of the critical two- and three-dimensional Ising model with Glauber dynamics, we study the intermediate integrated response, finding deviations from the corresponding LSI predictions that are in qualitative agreement with the field-theoretical computations. This result casts some doubts on the general applicability of LSI to critical dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, minor changes, version to appear in Phys. Rev. B as a Rapid Communicatio

    The disrupted screen production sector reveals patterns of consistency

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    This article interrogates the impact of digital technologies, including the internet, as disrupters of traditional screen production industries. The privileging of direct links between creators and audiences, as seen in myriad new content delivery platforms, including YouTube, Netflix, Vimeo and Amazon, underpins the foundation of an emerging communication world where access, voice, diversity and engagement are radically altered from what was once thought of of as screen production. Yet in the ensuing chaos, screen content creators from diverse cultures and experience are finding patterns of consistency in their navigation of this emerging production environment. This article focuses on how screen producers are navigating this disrupted environment, and blends two very different perspectives from a screen producer in Australia, practised in non-mainstream, crowdfunded content, on the one hand; and a UK-based screen producer whose experience includes content production for some of the largest legacy broadcasters in the world on the other

    Connecting the Micro-dynamics to the Emergent Macro-variables: Self-Organized Criticality and Absorbing Phase Transitions in the Deterministic Lattice Gas

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    We reinvestigate the Deterministic Lattice Gas introduced as a paradigmatic model of the 1/f spectra (Phys. Rev. Lett. V26, 3103 (1990)) arising according to the Self-Organized Criticality scenario. We demonstrate that the density fluctuations exhibit an unexpected dependence on systems size and relate the finding to effective Langevin equations. The low density behavior is controlled by the critical properties of the gas at the absorbing state phase transition. We also show that the Deterministic Lattice Gas is in the Manna universality class of absorbing state phase transitions. This is in contrast to expectations in the literature which suggested that the entirely deterministic nature of the dynamics would put the model in a different universality class. To our knowledge this is the first fully deterministic member of the Manna universality class.Comment: 8 pages, 12 figures. Changes in the new version: Reference list has been correcte

    Die Energiewende im Bundestag: ein politisches Transformationsprojekt?

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    Ageing in the contact process: Scaling behavior and universal features

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    We investigate some aspects of the ageing behavior observed in the contact process after a quench from its active phase to the critical point. In particular we discuss the scaling properties of the two-time response function and we calculate it and its universal ratio to the two-time correlation function up to first order in the field-theoretical epsilon-expansion. The scaling form of the response function does not fit the prediction of the theory of local scale invariance. Our findings are in good qualitative agreement with recent numerical results.Comment: 20 pages, 3 figure

    Slow dynamics in critical ferromagnetic vector models relaxing from a magnetized initial state

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    Within the universality class of ferromagnetic vector models with O(n) symmetry and purely dissipative dynamics, we study the non-equilibrium critical relaxation from a magnetized initial state. Transverse correlation and response functions are exactly computed for Gaussian fluctuations and in the limit of infinite number n of components of the order parameter. We find that the fluctuation-dissipation ratios (FDRs) for longitudinal and transverse modes differ already at the Gaussian level. In these two exactly solvable cases we completely describe the crossover from the short-time to the long-time behavior, corresponding to a disordered and a magnetized initial condition, respectively. The effects of non-Gaussian fluctuations on longitudinal and transverse quantities are calculated in the first order in the epsilon-expansion and reliable three-dimensional estimates of the two FDRs are obtained.Comment: 41 pages, 9 figure

    The non-equilibrium response of the critical Ising model: Universal scaling properties and Local Scale Invariance

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    Motivated by recent numerical findings [M. Henkel, T. Enss, and M. Pleimling, J. Phys. A: Math. Gen. 39 (2006) L589] we re-examine via Monte Carlo simulations the linear response function of the two-dimensional Ising model with Glauber dynamics quenched to the critical point. At variance with the results of Henkel et al., we detect discrepancies between the actual scaling behavior of the response function and the prediction of Local Scale Invariance. Such differences are clearly visible in the impulse autoresponse function, whereas they are drastically reduced in integrated response functions. Accordingly, the scaling form predicted on the basis of Local Scale Invariance simply provides an accurate fitting form for some quantities but cannot be considered to be exact.Comment: 25 pages, 4 figure

    Irrelevant operators in the two-dimensional Ising model

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    By using conformal-field theory, we classify the possible irrelevant operators for the Ising model on the square and triangular lattices. We analyze the existing results for the free energy and its derivatives and for the correlation length, showing that they are in agreement with the conformal-field theory predictions. Moreover, these results imply that the nonlinear scaling field of the energy-momentum tensor vanishes at the critical point. Several other peculiar cancellations are explained in terms of a number of general conjectures. We show that all existing results on the square and triangular lattice are consistent with the assumption that only nonzero spin operators are present.Comment: 32 pages. Added comments and reference
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